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Category:Simulator Traces
Simulator Traces[edit]
Simulator provides the following traces to capture and analyze CPU activity.
- Packed Differential Address and Time Stamp (PDATS) Trace
- Program Counter Discontinuity Trace (PCD) Trace
- Execute Packet (EP) Trace
Generate Traces using Scripting/Loadti[edit]
In CCSv4, simulator traces can be generated using DSS scripting or Loadti. Loadti is the generic script built on top of DSS scripting.
Loadti Simulator Enhancement[edit]
Loadti is available along with CCSv4 at "<CCSv4 install directory>\CCSv4\DebugServer\scripting\examples\loadti".
- Loadti simulator enhancement to generate traces -
- Unzip the file at "<CCSv4 install directory>\CCSv4\DebugServer\scripting\examples\loadti" to get the enhancements.
Loadti Command Options[edit]
Loadti support the following set of options. To get this options use "--help" option in command line.
Usage: loadti [OPTION]... [OUT_FILE] [ARGUMENT]... Load OUT_FILE executable to TI target and run, passing ARGUMENT(s) to main. Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too. Options: -a, --async-run -c, --ccfg-file=CCS_CONFIG_FILE -o, --o=out_file -h, --help -l, --load -mlr, --mem-load-raw="PAGE,ADDR,FILE,TYPE_SIZE,BYTE_SWAP" -mld, --mem-load-dat="PAGE,ADDR,FILE,LEN" -msr, --mem-save-raw="PAGE,ADDR,FILE,LEN,TYPE_SIZE,BYTE_SWAP" -msd, --mem-save-dat="PAGE,ADDR,FILE,LEN,IO_FORMAT,APPEND" -n, --no-profile -q, --quiet -r, --reset -s, --stdout-file=FILE -t, --timeout=VALUE -v, --verbose -x, --xml-log=FILE -trace=<trace1>:<trace2> - Enable Simulator traces. Trace options on Simulator - PCDT, PDATS & EPT -start_trace=<label_1>:<label_2>:<PC address> - Enable trace from start label or PC address. Can specify multiple labels/PC Address -end_trace=<label_1>:<label_2>:<PC address> - Disable trace at end label or PC address. Can specify multiple labels/PC Address
Loadti Usage[edit]
Loadti enables you to collect simulato traces for entire run or for selected function or between to any to PCs.
- Simple usage to generate trace for the full simulation.
loadti -c=tisim_tci6484_ca.ccxml –o=test1.out –trace=PCDT:PDATS:EPT
- Trace generation between two labels.
loadti –c=tisim_tci6484_ca.ccxml –trace=PCDT:PDATS –start_trace=startTrace –end_trace=endTrace –o=test1.out
- Trace generation between labels & PC address
loadti –c=tisim_tci6484_ca.ccxml –trace=PCDT:PDATS –start_trace=startTrace1:startTrace2:0xe0001456 –end_trace=endTrace1:endTrace2:0xe0001576 –o=test1.out
Note: PC address should be suffixed with ‘0x’
Note: PDATS/PCDT need to be enabled seperately in the configuration file. Refer the PDATS & PCDT on how to enable them in simulator configuration file.
Sample Simulator Configuration File[edit]
CCSv4 sample configuration file with PCDT & PDATS enabled in the configuration file -
Simulator configuration file included
- C6416 Cycle Accurate Simulator
- C6416 Functional Simulator
- TCI6484 Cycle Accurate Simulator
Pages in category "Simulator Traces"
The following 5 pages are in this category, out of 5 total.