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AM37x SDK4.0 Release Notes
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AM37x SDK 4.0 Release Notes
Release Notes - June 7, 2010
This is Release 4.00 of the AM37x Software Development Kit (SDK). The SDK serves to provide a fundamental software platform for development, deployment and execution of Linux based applications on Texas Instruments AM3715. The Linux kernel and U-Boot software in this release are based on the following open source repositories:
Component | Version | Base Repository | Base Tag (or commit id) |
OMAP Linux Kernel | 2.6.32(Linux kernel version) | The baseline was chosen from "pm" branch of;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/pm | 3fd5969a81a9324b58a1c19cf510c0da97c99565. History on "pm" branch gets rewritten and hence the commit may not be valid always. |
U-Boot | 2009.11 |;a=summary | v2009.11 |
The filesystem was built from the Arago Project.
The codebase for Linux kernel and U-Boot included in this release is also hosted at the following repositories:
Component | Repository (Branch) | Baseline Tag | Release Tag |
OMAP Linux Kernel |;a=summary
(OMAPPSP_03.00.01.06) |
OMAPPSP_03.00.01.06_baseline | v2.6.32_OMAPPSP_03.00.01.06 |
For detailed information on the various software components included in the release and how to use them, please refer to the AM37x EVM Software Developer's Guide.
The kernel and U-Boot have been compiled with CodeSourcery GNU Toolchain for ARM Processors 2009-q1-203 based on GCC 4.3.3
The AM37x Software Developer's Guide provides instructions on how to use the AM37x SDK. A copy of the AM37x Software Developer's Guide is included in the docs folder of the SDK installation.
What's Supported[edit]
This SDK package includes support for the AM3715 platform (AM3715EVM). Future releases will include these platforms: OMAP35x EVM and AM3517 EVM platforms.
Software components included in this SDK are::
- PSP which includes Linux kernel, x-loader and u-boot
- Matrix Application Launcher
- Qt/Webkit based Graphical User Interface (GUI)
- Ncurses based Text User Interface (TUI)
- Example Applications & Demos
- ARM Benchmarks - Dhrystone, Linpack, Whetstone
- 2D Graphics - Blitrix Neon accelerated graphics demo
- 3D Graphics - OpenGLES demos including Chameleon Man, Vase, Shaders and Cover Flow
- Webkit based Internet Browser
- Power/Clocks - DVFS support to change CPU freq from 300MHz to 1GHz
- Settings - System debug information including System, Memory, Network and Task information
- Code Composer Studio v5 Preview Edition
- WL1271 Kernel patch and application for WLAN and Bluetooth support
- Host Tools
- Flash Tool
- Pin Mux Utility
- SignGP
What's Not Supported[edit]
- The following items are not supported:
- U-boot (Unified binary supporting Nand/OneNand on OMAP35x platform)
- AM/DM37x Processor card with Micron Memory
New in this Release[edit]
- AM37x default CPU freq at 1GHz
- Hynix memory running at 200MHz
Known Issues[edit]
Component | Issue Description | Workaround |
Comments |
Installer | Running the SDK Installer via a Telnet console does not work. | The SDK Installer should be run from the GUI or serial terminal |
To be fixed in future release |
Installer | The Flash Tool currently does not remove previous installation of itself. |
User would need to need to go Control Panel in Windows and ‘Add/Remove Program’ to remove previous Flash Tool installations |
To be fixed in future releases |
Installer | Some Installation messages displayed by installjammer are missing for non-english languages. | User may have to use English for SDK installation |
To be fixed in future releases |
software | Bluetooth: Intermittently FTP'ing files (> than ~ 30KB) from PC to EVM fails | The issue appears to be intermiitent and may or may not impact functionality |
To be fixed in future releases |
software | Pinmux Utility: could not resize the GUI, so could not see what the other button on the bottom right corner is. | User many need to adjust the display resolution of their Windows PC |
To be fixed in future releases |
software | Pinmux utility requires Left-click to select a peripheral interface cell. The cell should be auto selected when user right-click it. | No impact to functionality. Just a note on the user interface. |
To be fixed in future releases |
software | Matrix GUI can not be controlled from mouse | Mouse support is not enabled by default. The AM37x EVM Software Developer's Guide contains information on how to enable this support |
To be fixed in future release |
software | QT browser ignores http_proxy settings. Hence outside urls won't be reachable inside a firewall. | Users will not be able to browse URLs outside their firewall |
To be fixed in future releases |
software | Links from Start Dev (i.e. target.html) web page don't work inside a firewall. | Users should reference the setup.htm file located in the START _HERE partition on the SD card. |
To be fixed in future releases |
software | Matrix TUI should not be started from /etc/init.d (i.e. /etc/init.d/matrix-tui start). |
Users should run matrix_tui by calling matrix_tui directly |
To be fixed in future releases |
IDE | Console message (eclipse:6936): GLib-WARNING **: g_set_prgname() called multiple times | No impact to functionality |
To be fixed in future releases |
IDE | IDE Projects build with warning messages ("Error launching external scanner info generator") | No impact to functionality or ability to import and work with these projects |
To be fixed in future releases |
Docs | WLAN Setup guide shows SW4 switch setting for MMC/SD booting that is different from the setting in the Quick Start Guide | Both SW4 settings provide MMC/SD boot. Users should follow the Quick Start Guide for consistency |
To be fixed in future releases |
Docs | WLAN Setup guide refers to PSP | All references to PSP documentation are still valid. No impact to usability or instructions required |
To be fixed in future releases |
Installation and Usage[edit]
Please refer to the AM37x EVM Software Developer's Guide for more information on how to install the AM37x SDK.
Device Support[edit]
This release supports the Texas Instruments AM3715 (on the Mistral Rev G AM3715EVM).
This is Release 4.00 of the AM37x SDK.
Technical Support and Product Updates[edit]
For further information or to report any problems, contact or