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User:DVT/UserDocumentation/DVT Views Graphs Controls

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Graph Controls[edit]

Graph Toolbar[edit]

Each graph view has a toolbar with several options to control the entire graph. Other than the Bar Graph which offers a slightly different set of controls, all graph types offers the following controls:

Graph Toolbar
  • Measure mark s.png: The Measurement Marker icon triggers adding a measurement marker line to a view. See the Measurement Marker Feature topic.
  • Group couple s.png: The Groups toggle button associates or disassociates this view within a specified group. See the Groups Feature topic.
  • Align horz center.png: Use the Align Horizontal Center in Group button (available on some graphs) to cause all the views in the group to use the same horizontal center as the current view.
  • Align horz range.png: Use the Align Horizontal Range in Group button (available on some graphs) to cause all the views in the group to use the same horizontal range (left and right values) as the current view.
  • Zoom in.png: The Zoom In button increased the graph resolution to provide more detail by the set zoom factor and zoom directions. Alternatively, you can press the ALT key and drag the mouse on any graph area of the graph.
  • Zoom out.png: The Zoom Out button to decrease graph resolution and see more data using the set zoom factor and zoom directions. Note: The Zoom Options help you control the display by specifying what combination of graph axes and resolution factors to use.
  • Zoom axisresolution options.png: Use the Zoom Options button to reset the zoom for the graph (return to original zoom factor and orientation). Use the drop-down selection arrow next to the button to specify the zoom factor and X-Y directions. State, Bar, and Discrete graphs can only adjust zoom in the X-axis direction.
    Zoom Settings
  • Refresh s.png: The Refresh button updates the view as soon as pressed. Otherwise views are refreshed periodically as often as "Refresh rate" property is set to.
  • Find s.png: The Find button displays the Find dialog to search for a specific event or value. See the Find Feature topic.
  • Filter.png: The Filter toggle button enables/disables the filter and also displays the Filter dialog after enabling filter. See the Filter Feature topic.
  • Freeze data updates s.png: The Freeze Update button suspends the view's data refresh. Click again to resume the data refreshing at the defined interval.

Graph Menu[edit]

Menu button.png Graph Menu is accessible from view toolbar but nothing is contributed under Graph menu by default.

Graph Context Menu[edit]

Right-clicking in any graph view displays a shortcut menu specific to that view like the one shown in the side:

Graph Context Menu

Some views may only display a subset of the above depending on if the property is applicable for that specific graph.

  • Legend: Toggle the graph title and legend display on and off.
  • Horizontal Axis: Toggle the X-axis label and values display on and off.
  • Vertical Axis: Toggle the Y-axis label and values display on and off.
  • Show Grid Lines: Display minor, major, or no axis grid lines for each axis independently.
  • Display As: Options for displaying data values as
    Display As Submenu
  • Auto Scale
  • Reset Auto Scale
  • Refresh s.png Refresh - Update the data displayed in this table (F5 is keyboard shortcut)
  • Freeze data updates s.png Freeze Update - Stop updating table data with new processing (Shift+F5 is keyboard shortcut)
  • Data - Export table values (or a subset i.e. selected rows) as a comma-separated value (*.csv filename extension) file. See Export feature.
  • Group couple s.png Enable Grouping - Enable/Disable whether this table is treated part of a group or not. Assign the table to a group of views belonging to the same feature, that can highlight correlated information simultaneously and change the displays in response to your actions in one of the grouped views.
  • Groups - Create, name, and delete groups (collections of synchronized views). See the Groups Feature topic for more information.
  • Measure mark s.png Measurement Marker Mode - Determine whether to mark measurements on the graph according to the cursor position (Freeform) or the nearest logged value (Snap to Data). Set the mode for the X-axis, Y-axis, or both axes.
  • Insert Measurement Mark - Insert an X-axis (and optionally a Y-axis) marker on a graph
  • Remove Measurement Mark - Remove a measurement mark from the graph.
  • Remove All Measurement Marks - Clear all measurement marks from the graph.
  • Display Properties - Display the graph view Properties window where you can customize the display. The properties will depend on the type of the graph. Please refer to See Graph Display Properties section.

Graph Display Properties[edit]

Each graph type is made up of a set of properties that determine how and what data is displayed. Mostly you do not need to change these graph properties unless you want to customize the look-and-feel of the graph.

To access the properties page for each graph view, right-click on the view and select Display Properties from the shortcut menu.

Below are the 4 categories that the properties are put into. Use auto-fit Auto fit columns.png to adjust the columns for all values


Property List General
  • Background color - click the Background color Property Value cell, then click the Change color button.png Color Select button. When the Color dialog displays, select the desired new color. Click OK
  • Title color - click the Foreground color Property Value cell, then click the Change color button.png Color Select button. When the Color dialog displays, select the desired new color. Click OK.
  • Title Text - click the Description Property Value cell, then delete and add text for a new graph title.
  • Line style - click Display data as Property Value cell, and select how the line should be drawn


  • Visible - whether the axis, title, and Unit are displayed
  • Foreground color - color of the axis line
  • Scale - place data on a linear or logarithmic scale
  • Display format - numbers in General, Binary, Decimal, Hexadecimal, or Scientific notation. For some formats, you can select number of decimal places, case, or leading characters.
  • Title - axis title
  • Unit - units displayed in parentheses


Use the arrows Property list arrows.png to modify the Field Name display sequence

State Categories[edit]

State Categories

This category applies only to graphs that display states i.e. State and Discrete type graphs

Use the arrows Property list arrows.png to modify the Label display sequence