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User:DVT/UserDocumentation/DVT Component Reference Guide/DVT Discrete Graph

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DVT Discrete Graph is used for viewing state transition against elapsed time. Data from each Y-field displays as a stair-stepped line of state (processing phase) colors. A discrete graph can be grouped with other views so that horizontal scrolling changes all views in the group.

Example of Usage[edit]

  • Function Execution Graph

Function Execution Graph

Key Features[edit]

State Graph Controls[edit]

See Graph Controls


General Category[edit]

Property Name Default Description
Background color (255,255,197) Select property and click Change color button.png button to change color with the eclipse' Color dialog
Description Descriptive title that displays in the graph legend
Foreground color (0,0,0) Foreground color that impacts the graph description, measurement values, and measurement markers. Select property and click Change color button.png button to change color with the eclipse' Color dialog
Help context ID If specified overrides what the context id that DVT dynamically generates based on view title. See Context Sensitive Feature for more information.
Legend true Display the graph description and indicators above the plotting area. Select Yes from drop-down list to check the box.
Refresh period 1000 Time duration between view updates in number of milliseconds.
Show View Source Code Menu true Whether or not show the "View Source Code" option in view context menu
Title Descriptive title for the view. Caution: In the Graphical Solution Builder, the Title is controlled. You can not change it and it does not display the Properties view.
Title field Drop-down list to select one of the table field names. Caution: Whenever you change the Title Field from a blank to an actual field name, the Title on the table view changes to the first data value in that field.
View category Specify a general category to group this view under ('/' creates a new level). The categories defined display when you select the Window->Open Views command or the Views (Open views.png) toolbar icon.

View Categories

Indicator Category[edit]

Property Name Default Description
Auto detect name Advanced Optional property for auto discovering indicators. Specify a field name pattern used to automatically detect indicator fields. To reset the auto-discovered indicators, set the 'Number of indicator fields' to 0.
Event icon size Size of the icon displayed in the graph legend. You can select from Original icon size or 8 by 8, 12 by 12, or 16 by 16 pixels from the drop-down list.
Number of indicator fields 0 Number of data fields to be tracked with icons. Once this value is nonzero, additional indicator properties display to associate one or more events with the indicator icons.

Fields for each indicator

  • Auto detect events - Select or disable event auto-detection for this specific data field.
  • Data field - Select the desired graph data field from the drop-down list. This field supplies the values compared against event Data values.
  • Number of events - Number of events assigned to this indicator definition field.

Fields for each event

  • Data value - Data value found in the Data field that corresponds to this event
  • Display icon - Select one of the icons from the drop-down list. See Icons available for event indicators. See footnote that describes what happens you insert a display icon to replace a specific data field with an indicator.

Note: This property displays only when the Number of events is nonzero.

Note: You can add customized icons to the folder with the path name: <DVT_Installation_folder>\dvt\icons

(1) When you select an indicator definition, the data will no longer display in the Data Field selected. Whenever an event description happens (Data value = Data Field number), the selected display icon appears in the table as illustrated in these before and after tables.

See Event Indicators for more information about event indicators.

State Category[edit]

Property Name Default Description
Auto detect states Select the check box to detect specific names to states, based on data values for the Y-axis.
Color field Name Used in conjuction with Color scheme file. When specified, values from the specified field name (in the buffer connected to this view) will be matched against the keys in Color scheme file and when the matching key/value is found, the corresponding color will be used instead of the colors defined for states.
Color scheme file Used with Color field name to enable assignment of colors by data values instead of state colors. The same file could be used across views providing uniform color assignment with the same solution or across multiple solutions. The default location of file is under <dvt_install_dir>/dvt/colors. Here is a sample file:
# Color Scheme File for state graph 
# This overrides state color assignments and uses the value from "color field name" as the key
# key = r,g,b
0x1c0 = 128, 0, 0
0x100 = 0, 0, 128
Number of categories Specify one or more categories. For each category you provide a name and associate one or more states.
Show state traces true Hide or display state traces

For each Category

Property Name Default Description
Category name Supply a name to describe this category of selected states
Number of states Specify the number of states for this category

For each State

Property Name Default Description
Data value optional - Tracked data value
Display label Label that displays in the graph legend using the State color
State color Default (128, 128, 128) dark grey. Use the color dialog. Color is used to display this state in the graph and legend.

