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DM814x AM387x PSP U-Boot

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DM814x C6A814x AM387x PSP U-Boot
Linux PSP

DM816x refers to DM816x/AM389x devices unless specified.
DM814x refers to DM814x/AM387x devices unless specified.
DM81xx refers to both DM816x, DM814x and DM813x.


Read This First[edit]

This section show the major updates since last release, please review this section before any SW activities.

  • We have migrating from "legacy" mmc driver to a "generic" mmc driver in the latest u-boot as a part of quick boot patched. The new mmc driver has a different set of commands.This will break the existing boot script used. Please refer the U-boot user guide and update you scripts according to that.


$mmc init must be replaced with $mmc rescan 0

The mmc channel number must be “0” in all commands instead of “1”

$fatls mmc 1 must be replaced with $fatls mmc 0
$fatload mmc 1 <address> <file> must be replaced with $fatls mmc 0 <address> <file>
  • Quick-boot support from MMC/SD is added in this release. Please follow the steps in the user guide to build a quick-boot binaries Refer DM81XX Quick Boot Measurements..


In TI814x the ROM code serves as the 1st stage bootloader. The 2nd and the 3rd stage bootloaders are based on U-Boot. In the rest of this document when referring to the binaries, the binary for the 2nd stage is referred to as U-Boot-MIN and the binary for the 3rd stage as simply U-Boot.

The ROM code loads the U-Boot-MIN image from the flash memory/SD card into OCMC RAM0. U-Boot-MIN does the basic configuration like setting up the clocks, initializing the necessary peripherals and then loads the U-Boot image from NAND,SPI/SD or UART.

1. Please note the difference in the U-Boot prompt for the 2 stages. The 1st stage prompt is TI-MIN# while that for the 2nd stage is TI8148_EVM#. The prompt specified in the commands is meant to serve as an indication of which stage it should be executed from. Most of the commands mentioned in the doc are meant to be executed from the 2nd stage.

2. NOR boot has only two stages of bootloader. ROM code serves as the Ist stage bootloader and the u-boot serves as the second stage boot loader. U-boot min is not required here as the NOR is XIP and hence the complete u-boot binary can be placed in the NOR flash.

Two stage U-Boot design[edit]

This section gives an overview of the two stage U-Boot approach adopted for TI814x.

The size of the internal RAM in TI814x is 128KB out of which 18KB at the end is used by the ROM code. This placed a limit of 110KB on the size of the U-Boot binary which the ROM code can transfer to the internal RAM.

U-Boot also requires some space for the stack, heap and global data during executing and this region currently needs to be setup before the TEXT_BASE of U-Boot.

Since it is not possible to squeeze in all the functionality that is normally expected from U-Boot in < 110KB (after setting aside some space for stack, heap etc) a two stage approach has been adopted.

The first stage (or rather the 2nd stage if the ROM code is also considered) is built using a minimal configuration and has an embedded ENV. The purpose of this stage is to initialize the necessary peripherals, especially DDR, so that a full fledged U-Boot can be transferred to DDR from NAND/SPI/SD/UART/NOR and then control passed to it.

The boot command that the minimal U-Boot uses for fetching the larger U-Boot will not change for a particular boot mode as long as the same layout is used and is hence fixed. If any other behavior required then the minimal U-Boot stage can be interrupted and a different command issued.

The minimal U-Boot binary also has a hole at the top which is used as the space for stack, heap and global data. After some analysis the size of the hole has currently been set as 12KB.

To avoid over-writing U-Boot when it is executing make sure that an address greater than 0x80800000 is used when downloading the kernel and/or filesystem images

Automatic DDR2/DDR3 Selection[edit]

U-Boot will detect the PG version at runtime and will select DDR2/DDR3 automaticly.We will aussume that all PG1.0 Version uses DDR2 and PG2.1 will use DDR3.

To use PG2.1 with DDR2 support, un-comment the macro "#define CONFIG_TI814X_EVM_DDR2" in file "include/configs/ti8148_evm.h" that will forcefully select DDR2 support.

Building U-Boot[edit]

The pre-built binaries that comes in the release package has been built for flashing to NAND or for SD boot method. The following steps can be skipped if you wish to use the pre-built U-Boot images for flashing to NAND.

Change to the base of the U-Boot directory.

$ cd ./u-boot

NOTE: U-Boot can be built to boot out of NAND, NOR  or SPI flash. The default behavior is to place the ENV section of U-Boot (where the environment variables are stored) in the same media for which U-Boot was built.

Building U-Boot-MIN[edit]

Different boot modes have different requirements for the U-Boot-MIN stage.

