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User:DVT/UserDocumentation/DVT Component Reference Guide/DVT Graph

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DVT Graph combines the same drawing capabilities of State GraphState Graph and Discrete GraphDiscrete Graph adding a set of new functionalities to make it easier autodiscover and visualize events as well as the states.

Each channel can now be presented on the Y-Axis in any of the following forms:

  • State: Where data in the channel are drawn same way as our original State Graph State Graph
  • Shape: Good for event visualization, where data points in channels are drawn as Circle/Line/Triangle/Square/...
  • Icon - Same as Shape, this is good for event visualization.
  • Message - Good for presentation of long string messages where an "M" icon is drawn and text of message is shown as a tooltip on mouse-over.
  • Value - Similar to VCD where for each value change, a new hexagonal is drawn and the value is presented inside the hexagonal.

For State, Shape and Icon display formats, clicking on the channel name on Y-Axis, would expand the channel into possible states/events on separate lines, similar to to our original Discrete GraphDiscrete Graph

DVT Graph also offers a hierarchical grouping using a tree representation on Y-Axis where parent nodes can be expanded/collapsed to enable hiding/showing only a subset of leaf channels. User can easily configure how to form the hierarchy by choosing a separator for this purpose.

To present Y-Axis, DVT Graph can be configured to autodiscover in three dimensions based on data in the connected buffer:

  • Channel Names
  • States/Events in the Channel
  • Channel Presentation types

Tooltips are now supported on mouse over on states/events by default but user may also add any additional tooltips they'd like to be displayed along with the defaults as well.

Annotation can also be added to the states/events drawn on DVT Graph globally or per channel.

DVT Graph

Configuring X-Axis and Y-Axis[edit]

Using the Graphical Solution Builder, and after dragging DVT GraphDVT Graph from the palette and connecting it to a buffer, you can setup what is shown in X-Axis and Y-Axis using Eclipse' standard Properties View.

To configure the X-Axis, simply pick the Data Field that you'd like to use in X-Axis (usually TimeStamp) under X-Axis/ Data Field property. Please note that the drop down is populated using the fields that are present in the connected buffer. So if you don't see the list of fields, please make sure the buffer is connected to the view and also that the view is open.

DVT Graph X Axis

As on the Y-Axis you may show more one or more channels at the same time.

If the channel name that you'd like to plot on Y, already exists as a field in the buffer, you can manually add the channel, we'll call this method, Manual configuration of Y-Axis Channels. You may add as many Channels as you'd like using this method, given that a field already exists in the buffer for the channel name you'd like to plot.

If you don't have different fields for your channels and the channels have to be discovered later on based on the data value that becomes present in a field, you would need to configure Autodiscover channels. This is the default mode of DVT Graph.

These methods can be combined together as well to plot a combination of manually added and autodiscoverred channels. Please note when the solution gets reset, the autodiscoverred channels will be cleaned because in the next data set, the channels may or may not exist.

Manually adding Y-Axis Channels[edit]

Increase the Number of Channels property as many channels that as you'd like to add manually. Then expand the Number of Channels node and numbered Channels to set their Data Field as the following image shows:

DVT Graph Y Axis

If the buffer contains data, the values presented in the field will be plotted on the graph automatically as a State presentation by default because Auto Assign Events is already on by default.

That's all you need to do to add a channel manually.

Optionally you may add Annotation or Tooltip for you channel or change its presentation type to something different. These set of optional properties might also be changed from Display Properties available on the context menu of the DVT Graph

Autodiscovering Y-Axis Channels[edit]

To Autodiscover Y-Axis channels based on data values in a field as opposed to field names, you'll need to configure the following properties.

  • First make sure Autodiscover Channel is turned on.
  • Specify which field to be used for channel channel names by picking a field from the Autodiscover Channel Name dropdown.
  • Specify which field to be used as values to be plotted as States/Events on the Y by choosing a field from Autodiscover Events/States Name
  • If you'd like to only include certain channels in autodiscovery logic and ignore the rest for plotting, you may optional set the Autodiscover Pattern using a * notation

This will be all you'll need to set the autodiscovery up on channels.

DVT Graph Y Axis Autodiscovery

Please note that autodiscoverred channels will be cleaned on reset unless you have manually modified the properties of an autodiscoverred channel.

Presentation Types and Event Categories[edit]

No matter whether Y-Axis channels are added manually or autodiscoverred, by changing their Presentation Type and/or the Event Category they are mapped to, user may control how their corresponding data values (for event/state) are plotted on the graph. By default however, State presentation type is chosen and Event Categories are autodiscoverred/autoassigned so you really need to change this only when you want a given State to be shown in a certain color other than what is automatically done for you.

Y-Axis channels may have one of the following Presentation Types:

  • State
  • Icon
  • Shape
  • Message
  • Value

For the first three presentation types, the Color/Icon/Shape assignments for different state/event values are handled using Event Category property of Y-Axis. Basically each Y-Axis Channel should be mapped to an Event Presentation Category so that they can be plotted properly. For Message and Value presentation types, Event Category is not used.

DVT Graph Presentation Type

In Each Event Category, a number of related events/states are grouped together and user may assign a Color, Icon, Shape to an Event/State value.

