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User:DVT/UserDocumentation/DVT Views Measurement Markers

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Measurement Markers[edit]

Use the Measurement Marker Measure mark s.png on toolbar or context menu to add a measurement marker line to a view. A measurement marker line identifies a location for comparison purposes, and also allows for the measurement of distance between multiple locations on a graph.

After using the icon, moving the mouse over the view shows the potential marker lines that can be added. Clicking within the view adds a marker at the indicated position. The mouse stays in the "add marker" state until you add a marker or select the Measurement Marker icon again.

Values of markers are displayed on the legend area of the graph. Right-click inside the graph view to enable or disable the Legend option from the graph context menu.

If the legend is not enabled by default, as soon as a marker is added, legend becomes visible.

Marker Mode[edit]

Measurement Marker Dropdown

The drop-down menu for the marker on toolbar, allows you to select the following modes:

  • Freeform - The default mode, helps you to add a marker line at any point on the view.
  • Snap to Data - Forces you to add markers only at data points. When using this mode, move the mouse over the graph to view the marker lines. These lines have circles on the four closest data points and a dot on the closest data point. Click on the graph to add a marker at the closest data point. (default)

Marker Orientation[edit]

Using the drop-down menu on toolbar, you can select the orientation of marker lines displayed on the graph. Available options (if applicable to the graph) include:

  • X-axis (default)
  • Y-axis
  • Both

Delta Values / Distance between Markers[edit]

When more than one measurement markers are added, for consecutive data points, distances/deltas will be calculated and reported on the legend area as well.

Managing Markers[edit]

Adding a Marker[edit]

Move the mouse cursor to an area of the graph, right-click on the view and select Insert Measurement Mark or click on the Measure mark s.png on toolbar

Moving the Marker[edit]

To move a marker to a different area of the graph, press and hold the SHIFT key and click on the marker, and drag it to a new place.

Removing a Marker[edit]

Right-click on the view, select Remove Measurement Mark and select an individual marker, or simply double click on the marker

Removing All Markers[edit]

Right-click on the view and select Remove All Measurement Marks to remove all markers.