  • When using memory boot (NAND/SPI) a header needs to be attached to the U-Boot binary indicating the the load address and the size of the image. SPI boot also requires endian conversion before flashing the image.
  • When using peripheral boot (UART,EMAC) there can be no header as the load address is fixed.
  • Header is not required in case of XIP (NOR)

For easy generation of the different images, different target names have been provided in the Makefile. The different target names take care of building the appropriate image (with or without the header and with or without endian conversion).

Please note that the U-Boot-MIN stage uses a pre-defined command to load the 2nd stage and does not support commands such as dhcp, tftp, saveenv etc. All the commands are available only from the 2nd stage of U-Boot which the 1st stage U-Boot autoloads (if present).

U-Boot-MIN for NAND boot[edit]

U-Boot MIN of NAND boot is meant to be flashed to NAND using the NAND flash-writer or from the 2nd stage of U-Boot loaded over UART. It fetches the larger U-Boot image from NAND (if present) and passes control to it automatically.

$ make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- ARCH=arm distclean
$ make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- ARCH=arm ti8148_evm_min_nand
$ make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- ARCH=arm u-boot.ti

This will generate a binary named u-boot.min.nand.

U-Boot-MIN for SPI boot[edit]

U-Boot-MIN of SPI boot is meant to be flashed to SPI using the SPI flash-writer or from the 2nd stage of U-Boot loaded over UART. It fetches the larger U-Boot image from SPI (if present) and passes control passed to it automatically.

$ make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- ARCH=arm distclean
$ make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- ARCH=arm ti8148_evm_min_spi
$ make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- ARCH=arm u-boot.ti

This will generate a binary named u-boot.min.spi.

U-Boot-MIN for SD boot[edit]

U-Boot-MIN of SD boot is meant to be renamed as MLO and stored onto an SD card. It fetches the larger U-Boot image from SD card (if present) and passes control passed to it automatically.

$ make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- ARCH=arm distclean
$ make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- ARCH=arm ti8148_evm_min_sd
$ make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- ARCH=arm u-boot.ti

This will generate a binary named

U-Boot-MIN for UART boot[edit]

In case of UART boot (larger U-Boot image needs to be transferred to DDR over UART or already be present in NAND for automatic transfer of control)

$ make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- ARCH=arm distclean
$ make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- ARCH=arm ti8148_evm_min_uart
$ make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- ARCH=arm u-boot.ti

This will generate a binary named u-boot.min.uart.

On successful compilation one of the following images will be generated in the base directory

u-boot.min.nand ==> To be used for flashing to NAND using the NAND flashing tool or from U-Boot 2nd stage
u-boot.min.spi  ==> To be used for flashing to SPI using the SPI flashing tool or from U-Boot 2nd stage
u-boot.min.uart ==> To be used for loading U-Boot MIN over the serial port using the XMODEM-1K protocol   ==> To be renamed to "MLO" and stored on the SD card

The pre-built binaries that comes in the release package has been built for flashing to NAND or for SD boot method. The following steps can be skipped if you wish to use the pre-built U-Boot images for flashing to NAND.

u-boot min binary is not required in case of NOR boot.

Building U-Boot 2nd stage[edit]

The 2nd stage of U-Boot supports saving environment variables to NAND, SPI or SD Card. The media to be used stored for saving the ENV variables needs to be decided before building the 2nd stage of U-Boot.

U-Boot 2nd stage with ENV on NAND[edit]

$ make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- ARCH=arm distclean
$ make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- ARCH=arm ti8148_evm_config_nand
$ make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- ARCH=arm u-boot.ti

This will generate a binary named u-boot.bin which saves the ENV onto NAND flash.

U-Boot 2nd stage with ENV on SPI[edit]

$ make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- ARCH=arm distclean
$ make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- ARCH=arm ti8148_evm_config_spi
$ make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- ARCH=arm u-boot.ti

This will generate a binary named u-boot.bin which saves the ENV onto SPI flash.

NoteNote: Saving u-boot environment variables in MMC/SD support is only applicable to or higher Release. Older versions of u-boot must use NAND or SPI images.

U-Boot 2nd stage with ENV on SD Card[edit]

$ make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- ARCH=arm distclean
$ make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- ARCH=arm ti8148_evm_config_sd
$ make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- ARCH=arm u-boot.ti

This will generate a binary named u-boot.bin which saves the ENV onto SD Card flash.

U-Boot with ENV on NOR[edit]

$ make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- ARCH=arm distclean
$ make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- ARCH=arm ti8148_evm_config_nor
$ make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- ARCH=arm u-boot.ti 

This will generate a binary named u-boot.bin which has to be used for flashing to NOR.

U-Boot Quick boot 1st stage for SD[edit]

Quick-boot enable a faster booting using the SD boot mode by suppressing the console messages from the u-boot. Quick boot removed the boot delay and suppress the console message from the u-boot. It uses a separate configuration file "include/configs/ti8148_evm_quick_mmc.h" for building the quickboot images.Please follow the steps to build 1st stage quick-boot images for mmc.

