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User:DVT/UserDocumentation/DVT Views Groups

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View Groups[edit]


A view group helps you correlate different graph or table information plotted along a common reference, allowing exact points of data to be displayed on different graphs simultaneously. Often this reference is elapsed time or cycles or sequence number. You can create one or more groups per DVT solution and the data views belonging to the same group are correlated together while navigating between data points.

Groups/View Context Menu

Groups can help you to highlight a specific item in the views. Once the graph has been added to a group and activated, you can perform various functions on all the views in the group at once, including horizontal scrolling, group selection (or X cursor), horizontal center alignment, and horizontal range alignment. Several toolbar icons help you take advantage of group features.

  • Group couple s.png: Use the Groups toggle button to enable or disable the view from responding to changes from other views in the group.
  • Align horz center.png: Use the Align Horizontal Center in Group button (available on some graphs) to cause all the views in the group to use the same horizontal center as the current view.
  • Align horz range.png: Use the Align Horizontal Range in Group button (available on some graphs) to cause all the views in the group to use the same horizontal range (left and right values) as the current view.

Managing Groups[edit]

View Group Creation[edit]

To create a new group:

  1. Right-click anywhere inside a graph.
  2. Select Groups -> New group shortcut command or press Ctrl+G.
    New View Group
  3. In the Create group dialog box, specify a group name (such as time) and click OK.

Assign View to Group[edit]

To add a view (table or graph) to an existing group

  1. Right-click anywhere on the graph
  2. Select Groups and then select the name of the group from the cascading group list

Please note that to add a table view to an existing group, you might need to perform an extra step by choosing the proper column to be used as the "Reference field" by setting this property in properties view for the table.

Note: If the solution does not contain any groups, this option is disabled.

Remove View From Group[edit]

To permanently remove a view from the group

  1. Select the view you want to remove.
  2. Right-click the mouse and select the Groups -> <none> shortcut command.

Even if you click the group toggle button toGroup couple s.png Activate View with Group toolbar or Enable Grouping shortcut command, this view does not respond to actions performed by the group.

To temporarily disable a view from responding to group actions

  1. Select the view you want to disable.
  2. Click the group toggle button Group couple s.png Deactivate View with Group toolbar icon.

Delete View Group[edit]

To delete a group from the group list:

  1. Right-click anywhere inside a graph.
  2. Select Groups -> Delete group shortcut command or press Ctrl+Alt+G.
  3. In the View Groups box, select the group name in the list and
    Delete View Group
  4. Click Delete, then click Close.