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User:DVT/UserDocumentation/DVT Data Views

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DVT extends Eclipse' Views to provide mainly two sets of analytic view types to visualize data:

  • Tables (similar to a columnar spreadsheet)
  • Graphs (similar to X-Y plots)

A DVT solution may consist of zero or more table and/or graphs view components. Characteristic of the views can be configured using the view properties or via graphical solution builder. Using the solution control panel, view properties can be controlled in run time.

DVT data views are extensible and solution developers may contribute to view toolbar, menu or context menu. Developers may also extend DVT view code base to introduce new data view types.


DVT table views (Table log tab icon.png) are used to visualize data in tabular format for any of these cases for example:

  • List data acquired from a target device component or any data provider.
  • Show counts derived from acquired data.
  • Summarize statistics (counts, totals, averages, minimums, and maximums) derived for specific functions or devices.


The DVT graph views are used to visualize the data values listed in the table views on an X-Y axis:

  • Line Graph Line Graph - example: display measured data against elapsed time
  • State Graph State Graph - example: visualize state transitions against elapsed time
  • Discrete Graph Discrete Graph - example: display an event's occurrence and time duration. An event can be a task, data transmission, function, or interrupt.
  • Bar Graph Bar Graph - example: presents statistics, such as the count, total, minimum, average, and maximum logged value for a measured quantity.

Data View Controls[edit]

Graphical controls are provided in data views to control what is presented in the view:

  • Display - decide how much information, format, presentation order, and so forth.
  • Content - use a criteria to restrict what is displayed or look for specific logged records (Filter/Find/Sort)
  • Relationship - have multiple tables and graphs synchronize displays (Grouping) to provide different visualizations for a common event.

Data View Controls are accessed from:

  • View Toolbar
  • View Menu - Off the toolbar
  • View Context Menu - Available on right mouse click
  • View Properties - Accessible through eclipse' properties view on the active view
  • View Type Specific controls

Table Controls[edit]

Table Toolbar[edit]

Table View Toolbar

The toolbar controls table display options that apply to the entire table. Most of the functionality on a Table Toolbar is common to the functionality found on a Graph Toolbar. These table toolbar command icons display in each table view:

  • Group couple s.png: The Groups toggle button associates or disassociates this view within a specified group. See the Groups Feature topic.
  • Auto fit columns.png: Use the Auto Fit Columns button to adjust each table column width so that all values are completely displayed.
  • Refresh s.png: The Refresh button updates the view as soon as pressed. Otherwise views are refreshed periodically as often as "Refresh rate" property is set to.
  • Find s.png: The Find button displays the Find dialog to search for a specific event or value. See the Find Feature topic.
  • Filter.png: The Filter toggle button enables/disables the filter and also displays the Filter dialog after enabling filter. See the Filter Feature topic.
  • Freeze data updates s.png: The Freeze Update button suspends the view's data refresh. Click again to resume the data refreshing at the defined interval.

Table Menu[edit]

Menu button.png Table View Menu is accessible from view toolbar opens up and contains options to perform the followings:

  • Toggle Row Count off the Table View Menu to display/hide an extra column showing the row sequence number.

Table Context Menu[edit]

Right-clicking in any table field displays the shortcut commands.

Table Context Menu
  • Column Settings - control presentation of the column values (fonts, size, value representation, and alignment)
  • Refresh s.png Refresh - Update the data displayed in this table (F5 is keyboard shortcut)
  • Copy - Update the data displayed in this table (Ctrl+C is keyboard shortcut)
  • Enable Auto Scroll - Removes the selection and moves to the end of table to enable auto scroll as data comes in TODO
  • Freeze data updates s.png Freeze Update - Stop updating table data with new processing (Shift+F5 is keyboard shortcut)
  • Data - Export table values (or a subset i.e. selected rows) as a comma-separated value (*.csv filename extension) file. See Export feature.
  • Group couple s.png Enable Grouping - Enable/Disable whether this table is treated part of a group or not. Assign the table to a group of views belonging to the same feature, that can highlight correlated information simultaneously and change the displays in response to your actions in one of the grouped views.
  • Groups - Create, name, and delete groups (collections of synchronized views). See the Groups Feature topic for more information.

Table Column Setting[edit]

You have options to control the column visibility, value display format (general, binary, decimal, hexadecimal, or scientific notation), text alignment, and font characteristics.

Table Display Styles

How each value is displayed in a column of a table view is defined by the user with the Column Settings dialog. Clicking mouse button(MB3) in the table and selecting the Column Settings shortcut command displays this dialog. Where you may control:

  • Table column visibility (hide or display)
  • Display format (general, binary, decimal, hexadecimal, or scientific notation). Some options permit you to control the display format (number of decimal places, hexadecimal format)
    Column Number Format
  • Text alignment (Left, Center, and Right)
  • Font characteristics of values (Font family, size, bold, italic, color, effect, and so forth)
    Column Font

Table Sorting[edit]

If a table view supports sorting (this can be set using table view properties), you can click a table column header label once to sort its log data rows in ascending order (up arrow). Click again to sort in descending sequence (down arrow). Click the column label a third time to restore it to the default sequence (no arrow).

Each table view column has three sort orders:

  • No arrow - default order
  • Up Arrow - ascending collating sequence
  • Down Arrow - descending sequence

Table Properties[edit]

To customize the table display beyond what is possible with the shortcut commands and the Display Styles command, you may use the more advanced, table view properties.

Open Eclipse' Properties view (select Window->Show View->Other menu command, expand the General folder, select Properties) and then click on the table, you'd like to customize its properties. (Note: Eclipse' Properties view is context sensitive)

Then click the Show Advanced Properties (Filter.png) toolbar button to display the entire set of table properties.

