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RM4x/RM57 Product Overview[edit]

ARM® Cortex®-R Based Safety MCU's for Industrial and Medical Applications

The Hercules RM4x/RM57 Safety MCU family enables customers to easily develop safety critical industrial and medical applications. The ARM® Cortex®-R4F core in the RM4x series offers up to 220MHz of floating point performance, more than 350 DMIPS. The ARM® Cortex®-R5F core in the RM57L852 controller offers up to 330MHz of floating point performance, more than 500 DMIPS. With integrated safety features, advanced connectivity options, and flexible real-time control peripherals, the RM4x/RM57 family is an ideal solution for industrial applications with specific safety requirements.


Real-Time Safety Architecture

The RM4 family of MCUs is based on dual Cortex™-R4F processors in lock-step, these devices are designed to meet error-free safety standards and provide system-wide protection through seamless support for error detection from the processor, through the interconnect and into the memories. TI recognizes that no single safety concept is optimal for all systems. Lockstep and AMP approaches give customers flexible options for system implementation to achieve IEC61508/SIL3 safety standards.

Getting Started[edit]

Development Kits[edit]

RM42Lx RM44Lx RM46Lx RM48Lx RM57Lx
LaunchPad / Wiki / Wiki / Wiki
HDK / Wiki / Wiki / Wiki
CNCD Not For Sale Anymore
Wiki Wiki
USB Stick

Additional Resources[edit]

Getting Started with the TMS570LS devices Application Note: TMS570LS_Getting_Started.pdf

Device Family[edit]

CPU Core Cortex-R4 Cortex-R4F Cortex-R5F
Device Family RM41Lx RM42Lx RM44Lx RM46Lx RM48Lx RM57x
CPU CLK (up to) 80 MHz 100 MHz 180 MHz 220 MHz 330 MHz
Flash (up to) 128 kB 384 kB 1024 kB 1280 kB 3072 kB 4096 kB
RAM (up to) 32 kB 128 kB 192 kB 256 kB 512 kB
ADC 1x 12-bit
16 ch
2x 12-bit
24 ch
2x 12-bit
41 ch
SPI 3 5
UART 1 3 4
CAN 2 3 4
I2C via N2HET 1 2
USB No Yes (optional) No
EMAC No Yes (optional)
EMIF No Yes (optional)
Package Options 100-pin LQFP (PZ) (14x14mm)  
  144-pin LQFP (PGE) (20x20mm)  
  337-pin NFBGA (ZWT) (16x16mm)

Please note, that above given configurations do represent the superset device of the associated device families. The actual device configuration can be found in the device datasheet. Pelase visit the Hercules RM Microcontroller Series Product Search for more info.

Tools & Software[edit]

Some Tools and software are common across TMS570 and RM family devices. TMS570 info can be found from the TMS570 Category page.

Peripherals [edit]

Some Peripherals are common across TMS570 and RM4 family devices. TMS570 info can be found from the TMS570 Category page:

Application Notes & Articles[edit]

The application notes for the RM4 series devices can be found from the RM4 Application Notes webpage.


  • Training:

Hercules 1-day LaunchPad training/workshop presentation:
- Media: Hercules_MCU_1Day_LaunchPad_Training.pdf (Approx 8MB)
Hercules 1 Day LaunchPad Training/Workshop Labs:
CCSv5.x Projects:

Hercules 1-day training/workshop presentation: (RM48 USB Stick Based)
- Media: Hercules_MCU_1Day_Training.pdf (Approx 7MB)
Hercules 1 Day Training/Workshop Labs:
CCSv5.x Projects:

Additional training material for Hercules Safety MCUs can be found at


Videos related to the Hercules Safety Microcontroller platform, the TMS470M, TMS570 and RM4 device families can be found on the videos wiki page. Videos covering device family overview, safety concept, demos with available USB/MDK kit, tools and IDE's, etc are included.

Important Links & Downloads[edit]

Hercule RM home page:

Technical Support[edit]

For technical support and sharing, please visit the RM4 Microcontroller Forum in TI's E2E (Engineer to Engineer) community.