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GSG For DA8xx ARM+DSP Devices Using Community Linux
Return to Overview of DA8xx SDK Getting Started Guide
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Install/Build Additional Tools
- 3 Build DSP executable (I12 Topology)
- 4 Flash Image
- 5 Boot and Run Applications
This page has been updated for PA SDK 5.
PA SDK 100713 Users: Please see "08:24, 29 September 2011 " version
This page provides additional guidance required for DA8xx "DSP+ARM" Devices. So, before going through this page, please first follow the guidance in Getting Started: DA8xx DSP Only
Install/Build Additional Tools[edit]
List of additional packages[edit]
ARM+DSP devices additionally require following packages:
- Toolchain: Will be downloaded as part of installation steps.
- Root File System: Will be downloaded as part of installation steps.
- UBoot: Will be downloaded as part of installation steps.
- Linux Kernel: Will be downloaded as part of installation steps.
- DSPLINK v1.65.02.09: dsplink_linux_1_65_02_09.tar.gz [download - Choose "DSPLink for Linux")]This is changed from PA SDK 100713
- PA ARM Utilities: Available under la folder in "PA SDK" package
- pautils_yymmdd.tar.gz: pautils source code
- alpha_yymmdd.tar.gz: alpha files package
- Flash Utilities: Comes with DaVinci-PSP-SDK 03_22_00_04 package. See "Write Image into Flash" section below.
Prompts Notation[edit]
The left hand prompt indicates which environment the command is running in.
Prompt | Machine |
Host$ | Shell window of the host Linux machine |
U-Boot > | U-Boot shell in a console window connected to the EVM board's serial port |
Target$ | Linux shell in the terminal window connected to the EVM's serial port |
Tested Environment[edit]
- Linux Host
- Ubuntu 10.04
- Other Linux distributions and/or versions may work; however, commands, file names, paths may differ for them.
- Ubuntu 10.04
- DA830 EVM
- Connected to PC through router using straight cable.
- Connected to PC with RS232C cable for the console
- Run the console like Hyper Terminal or Tera Term from Windows
- Network
- VMware using "Bridge" to access network
- DHCP Protocol (Not static protocol)
Also note that you may need to be super user to execute some of the commands mentioned in the installation and build recipe.
Setup a Linux Host/Server[edit]
Before proceeding further, please make sure that following are available:
- Install Linux distribution of your choice on a PC/Server or a VM
- Ensure ‘git’ is installed or enabled on that host. See an example of installing GIT in Ubuntu.
- Ensure ‘tftp’ server is installed and running on that host. See an example of installing TFTP server in Ubuntu.
- Ensure ‘nfs server’ is installed and running on that host. See an example of installing NFS server in Ubuntu.
- If you need proxy setting, you may refer to
Update make version to 3.81[edit]
- Check ‘make’ version
Host$ make --version
If version is already 3.81, no need to update.
- Download and install make 3.81 package from web.
- Following is just an example.
- Downlaod
- Install on Host PC
Host$ tar –xzf make-3.81.tar.tar -C /home/$USER Host$ cd /home/$USER/make-3.81 Host$ ./configure Host$ make Host$ make install
- Check version to confirm
Host$ make --version
Depending on PATH setting, updated make program may be copied either in /usr/local/bin or /usr/bin. If “make --version” does not show 3.81, it may require to copy new make program to either /usr/local/bin or /usr/bin.
Install Toolchain[edit]
- Login to Host Linux as root user.