General Category[edit]

Property Name Default Description
Help context ID If specified overrides what the context id that DVT dynamically generates based on view title. See Context Sensitive Feature for more information.
Reference field Used by Groups feature as the point of co-relating data across multiple views. This has to be set to field before grouping can work on table views. For example select Time data field when you want to use time values as the a reference value for synchronizing group operations. In other words, if you scroll the X-axis of a graph A to the value 10,000, this change is communicated to all other group graph and table, to move to the record where the time value is 10,000 or close to it when no such record exists.
Refresh period 1000 Time duration between view updates in number of milliseconds.
Row count column false Adds a row count column in the first column of the table when selected. (Same functionality is available through table's menu).
Scroll to bottom false Scroll to the last record when the contents of the buffer connected to table is updated (TODO)
Show View Source Code Menu true (TODO)
Support sorting true Whether or not allow sorting on table columns
Title Descriptive title for the view. Caution: In the Graphical Solution Builder, the Title is controlled. You can not change it and it does not display the Properties view.
Title field Drop-down list to select one of the table field names. Caution: Whenever you change the Title Field from a blank to an actual field name, the Title on the table view changes to the first data value in that field.
View category Specify a general category to group this view under ('/' creates a new level). The categories defined display when you select the Window->Open Views command or the Views (Open views.png) toolbar icon.

View Categories

Indicator Category[edit]

Event Indicators
Property Name Default Description
Auto detect name Advanced Optional property for auto discovering indicators. Specify a field name pattern used to automatically detect indicator fields. To reset the auto-discovered indicators, set the 'Number of indicator fields' to 0.
Number of indicator fields 0 Number of data fields to be tracked with icons. Once this value is nonzero, additional indicator properties display to associate one or more events with the indicator icons.

Fields for each indicator

  • Auto detect events - Select or disable event auto-detection for this specific data field.
  • Data field - Select the desired graph data field from the drop-down list. This field supplies the values compared against event Data values.
  • Number of events - Number of events assigned to this indicator definition field.

Fields for each event

  • Data value - Data value found in the Data field that corresponds to this event
  • Display icon - Select one of the icons from the drop-down list. See Icons available for event indicators. See footnote that describes what happens you insert a display icon to replace a specific data field with an indicator.

Note: This property displays only when the Number of events is nonzero.

Note: You can add customized icons to the folder with the path name: X:\<DVT_Installation_folder>\dvt\icons

(1) When you select an indicator definition, the data will no longer display in the Data Field selected. Whenever an event description happens (Data value = Data Field number), the selected display icon appears in the table as illustrated in these before and after tables. Indicators in table.png

See Event Indicators Feature for more information.

Graph Controls[edit]

Graph Toolbar[edit]

Each graph view has a toolbar with several options to control the entire graph. Other than the Bar Graph which offers a slightly different set of controls, all graph types offers the following controls:

Graph Toolbar
  • Measure mark s.png: The Measurement Marker icon triggers adding a measurement marker line to a view. See the Measurement Marker Feature topic.
  • Group couple s.png: The Groups toggle button associates or disassociates this view within a specified group. See the Groups Feature topic.
  • Align horz center.png: Use the Align Horizontal Center in Group button (available on some graphs) to cause all the views in the group to use the same horizontal center as the current view.
  • Align horz range.png: Use the Align Horizontal Range in Group button (available on some graphs) to cause all the views in the group to use the same horizontal range (left and right values) as the current view.
  • Zoom in.png: The Zoom In button increased the graph resolution to provide more detail by the set zoom factor and zoom directions. Alternatively, you can press the ALT key and drag the mouse on any graph area of the graph.
  • Zoom out.png: The Zoom Out button to decrease graph resolution and see more data using the set zoom factor and zoom directions. Note: The Zoom Options help you control the display by specifying what combination of graph axes and resolution factors to use.
  • Zoom axisresolution options.png: Use the Zoom Options button to reset the zoom for the graph (return to original zoom factor and orientation). Use the drop-down selection arrow next to the button to specify the zoom factor and X-Y directions. State, Bar, and Discrete graphs can only adjust zoom in the X-axis direction.
    Zoom Settings
  • Refresh s.png: The Refresh button updates the view as soon as pressed. Otherwise views are refreshed periodically as often as "Refresh rate" property is set to.
  • Find s.png: The Find button displays the Find dialog to search for a specific event or value. See the Find Feature topic.
  • Filter.png: The Filter toggle button enables/disables the filter and also displays the Filter dialog after enabling filter. See the Filter Feature topic.
  • Freeze data updates s.png: The Freeze Update button suspends the view's data refresh. Click again to resume the data refreshing at the defined interval.

Graph Menu[edit]

Menu button.png Graph Menu is accessible from view toolbar but nothing is contributed under Graph menu by default.

Graph Context Menu[edit]

Right-clicking in any graph view displays a shortcut menu specific to that view like the one shown in the side:

Graph Context Menu

Some views may only display a subset of the above depending on if the property is applicable for that specific graph.

  • Legend: Toggle the graph title and legend display on and off.
  • Horizontal Axis: Toggle the X-axis label and values display on and off.
  • Vertical Axis: Toggle the Y-axis label and values display on and off.
  • Show Grid Lines: Display minor, major, or no axis grid lines for each axis independently.
  • Display As: Options for displaying data values as
    Display As Submenu
  • Auto Scale
  • Reset Auto Scale
  • Refresh s.png Refresh - Update the data displayed in this table (F5 is keyboard shortcut)
  • Freeze data updates s.png Freeze Update - Stop updating table data with new processing (Shift+F5 is keyboard shortcut)
  • Data - Export table values (or a subset i.e. selected rows) as a comma-separated value (*.csv filename extension) file. See Export feature.
  • Group couple s.png Enable Grouping - Enable/Disable whether this table is treated part of a group or not. Assign the table to a group of views belonging to the same feature, that can highlight correlated information simultaneously and change the displays in response to your actions in one of the grouped views.
  • Groups - Create, name, and delete groups (collections of synchronized views). See the Groups Feature topic for more information.
  • Measure mark s.png Measurement Marker Mode - Determine whether to mark measurements on the graph according to the cursor position (Freeform) or the nearest logged value (Snap to Data). Set the mode for the X-axis, Y-axis, or both axes.
  • Insert Measurement Mark - Insert an X-axis (and optionally a Y-axis) marker on a graph
  • Remove Measurement Mark - Remove a measurement mark from the graph.
  • Remove All Measurement Marks - Clear all measurement marks from the graph.
  • Display Properties - Display the graph view Properties window where you can customize the display. The properties will depend on the type of the graph. Please refer to See Graph Display Properties section.