$ make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- ARCH=arm distclean
$ make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- ARCH=arm ti8148_evm_config_quick_mmc_min
$ make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- ARCH=arm u-boot.ti

This will generate a file which needs to be renamed to MLO.

U-Boot Quick boot 2nd stage for SD[edit]

The 2nd stage quick-boot images for mmc is generated from the same quick-boot config file "include/configs/ti8148_evm_quick_mmc.h". The u-boot image will load the kernel from the sd card.The env "quite" is passed by default from the u-boot .Quick boot removed the boot delay and suppress the console message from the u-boot Normal messages about hardware detection at boot are suppressed ,only important and system critical kernel messages are printed to the console.It also avoid the boot delay by setting it to 0 .

$ make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- ARCH=arm distclean
$ make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- ARCH=arm ti8148_evm_config_quick_mmc
$ make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- ARCH=arm u-boot.ti

This will generate binaries named u-boot.noxip.bin and u-boot.bin. Use u-boot.bin for boot from mmc.

Refer this DM81XX Quick Boot Measurements for more information about quick-boot.

Serial port configuration[edit]

Connect a serial cable from the serial port of the EVM (there are two serial ports on the EVM, use the one which is next to the MMC/SD slot) to the COM port on either the Windows machine or Linux host depending on where you'll be running the serial terminal software.

For correct operation the serial terminal software should be configured with the following settings:

   * Baud rate: 115,200
* Data bits: 8
* Parity: None
* Stop bits: 1
* Flow control: None
* Transmit delay: 0 msec/char, 100 msec/line 

If Teraterm is being used ensure that the latest version (4.67) of Teraterm is installed. The implementation of the kermit protocol in Teraterm is not reliable in older versions. The latest version of Teraterm 4.67 can be downloaded from here

EVM Switch Settings[edit]

Make sure that the EVM boot switch settings are set to required boot mode and then power on the board.

The picture below shows the boot mode configuration switch S1 on the TI8148 EVM.

NOTE : The bootmode setting in this picture is for NAND boot.


The picture below shows the switch SW2 on the TI8148 EVM which is used for enabling NAND and SPI


NAND boot mode[edit]

Switch S1, S1[5:1] ==> 10010 , other pins should be 0 (i.e. OFF). This sets BTM[4:0] in NAND boot mode
Switch SW2---->NAND ON

SPI boot mode[edit]

Switch S1, S1[5:1] ==> 10110 , other pins should be 0 (i.e. OFF). This sets BTM[4:0] in SPI boot mode
Switch SW2---->SPI ON

UART boot mode[edit]

Switch S1, S1[5:1] ==> 00001 , other pins should be 0 (i.e. OFF). This sets BTM[4:0] in UART boot mode
Switch SW2---->NAND ON

SD boot mode[edit]

Switch S1, S1[5:1] ==> 10111 , other pins should be 0 (i.e. OFF). This sets BTM[4:0] in SD boot mode
Switch SW2----> Depending on where ENV storage is required enable the appropriate switch.

NOR boot mode[edit]

Switch S1, S1[5:1] ==> 10000 , S1[8] ==> 1 , other pins should be 0 (i.e. OFF). This sets BTM[4:0] in NOR boot mode
Switch SW2---->NAND OFF, SPI OFF

Flashing U-Boot with CCS[edit]


You can flash the 1st stage of U-Boot onto NAND (for NAND boot) or to SPI (SPI Boot) using the Flashing Tools provided in the PSP releases.

Refer to Flashing to NAND Flash using CCS wiki page for instructions on how to flash the pre-built (or compiled) binary of the 1st stage for NAND boot i.e. u-boot.min.nand (or the recompiled one) with the help of the NAND flash writer.

Refer to Flashing to SPI Flash using CCS wiki page for instructions on how to flash the pre-built (or compiled) binary of the 1st stage for SPI boot i.e. u-boot.min.spi (or the recompiled one) with the help of the SPI flash writer.

Refer to Flashing to NOR Flash using CCS wiki page for instructions on how to flash the pre-built (or compiled) binary for NOR boot i.e. u-boot.bin (or the recompiled one) with the help of the NOR flash writer.

NOR boot has only two stages of boot loader - ROM boot loader and u-boot. There is no u-boot min binary for NOR as in the case of other boot modes.

Once the 1st stage U-Boot has been flashed using the flashing tool

  1. Load the 2nd stage U-Boot over UART as described here.
  2. Flash the 2nd stage of U-Boot to either NAND using the steps over here or to SPI using the steps over here.
  3. After flashing the 2 stages use the appropriate switch settings to boot from NAND or from SPI.

