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User:DVT/UserDocumentation/DVT Component Reference Guide/DVT TCPIP DataSource

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TCPIP Data Source[edit]


A Data Source with a single output channel that acts as a TCPIP client that receive blocks (of UbyteArray type) of data over TCPIP.

It runs in two different modes:

  • capture: where data is captured from TCPIP server. In capture mode the received data might be written to a file for later use by file mode.
  • file: where data that is previously captured by this data source is read back from a file for post processing

TCPIP data source can also be configured to act as a Binary File Reader in the file mode.

TCPIP data source supports both fixed size as well as variable size packets where the first packet contains size information of the following packat. This can be achieved by setting the Packet Size property.

Input Channel[edit]

N/A for data sources

Data is captured in a thread by openning a TCPIP socket to the specified TCPIP server and periodically reading from the socket.

Output Channel[edit]

A channel named TCPIPChannel, of type UByteArray


Property Description Type Default
Host hostname or ip address of the TCPIP server that this data source is connecting to and will be polling. Text localhost
Port the TCPIP port to connect to Text 1200
Refresh Rate minimum wait time (in milliseconds) between two consecutive calls to read data from TCPIP server. Text 0
Input File Name used by file mode for reading back the previously captured data File (relative to solution)
Output File Name used by capture mode for writing data in the file for post processing. File (relative to solution)
Packet Size
  • < 0 - variable size input packets, no size info is embedded in the packet, data source reads whatever is available on the socket up to 32768 bytes, to construct and send a UByteArray to connected outputs
  • == 0 - variable size records but size info is embedded in the packet as the first word of the packet (word=4bytes)
  • > 0 - fixed size records with the given size
Text 0
  • capture: data is captured live from a TCPIP server. In capture mode the received data might be written to a file for later use by file mode.
  • file: data that is previously captured by this data source is read back from a file for post processing
ListBox capture


Example Solution[edit]

Also See[edit]

Enhancement Requests[edit]

Known Issues[edit]