Graph Display Properties[edit]

Each graph type is made up of a set of properties that determine how and what data is displayed. Mostly you do not need to change these graph properties unless you want to customize the look-and-feel of the graph.

To access the properties page for each graph view, right-click on the view and select Display Properties from the shortcut menu.

Below are the 4 categories that the properties are put into. Use auto-fit Auto fit columns.png to adjust the columns for all values


Property List General
  • Background color - click the Background color Property Value cell, then click the Change color button.png Color Select button. When the Color dialog displays, select the desired new color. Click OK
  • Title color - click the Foreground color Property Value cell, then click the Change color button.png Color Select button. When the Color dialog displays, select the desired new color. Click OK.
  • Title Text - click the Description Property Value cell, then delete and add text for a new graph title.
  • Line style - click Display data as Property Value cell, and select how the line should be drawn


  • Visible - whether the axis, title, and Unit are displayed
  • Foreground color - color of the axis line
  • Scale - place data on a linear or logarithmic scale
  • Display format - numbers in General, Binary, Decimal, Hexadecimal, or Scientific notation. For some formats, you can select number of decimal places, case, or leading characters.
  • Title - axis title
  • Unit - units displayed in parentheses


Use the arrows Property list arrows.png to modify the Field Name display sequence

State Categories[edit]

State Categories

This category applies only to graphs that display states i.e. State and Discrete type graphs

Use the arrows Property list arrows.png to modify the Label display sequence

Graph Properties[edit]

To customize the table display beyond what is possible with the shortcut commands and the Display Styles command, you may use the more advanced, table view properties.

Open Eclipse' Properties view (select Window->Show View->Other menu command, expand the General folder, select Properties) and then click on the table, you'd like to customize its properties. (Note: Eclipse' Properties view is context sensitive)

Then click the Show Advanced Properties (Filter.png) toolbar button to display the entire set of table properties.

Line Graph Properties[edit]

General Category[edit]
Property Name Default Description
Background color (255,255,197) Select property and click Change color button.png button to change color with the eclipse' Color dialog
Description Descriptive title that displays in the graph legend
Display data as Connected Data values presentation format:
  • Connected line—single continuous line that connects all data points
  • Vertical line—vertical lines from the X-axis to each data point
  • Connected line with markers—values display as circles and connecting lines
  • Plus sign + — values display as plus (+) signs in three sizes (small, medium, large)
  • Cross sign x — values display as plus (x) signs in three sizes (small, medium, large)
  • Dot sign o — values display as dots in three sizes (small, medium, large)
Foreground color (0,0,0) Foreground color that impacts the graph description, measurement values, and measurement markers. Select property and click Change color button.png button to change color with the eclipse' Color dialog
Help context ID If specified overrides what the context id that DVT dynamically generates based on view title. See Context Sensitive Feature for more information.
Legend true Display the graph description and indicators above the plotting area. Select Yes from drop-down list to check the box.
Refresh period 1000 Time duration between view updates in number of milliseconds.
Show View Source Code Menu true (TODO)
Title Descriptive title for the view. Caution: In the Graphical Solution Builder, the Title is controlled. You can not change it and it does not display the Properties view.
Title field Drop-down list to select one of the table field names. Caution: Whenever you change the Title Field from a blank to an actual field name, the Title on the table view changes to the first data value in that field.
View category Specify a general category to group this view under ('/' creates a new level). The categories defined display when you select the Window->Open Views command or the Views (Open views.png) toolbar icon.

View Categories

Indicator Category[edit]
Property Name Default Description
Auto detect name Advanced Optional property for auto discovering indicators. Specify a field name pattern used to automatically detect indicator fields. To reset the auto-discovered indicators, set the 'Number of indicator fields' to 0.
Event icon size Size of the icon displayed in the graph legend. You can select from Original icon size or 8 by 8, 12 by 12, or 16 by 16 pixels from the drop-down list.
Number of indicator fields 0 Number of data fields to be tracked with icons. Once this value is nonzero, additional indicator properties display to associate one or more events with the indicator icons.

Fields for each indicator

  • Auto detect events - Select or disable event auto-detection for this specific data field.
  • Data field - Select the desired graph data field from the drop-down list. This field supplies the values compared against event Data values.
  • Number of events - Number of events assigned to this indicator definition field.

Fields for each event

  • Data value - Data value found in the Data field that corresponds to this event
  • Display icon - Select one of the icons from the drop-down list. See Icons available for event indicators. See footnote that describes what happens you insert a display icon to replace a specific data field with an indicator.

Note: This property displays only when the Number of events is nonzero.

Note: You can add customized icons to the folder with the path name: X:\<DVT_Installation_folder>\dvt\icons

(1) When you select an indicator definition, the data will no longer display in the Data Field selected. Whenever an event description happens (Data value = Data Field number), the selected display icon appears in the table as illustrated in these before and after tables.

X and Y Axis Category[edit]
Property Name Default Description
Number of axis 1 Can only have a '1' value for single x/y axis or '2' value for dual x/y axis where for:
  • Axis 1 (Primary): X-Axis is on bottom and Y-Axis is on left
  • Axis 2 (Secondary): A second X-Axis on top and a second Y-Axis is on right

Properties for X-Axis and Y-Axis (Unique for each axis)[edit]
Number Format Dialog
Property Name Default Description
Allow visible true Select whether the user can choose to hide or display the entire axis on the graph. Selecting No removes the Visible property from Properties view.
Color black Foreground color applies to the axis, division marks, Title, and Unit designation.
Display format General Axis division values are formatted in Set Number Format dialog:
  • General
  • Binary
  • Decimal
  • Hexadecimal
  • Scientific

The formats have unique options for letter case, decimal places, and width.