Flashing U-Boot without CCS[edit]


It is possible to flash U-Boot to NAND or SPI from the 2nd stage of U-Boot which is loaded over UART or from SD card. Before proceeding with this please make sure that the 2 binaries for flashing (U-Boot-MIN and U-Boot 2nd stage) have been built.


  1. Boot over UART to load the 1st stage of U-Boot as described over here. Make sure that you interrupt the countdown in the 1st stage i.e. at the TI-MIN# prompt.
  2. Load the 2nd stage of U-Boot over UART as described over here.
  3. Flash the 1st stage of U-Boot to either NAND using the steps over here or to SPI using the steps over here.
  4. Flash the 2nd stage of U-Boot to either NAND using the steps over here or to SPI using the steps over here.
  5. After flashing the 2 stages use the appropriate switch settings to boot from NAND or from SPI.


Make sure the two binaries for NAND boot (u-boot.min.nand and u-boot.bin) or for SPI boot (u-boot.min.spi and u-boot.bin) which are required for flashing are present on the SD. Please refer to the section of building U-Boot to generate the images.

  1. Boot using SD card to load both the 1st stage and the 2nd stage as described over here. Do not interrupt the countdown till the TI8148_EVM# prompt comes.
  2. Flash the 1st stage of U-Boot to either NAND using the steps over here or to SPI using the steps over here.
  3. Flash the 2nd stage of U-Boot to either NAND using the steps over here or to SPI using the steps over here.
  4. After flashing the 2 stages use the appropriate switch settings to boot from NAND or from SPI.

U-Boot NAND Support[edit]

Before proceeding with any of the commands given in this section please make sure that NAND is enabled on the EVM. The switch for enabling NAND is shown over here.

This section gives an overview of the NAND support in U-Boot. It also describe how to store the kernel image, RAMDISK or the JFFS2/UBIFS filesystem to NAND so as to have a network-free boot right from powering on the board to getting the kernel up and running.


Micron Nand parts (page size 2KB, block size 128KB) are supported on TI8148EVM platforms.


  • The following sub-sections illustrate the usage of NAND specific commands on TI8148EVM.
  • Make sure that NAND is enabled on the EVM when U-Boot boots up.
  • Refer to EVM Switch Settings section for more info on enabling/disabling different boot devices.

NAND Layout[edit]

The NAND part on the EVM has been configured in the following manner. The addresses mentioned here are used in the subsequent NAND related commands.

 +------------+->0x00000000-> U-Boot 1st stage start
|            |
|            |-->0x0001FFFF-> U-Boot 1st stage end  
|            |-->0x00020000-> U-Boot 2nd stage start
|            |
|            |-->0x0025FFFF-> U-Boot 2nd stage end  
|            |-->0x00260000-> ENV start
|            |
|            |
|            |-->0x0027FFFF-> ENV end
|            |-->0x00280000-> Linux Kernel start
|            |
|            |
|            |
|            |
|            |-->0x006BFFFF-> Linux Kernel end
|            |-->0x006C0000-> Filesystem start
|            |
|            |
|            |
|            |
|            |
|            |
|            |
|            |
|            |
|            |-->0x0CEDFFFF-> Filesystem end
|            |-->0x0CEE0000-> Free start
|            |
|            |
|            |
+------------+-->0x10000000-> NAND end (Free end)

Writing to Nand[edit]

To write len bytes of data from a memory buffer located at addr to the NAND block offset:

TI8148_EVM# nand write <addr> <offset> <len>

If a bad block is encountered during the write operation, it is skipped and the write operation continues from next 'good' block.

For example, to write 0x40000 bytes from memory buffer at address 0x80000000 to NAND - starting at block 32 (offset 0x400000):

TI8148_EVM# nand write 0x80000000 0x400000 0x40000

Reading from Nand[edit]

To read len bytes of data from NAND block at a particular offset to the memory buffer in DDR located at addr:

TI8148_EVM# nand read <addr> <offset> <len>

If a bad block is encountered during the read operation, it is skipped and the read operation continues from next 'good' block.

For example, to read 0x40000 bytes from NAND - starting at block 32 (offset 0x400000) to memory buffer at address 0x80000000:

TI8148_EVM# nand read 0x80000000 0x400000 0x40000

Marking a bad block[edit]

Some of the blocks in the NAND may get corrupted over a period of time. In such cases you should explicitly mark such blocks as bad so that the image that you are writing to NAND does not end up getting corrupted.

To forcefully mark a block as bad:

TI8148_EVM # nand markbad <offset> 

For example, to mark block 32 (assuming erase block size of 128Kbytes) as bad block - offset = blocknum * 128 * 1024:

TI8148_EVM# nand markbad 0x400000

Viewing bad blocks[edit]

To view the list of bad blocks:

TI8148_EVM# nand bad

The user marked bad blocks can be viewed by using this command only after a reset.

