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User:DVT/UserDocumentation/DVT Overview

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The DVT Toolkit provides the means to quickly build customized Data Analysis and Visualization solutions.

The key features of the DVT include:

  • a framework for collecting data from target (hardware and simulator) application
  • a framework for transporting data from target to the host DVT
  • a framework for analyzing data
  • a framework for the visualization of data
  • a collection of reusable components for all of the frameworks listed above (data collection component, data transport components, data processing components and data visualization components)
  • easy-to-create components to extend the tool kit
  • a graphical Solution Builder for building custom data analysis and visualization solution from these components
DVT Block Diagram

The tool kit is shipped with a number of reusable data processing and visualization components. Additional components can easily be added to the collection. Data processing components are categorized as one of three types: Data Sources, Data Processors and Data Sinks.

Data Sources are components which take data from a file or another form of transport, and introduce the data into the analysis and visualization components.

Data Processors are components which provide functionality such as decoding, translating, manipulation, analysis, etc.

Data Sinks are storage for the data. These can be memory or file storage.

All solutions have at least one Data Source. Data from the source(s) is streamed through any combination of Data Processors, which are then collected in any number of Data Sinks. Data in Sinks are then visualized by the appropriate Data Views.

DVT Solution

Resulting solutions provide professional visualization with advance usability features such as Filtering, Find, Zooming, Measurement Markers and Synchronous Scrolling.

DVT Screenshot


The DVT is an Eclipse Plug-in that is primarily designed in JAVA, and requires a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to run. A compatible version of the JVM is included and automatically installed with the DVT Package.

Getting Started

To get started, see user documentations, tutorials, examples and references.