Label short form Display Short label text format if the axis title does not fit within graph plot area. Set 'Label width' in conjunction of this property to specify how the short form should be constructed.
  • Text... - Show the beginning part of the text
  • ...Text... - Show middle part of the text
  • ...Text - Show the ending part of the text
Label width -1 Sets the axis label width in number of characters (-1 denotes unlimited characters)
Range All Data Type of data range for this axis
  • All Data—Display all data for the X-Axis
  • Most Recent—Display previous Span of data for the X-Axis
    • Span: Amount of recently logged data to display. Note that this is not the number of records and is the width of viewable window on the whole range in the unit used for X-Axis. (Usually applies to the time or cycles for the X-Axis.)
Relative label No Enable/disable relative labeling for the specified range where only the first label is an absolute value and rest of labels are shown with a + sign as increments to the first label
Scale Linear Use Linear or Log (Logarithmic) axis scale
Title A descriptive title that will be displayed along the axis that represents the values. Default for X-Axis is the field name associated with X-Axis
Unit A descriptive unit that will be displayed in parentheses in front of title. Note that this will not do any unit conversion and is merely a text that is displayed.
Visible true Toggle to hide or display this axis on the graph. Setting Allow visible to No, removes the Visible property from Properties view
Allow Visible true Whether show visible flag or not


Values plotted on the X-Axis

Property Name Default Description
Auto detect name Specifies a field name pattern for the automatic detection of the X-Axis data field. TODO
Data field A field such as Time, Cycles, or Time Stamp. Select from drop-down list any field in the channel.

Values plotted on the Y-Axis

Property Name Default Description
Auto detect Data field name Data field name used in the automatic detection algorithm where values will be distributed against X-Axis and plotted on Y-Axis. Select from drop-down list any field in the channel / usually a number value that will be distributed over X-Axis (say time).
Auto detect Key field name Key field name used in automatic detection algorithm where its values should match the pattern. Select from drop-down list any field in the channel / usually a string value to be matched against pattern.
Auto detect pattern A name pattern for the automatic detection of the Y-Axis data field. If no Data or Key are specified this will match column names otherwise, it'll only use the values in Data field for the matching Keys given the pattern.
Number of lines to plot In addition of specifying Auto detect patterns where Y-Axis properties get auto discovered from the connected buffer, you can also specify what lines to plot. This feature might be used in conjunction as auto detect. Number of data fields to display simultaneously on this graph. Each line has 4 independent attributes to describe it.
  • Color: Line and data point color. Default (0, 0, 255) blue. Color applied to each data point and any connecting lines defined in the Display data as field.
  • Data field: Field from a data processor that supplies the values to display for this Line. Select from drop-down list.
  • Display data as: Display these data values using the same selection under the General category (Same as General) or choose a unique presentation for this values from this data field.
  • Use axis: Select the axes definition number (usually 1) defined by the properties in the X-Axis and Y-Axis area.

State Graph Properties[edit]

General Category[edit]
Property Name Default Description
Background color (255,255,197) Select property and click Change color button.png button to change color with the eclipse' Color dialog
Description Descriptive title that displays in the graph legend
Foreground color (0,0,0) Foreground color that impacts the graph description, measurement values, and measurement markers. Select property and click Change color button.png button to change color with the eclipse' Color dialog
Help context ID If specified overrides what the context id that DVT dynamically generates based on view title. See Context Sensitive Feature for more information.
Legend true Display the graph description and indicators above the plotting area. Select Yes from drop-down list to check the box.
Refresh period 1000 Time duration between view updates in number of milliseconds.
Show View Source Code Menu true (TODO)
Title Descriptive title for the view. Caution: In the Graphical Solution Builder, the Title is controlled. You can not change it and it does not display the Properties view.
Title field Drop-down list to select one of the table field names. Caution: Whenever you change the Title Field from a blank to an actual field name, the Title on the table view changes to the first data value in that field.
View category Specify a general category to group this view under ('/' creates a new level). The categories defined display when you select the Window->Open Views command or the Views (Open views.png) toolbar icon.

View Categories

Indicator Category[edit]

Same as Line Graph Indicator Category

State Category[edit]
Property Name Default Description
Auto detect states Select the check box to detect specific names to states, based on data values for the Y-axis.
Number of categories Specify one or more categories. For each category you provide a name and associate one or more states.
Show state traces true Hide or display state traces

For each Category

Property Name Default Description
Category name Supply a name to describe this category of selected states
Number of states Specify the number of states for this category

For each State

Property Name Default Description
Data value optional - Tracked data value
Display label Label that displays in the graph legend using the State color
State color Default (128, 128, 128) dark grey. Use the color dialog. Color is used to display this state in the graph and legend.

X and Y Axis Category[edit]

State graph supports only Primary Axis and here are the properties for X-Axis and Y-Axis on the primary axis (similar to line graph):

Properties for X-Axis and Y-Axis (Unique for each axis)[edit]
Number Format Dialog
Property Name Default Description
Allow visible true Select whether the user can choose to hide or display the entire axis on the graph. Selecting No removes the Visible property from Properties view.
Color black Foreground color applies to the axis, division marks, Title, and Unit designation.
Display format General Axis division values are formatted in Set Number Format dialog:
  • General
  • Binary
  • Decimal
  • Hexadecimal
  • Scientific

The formats have unique options for letter case, decimal places, and width.