Erasing Nand[edit]

To erase NAND blocks in a particular the address range or using block numbers:

TI8148_EVM# nand erase <stoffaddr> <len>

This commands skips bad blocks (both factory or user marked) encountered within the specified range.

For example, to erase blocks 32 through 34:

TI8148_EVM# nand erase 0x00400000 0x40000

NAND ECC algorithm selection[edit]

NAND flash memory, although cheap, suffers from problems like bit flipping which lead to data corruption. However by making use of some error correction coding (ECC) techniques it is possible to work around this problem.

For the data stored in NAND flash, U-Boot supports following NAND ECC schemes

  1. S/W ECC (Hamming code)
  2. H/W ECC (Hamming code, BCH4, BCH8, BCH16)

Current releases do not support BCH4 and BCH16.

BCH Flash OOB Layout[edit]

For any ECC scheme we need to add some extra data while writing so as to detect and correct (if possible) the errors introduced by the NAND part. In case of BCH scheme some bytes are needed to store the ECC related info.

The section of NAND memory where addition info like ECC data is stored is referred to as Out Of Band or OOB section.

The first 2 bytes are used for Bad block marker – 0xFFFF => Good block

The next ‘N’ bytes is used for BCH bytes

N = B * <Number of 512-byte sectors in a page>

  B =  8 bytes per 512 byte sector in BCH4
B = 14 bytes per 512 byte sector in BCH8 
B = 26 bytes per 512 byte sector in BCH16

So for a 2k page-size NAND flash with 64-byte OOB size, we will use BCH8. This will consume 2 + (14*4) = 58 bytes out of 64 bytes available.

The NAND flash part used in EVM does not have enough spare area to support BCH16.

ECC Schemes and their context of usage
ECC type Usage
S/W ECC Not used
H/W ECC - Hamming Code Should use this scheme while flashing any image/binary which will be used by Linux. This is also used for the U-Boot ENV variables.
H/W ECC – BCH8 Only while flashing U-Boot from U-Boot already running out of OCMC RAM1. After flashing revert back to hamming code H/W ECC

To select ECC algorithm for NAND:

TI8148_EVM# nandecc [sw | hw <hw_type>] 


   sw - Set software ECC for NAND
hw <hw_type> - Set hardware ECC for NAND
<hw_type> - 0 for Hamming code
1 for bch4
2 for bch8
3 for bch16
Currently we support only Software, Hamming Code and BCH8. We do not support BCH4 and BCH16

Flashing Linux Kernel from U-Boot[edit]

TFTP the kernel uImage to DDR.

  TI8148_EVM# tftp 81000000 <kernel_image>

Now flash the kernel image to NAND at the appropriate offset (refer to NAND layout section for the offsets)

  TI8148_EVM# nand erase 0x00280000 0x00400000
TI8148_EVM# nand write 0x81000000 0x00280000 <image_size> (example, 0x200000)

Creating UBIFS File-System[edit]

Refer to UBIFS Support guide

Creating JFFS2 File-system[edit]

Since jffs2 is used only on flash devices, a standard Linux distribution does not have the tools to make a jffs2 file system.Refer MTD_Utilities wiki page for instructions on how to create JFFS2. mkfs.jffs2 is the tool needed to build a jffs2 file system and the source is in this code. All of the MTD code will be downloaded but only the code to build mkfs.jffs2 is built.

With the mkfs.jffs2 utility built and in place it is now time to make the jffs2 file system from of the target directory. Change to the /home/user directory and enter the mkfs.jffs2 command below. Probably the most important argument to the utility is the erase block size. For the NAND part on the TI8168 EVM board the erase block is 128k Consult either u-boot, the kernel, or the data manual for the flash part used to find the erase block size.

  [root@localhost util]# cd /home/user
[root@localhost util]# mkfs.jffs2 -lqn –e 128 -r target -o /tftpboot/rd-jffs2.bin

By building the file in the /tftpboot directory, the step of copying it over is eliminated. The file must now be written into flash at a specific location. In u-boot, the flash file system will get flashed to the physical address 0x6c0000 and will be mounted by the kernel from /dev/mtdblock<partition-number>, partition-number starts from 0, refer flash layout for individual flash devices and partition creation order for exact number. Use 'cat /proc/partitions' at Linux prompt for the list of partitions.

After identifying the partition, unprotect the flash area where the file system will reside, erase that area. Download the rd-jffs2.bin file. Write it to flash. Modify bootargs to support a JFFS2 file system as root on /dev/mtdblock<partition-number>. Save the environment variables.