- Download codesourcery toolchain arm-2009q1-203-arm-none-linux-gnueabi-i686-pc-linux-gnu.tar.bz2
- Install the toolchain at your preferred location, for example, /opt/codesourcery
Host$ mkdir -p /opt/codesourcery Host$ tar -jvxf arm-2009q1-203-arm-none-linux-gnueabi-i686-pc-linux-gnu.tar.bz2 -C /opt/codesourcery
- Add the toolchain path to exported PATH
Host$ export PATH=/opt/codesourcery/arm-2009q1/bin:$PATH
Install Root File System[edit]
- Download Root File System arago-base-image-glibc-ipk-2009.11-arago.rootfs.tar.gz
- Install at your preferred location, for example, /home/$USER/cl/target
Host$ mkdir -p /home/$USER/cl/target Host$ tar -zxvf arago-base-image-glibc-ipk-2009.11-arago.rootfs.tar.gz -C /home/$USER/cl/target
- Add target directory to exports list
Host$ echo "/home/$USER/cl/target *(rw,no_root_squash,no_all_squash,sync)" >> /etc/exports
- Install UBoot from the package at at your preferred location, for example, /home/$USER/cl after extracting u-boot-
Host$ mkdir -p /home/$USER/cl; cd /home/$USER/cl
- Add the uboot directory to the export PATH
Host$ export PATH=/home/$USER/cl/u-boot-davinci/tools:$PATH
- Set the path of tool chain (if not done yet)
Host$ export PATH=/opt/codesourcery/arm-2009q1/bin:$PATH
- Go to UBoot build point
Host$ cd <uboot installation directory>/u-boot-davinci
- Remove old configuration file
Host$ make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- distclean
- Create new configuration for DA830
Host$ make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- da830evm_config
- Above will configure the UBoot as specified in include/cofigs/da830evm.h. Edit this file to reconfigure UBoot. See "Frequently Used UBoot Configurations" section below.
- Build UBoot
Host$ make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- all
- uboot, uboot.bin and uboot.srec will be created. Use uboot.bin, a flat binary of U-Boot, in later steps to create AIS image using AISgen tool.
Frequently Used UBoot Configurations[edit]
Choice of flash supported:
- When this flag is defined, U-Boot supports the SPI flash part on the DA830 board. The environment variables are stored on SPI flash.
- When this flag is defined, U-Boot supports the NAND part on the DA830 UI board. The environment variables are stored on NAND flash.
- This is not supported on DA830 UI Board.
Only one of these three options should be defined at a time. Defining more than one option at a time will result in compilation error.
Changing the onboard Oscillator frequency:
- This defines the oscillator frequency in Hz. Default value is 24MHz
Changing the onboard SDRAM size:
- This defines the amount of SDRAM to be used by ARM side. Note that U-Boot assumes that the SDRAM is connected to EMIFB. U-Boot does not do any SDRAM initialization of its own. SDRAM should be initialized before U-Boot boots up.
- By default whole SDRAM (64MByte) of DA830 has been configured to be used by ARM. Set the size appropriately to match with your DSP application.
- If you plan to use with PA/F, set the value to 56MByte, because PA/F , by default, uses 8MB of SDRAM.
- Install Kernel from git at your preferred location, for example, /home/$USER/cl and checkout. This is changed from PA SDK 100713
New Linux version 3.3 for DA830 EVM is released with PSP 03.22.xx.xx package which can be downloaded from (Use latest)
Host$ mkdir -p /home/$USER/cl; cd /home/$USER/cl Host$ cd linux-davinci
- “linux-davinci” directory will be created.
- Set the path of tool chain (if not done yet)
Host$ export PATH=/opt/codesourcery/arm-2009q1/bin:$PATH
- Go to Kernel build point
Host$ cd <kernel installation directory>/linux-da8xx
- Remove old configuration
Host$ make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- distclean
- Get DA830 default configuration
Host$ make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- da830_omapl137_defconfig
- You will find .config file in the current directory
- Configure Kernel as desired.
Host$ make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm_v5t_le- menuconfig
- Configuration Menu shows up. Edit configuration if needed. For the kernel to work with DSP image (PAF) customize the kernel as follows and save the new configuration.
