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User:DVT/UserDocumentation/DVT Control XML Format

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DVT Tasks[edit]

DVT Control XML files are based on Ant. For a basic introduction to Ant see [1]. The following DVT tasks are available.


Adds an Analysis Feature to an Analysis Session. To complete the hook up process use the task dvt.hookup.


  • id: A name for the reference returned by this task pointing to itself.
  • refid: The reference to the context menu from which this Analysis Features is being launched. It is used to identify the Analysis Session to which the specified Analysis Feature will be added.
  • name: The name of the Analysis Feature to add. The solution and control xml files for the Analysis Feature are expected to be in this folder: ccsv4\dvt\AnalysisLibrary\AnalysisFeatures\<name>\. The names of the control xml and the solution must be <name>.control.xml and <name>.sol, respectively.
  • debug (optional): The default is false. If false, all components in the Analysis Feature solution whose name starts with $Debug will be removed when adding it to an Analysis Session. If true they will be retained. This is useful for debugging Analysis Features. For instance, it allows users to add extra buffers and tables to inspect the data along certain paths on the solution.


<dvt.analysisfeature.add id="countAnalysisAF" refid="contextMenu" name="CountAnalysis" /> <dvt.hookup source="contextMenu" destination="countAnalysisAF" destinationChannel="0"/>[edit]

Calls another target.

Limitation: Since the called target is run in a new project any properties, references, etc. set by called target will NOT persist back to the calling project. It is therefore recommended to use the depends attribute to specify execution flow whenever possible. See [2] and [3] for additional information.


  • target: The name of the target to call.

Nested Elements[edit]


A reference to pass to the target.


  • refid: The name of the reference.


< target="configure" >

 <reference refid="count"/>



Opens a File Open dialog which allows the user to choose a file.


  • id: The name of the property in which the path and name of the chosen file will be returned.
  • text: Text that will appear in the title bar of the dialog.
  • path: The initial path.
  • file: The initial filename.
  • extensions: A list of file extensions.


<property name="csvFileName" value=""/> <dvt.config.file id="csvFileName" text="Open File" path="" file="${csvFileName}" extensions="*.csv"/>


Defines a wizard. It allows user to configure Analysis Features and Data Providers.


  • id: A name for the reference returned by this task pointing to itself.
  • text: Text that will appear in the title bar of the wizard dialog.

Nested Elements[edit]


Create a wizard page.


  • text: Text that will appear in the title bar of the wizard dialog.
  • numColumns: The number of columns in the page.

Within a page element, creates a text label.


  • text: The text that will appear as the label.

Within a page element, creates an edit box that allows the user to enter text.


  • id: The name of the property that will contain the entered text.
  • text: The initial text that will appear in the edit box.

Within a page element, creates combo box that allows the user to make a selection from a list of items.


  • id: The name of the property that will contain the text of the selected item.
  • selection: The initially selected item in the combo box as identified by its zero-based number.


<dvt.config.wizard id="ConfigWizard" text="Configuration">

 <page text="Events" numColumns="2">
   <label text="Data Field"/> 
   <edit id="wizard.page1.datafield" text="Data"/>
   <label text="Key Field"/>
   <edit id="wizard.page1.keyfield" text="Key"/>
 <page text="Views" numColumns="2">
   <label text="Context Analysis "/>
   <combo id="wizard.page2.contextanalysis" selection="1">
     <item text="Yes"/>
     <item text="No"/>



Creates a control widget in the Configuration column of the Dashboard.

Nested Elements[edit]


Create a button.


  • text: Text that will appear inside the button.
  • icon: Path and file name to an image that will appear inside the button.



 <button text="Properties...">
   < target="openFile">
     <reference refid="csvViewerDp"/>



Configures a Data Provider, Analysis Feature, or Solution with the set properties. An Analysis Feature must be hooked up using dvt.hookup before it can be configured.


  • refid: The reference to the Data Provider, Analysis Feature, or Solution as returned by dvt.dataprovider.add or dvt.analysisfeature.add in the id attribute.


<dvt.analysisfeature.add id="durationAf" refid="contextMenu" name="DurationAnalysis" /> <dvt.hookup source="contextMenu" destination="durationAf" destinationChannel="0"/> <dvt.configure refid="durationAf"/>


Connects two data processors in the data model.


  • source: The name of the source data processor.
  • destination: The name of the destination data processor.
  • sourceChannel: The channel number of the output of the source data processor.
  • destinationChannel: The channel number of the input of the destination data processor.


Adds a Data Provider to an Analysis Session.


  • id: A name for the reference returned by this task pointing to itself.
  • name: The name of the Data Provider to add. The solution and control xml files for the Data Provider are expected to be in this folder: ccsv4\dvt\AnalysisLibrary\DataProvider\<name>\. The names of the control xml and the solution must be <name>.control.xml and <name>.sol, respectively.
  • debug: The default is false. If false, all components in the Data Provider solution whose name starts with $Debug will be removed when adding it to an Analysis Session. If true they will be retained. This is useful for debugging Data Provider. For instance, it allows users to add extra buffers and tables to inspect the data along certain paths in the solution.


