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User:DVT/UserDocumentation/DVT Component Reference Guide/DVT Bar Graph

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Bar graphs provide a graphical representation (often statistics) of numerical logged data. When using the information from a DVT table, the bar graph can display:

  • One row of user-selected field columns
  • All Rows of user-selected field columns

Please note as of CCS5.x the DVT Bar Graph has been deprecated and replaced by using the bar feature in table.

  • Example usage of bar in table:

Function profiler bar

Example of Usage[edit]

The following image, shows a bar graph with Codec Engine states on the Y-Axis and displaying Min/Max/Average statistics as markers on the graph.

Example Bar Graph

Key Features[edit]

Bar Graph Controls[edit]

See Graph Controls


General Category[edit]

Property Name Default Description
Background color (255,255,197) Select property and click Change color button.png button to change color with the eclipse' Color dialog
Bar thickness Select from Thin, Normal, or Wide bar thickness
Description Descriptive title that displays in the graph legend
Display type All Rows or just One Row to select the number of table rows to display
Foreground color (0,0,0) Foreground color that impacts the graph description, measurement values, and measurement markers. Select property and click Change color button.png button to change color with the eclipse' Color dialog
Help context ID If specified overrides what the context id that DVT dynamically generates based on view title. See Context Sensitive Feature for more information.
Legend true Display the graph description and indicators above the plotting area. Select Yes from drop-down list to check the box.
Refresh period 1000 Time duration between view updates in number of milliseconds.
Threshold support Threshold category will display when this check box is selected (Yes).
Show View Source Code Menu true Whether or not show the "View Source Code" option in view context menu
Title Descriptive title for the view. Caution: In the Graphical Solution Builder, the Title is controlled. You can not change it and it does not display the Properties view.
Title field Drop-down list to select one of the table field names. Caution: Whenever you change the Title Field from a blank to an actual field name, the Title on the table view changes to the first data value in that field.
View category Specify a general category to group this view under ('/' creates a new level). The categories defined display when you select the Window->Open Views command or the Views (Open views.png) toolbar icon.

View Categories

Threshold Category[edit]

Property Name Default Description
Bar color above Color of bar when plotted value exceeds Upper Threshold. Select property and click Change color button.png button to change color with the Color dialog.
Bar color below Color of bar when plotted value is less than Lower Threshold. Select property and click Change color button.png button to change color with the Color dialog.
Lower Threshold Plotted values less than this threshold display using the Bar color below. Values falling within the Lower Threshold and Upper Threshold range display using the Bar #n Color.
Upper Threshold Plotted values greater than this threshold display using the Bar color above. Values falling within the Lower Threshold and Upper Threshold range display using the Bar #n Color.


Property Name Default Description
Default range Automatic or user-defined data range for X axis
  • Yes — Scale the data to fit within the X-Axis graph area
  • No — Scale data between Begin and End values for X-Axis
Relative label Yes—Activates relative labeling for the specified range
Title Title displayed along the axis that represents the values
Unit Units (if any) associated with this axis (1)


Property Name Default Description
Label field Specifies the table column name to use for the Y-Axis label. Only applicable for Display type = All Rows option
Number of bars 1 Sets the number of bars to display
Number of markers Number of marker annotations to display on the bar
Title Title displayed along the Y-axis that represents the values
Unit Units (if any) associated with the Y-axis. For example, if the axis Title property is Timeline, and the Unit is sec, then Timeline (sec) displays on the chosen axis.