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PCD Trace
Program Counter Discontinuity (PCD) Trace[edit]
PCD Trace[edit]
Program Counter Discontinuity (PCD) Trace captures the PC discontinuities & simulator events during the application simulation.
PCD Trace Features[edit]
- PCD Trace records for branch/callp/ret instructions.
- PCD supports collection of simulator events - mainly memory architecture statistics.
cycle.Total cycle.CPU CPU.stall.mem.L1P CPU.stall.mem.L1D L1D.hit.summary L1D.miss.summary L1P.hit L1P.miss L2.cache.miss.summary L2.cache.hit.summary
Supported Configuration[edit]
- Supported on all C64x+ based single-core devices.
- C6416 Cycle Accurate Simulator
- C6416 Functional Simulator
Enable PCD Trace[edit]
PCD Trace is enabled through simulator configuration to start collection. Trace collection can be halt & resume collection during simulation through GEL commands.
Configuration File Changes[edit]
Follow the steps to enable PCD trace in simulator configuration file.
- Step 1: Open CCSetup and select the simulator.
- Step 2: Identify the simulator configuration file of the selected simulator. Check the right pane of CCSetup or click the modify properties to show the configuration file path.
- Step 3: Open the simulator configuration file & search for DSP keyword. Next to DSP key is the module name of the CPU. (Ex: DSP C64xplus;)
- Step 4: Search for END <Module name> and add the module profile given below above that line. (Ex: END C64xplus;)
Dyanmic Start/Stop[edit]
PCD Trace can be halted & resumed collection during simulation. This support is enabled via GEL command.
- Resume Trace collection - GEL_DriverString("START_PCDT")
- Halt Trace collection - GEL_DriverString("STOP_PCDT")
PCD Trace Format[edit]
PCD Trace contains.
- Source PC - PC at which the branch/callp/ret instruction.
- Destination PC - The branch target PC.
- Memory architecture statistics - Cumulative count (w.r.t last PCD) for every configured-list of memory architecture statistics.
######################################################## SOURCE_PC|DEST_PC|RPT_COUNT|CPU.NOP|CPU.execute_packet| ######################################################## 0xe0001464|0xe0001750|1|8|12| 0xe0001764|0xe00063a0|1|7|5| 0xe00063e4|0xe00010a0|1|5|10| 0xe0001154|0xe00068e0|1|14|135| 0xe00068e0|0xe0004440|1|3|3| 0xe0004448|0xe0004c00|1|5|5|
PCD Trace Usefullness[edit]
The PCD Trace can used to generate following information.
- Call Graph - The PCD can be correlated to the object file and a complete function call graph can be constructed using PCD Trace.
- Function level profiling - PCD occurring at the function boundaries can be used to visualize the function-levelprofiling data.