System Type -> TI Davinci Implementation: Disable - DAVINCI multiplexing support Disable - Reset unused clocks during boot
Device Drivers: Disable - SPI support Disable - Watchdog Timer support
Kernel Features: Disable - High Resolution Timer support
- Build the kernel image
Host$ make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- uImage
- Build loadable kernel modules. You may not need to do this step unless you need to build any drivers that were configured to build as modules
Host$ make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- modules
- Copy the uImage to the TFTP folder for TFTP boot from EVM (/tftpboot, for example). Please ensure that you have write permissions to /tftpboot directory.To give full access, do following as super user
Host$ chmod 777 –R /tftpboot
- Now copy
Host$ cp -vf arch/arm/boot/uImage /tftpboot/
DSPLINK for ARM[edit]
- Find dsplink_linux_x_xx_xx_xx.tar.gz
- Untar dsplink_linux_x_xx.tar.gz to your preferred locatation, for example, /home/$USER/cl directory.
Host$tar -xzf dsplink_linux_x_xx_xx_xx.tar.gz -C /home/$USER/cl
- It creates “dsplink_linux_x_xx_xx_xx” directory.
- Before building DSPLINK, make sure that Kernel has been built, otherwise you will get build error. DSPLINK has dependency with Kernel build.
- Set the path of tool chain (if not done yet)
Host$ export PATH=/opt/codesourcery/arm-2009q1/bin:$PATH
- Set the environment variable $DSPLINK
Host$ export DSPLINK=<dsplink installation directory>/dsplink_linux_x_xx_xx_xx/dsplink
- Add the following lines to dsplink_linux_1_65_xx_xx\dsplink\gpp\src\arch\DA8XXGEM\shmem\Linux\da8xxgem_phy_shmem.c above the function DA8XXGEM_phyShmemInit (IN Pvoid halObj)This is changed from PA SDK 100713
#undef __ASM_ARCH_HARDWARE_H #include <mach/hardware.h>
- Configure LINK for DA8xx
Host$ cd $DSPLINK/config/bin Host$ perl --platform=DA8XX --nodsp=1 --dspcfg_0=DA8XXGEMSHMEM --dspos_0=DSPBIOS6XX --gppos=ARM --comps=ponslrmc
- Build libraries
Host$ cd $DSPLINK/gpp/src Host$ make BASE_TOOLCHAIN=<toolchain installation directory>/arm-2009q1 \ OSINC_PLATFORM=<toolchain installation directory>/arm-2009q1/lib/gcc/arm-none-linux-gnueabi/4.3.3/include \ BASE_BUILDOS=<kernel installation directory>/linux-da8xx \ KERNEL_DIR=<kernel installation directory>/linux-da8xx \ TOOL_PATH=<toolchain installation directory>/arm-2009q1/bin \ release
- “dsplinkk.ko” will be generated in $DSPLINK/gpp/export/BIN/Linux/DA8XX/RELEASE
PA ARM Utilities[edit]
- Find PA Utilities package (pautils_yymmdd.tar.gz) in "la" folder of DA8xx SDK package.
- Untar pautils_yymmdd.tar.gz to your preferred locatation, for example, /home/$USER/cl directory.
Host$ tar -xzf pautils_yymmdd.tar.gz -C /home/$USER/cl
- It creates “pautils” directory.
- Set the path of tool chain (if not done yet)
Host$ export PATH=/opt/codesourcery/arm-2009q1/bin:$PATH
- Go to PA utilities build point
Host$ cd <pautils installation directory>/pautils/build
- pautils of DA8xx SDK 100713 requires a correction. In Makefile Line 37, change "../calfa2" to "../calfa2s" and save the file.
- Clean and build
Host$ make PA_USECL=1 realclean Host$ make PA_USECL=1 \ PA_TCDIR=<toolchain installation directory> \ PA_RFSDIR=<root filesystem installation directory> \ PA_LINKVER=<dsplink version, for example 1_65_00_01> \ PA_LINKINSDIR=<dsplink installation directory> \ install
- Executables will be created under <pautils installation directory>/pautils/build/gpp folder
DSPLINK for DSP[edit]
Follow the steps mentioned below to install and build DSPLINK on Windows.
- Unzip DSPLINK package to C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments
- Perl is required. ActiveState is recommended.