Flashing File-system from U-Boot[edit]

TFTP the filesystem image (example - rootfs-base.jffs2 or ubi.img) to DDR.

TI8148_EVM# mw.b 0x81000000 0xFF 0x0C820000 <=== This is required to get rid of "Empty Flash" JFFS2 during kernel boot.
TI8148_EVM# tftp 0x81000000 <filesystem_image> 

Flash the file system image to NAND using the appropriate offsets

For JFFS2 file system:  
TI8148_EVM# nand erase clean 0x006C0000 0x0C820000  <=== Erasing the whole partition before flashing the image

For UBIFS file system: 
TI8148_EVM# nand erase 0x006C0000 0x0C820000  <=== Erasing the whole partition before flashing the image

TI8148_EVM# nand write 0x81000000 0x006C0000 <image_size> <=== Example, 0x01040000
NOTE: The image size should be upward aligned to NAND page size which is 2KiB (i.e. 0x800). 
For example, if the image size is 0x19B8004 the size to be passed to the NAND write 
command should be 0x19B8800.

U-Boot NOR Support[edit]

This section gives an overview of the NOR support in U-Boot. It also describe how to store the kernel image, RAMDISK or the JFFS2 filesystem to NOR so as to have a network-free boot right from powering on the board to getting the kernel up and running.


Please note that the U-Boot commands used in this section is applicable only from a U-Boot which is already running from NOR. Please refer to the Flashing Tools page for flashing the U-Boot image to NOR.

NOR Porting guide[edit]

Refer to NOR Porting guide for interfacing NOR on various daughter boards to DM81xx

Board Modification[edit]

Following board modifications have to be done in the Catalogue board (CATA_x) / Base Board for NOR  to work.

1. catalog board: Replace the resistor R230 in the  with 0-ohm        

       This is required for NOR XIP (Execute in place) to work.

     Without the above board modifcation(1), NOR boot will not work.

2. DM8148 Base board: Remove the resistors R410, R248 and populate R242,R229(Both values are 22 ohms)

      This is required to access the entire NOR memory. NOR address lines (A22 and A23)  and HDMI lines are shared.

   a) Populating the resistors R410, R248 (Both are 22 ohms) will enable HDMI

   b) Populating the resistors R242, R229 (Both are 22 ohms) will enable NOR

      By default, resistors R410, R248 are populated and HDMI is enabled. This puts limitation on the size of NOR memory that can be accessed. With HDMI enabled, NOR device lines A22 and A23 cannot be used and hence the maximum addressible memory is 2^22  = 4 MB. Hence, if the entire NOR memory has to be accessed, then the above modification (2) has to be done.
     NOTE: HDMI will not work after this modifcation(2).

NOR Pin Muxing Info for DM814x EVM[edit]

  • ROM Code initializes only 12 GPMC address lines (gpmc_a0 - gpmc_a11) hence it can access only first 4KBytes of the NOR.
  • Pin muxing for remaining address lines are done by u-boot as given below
gpmc_a12 -----> vout0_fid_mux1
gpmc_a13 -----> vout1_g_y_yc2
gpmc_a14 -----> vout1_r_cr3
gpmc_a15 -----> vout1_r_cr2
gpmc_a16 -----> gpmc_a16
gpmc_a17 -----> gpmc_a17
gpmc_a18 -----> gpmc_a18
gpmc_a19 -----> gpmc_a19
gpmc_a20 -----> gpmc_a_20_mux0
gpmc_a21 -----> gpmc_a_21_mux0
gpmc_a22 -----> gpmc_a_22_mux0
gpmc_a23 -----> gpmc_a_23_mux0
gpmc_a24 -----> gpmc_cs2
gpmc_a25 -----> gpmc_cs1
gpio1_22 -----> mmc2_dat4
  • gpmc_a27 should be configured as gpio1_22 and its output should be set low.
  • For the above pad configuration we cannot use the following modules
    • video

NOR Support[edit]

  • The NOR boot logic is handled in arch/arm/cpu/arm_cortexa8/ti81xx/lowlevel_init.S
  • Since ROM code does not initialize all 25 address lines required for accessing 64MBytes, u-boot should first initialize GPMC to continue with the XIP beyond 4KBytes.
  • u-boot should also configure pin muxing for the remaining 13 address lines (gpmc_a12 - gpmc_a24) based on board schematics
  • In case of NOR boot and XIP, we cannot initialize GPMC while running from NOR, hence we have to relocate the tiny GPMC init code to SRAM and then transfer control to SRAM and then come back to NOR XIP.
  • Also, the relocatable GPMC init code should be placed in the first 4KBytes of the u-boot. This is achieved by adding lowlevel_init.o just below start.o in the u-boot linker script board/ti8148_evm/ as shown below.
    . = 0x00000000;
    . = ALIGN(4);
    .text   :
      arch/arm/cpu/arm_cortexa8/start.o  (.text)
      arch/arm/cpu/arm_cortexa8/ti81xx/lowlevel_init.o   (.text)
  • Before relocating any code to SRAM we have to first enable the SRAM.
  • All the above steps have to be done only if we are not already running from SRAM (or DDR)
  • The diagram below explains the above discussed steps

