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User:DVT/UserDocumentation/DVT Views Find

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Use the Find in <view title> dialog to locate a record / data point containing a particular string in one of the fields, or a value whose fields satisfy a particular expression. Within the Use Field Tab, insert a field name (column from the table view), an operator (==, <,!= etc) and a value and click Find. Alternatively selecting the Use Expression tab will alow you to enter a regular expression (ie ColunmX contains "(?i)end of file") and click Find. Clicking on find should cause the view to shift to the first occurrence of the data value. Clicking Find repeatedly, moves you through the data to each location of the desired value or string.

There are two ways to locate the data point. The search condition can be described using a single field in which case you can use, Use Field tab or the search condition is an expression that might involve more than one field where you'd need to use an Expression

Use Field Tab[edit]

To find a specific value or string using fields (Use Field tab) in a table:

  1. Click the Find s.png Find button on the view toolbar to display the Find in <view title> dialog. The <view title> depends upon which table or graph view is selected.
    Find Dialog
  2. Select Use Field tab
  3. Select a specific field from the Field Name drop-down list. The Field Name list is populated by all data columns that are used in the table <view title>.
  4. Select a specific operation from the Operator drop-down list. The Operator list is populated based on the field type selected above.
  5. Enter the name or field value of the item for which you are searching in the Find field text box.
  6. [Optional] Select the Use Bits Mask: (long) option and specify a bit mask in the adjacent field to exclude a portion of a value from consideration. (Note: Bit mask values must be in hexadecimal format.)
  7. [Optional] Select the Case Sensitive option to apply case sensitivity to the field value entered.
  8. [Optional] Select the Wrap Search option to continue searching from the top of the table once the end is reached.
  9. [Optional] Select the Direction option to set the direction in which the search should occur. The default is set to forward.
  10. Click Find to start the search.

Use Expression Tab[edit]

To find a specific value or string using expressions (Use Expression tab) in a table:

  1. Click the Find s.png Find button on the view toolbar to display the Find in <view title> window. The <view title> depends upon which table or graph view is selected.
    Use Expression for Find
  2. Select the Use Expression tab.
  3. Create a regular expression within the Expression text box. Visit the link for info on creating DVT Expressions used to find or filter data.
  4. [Optional] Expression Helper can be used to help create a regular expression within the Expression text box. The steps are simular to those from searching using Fields:
    1. Select a specific field from the Field Name drop-down list. The Field Name list is populated by all data columns that are used in the table <view title>.
    2. Select a specific operation from the Operator drop-down list. The Operator list is populated based on the field type selected above.
    3. Enter the name or field value of the item for which you are searching in the Find field text box.
    4. [Optional] Select the Use Bits Mask: (long) option and specify a bit mask in the adjacent field to exclude a portion of a value from consideration. (Note: Bit mask values must be in hexadecimal format.)
    5. [Optional] Select the Case Sensitive option to apply case sensitivity to the field value entered.
    6. Click And or Or to create the regular expression and AND/OR it to the exisiting statement within the Expression text box.
  5. [Optional] Select the Wrap Search option to continue searching from the top of the table once the end is reached.
  6. [Optional] Select the Direction option to set the direction in which the search should occur. The default is set to forward.
  7. Click Find to start the search

Other Operations[edit]

  • To clear the list of previously searched items in the Expression field, click Clear History.
  • To close the window without searching click Close.


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