Label short form Display Short label text format if the axis title does not fit within graph plot area. Set 'Label width' in conjunction of this property to specify how the short form should be constructed.
  • Text... - Show the beginning part of the text
  • ...Text... - Show middle part of the text
  • ...Text - Show the ending part of the text
Label width -1 Sets the axis label width in number of characters (-1 denotes unlimited characters)
Range All Data Type of data range for this axis
  • All Data—Display all data for the X-Axis
  • Most Recent—Display previous Span of data for the X-Axis
    • Span: Amount of recently logged data to display. Note that this is not the number of records and is the width of viewable window on the whole range in the unit used for X-Axis. (Usually applies to the time or cycles for the X-Axis.)
Relative label No Enable/disable relative labeling for the specified range where only the first label is an absolute value and rest of labels are shown with a + sign as increments to the first label
Scale Linear Use Linear or Log (Logarithmic) axis scale
Title A descriptive title that will be displayed along the axis that represents the values. Default for X-Axis is the field name associated with X-Axis
Unit A descriptive unit that will be displayed in parentheses in front of title. Note that this will not do any unit conversion and is merely a text that is displayed.
Visible true Toggle to hide or display this axis on the graph. Setting Allow visible to No, removes the Visible property from Properties view
Allow Visible true Whether show visible flag or not

Discrete Graph Properties[edit]

Bar Graph Properties[edit]

Data View Features[edit]

View Groups[edit]

A view group helps you correlate different graph or table information plotted along a common reference, allowing exact points of data to be displayed on different graphs simultaneously. Often this reference is elapsed time or cycles or sequence number. You can create one or more groups per DVT solution and the data views belonging to the same group are correlated together while navigating between data points.

Groups/View Context Menu

Groups can help you to highlight a specific item in the views. Once the graph has been added to a group and activated, you can perform various functions on all the views in the group at once, including horizontal scrolling, group selection (or X cursor), horizontal center alignment, and horizontal range alignment. Several toolbar icons help you take advantage of group features.

  • Group couple s.png: Use the Groups toggle button to enable or disable the view from responding to changes from other views in the group.
  • Align horz center.png: Use the Align Horizontal Center in Group button (available on some graphs) to cause all the views in the group to use the same horizontal center as the current view.
  • Align horz range.png: Use the Align Horizontal Range in Group button (available on some graphs) to cause all the views in the group to use the same horizontal range (left and right values) as the current view.

Managing Groups[edit]

View Group Creation[edit]

To create a new group:

  1. Right-click anywhere inside a graph.
  2. Select Groups -> New group shortcut command or press Ctrl+G.
    New View Group
  3. In the Create group dialog box, specify a group name (such as time) and click OK.

Assign View to Group[edit]

To add a view (table or graph) to an existing group

  1. Right-click anywhere on the graph
  2. Select Groups and then select the name of the group from the cascading group list

Please note that to add a table view to an existing group, you might need to perform an extra step by choosing the proper column to be used as the "Reference field" by setting this property in properties view for the table.

Note: If the solution does not contain any groups, this option is disabled.

Remove View From Group[edit]

To permanently remove a view from the group

  1. Select the view you want to remove.
  2. Right-click the mouse and select the Groups -> <none> shortcut command.

Even if you click the group toggle button toGroup couple s.png Activate View with Group toolbar or Enable Grouping shortcut command, this view does not respond to actions performed by the group.

To temporarily disable a view from responding to group actions

  1. Select the view you want to disable.
  2. Click the group toggle button Group couple s.png Deactivate View with Group toolbar icon.

Delete View Group[edit]

To delete a group from the group list:

  1. Right-click anywhere inside a graph.
  2. Select Groups -> Delete group shortcut command or press Ctrl+Alt+G.
  3. In the View Groups box, select the group name in the list and
    Delete View Group
  4. Click Delete, then click Close.


Use the Find in <view title> dialog to locate a record / data point containing a particular string in one of the fields, or a value whose fields satisfy a particular expression. Within the Use Field Tab, insert a field name (column from the table view), an operator (==, <,!= etc) and a value and click Find. Alternatively selecting the Use Expression tab will alow you to enter a regular expression (ie ColunmX contains "(?i)end of file") and click Find. Clicking on find should cause the view to shift to the first occurrence of the data value. Clicking Find repeatedly, moves you through the data to each location of the desired value or string.

There are two ways to locate the data point. The search condition can be described using a single field in which case you can use, Use Field tab or the search condition is an expression that might involve more than one field where you'd need to use an Expression

Use Field Tab[edit]

To find a specific value or string using fields (Use Field tab) in a table:

  1. Click the Find s.png Find button on the view toolbar to display the Find in <view title> dialog. The <view title> depends upon which table or graph view is selected.
    Find Dialog
  2. Select Use Field tab
  3. Select a specific field from the Field Name drop-down list. The Field Name list is populated by all data columns that are used in the table <view title>.
  4. Select a specific operation from the Operator drop-down list. The Operator list is populated based on the field type selected above.
  5. Enter the name or field value of the item for which you are searching in the Find field text box.
  6. [Optional] Select the Use Bits Mask: (long) option and specify a bit mask in the adjacent field to exclude a portion of a value from consideration. (Note: Bit mask values must be in hexadecimal format.)
  7. [Optional] Select the Case Sensitive option to apply case sensitivity to the field value entered.
  8. [Optional] Select the Wrap Search option to continue searching from the top of the table once the end is reached.
  9. [Optional] Select the Direction option to set the direction in which the search should occur. The default is set to forward.
  10. Click Find to start the search.