U-boot nor-boot gpmc-init.jpg

Config Macros[edit]
    #define CONFIG_SYS_MAX_FLASH_SECT   512
    #define CONFIG_ENV_IS_IN_FLASH      1
    #define CONFIG_SYS_FLASH_BASE       (0x08000000)
    #define NOR_SECT_SIZE               (128 * 1024)
    #define CONFIG_ENV_OFFSET           (2 * NOR_SECT_SIZE)
    #define CONFIG_ENV_ADDR             (CONFIG_ENV_OFFSET)
  • These macros assume spansion flash being used in the EVM. For any other flash part, the sector size macro (NOR_SECT_SIZE) has to be modified.

Spansion NOR parts are supported on DM814x platforms.


  • The following sub-sections illustrate the usage of NOR specific commands on DM8148EVM.
  • If U-Boot is built with NOR support and if NOR is disabled in the EVM (or NAND is enabled) and if you try loading U-Boot through CCS then U-Boot will crash. Refer to EVM Switch Settings section for more info on enabling/disabling different boot devices.

NOR Layout[edit]

The NOR part on the EVM has been configured in the following manner. Please note the addresses mentioned here carefully as they are used in the subsequent NOR related commands.

----------------+----> 0x08000000 (u-boot Start) Flash Start
|		|
|		|
|		|
|		|----> 0x0803FFFF (u-boot End) 
|		|----> 0x08040000 (ENV Start)
|		|
|		|
|		|----> 0x0805FFFF (ENV End)  
|		|----> 0x08060000 (Linux Start)
|		|
|		|
|		|
|		|
|		|----> 0x0845FFFF (Linux End) 
|		|----> 0x08460000 (FS Start)
|		|
|		|
|		|
|		|
|		|
|		|
|		|
|		|----> 0x0B65FFFF (FS End) 
|		|----> 0x0B660000 (Reserved Start)
|		|
|		|
----------------+----> 0x0C000000 (Reserved End) Flash End

Writing to NOR[edit]

To write len bytes of data from a memory buffer located at addr to the NOR block offset (here <len> is always in 16-bit word count and not bytes):

TI8148_EVM# cp.w <src> <dest> <len>

For example, to write 0x40000 bytes (i.e. 0x20000 16-bit words) from memory buffer at address 0x81000000 to NOR - starting at offset 0x0B660000:

TI8148_EVM# cp.w 0x81000000 0x0B660000 0x20000

Reading from NOR[edit]

To read len bytes of data from NOR block at offset to memory buffer located at addr (here <len> is always in 16-bit word count and not bytes):

TI8148_EVM# cp.w <src> <dest> <len>

For example, to read 0x40000 bytes (i.e. 0x20000 16-bit words) from NOR - starting at offset 0x0B660000 to memory buffer at address 0x81000000:

TI8148_EVM# cp.w 0x0B660000 0x81000000 0x20000

Erasing NOR[edit]

To erase NOR in the address range (start and end should align to block size):

TI8148_EVM# erase <start> <end>

For example, to erase from 0x0B660000 to 0x0BFFFFFF:

TI8148_EVM# erase 0x0B660000 0x0BFFFFFF

Transferring images to NOR via U-Boot[edit]

Make sure the EVM is connected to network. This is required to get Linux Image from a tftp server. If there is no DHCPserver in the network then use static ip. The section on U-Boot network configuration gives the commands for doing this.

Make sure tftp server is running in a windows PC and the home directory for the tftp server has Linux kernel uImage. This windows PC should be accessible from board.

Flashing U-Boot from U-Boot[edit]

To flash u-boot image (u-boot.bin) to the NOR execute the commands listed below:

TI8148_EVM# mw.b 0x81000000 0xFF 0x100000
TI8148_EVM# tftp 0x81000000 u-boot.bin
TI8148_EVM# protect off 0x08000000 0x0803FFFF
TI8148_EVM# erase 0x08000000 0x0803FFFF
TI8148_EVM# cp.w 0x81000000 0x08000000 0x20000 (NOTE: 0x20000 is size of uboot.bin / 2)

Please note that the above steps can only be used from U-Boot already running out of NOR.

The above set of commands fill in the section of memory starting from 0x81000000 with size 0x100000 with 0xFF. In DM814x EVM this memory region is a part of the DDR memory. Next we download the U-Boot image to the DDR memory. To have persistent storage we then transfer the downloaded U-Boot image to NOR with the help of the NOR commands described earlier.