- Following build steps assume that Perl is installed at C:/Perl. If different, change BASE_PERL variable
- Save following text in a batch file and execute.
set TI_INSTALL_DIR=C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments for %%T in ("%TI_INSTALL_DIR%") do set TI_INSTALL_DIR=%%~fsT set DSPLINK=%TI_INSTALL_DIR%\dsplink_linux_x_xx_xx_xx\dsplink set BIOSDIR=%TI_INSTALL_DIR%\bios_6_21_00_13 set BASE_CGTOOLS=%TI_INSTALL_DIR%\C6000 Code Generation Tools 6.1.13 for %%T in ("%BASE_CGTOOLS%") do set BASE_CGTOOLS=%%~fsT set XDCDIR=%TI_INSTALL_DIR%\xdctools_3_16_02_32 set IPCINC=%TI_INSTALL_DIR%\ipc_1_00_05_60\packages set MAKE=%XDCDIR%\gmake.exe set BASE_PERL=C:\Perl set PATH=%WINDIR%;%WINDIR%\system32;%XDCDIR% cd %DSPLINK%\config\bin %BASE_PERL%\bin\perl ^ --platform=DA8XX ^ --nodsp=1 ^ --dspcfg_0=DA8XXGEMSHMEM ^ --dspos_0=DSPBIOS6XX ^ --gppos=ARM ^ --comps=ponslrmc ^ --DspTskMode=1 cd %DSPLINK%\dsp\src %MAKE% TEMP=C:\windows\temp ^ BASE_INSTALL=%TI_INSTALL_DIR% ^ BASE_SABIOS=%BIOSDIR% ^ BASE_CSLINC=%IPCINC% ^ XDCTOOLS_DIR=%XDCDIR% ^ BASE_CGTOOLS=%BASE_CGTOOLS% ^ BASE_CGTOOLSBIN=%BASE_CGTOOLS%\bin ^ BASE_PERL=%BASE_PERL% ^ release
Build DSP executable (I12 Topology)[edit]
Build I12 topology (T:\pa\f\s19\i12\evmda830) to get DSP image (pa.out). Please refer to " Building I14 Topology" to understand the procedure of building a DSP executable.
Please note that I12, by default, requires several IP packages and algkey, a key to protect IP algorithms. Ask your TI contact to receive the IP packages and algkey.
To build I12 without IP packages, modify PA/F files appropriately to remove dependency on IP packages.
Flash Image[edit]
Prepare Image For Flash[edit]
To Debug DSP PA Application - For Developers[edit]
This method will boot UBOOT without loading PA application on DSP. To make an AIS Image that boots only UBOOT:
- Generate UBOOT flat binary (u-boot.bin).
- Locate tools/armboot folder under unpacked SDK package and copy u-boot.bin to this folder.
- Generate C array out of u-boot.bin, using bin2c.exe utility, which is already available this folder:
- bin2c.exe u-boot.bin uboot.c uboot.h uboot
- Import project from this folder to CCSv5. The name of project will be shown as armboot.
- Update PINMUX settings in main.c to suit your hardware.
- Build armboot.out and generate AIS using AISgen tool.
For Production[edit]
- Generate UBOOT flat binary (u-boot.bin).
- Generate C array out of u-boot.bin, using bin2c.exe utility
- bin2c.exe u-boot.bin uboot.c uboot.h uboot
- Import i12 project to CCSv5
- Update PINMUX settings in main.c to suit your hardware.
- Enable the code that boots ARM that is under 'if(0)' in board.c
- Build pa.out and generate AIS using AISgen tool
Write Image into Flash[edit]
Flash writing programs come with DaVinci PSP SDK package (DaVinci-PSP-SDK-##.##.##.##). To obtain package, go to DaVinci-PSP-SDK 03_20_00_11 Product Download Page and downlaod DaVinci-PSP-SDK- ( account is required). Both prebuilt executables and source code of Flash writing programs are available.