Use Expression Tab[edit]

To find a specific value or string using expressions (Use Expression tab) in a table:

  1. Click the Find s.png Find button on the view toolbar to display the Find in <view title> window. The <view title> depends upon which table or graph view is selected.
    Use Expression for Find
  2. Select the Use Expression tab.
  3. Create a regular expression within the Expression text box. Visit the link for info on creating DVT Expressions used to find or filter data.
  4. [Optional] Expression Helper can be used to help create a regular expression within the Expression text box. The steps are simular to those from searching using Fields:
    1. Select a specific field from the Field Name drop-down list. The Field Name list is populated by all data columns that are used in the table <view title>.
    2. Select a specific operation from the Operator drop-down list. The Operator list is populated based on the field type selected above.
    3. Enter the name or field value of the item for which you are searching in the Find field text box.
    4. [Optional] Select the Use Bits Mask: (long) option and specify a bit mask in the adjacent field to exclude a portion of a value from consideration. (Note: Bit mask values must be in hexadecimal format.)
    5. [Optional] Select the Case Sensitive option to apply case sensitivity to the field value entered.
    6. Click And or Or to create the regular expression and AND/OR it to the exisiting statement within the Expression text box.
  5. [Optional] Select the Wrap Search option to continue searching from the top of the table once the end is reached.
  6. [Optional] Select the Direction option to set the direction in which the search should occur. The default is set to forward.
  7. Click Find to start the search

Other Operations[edit]

  • To clear the list of previously searched items in the Expression field, click Clear History.
  • To close the window without searching click Close.


For more information, see:


Use the Filter in <view title> dialog to filter the table for values containing a particular string in one of the fields, or a value whose fields satisfy a particular expression. Within the Use Field Tab, insert a field name (column from the table view), an operator (==, <,!= etc) and a value and click Filter to apply the filter. Alternatively you can select the Use Expression tab to enter a regular expression (ie ColunmX contains "(?i)end of file") and click Filter to apply the filter. The view should refresh with only data values that meet the criteria. Clicking Clear will retrieve the original data set.

Filter can be enabled and disabled using the toggle button on the toolbar.

Use Field Tab[edit]

To filter the view data for a value or string using fields (Use Field tab) in a table:

Filter Field Tab
  1. Click the Filter Filter.png button on the view toolbar to display the Filter in <view title> window. The <view title> depends upon which table or graph view is selected.
  2. Select the Use Field tab.
  3. Select a specific field from the Field Name drop-down list. The Field Name list is populated by all data columns that are used in the table <view title>.
  4. Select a specific operation from the Operator drop-down list. The Operator list is populated based on the field type selected above.
  5. Enter the name or field value of the item for which you are filtering for in the Filter field text box.
  6. [Optional] Select the Use Bits Mask: (long) option and specify a bit mask in the adjacent field to exclude a portion of a value from consideration.Note: Bit mask values must be in hexadecimal format.
  7. [Optional] Select the Case Sensitive option to apply case sensitivity to the field value entered.
  8. Click Filter to apply.

Use Expression Tab[edit]

To filter for a specific value or string using expressions (Use Expression tab) in a table:

Filter Expression Tab
  1. Click the Filter Filter.png button on the view toolbar to display the Filter in <view title> window. The <view title> depends upon which table or graph view is selected.
  2. Select the Use Expression tab.
  3. Create a regular expression within the Expression text box. Visit the link for info on creating expressions used to find or filter data.
  4. [Optional] Expression Helper can be used to help create a regular expression within the Expression text box. The steps are simular to those from searching using Fields:
    1. Select a specific field from the Field Name drop-down list. The Field Name list is populated by all data columns that are used in the table <view title>.
    2. Select a specific operation from the Operator drop-down list. The Operator list is populated based on the field type selected above.
    3. Enter the name or field value of the item for which you are searching in the Find field text box.
    4. [Optional] Select the Use Bits Mask: (long) option and specify a bit mask in the adjacent field to exclude a portion of a value from consideration. (Note: Bit mask values must be in hexadecimal format.)
    5. [Optional] Select the Case Sensitive option to apply case sensitivity to the field value entered.
    6. Click And or Or to create the regular expression and AND/OR it to the exisiting statement within the Expression text box.


  1. Click Filter to apply the filter

Other Operations[edit]

  • To remove the filter click on the Clear button. Please note that the Filter button is a toggle button and it can also be toggled off to remove the filter.
  • To clear the list of previously searched items in the Expression field, click Clear History.
  • To close the window without searching click Close.


For more information, see:

Measurement Markers[edit]

Use the Measurement Marker Measure mark s.png on toolbar or context menu to add a measurement marker line to a view. A measurement marker line identifies a location for comparison purposes, and also allows for the measurement of distance between multiple locations on a graph.

After using the icon, moving the mouse over the view shows the potential marker lines that can be added. Clicking within the view adds a marker at the indicated position. The mouse stays in the "add marker" state until you add a marker or select the Measurement Marker icon again.

Values of markers are displayed on the legend area of the graph. Right-click inside the graph view to enable or disable the Legend option from the graph context menu.

If the legend is not enabled by default, as soon as a marker is added, legend becomes visible.

Marker Mode[edit]

Measurement Marker Dropdown

The drop-down menu for the marker on toolbar, allows you to select the following modes:

  • Freeform - The default mode, helps you to add a marker line at any point on the view.
  • Snap to Data - Forces you to add markers only at data points. When using this mode, move the mouse over the graph to view the marker lines. These lines have circles on the four closest data points and a dot on the closest data point. Click on the graph to add a marker at the closest data point. (default)

Marker Orientation[edit]

Using the drop-down menu on toolbar, you can select the orientation of marker lines displayed on the graph. Available options (if applicable to the graph) include:

  • X-axis (default)
  • Y-axis
  • Both

Delta Values / Distance between Markers[edit]

When more than one measurement markers are added, for consecutive data points, distances/deltas will be calculated and reported on the legend area as well.

Managing Markers[edit]

Adding a Marker[edit]

Move the mouse cursor to an area of the graph, right-click on the view and select Insert Measurement Mark or click on the Measure mark s.png on toolbar

Moving the Marker[edit]

To move a marker to a different area of the graph, press and hold the SHIFT key and click on the marker, and drag it to a new place.

Removing a Marker[edit]

Right-click on the view, select Remove Measurement Mark and select an individual marker, or simply double click on the marker

Removing All Markers[edit]

Right-click on the view and select Remove All Measurement Marks to remove all markers.



