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User:DVT/UserDocumentation/DVT Component Reference Guide/DVT Data TimeBasedStatistics

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Time Based Statistics[edit]


This component provides statistics like Minimum, Maximum, Average, Total and Percentage over a user specified time interval. The statistics can be categorized on a particular field. The Data field is the numeric field which will be used in the statistics calculations. The output column format is dynamic because of columns being added as new categories may be discovered in the input Category(Key) field column. It is best to use this component in conjunction with a Dynamic Buffer componnet instead of Static Buffers. The dynamic buffer will not reset the data each time the format changes due to a new category being discovered.

Input Channel[edit]

1 Input Channel which has a field for time (although any incrementing numeric field will do). Has another field for categorizing and yet another which will be used for the statistics.

Output Channel[edit]

1 Output Channel


Property Description Type Default
Data Field Name Field used for the statistics Text
Key Field Name Filed by which the statistics will be categorized Text
Name Displays the unique name for the component. Name can be changed through GSB Text
Predefined Cols Not supported Text
Prefix String by which the key field values will be prefixed when forming the output columns. Can be left blank Text t
Result Field Name The statistic to be performed from one of the following Min, Max, Ave, Total, Percent ListBox Percent
Sample Period The time interval over which the statistic will be gathered and presented Float 0.0
Time Field Name The field to be used as time. The Sample Period property will be applied for this field Text Time


  • Input

The following records

Time Priority Event Size
1000 0 ReadCmd 8
1100 0 ReadResp 8
1200 2 WriteCmd 8
1300 3 WriteCmd 8
1400 1 ReadCmd 22
1500 0 WriteCmd 8
1600 1 ReadResp 16

  • Properties

These are properties changed from the default values

Property Value
Data Field Name Size
Key Field Name Event
Result Field Name Total
Sample Period 250.0

  • Output

Time ReadCmd ReadResp WriteCmd
1300 8.0 8.0 16.0
1600 22.0 16.0 8.0

Example Solution[edit]


Also See[edit]

TODO: Add references to tutorials in which component is used

Enhancement Requests[edit]

Gforge Tracker ID: 691, 693, 694, 695, 697, 698

Known Issues[edit]

Gforge Tracker ID: 692, 696