- Prebuilt Executables: DaVinci-PSP-SDK-
- Source Code: DaVinci-PSP-SDK-
SPI Flash[edit]
- Locate spiflash_writer.out in images/utils/omapl1x7 folder of DaVinci PSP SDK package. You can build your own executable by using spiflash-writer- package of src/utils folder.
- If UI board is connected, make sure that the SW1 switch is set to [0 0 0 0] for numbers [1 2 3 4] respectively.
Pin # 1 2 3 4 Position 0 0 0 0
- To boot from the SPI Flash, set the BOOT-SW2 switch settings to [0 1 0 1 X X], starting from [7 2 1 0 3 X]
Pin # 7 2 1 0 3 X Position 0 1 0 1 X X
- Open CCSv5, launch TI debugger, connect to DSP first, then connect to ARM.
- Load the executable (spiflash_writer.out) to the ARM and Run.
- The execution will start and some messages will be displayed on ARM9_0:CIO console of CCS. You will be asked for filetype and filepath.
Enter the image type (one of "dspais" "armubl" "uboot" "other") dspais Enter the File Name D:\work\ais\uboot-spi-ais.bin (For Example)
- The SPI Flash will be erased to the required length as per the size of the AIS binary and then the AIS binary file will be written to the flash.
- If the file write is successful, following message appears on the console:
- Reading verifying the file.. Files matched
- If the file write fails, the corresponding error message will appear.
NAND Flash[edit]
- Locate nand_writer.out in images/utils/omapl1x7 folder of DaVinci PSP SDK package. You can build your own executable by using nand-writer- package of src/utils folder.
- Make sure that UI board is attached to the DA830 DSK board and SW1 switch of UI board is set to [1 0 1 1] for numbers [1 2 3 4] respectively.
Pin # 1 2 3 4 Position 1 0 1 1
- To boot from the NAND, set the BOOT-SW2 switch settings on the DA830 DSK board to [0 1 1 1 X X], starting from [7 2 1 0 3 X].
Pin # 7 2 1 0 3 X Position 0 1 1 1 X X
- Open CCSv5, launch TI debugger, connect to DSP first, then connect to ARM.
- Execute the GEL function Setup_EMIFA_PinMux() from CCS5 menu bar: Scripts -> DSKDA830 Functions -> Setup_EMIFA_PinMux (Note that you will need to click on DSP, not ARM, to see this function)
- Once above script is setup, load the executable (nand_writer.out) to the ARM and Run.
- The execution will start and some messages will be displayed on ARM9_0:CIO console of CCS. You will be asked for filetype and filepath.
Enter the image type (one of "dspais" "armubl" "uboot" "other") dspais Enter the File Name D:\work\ais\uboot-nand-ais.bin (For Example)
- The NAND Flash will be erased to the required length as per the size of the AIS binary and then the AIS binary file will be written to the flash.
- If the file write is successful, following message appears on the console:
- NAND boot preparation was successful!
- If the file write fails, the corresponding error message will appear
NOR (Parallel) Flash[edit]
- Not available for DA830.
Boot and Run Applications[edit]
Following assumptions have been made to run sample applications introduced in this section:
- Environment is compatiable as described in "Tested Environment" section earlier.
- TFTP boot is used
- NFS for file system is used
- NFS and TFTP are serviced from Linux Host
- To enable NFS service send following from Linux Host
Host$ /sbin/service nfs stop Host$ /sbin/service nfs start
- (For Ubuntu: sudo service nfs-kernel-server)
- Linux Host gets an IP address from router. Check inet address of Linux Host:
Host$ ifconfig
- If appropriate inet address is not shown, try turn off and on the ethernet interface, for example:
Host$ ifdown eth0 Host$ ifup eth0 (These commands may vary depending on the Linux Host used.)
- Appropriate ais.bin (which contains uboot image) has been written to EVM's flash (NAND or SPI)
- Appropriate boot mode has been selected through EVM's switches.
