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User:DVT/UserDocumentation/DVT Component Reference Guide/DVT Tap

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Tap can be used for broadcasting a stream of data onto 2 or more output streams, where each stream will have different analysis and/or visualization being done on the data. It can also be used for filtering data records from the input stream by specifying an expression. It can also be used although very rarely, to join 2 streams of data.

Input Channel[edit]

One or more input channles (2 or more rarely used).

Output Channel[edit]

One or more output channel with each of them having identical data comming out of them


Property Description Type Default
Filter Reduces the number of records passed from the input to the output. The Filter can work based on values of the fields and supports the use of regular expression, which supports operators such as ==, >=, <=, >, <, , && E.g. (Field1 > 1000) &&. (Field2 == “QDMA3”). For using regular expressions use the Like keyword in the expression E.g.(Field Like “QDMA.*). The records which meet the filter criteria will make it to the output channel Text
Name Displays the unique name for the component. Name can be changed through GSB Text
Num Inputs Number of input channels Integer 1
Num Outputs Number of output channels Integer 1
Tap Flow Not supported Boolean true


  • Input

The following records

Time Priority Event Size
1000 0 ReadCmd 8
1100 0 ReadResp 8
1200 2 WriteCmd 8
1300 3 WriteCmd 8
1400 1 ReadCmd 22
1500 0 WriteCmd 8
1600 1 ReadResp 16

  • Properties

These are properties changed from the default values

Property Value
Filter (Size==22) (Size==16)
Num Outputs 3

  • Output

Identical data streams on each of the 3 output channels having the below data

Time Priority Event Size
1400 1 ReadCmd 22
1600 1 ReadResp 16

Example Solution[edit]


Also See[edit]

TODO: Add references to tutorials in which component is used

Enhancement Requests[edit]

Gforge Tracker ID:

Known Issues[edit]

Gforge Tracker ID: 652, 653