<dvt.dataprovider.add id="csvViewerDp" name="CsvViewer"/>


Execute a Java method on a Data Processor.


  • refid: A reference to a Data Provider or Analysis Feature.
  • dataprocessor: The name of the Data Processor.
  • name: The name of the method.

Use <param value="x"/> to pass parameters to the method.


<dvt.execute refid="duration" dataprocessor="MultiHomoFSM" name="createMHFSMHelper">

 <param value="${wizard.page2.timefield}"/>
 <param value="Sequence"/>



Hooks up an Analysis Feature to a buffer bypass hook-in point. All this does is to assign a hook-in point to an input of the Analysis Feature. The Analysis Feature will not be connected or configured at this point.


  • source: A context menu reference. It identifies the pane and in turn the hook-in point associated with the pane that the Analysis Feature will be hooked up to.
  • refid: The reference to the context menu from which this Analysis Features is launched. It is used to identify the pane and in turn the hook-in point associated with the pane that the Analysis Feature will be hooked up to.
  • destination: A reference to the Analysis Feature to hook up.
  • destinationChannel: The number of the input of the Analysis Feature to use.


<dvt.analysisfeature.add id="countAnalysisAF" refid="contextMenu" name="CountAnalysis" /> <dvt.hookup source="contextMenu" destination="countAnalysisAF" destinationChannel="0"/>[edit]

Create a view context menu.


  • id (optional): A name for the reference returned by this task pointing to itself.
  • refid (optional): A reference to a Data Provider, Analysis Feature or Solution. The context menu will only appear for views that are associated with the provided reference.
  • view (optional): The name of the DVT view for which this context menu will appear.
  • allViews (optional): If set to true, the context menu will appear on all views.
  • type (optional): If set to "table" the menu will only appear for DVT table views. If set to "graph" the menu will only appear for DVT graph views.
  • text: The text that will appear in the menu.

The task can be nested to created nested menus.


< type="table" text="Analysis Features">

 < id="contextMenu" type="table" text="Count Analysis">
   < target="analyze" >
     <reference refid="contextMenu"/>


Sets or reads out DVT properties of views or data processors.


  • id: The name of the Ant property in which the read out DVT property value will be returned.
  • refid: A reference to a Data Provider, Analysis Feature or Solution.
  • dataprocessor: The name of the DVT data processor whose property is to be set or read. The data processor name is the original name as specified in the solution.
  • view: The name of the DVT view whose property is to be set or read. The view name is the original name as specified in the solution.
  • name: The name of the DVT property to be set or read. See the DVT Component Reference Guide or open the solution in the Solution Builder to see the available properties of a component. If the property is part of a property hierarchy, provide the complete hierarchy path using ":" as a separator.
  • value: The value to set the property to.

Example: Set data processor properties

< refid="countAnalysisAF" dataprocessor="CountAnalyzer" name="Data Field" value="${wizard.page1.datafield}"/>

Example: Set view properties

< refid="csvViewerDp" view="${viewName}" name="General:Row count column" value="true"/>

Example: Read out data processor properties

< id="original" refid="csvViewerDp" dataprocessor="CSVFileReader" name="File Name"/>

Example: Read out the field names of a view

< id="fields" refid="countAnalysisAF" view="Count Analysis" name="fieldNames"/> <echo message="${fields}"/> <echo message="${fields:0}, ${fields:1}, ${fields:2}"/>


Remove an Analysis Feature, Data Provider, or context menu.


  • refid: A reference to a Data Provider, Analysis Feature or context menu.


<dvt.remove refid="openFileMenu"/> <dvt.remove refid="csvViewerDp"/>


Sets the log level for error reporting. The log level will be changed just for executing that particular .control.xml file only. To see full traces for exceptions set the log level to at least verbose.


  • level: error, warn, info (default), verbose, debug.


<dvt.setloglevel level=”verbose”/>


Starts the data sources feeding the specified Analysis Feature, Data Provider, or solution.


  • refid: A reference to a Data Provider, Analysis Feature or Solution.


<dvt.start refid="csvViewerDp"/>


Creates a control widget in the Configuration column of the Dashboard.

Nested Elements[edit]


Create a button.


  • text: Text that will appear inside the button.
  • icon: Path and file name to an image that will appear inside the button.



 <button icon="openFile.gif">
   < target="openFile">
     <reference refid="csvViewerDp"/>



Stops the data sources feeding the specified Analysis Feature, Data Provider, or solution.


  • refid: A reference to a Data Provider, Analysis Feature or Solution.


<dvt.stop refid="csvViewerDp"/>[edit]

Opens and shows a DVT view.


  • refid: A reference to a Data Provider, Analysis Feature or Solution.
  • view: The name of the DVT view to show. The view name is the original name as specified in the solution.


< refid="countAnalysisAF" view="Count Analysis"/>