You can save the data in a table or graph view to an external file by using the Data->Export command from the context menu of the view. All rows and columns contained in the table (not just the displayed columns) and the displayed graph numbers are placed into a comma-separated value file format (*.csv filename extension). The numbers display in the CSV format using a general format. You can use software such as Excel to perform additional computations or create annotated charts from the exported information.


To export the data in an external CSV file:

  1. Select a table or a graph view.
  2. Right-click and select the Data -> Export command from the shortcut menu.
  3. When the Save As window displays, use the icons to the right of the Save in field to navigate to the desired directory folder.
  4. Select an existing file name or type a file name into the File name field.
  5. Click OK. The software saves all view information in the named file.
  6. Open the file using a spreadsheet software program such as Excel, to begin working with the information.

Event Indicators[edit]

For DVT data views you can display an icon to mark a significant event in the logs. The DVT examines a selected data field and interprets events based on user-specified data values. Each data value can be assigned a Display icon. Use the drop-down selection lists in the table or graph views to select the icon.

Assigning Icons for Events[edit]

Event Indicators

To assign icons as indicators for various state values:

  1. Open Eclipse' Properties page and click on the graph or table you'd like to add event indicators
  2. Toggle on the Advanced button on Properties page toolbar
  3. Drill-down by expanding the property tree through this property hierarchy:
    • Number of indicator fields
    • Indicator field n
    • Number of events
    • Event m
    • Display icon
  4. Click the display icon value column to display of a list of provided Display icon names. The next table provides examples of default and DVT Solution icons.

DVT Event Indicator Icons[edit]

Icon Name
Icon error.png error
Icon information.png information
Icon warning.png warning
Icon bluedot.png blue dot
I device.png device
I folder.png folder
I globe.png globe
I globe folder.png globe folder
I host.png host
I host folder.png host folder
I kernel.png kernel
I kernel folder.png kernel folder
I mailbox.png mailbox
I mailbox folder.png mailbox folder
I memory.png memory
I memory folder.png memory folder
I os.png operatiog system
I queue.png queue
I queue folder.png queue folder
I sem.png semaphor
I sem folder.png semaphor folder
I sio.png sio
I sio folder.png sio folder
I swi.png swi
I swi folder.png swi folder
I task.png task
I task folder.png task folder

Contributing Additional Event Indicators Icons[edit]

  • Add your ico or gif file under <DVT_INSTALL_DIR>\dvt\icons
  • Modify state_icon.txt file (in the same directory) and add your icon name and icon file name:
iconName = iconFileName

Context Sensitive Help[edit]

DVT Data Views use "Context-sensitive help from multiple plug-ins" to contribute to Eclipse' help. See Eclipse Context Sensitive Help for more info about eclipse.

DVT framework dynamically assigns a Help context ID for any data views based on View title and following this pattern: com.ti.dvt.ui.<title>_View

Using view title. Anything after ' -' string after view title will be dropped and all leading/trailing spaces will be trimme. Also any spaces in view title will be replced with '_'.

If you want to specify your own Help context ID, that overrides what DVT generates, you may do so by setting Help context ID in view's advanced property.

Steps to contribute to Context Sensitive Help[edit]

Context Sensitive Help
  • Create an eclipse Plugin project or use one that you already have.
  • Modify plugin.xml file to add contribution to help context ids for com.ti.dvt.ui plugin.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?eclipse version="3.2"?> <plugin>

  <extension point="">

<contexts file="dvt_context.xml" plugin="com.ti.dvt.ui" />



  • create dvt-context.xml (you could use any name but it should match to the name used in plugin.xml) and assuming your view title is "My Logs" add:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?NLS TYPE=""?> <contexts>

  <context id="My_Logs_View" title="My Logs">

<description>My Logs Table</description>

       <topic href="html/MyLogs.html" label="My Logs"/>
       <topic href="PLUGINS_ROOT/com.ti.dvt.ui.doc/html/DVT_concepts/tables/table_display_controls.htm" label="Table display controls"/>
       <topic href="PLUGINS_ROOT/com.ti.dvt.ui.doc/html/DVT_concepts/tables/table_view_toolbar.htm" label="Table view toolbar"/>
       <topic href="PLUGINS_ROOT/com.ti.dvt.ui.doc/html/DVT_tasks/workingWithTables/adjusting_table_column_widths.htm" label="Adjusting column widths"/>
       <topic href="PLUGINS_ROOT/com.ti.dvt.ui.doc/html/DVT_tasks/workingWithTables/exporting_data_as_a_csv_file.htm" label="Exporting data as a CSV file"/>
       <topic href="PLUGINS_ROOT/com.ti.dvt.ui.doc/html/DVT_tasks/workingWithTables/searching_for_values_in_logs.htm" label="Find"/>
       <topic href="PLUGINS_ROOT/com.ti.dvt.ui.doc/html/DVT_tasks/workingWithTables/filtering_values_in_logs.htm" label="Filter"/>
    <topic href="PLUGINS_ROOT/com.ti.dvt.ui.doc/html/DVT_tasks/synchronizingTablesGraphs/managing_groups.htm" label="Groups"/>


  • add your html content in html/MyLogs.html file.

And as soon as the focus is on your DVT view you should see the related topics if eclipse' help view is open (or hit F1)

Linking to DVT help[edit]

If you just need to simply link to pre-existing DVT help without contributing anything, set the Help context ID property to one of the following values depending the type of graph:

  • Bar Graph: com.ti.dvt.ui.barView
  • Discrete Graph: com.ti.dvt.ui.discreteView
  • Table: com.ti.dvt.ui.tableView
  • Line Graph: com.ti.dvt.ui.lineView
  • State Graph: com.ti.dvt.ui.stateView

But if you'd like to contribute your own content plus link to DVT help content for views under the links for your own help content as shown in the previous section, you may do so by adding topics linked to DVT help content as you like, here are some suggestions for different view types.