DVT Graph Event Category

Manually Adding/Assigning Event Categories[edit]

If the Event Category that you'd like to assign to a channel already exists, it'll show up in Channel/Event Category dropdown list for you to assign to the channel.

A new Event Category can be added by increasing the Number of Categories under Event Presentation and expanding the category to give it a Category Name this event category will be available then to be assigned to the channel.

After creating the category, the events that can occur in that category (that user cares about and would like to get plotted) should be added one by one by increasing the Number of Events property.

Give the event a Name, and pick a Color, Icon, Shape that goes with the event.

  • Color will be used for State and Shape presentation type.
  • Shape for Shape Presentation Type and can be:
    • Circle(default)
    • Line - a vertical line crossing all the channels
    • Triangle
    • Square
    • Arrow
    • Alphabet - the first character of the data value in channel
  • Icon for Icon Presentation Type. DVT comes with a set of icons but you can add your own icon by dropping the file under /dvt/icons and modifying state_icon.txt

Autoassiging Event Categories[edit]

Event Presentation Category may also be autodiscoverred and autoassigned (default), so that each channel gets its own category but user can also choose to map multiple channels to the same category if they'd like to, after autodiscovery or by manually adding them from scratch.

To enable autoassigning for events, turn on Event Presentation/Auto Assign Events (default is on). Also note that Auto Assigned Events will not get cleared by reseting the solution. If you would like to delete a certain category or event, you'd need to go the properties view and delete it explicitly (by presseing the red cross button and hit refresh/F5 on the parent node)

If you have certain coloring, shape or icon preference in mind for an Event/State, you may specify them under Main category. The Main category is the Catch All category that get constructed while autodiscovering and contains all the possible events in the system, is used to maintain the same color/icon/shape assignment for an event that have already occurred in a different channel in a way that all autodiscoverred categories will lookup the Main category first before adding a new event under a category.

Autodiscovering Y-Axis Presentation Type[edit]

Optionally if a field in the connected buffer to a DVT Graph, has information about how the channel should be presented State/Shape/Icon/... you may configure Autodiscover Presentation Type and let that field drive the presentation type, to do this:

  • Turn on Autodiscover Presentation Type
  • Choose Autodiscover Presentation Type Field from the dropdown
  • If the type names do not match use comma separated key value pairs to define the mappings of your data to DVT Graph Presentation type by setting the Autodiscover Presentation Type Alias. If a type is not found, State presentation type will be used as a default.

DVT Graph Y Axis Autodiscover Presentation Type

Configuring Hierarchical Grouping on Y-Axis[edit]

Turn the Hierarchical flag under Appearance on and optional specify a Hierarchical Separator (default dot).

Hierarchical Properties

By doing so the Y-Axis Channel Names get presented as a hierarchical tree with expand/collapse to enable you quickly show/hide subset of related channels as the following picture depicts:

Hierarchical Y Axis with Expand/Collapse

Overriding Channel Names[edit]

Optionally you may provide an alternative name for a channel for each channel by setting its Channel Name. This name will be displayed on Y-Axis, by doing so and using the Hierarchical Separator, you can also quickly move channels to different hierarchies or form new hierarchies that might not be exist in your Data.

DVT Graph Controls[edit]

DVT Graph Display Properties[edit]

DVT Graph Toolbar[edit]

Each graph view has a toolbar with several options to control the entire graph. Other than the Bar Graph which offers a slightly different set of controls, all graph types offers the following controls:

Graph Toolbar
  • Measure mark s.png: The Measurement Marker icon triggers adding a measurement marker line to a view. See the Measurement Marker Feature topic.
  • Group couple s.png: The Groups toggle button associates or disassociates this view within a specified group. See the Groups Feature topic.
  • Align horz center.png: Use the Align Horizontal Center in Group button (available on some graphs) to cause all the views in the group to use the same horizontal center as the current view.
  • Align horz range.png: Use the Align Horizontal Range in Group button (available on some graphs) to cause all the views in the group to use the same horizontal range (left and right values) as the current view.
  • Zoom in.png: The Zoom In button increased the graph resolution to provide more detail by the set zoom factor and zoom directions. Alternatively, you can press the ALT key and drag the mouse on any graph area of the graph.
  • Zoom out.png: The Zoom Out button to decrease graph resolution and see more data using the set zoom factor and zoom directions. Note: The Zoom Options help you control the display by specifying what combination of graph axes and resolution factors to use.
  • Zoom axisresolution options.png: Use the Zoom Options button to reset the zoom for the graph (return to original zoom factor and orientation). Use the drop-down selection arrow next to the button to specify the zoom factor and X-Y directions. State, Bar, and Discrete graphs can only adjust zoom in the X-axis direction.
    Zoom Settings
  • Refresh s.png: The Refresh button updates the view as soon as pressed. Otherwise views are refreshed periodically as often as "Refresh rate" property is set to.
  • Find s.png: The Find button displays the Find dialog to search for a specific event or value. See the Find Feature topic.
  • Filter.png: The Filter toggle button enables/disables the filter and also displays the Filter dialog after enabling filter. See the Filter Feature topic.
  • Freeze data updates s.png: The Freeze Update button suspends the view's data refresh. Click again to resume the data refreshing at the defined interval.