X and Y Axis Category[edit]

State graph supports only Primary Axis and here are the properties for X-Axis and Y-Axis on the primary axis (similar to line graph):

Properties for X-Axis and Y-Axis (Unique for each axis)[edit]

Number Format Dialog
Property Name Default Description
Allow visible true Select whether the user can choose to hide or display the entire axis on the graph. Selecting No removes the Visible property from Properties view.
Color black Foreground color applies to the axis, division marks, Title, and Unit designation.
Display format General Axis division values are formatted in Set Number Format dialog:
  • General
  • Binary
  • Decimal
  • Hexadecimal
  • Scientific

The formats have unique options for letter case, decimal places, and width.

Label short form Display Short label text format if the axis title does not fit within graph plot area. Set 'Label width' in conjunction of this property to specify how the short form should be constructed.
  • Text... - Show the beginning part of the text
  • ...Text... - Show middle part of the text
  • ...Text - Show the ending part of the text
Label width -1 Sets the axis label width in number of characters (-1 denotes unlimited characters)
Range All Data Type of data range for this axis
  • All Data—Display all data for the X-Axis
  • Most Recent—Display previous Span of data for the X-Axis
    • Span: Amount of recently logged data to display. Note that this is not the number of records and is the width of viewable window on the whole range in the unit used for X-Axis. (Usually applies to the time or cycles for the X-Axis.)
Relative label No Enable/disable relative labeling for the specified range where only the first label is an absolute value and rest of labels are shown with a + sign as increments to the first label
Scale Linear Use Linear or Log (Logarithmic) axis scale
Title A descriptive title that will be displayed along the axis that represents the values. Default for X-Axis is the field name associated with X-Axis
Unit A descriptive unit that will be displayed in parentheses in front of title. Note that this will not do any unit conversion and is merely a text that is displayed.
Visible true Toggle to hide or display this axis on the graph. Setting Allow visible to No, removes the Visible property from Properties view
Allow Visible true Whether show visible flag or not


Values plotted on the X-Axis

Property Name Default Description
Auto detect name Specifies a field name pattern for the automatic detection of the X-Axis data field.
Data field A field such as Time, Cycles, or Time Stamp. Select from drop-down list any field in the channel.


Values plotted on the Y-Axis

Property Name Default Description
Auto detect Data field name Data field name used in the automatic detection algorithm where values will be distributed against X-Axis and plotted on Y-Axis. Select from drop-down list any field in the channel / usually a number value that will be distributed over X-Axis (say time).
Auto detect Key field name Key field name used in automatic detection algorithm where its values should match the pattern. Select from drop-down list any field in the channel / usually a string value to be matched against pattern.
Auto detect pattern A name pattern for the automatic detection of the Y-Axis data field. If no Data or Key are specified this will match column names otherwise, it'll only use the values in Data field for the matching Keys given the pattern.
Hierarchical Grouping Separator NA
Label field name Uses the values of the specified field as annotations on the graph.
Number of lines to plot In addition of specifying Auto detect patterns where Y-Axis properties get auto discovered from the connected buffer, you can also specify what lines to plot. This feature might be used in conjunction as auto detect. Number of data fields to display simultaneously on this graph. Each line has the following attributes to describe it.
  • Data field: Field from a data processor that supplies the values to display for this Line. Select from drop-down list.
  • Discrete: NA
  • Hierarchy: NA
  • State Category: The state category to be used for this line. See State Category