<topic href="PLUGINS_ROOT/com.ti.dvt.ui.doc/html/DVT_concepts/tables/table_display_controls.htm" label="Table display controls"/> <topic href="PLUGINS_ROOT/com.ti.dvt.ui.doc/html/DVT_concepts/tables/table_view_toolbar.htm" label="Table view toolbar"/> <topic href="PLUGINS_ROOT/com.ti.dvt.ui.doc/html/DVT_tasks/workingWithTables/adjusting_table_column_widths.htm" label="Adjusting column widths"/> <topic href="PLUGINS_ROOT/com.ti.dvt.ui.doc/html/DVT_tasks/workingWithTables/exporting_data_as_a_csv_file.htm" label="Exporting data as a CSV file"/> <topic href="PLUGINS_ROOT/com.ti.dvt.ui.doc/html/DVT_tasks/workingWithTables/searching_for_values_in_logs.htm" label="Find"/> <topic href="PLUGINS_ROOT/com.ti.dvt.ui.doc/html/DVT_tasks/workingWithTables/filtering_values_in_logs.htm" label="Filter"/> <topic href="PLUGINS_ROOT/com.ti.dvt.ui.doc/html/DVT_tasks/synchronizingTablesGraphs/managing_groups.htm" label="Groups"/>

Line Graph[edit]

<topic href="PLUGINS_ROOT/com.ti.dvt.ui.doc/html/DVT_concepts/graphs/line_graph.htm" label="Line graphs"/>

<topic href="PLUGINS_ROOT/com.ti.dvt.ui.doc/html/DVT_concepts/graphs/graph_view_display_controls.htm" label="Graph view display controls"/> <topic href="PLUGINS_ROOT/com.ti.dvt.ui.doc/html/DVT_concepts/graphs/graph_view_toolbar.htm" label="Graph view toolbar"/> <topic href="PLUGINS_ROOT/com.ti.dvt.ui.doc/html/DVT_concepts/graphs/measurement_markers_feature.htm" label="Measurement marker"/> <topic href="PLUGINS_ROOT/com.ti.dvt.ui.doc/html/DVT_concepts/graphs/common_graph_properties.htm" label="Common graph properties"/> <topic href="PLUGINS_ROOT/com.ti.dvt.ui.doc/html/DVT_concepts/graphs/common_graph_shortcut_commands.htm" label="Graph shortcut commands"/> <topic href="PLUGINS_ROOT/com.ti.dvt.ui.doc/html/DVT_tasks/workingWithTables/searching_for_values_in_logs.htm" label="Find"/> <topic href="PLUGINS_ROOT/com.ti.dvt.ui.doc/html/DVT_tasks/workingWithTables/filtering_values_in_logs.htm" label="Filter"/> <topic href="PLUGINS_ROOT/com.ti.dvt.ui.doc/html/DVT_tasks/synchronizingTablesGraphs/managing_groups.htm" label="Groups"/>

Discrete Graph[edit]

<topic href="PLUGINS_ROOT/com.ti.dvt.ui.doc/html/DVT_concepts/graphs/discrete_graph.htm" label="Discrete graphs"/>

<topic href="PLUGINS_ROOT/com.ti.dvt.ui.doc/html/DVT_concepts/graphs/graph_view_display_controls.htm" label="Graph view display controls"/> <topic href="PLUGINS_ROOT/com.ti.dvt.ui.doc/html/DVT_concepts/graphs/graph_view_toolbar.htm" label="Graph view toolbar"/> <topic href="PLUGINS_ROOT/com.ti.dvt.ui.doc/html/DVT_concepts/graphs/measurement_markers_feature.htm" label="Measurement marker"/> <topic href="PLUGINS_ROOT/com.ti.dvt.ui.doc/html/DVT_concepts/graphs/common_graph_properties.htm" label="Common graph properties"/> <topic href="PLUGINS_ROOT/com.ti.dvt.ui.doc/html/DVT_concepts/graphs/common_graph_shortcut_commands.htm" label="Graph shortcut commands"/> <topic href="PLUGINS_ROOT/com.ti.dvt.ui.doc/html/DVT_tasks/workingWithTables/searching_for_values_in_logs.htm" label="Find"/> <topic href="PLUGINS_ROOT/com.ti.dvt.ui.doc/html/DVT_tasks/workingWithTables/filtering_values_in_logs.htm" label="Filter"/> <topic href="PLUGINS_ROOT/com.ti.dvt.ui.doc/html/DVT_tasks/synchronizingTablesGraphs/managing_groups.htm" label="Groups"/>

State Graph[edit]

<topic href=" PLUGINS_ROOT/com.ti.dvt.ui.doc/html/DVT_concepts/graphs/state_graph.htm" label="State graphs"/>

<topic href="PLUGINS_ROOT/com.ti.dvt.ui.doc/html/DVT_concepts/graphs/graph_view_display_controls.htm" label="Graph view display controls"/> <topic href="PLUGINS_ROOT/com.ti.dvt.ui.doc/html/DVT_concepts/graphs/graph_view_toolbar.htm" label="Graph view toolbar"/> <topic href="PLUGINS_ROOT/com.ti.dvt.ui.doc/html/DVT_concepts/graphs/measurement_markers_feature.htm" label="Measurement marker"/> <topic href="PLUGINS_ROOT/com.ti.dvt.ui.doc/html/DVT_concepts/graphs/common_graph_properties.htm" label="Common graph properties"/> <topic href="PLUGINS_ROOT/com.ti.dvt.ui.doc/html/DVT_concepts/graphs/common_graph_shortcut_commands.htm" label="Graph shortcut commands"/> <topic href="PLUGINS_ROOT/com.ti.dvt.ui.doc/html/DVT_tasks/workingWithTables/searching_for_values_in_logs.htm" label="Find"/> <topic href="PLUGINS_ROOT/com.ti.dvt.ui.doc/html/DVT_tasks/workingWithTables/filtering_values_in_logs.htm" label="Filter"/> <topic href="PLUGINS_ROOT/com.ti.dvt.ui.doc/html/DVT_tasks/synchronizingTablesGraphs/managing_groups.htm" label="Groups"/>