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Installation and Usage of DA8xx SDK
Return to Overview of DA8xx SDK Getting Started Guide
This page has been updated for SDK 5.
SDK 100713Users: Please see "06:41, 9 August 2012" version
Installing DA8xx SDK[edit]
- Download the SDK (sdk-da830-yymmdd.exe) from here
- The SDK also requires an "Activation ID" to install. Please request Activation ID from "Please contact TI support for getting them" of above download site.
- Once you have Activation ID, follow these steps to register and install license:
- Visit
- Log-in with your my.TI login (or create a new one)
- Select “Activate & Get a License”. Enter your Activation ID. Once an Activation ID is used – it is tied to a specific user and machine.
- Review and Agree to the Terms and Conditions.
- Enter your Host ID - which is the MAC address of the computer that you’ll be running Code Composer Studio on. If you need help finding your MAC address click the “(What’s this?)” link on the page. If you have more that one MAC addresses for different type of connections (e.g., ethernet, wireless etc), choose the one that will be used to connect to internet.
- Once you have specified your MAC address – the license will be emailed to you. You will receive two emails:
- "Licensing Instructions for your TI Software - IMPORTANT" -- contains the instructions to install the license
- "Software License File for S3SDKDA8X SDK-DA830NOIP is attached" -- contains SDK-DA830NOIP-U.lic file attached.
- Save the attached SDK-DA830NOIP-U.lic file in C:\ti\license folder.
- Once you’ve activated your software – you can visit to track which releases and hosts you are licensed to use.
- Run the SDK installation program and follow the prompts.
Software Deliverables[edit]
This section describes how to install the software deliverable components of the SDK
- Unzip the SDK Software Deliverable file. For example: C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\PA SDK YYMMDD\pa\
- Whatever unzip utility program is used, be sure to select any required “preserve directory structure” option.
- For example, here is a DOS command-line example:
unzip -r -P
- The YYMMDD is a date code that should be used as the version number of the distribution.
- Example: The date code 090630 represents a distribution date of June 30, 2009.
- After unzipping this file, "pa-sd" directory will be created.
- Some pre-built pa.out (DSP executables)exist under different folders of "pa-sd".
- For example, use pa_i14_evmda830\pa.out for quick testing of audio input/output on EVMs.
- This pa.out is a no-IP executable, called I14. It has only PCM decoder and a few ASPs (Audio Stream Processing), for example, Matrix, Bass Management, Graphic Equalizer etc. Please see PA User's Guide for more details.
Firmware Deliverables[edit]
This section describes how to install the firmware deliverable components of the SDK
- Unzip the SDK Firmware Deliverable file. For example: C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\PA SDK YYMMDD\pa\
- Whatever unzip utility program is used, be sure to select any required “preserve directory structure” option.
- For example, here is a DOS command-line example:
unzip -r -P
- After unzipping this file "da" and "pa" directories will be created.
- Assign the drive letter "T:" to the directory just above these directories.
- Example: If the directory pa is created under C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\PA SDK YYMMDD\pa\, from MSDOS,
- type: C:\>
subst T: C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\PA SDK YYMMDD\pa\
In the remainder of this document, the notation T: will be used to refer to the directory here. Another drive letter can be used, but in this case project files and other portions of the firmware deliverable, which require that T: be defined, will require modification to match the new drive letter. If you are working with the SDK for the first time, it is strongly recommended that you use drive “T:” until you become more familiar with the SDK.
IP Deliverables[edit]
- This section describes how to install the firmware component of the PA SDK Deliverable or PA SDK IP-Based Firmware Deliverable.
- Unzip the PA SDK Firmware Deliverable file per the instructions in Section Firmware Deliverable Installation.
- Unzip the PA SDK IP-Based Firmware Deliverable file. For example: pa-[IPName]
- Whatever unzip utility program is used, be sure to select any required “preserve directory structure” option. For example, here is a DOS command-line example: unzip -r -P pa-[IPName]
Customization for the users environment[edit]
If for some reason the user is not able to map T: (for example building in a linux environment), it is possible to build the PA SDK by modifying SDK_ROOT as mentioned below.
If the xdais and dsplink directories are not installed in C:/Program files/Texas Instruments, the correct path can be specified by modifying DSP_ROOT and and XDAIS_DA8X_DIR as mentioned below
No modification is required if T: mapping is done and XDAIS and DSPLINK installed at C:/Program Files/Texas Instruments.
Goto Properties->Resource->Linked Resource.Change the variables DSP_ROOT,SDK_ROOT and XDAIS_DA8X_DIR as per the installation.
Goto Properties->Build->C6000 Linker. Change SDK_ROOT as per your installation
Change the variables DSP_ROOT,SDK_ROOT and XDAIS_DA8X_DIR as per the installation.
Building I14 Topology[edit]
I14 topology does not contain any IP component. So, it can be built without any IP deliverables.
- Start CCSv5
- Make sure that you are in the C/C++ Perspective
- Click on the Project Menu
- Click on Import Existing CCS/CCE Eclipse Project
- Browse to the T:\pa\f\s19\i14\evmda830 directory and click the Ok button
- Make sure that the pa_i14_evmda830 project is checked and then click the Finish button.
- Click on the Project menu item and select Build Project.
- pa.out will be created in "Release" folder.
Running I14's pa.out on EVM[edit]
This section describes how to get audio from I14's pa.out. You can use either pre-built pa.out (T:\pa-sd\pa_i14_evmda830\pa.out) or the one built in previous section.
- Configure target for DA830.
- Load pa.out on DSP and run.
- Connect audio source (e.g., from DVD player, PC etc) to DA830 EVM's audio card.
- Connect speakers to the EVM.
- By default, input and output shortcuts are set to "None". So, no audio will be available.
- Send alpha commands to set appropriate input/output configuration. See: Installation_and_Usage_of_DA8xx_SDK#Sending_Alpha_Commands_via_UART Sending Alpha Commands via UART
- For example, send following commands for digital input (through Optical or Coaxial) and multichannel analog output:
execPAIInDigital execPAIOutAnalog
- See the DA8xx_EVM_Connections for help setting up the appropriate hardware connections.
- Play PCM contents. You will hear audio!!!
Please see PA User's guide for all available alpha commands which can be used to set other input/output configurations and control the audio processing algorithms.
Sending Alpha Commands via UART[edit]
- Run the SDK Control Panel by selecting the shortcut on the start menu:
- Start->All Programs->Texas Instruments->PA SDK YYMMDD->SDK Control Panel (i14)
- You can use the Filter field to filter the list of commands.
- Double-Click on the command that you want to execute.
- The Command shows up in the Command History and the result of the command shows up under Calfa Result