- Kernel image (e.g., has been placed in TFTP folder (e.g., /tftpboot )
Preparation for Running Sample Applications[edit]
- Create a working directory for PA/F application. For example, create "apps" directory.
Host$ mkdir -p <root filesystem installation directory>/home/apps
- Copy the dsplink kernel module to the "apps" directory
Host$ cp <dsplink installation directory>/dsplink_linux_x_xx_xx_xx/dsplink/gpp/export/BIN/Linux/DA8XX/RELEASE/dsplinkk.ko <root filesystem installation directory>/home/apps
- Copy PA Utilities executables to the "apps" directory
Host$ cp <pautils installation directory>/pautils/build/gpp/* <root filesystem installation directory>/home/apps
- Find alpha_yymmdd.tar.gz (Alpha header files package) located in "la" of DA8xx SDK and untar to the "apps" directory
Host$ tar -xzf alpha_yymmdd.tar.gz -C <root filesystem installation directory>/home/apps
Do UBoot and Kernel Boot[edit]
- Power On DA830 EVM. “U-Boot >” prompt will come up.
- Set appropriate U-Boot parameters. Following is an example, assuming that serverip is, root filesystem is installed in /home/$USER/cl/target and Kernel image is
U-Boot > setenv serverip U-Boot > setenv bootargs mem=32M console=ttyS2,115200n8 root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=${serverip}:/home/<USER>/cl/target,nolock ip=dhcp U-Boot > setenv bootfile U-Boot > dhcp
- On successful boot, following login prompt will appear
arago login:
- Login as “root”. No password is required. Following Target$ prompt will appear.
Establish LINK between ARM and DSP[edit]
- Open DSP GEL file dskda830_dsp.gel from C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\ccsv5\emulation\boards\dskda830\gel folder and comment out following line of OnTargetConnect( )
- Open CCS5, launch target, connect to DSP.
- Load and run DSP image (I12 topology's pa.out) on the DSP.
- Establish Link from ARM
Target$ cd /home/apps Target$ insmod dsplinkk.ko Target$ mknod /dev/dsplink c 230 0 Target$ ./calfa2s &
Above establishes LINK. Now the applications described below can be tried.
- Calfa tool of PA SDK YYMMDD can be used to send alpha commands.
- Run the SDK Control Panel by selecting the shortcut on the start menu:
- Start->All Programs->Texas Instruments->PA SDK YYMMDD->SDK Control Panel (i12)
- Click "Config..." button (located at the right bottom of the control panel), mention the IP address of the EVM and press OK.
- You can check EVM's IP address from Target$ prompt:
Target$ ifconfig
- Now send alpha commands from the Control Panel by referring to Sending Alpha Commands via UART
- This sample program demonstrates how to stream a PCM/AC3/DDP audio file from the ARM to the DSP for post-processing and output.
- First copy the input file in "apps" directory from Linux Host
- Set appropriate input/output shortcuts () from SDK Control Panel
execPAIInRingIO execPAIOutAnalog
- Disconnect Digital Input cable (optical or coaxial) from EVM, if connected. Otherwise, output of DSP will be driven by DIR clock of the EVM, resulting inappropriate sample rate.
- Now start streaming PCM file
Target$ ./pad <[streamtype] [stream name with extension]> To play an PCM stream (wav format), PAD pcm xxx.wav To play an PCM stream (Raw format), PAD pcm xxx.pcm To play an AC3 stream, PAD ac3 xxx.ac3 To play an DDP stream, PAD ec3 xxx.ec3 To play an TruHD stream, PAD thd xxx.mat
- Hit Ctrl+C to stop streaming
- This sample program demonstrates how to stream a PCM audio file from the DSP to the ARM for output. The sample application records the output to a file on the ARM.
- Set appropriate output shortcuts () from SDK Control Panel
execPAIOutRingIO16bit or execPAIOutRingIO24bit
- Now start playing analog or ddigital input file
Target$ ./par < [output file name with extension]>
- Hit Ctrl+C to stop recording the output