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User:DVT/UserDocumentation/DVT Component Reference Guide/DVT Table View

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DVT table views (Table log tab icon.png) are used to visualize data in tabular format for any of these cases for example:

  • List data acquired from a target device component or any data provider.
  • Show counts derived from acquired data.
  • Summarize statistics (counts, totals, averages, minimums, and maximums) derived for specific functions or devices.

It can be connected to any DVT Sink to automatically display the data (including column title) contained in the Sink.

Table view provides powerful data manipulation features such as sorting, filtering, find and synchronous scrolling.

Table Controls[edit]

In general, DVT Data View Controls are accessed from:

  • View Toolbar
  • View Menu - Off the toolbar
  • View Context Menu - Available on right mouse click
  • View Type Specific controls - like sorting here

Table Toolbar[edit]

Table View Toolbar

The toolbar controls table display options that apply to the entire table. Most of the functionality on a Table Toolbar is common to the functionality found on a Graph Toolbar. These table toolbar command icons display in each table view:

  • Group couple s.png: The Groups toggle button associates or disassociates this view within a specified group. See the Groups Feature topic.
  • Auto fit columns.png: Use the Auto Fit Columns button to adjust each table column width so that all values are completely displayed.
  • Refresh s.png: The Refresh button updates the view as soon as pressed. Otherwise views are refreshed periodically as often as "Refresh rate" property is set to.
  • Find s.png: The Find button displays the Find dialog to search for a specific event or value. See the Find Feature topic.
  • Filter.png: The Filter toggle button enables/disables the filter and also displays the Filter dialog after enabling filter. See the Filter Feature topic.
  • Freeze data updates s.png: The Freeze Update button suspends the view's data refresh. Click again to resume the data refreshing at the defined interval.

Table Menu[edit]

Menu button.png Table View Menu is accessible from view toolbar opens up and contains options to perform the followings:

  • Toggle Row Count off the Table View Menu to display/hide an extra column showing the row sequence number.

Table Context Menu[edit]

Right-clicking in any table field displays the shortcut commands.

Table Context Menu
  • Column Settings - control presentation of the column values (fonts, size, value representation, and alignment)
  • Refresh s.png Refresh - Update the data displayed in this table (F5 is keyboard shortcut)
  • Copy - Update the data displayed in this table (Ctrl+C is keyboard shortcut)
  • Enable Auto Scroll - Removes the selection and moves to the end of table to enable auto scroll as data comes in TODO
  • Freeze data updates s.png Freeze Update - Stop updating table data with new processing (Shift+F5 is keyboard shortcut)
  • Data - Export table values (or a subset i.e. selected rows) as a comma-separated value (*.csv filename extension) file. See Export feature.
  • Group couple s.png Enable Grouping - Enable/Disable whether this table is treated part of a group or not. Assign the table to a group of views belonging to the same feature, that can highlight correlated information simultaneously and change the displays in response to your actions in one of the grouped views.
  • Groups - Create, name, and delete groups (collections of synchronized views). See the Groups Feature topic for more information.

Table Column Setting[edit]

You have options to control the column visibility, value display format (general, binary, decimal, hexadecimal, or scientific notation), text alignment, and font characteristics.

Table Display Styles

How each value is displayed in a column of a table view is defined by the user with the Column Settings dialog. Clicking mouse button(MB3) in the table and selecting the Column Settings shortcut command displays this dialog. Where you may control:

  • Table column visibility (hide or display)
  • Display format (general, binary, decimal, hexadecimal, or scientific notation). Some options permit you to control the display format (number of decimal places, hexadecimal format)
    Column Number Format
  • Text alignment (Left, Center, and Right)
  • Font characteristics of values (Font family, size, bold, italic, color, effect, and so forth)
    Column Font

Table Sorting[edit]

If a table view supports sorting (this can be set using table view properties), you can click a table column header label once to sort its log data rows in ascending order (up arrow). Click again to sort in descending sequence (down arrow). Click the column label a third time to restore it to the default sequence (no arrow).

Each table view column has three sort orders:

  • No arrow - default order
  • Up Arrow - ascending collating sequence
  • Down Arrow - descending sequence

Table Properties[edit]

To customize the table display beyond what is possible with the shortcut commands and the Display Styles command, you may use the more advanced, table view properties.

Open Eclipse' Properties view (select Window->Show View->Other menu command, expand the General folder, select Properties) and then click on the table, you'd like to customize its properties. (Note: Eclipse' Properties view is context sensitive)

Then click the Show Advanced Properties (Filter.png) toolbar button to display the entire set of table properties.

General Category[edit]

Property Name Default Description
Help context ID If specified overrides what the context id that DVT dynamically generates based on view title. See Context Sensitive Feature for more information.
Reference field Used by View Groups feature as the point of co-relating data across multiple views. This has to be set to field before grouping can work on table views. For example select Time data field when you want to use time values as the a reference value for synchronizing group operations. In other words, if you scroll the X-axis of a graph A to the value 10,000, this change is communicated to all other group graph and table, to move to the record where the time value is 10,000 or close to it when no such record exists.
Refresh period 1000 Time duration between view updates in number of milliseconds.
Row count column false Adds a row count column in the first column of the table when selected. (Same functionality is available through table's menu).
Scroll to bottom false Scroll to the last record when the contents of the buffer connected to table is updated
Show View Source Code Menu true Whether or not show the "View Source Code" in the context menu of the table
Support sorting true Whether or not allow sorting on table columns
Title Descriptive title for the view. Caution: In the Graphical Solution Builder, the Title is controlled. You can not change it and it does not display the Properties view.
Title field Drop-down list to select one of the table field names. Caution: Whenever you change the Title Field from a blank to an actual field name, the Title on the table view changes to the first data value in that field.
View category Specify a general category to group this view under ('/' creates a new level). The categories defined display when you select the Window->Open Views command or the Views (Open views.png) toolbar icon.

View Categories

Indicator Category[edit]

Event Indicators
Property Name Default Description
Auto detect name Advanced Optional property for auto discovering indicators. Specify a field name pattern used to automatically detect indicator fields. To reset the auto-discovered indicators, set the 'Number of indicator fields' to 0.
Number of indicator fields 0 Number of data fields to be tracked with icons. Once this value is nonzero, additional indicator properties display to associate one or more events with the indicator icons.

Fields for each indicator

  • Auto detect events - Select or disable event auto-detection for this specific data field.
  • Data field - Select the desired graph data field from the drop-down list. This field supplies the values compared against event Data values.
  • Number of events - Number of events assigned to this indicator definition field.

Fields for each event

  • Data value - Data value found in the Data field that corresponds to this event
  • Display icon - Select one of the icons from the drop-down list. See Icons available for event indicators. See footnote that describes what happens you insert a display icon to replace a specific data field with an indicator.

Note: This property displays only when the Number of events is nonzero.

Note: You can add customized icons to the folder with the path name: X:\<DVT_Installation_folder>\dvt\icons

(1) When you select an indicator definition, the data will no longer display in the Data Field selected. Whenever an event description happens (Data value = Data Field number), the selected display icon appears in the table as illustrated in these before and after tables. Indicators in table.png

See Event Indicators Feature for more information.