Flashing Linux Kernel from U-Boot[edit]

TFTP the kernel uImage to DDR.

TI8148_EVM# tftp 81000000 <kernel_image>

Flash the kernel image to NOR

TI8148_EVM# protect off 0x08060000  0x0845FFFF 
TI8148_EVM# erase 0x08060000  0x0845FFFF 
TI8148_EVM# cp.w 0x81000000 0x08060000 0xcb4da (NOTE: 0xcb4da is size of kernel_image / 2)

Creating JFFS2 File-system[edit]

Refer Creating JFFS2 File-system

Flashing File-system from U-Boot[edit]

TFTP filesystem image (example - rootfs-816x.jffs2) to DDR.

TI8148_EVM# tftp 81000000 <filesystem_image>

Flash the file system image to NOR

TI8148_EVM# protect off 0x08460000  0x0B65FFFF 
TI8148_EVM# erase 0x08460000  0x0B65FFFF 
TI8148_EVM# cp.w 0x81000000 0x08460000 0x800000 (NOTE: 0x800000 is size of filesystem / 2)

U-Boot SPI Support[edit]

Before proceeding with any of the commands given in this section please make sure that SPI is enabled on the EVM. The switch for enabling SPI is shown over here.

This section gives an overview of the SPI support in U-Boot. It also describe how to store the kernel image, RAMDISK or the JFFS2 filesystem to SPI flash so as to have a network-free boot right from powering on the board to getting the kernel up and running.


Winbond SPI Flash part W25X32 is supported on TI8148EVM platforms. Refer for information on supporting new Winbond SPI flashes. This mail thread discusses on adding support for W25Q64 SPI flash part.


  • The following sub-sections illustrate the usage of SPI specific commands on TI8148EVM.
  • Refer to EVM Switch Settings section for more info on enabling/disabling different boot devices.

SPI Flash Layout[edit]

The SPI flash part on the EVM has been configured in the following manner. The addresses mentioned here are used in the subsequent SPI related commands.

  +-------------+->0x00000000-> U-Boot 1st stage start
|		|
|		|-->0x0001FFFF-> U-Boot 1st stage end  
|		|-->0x00020000-> U-Boot 2nd stage Start
|		|
|		|-->0x0005FFFF-> U-Boot 2nd stage end
|		|-->0x00060000-> ENV start
|		|
|		|
|		|-->0x00061FFF-> ENV end
|		|-->0x00062000-> Linux Kernel start
|		|
|		|
|		|
|		|
|		|-->0x002E1FFF-> Linux Kernel end
|		|-->0x002E2000-> Filesystem start
|		|
|		|
|		|
+-------------+-->0x00400000-> Filesystem end 


  • Type sf in u-boot prompt to get help on SPI flash commands
  • Before using any SPI command, first the SPI flash has to be probed using the sf probe 0 command. Here 0 is the SPI flash chip select number
TI8148_EVM# sf probe 0:0

Writing to SPI Flash[edit]

To write len bytes of data from a memory buffer located at addr to offset in SPI flash:

TI8148_EVM# sf write addr offset len

For example, to write 0x1000 bytes from memory buffer at address 0x80000000 to SPI flash - starting at offset 0x4000:

TI8148_EVM# sf write 0x80000000 0x4000 0x1000

Reading from SPI Flash[edit]

To read len bytes of data from SPI flash at a particular offset to the memory buffer located at addr:

TI8148_EVM# sf read addr offset len

For example, to read 0x1000 bytes from flash - starting at offset 0x4000 to memory buffer at address 0x80000000:

TI8148_EVM# sf write 0x80000000 0x4000 0x1000

Erasing SPI Flash[edit]

To erase len bytes from 'offset' in a SPI flash:

TI8148_EVM# sf erase offset len

For example, to erase 0x1000 bytes from offset 0x4000:

TI8148_EVM# sf erase 0x4000 0x1000

Flashing Linux Kernel from U-Boot[edit]

TFTP the kernel uImage to DDR.

TI8148_EVM# tftp 81000000 <kernel_image>

Now flash the kernel image to flash at the appropriate offset (refer to SPI layout section for the offsets)

TI8148_EVM# sf probe 0:0
TI8148_EVM# sf erase 0x62000 0x280000
TI8148_EVM# sf write 0x81000000 0x62000 0x280000

Creating JFFS2 File-system[edit]

NOTE: JFFS2 cannot be supported on the SPI flash available on TI8168 EVM due to erase size restrictions. The erase sector size of W25X32 is 4KiB but JFFS2 requires it be minimum 8KiB. Hence JFFS2 filesystem cannot be used on this flash part. For help on JFFS2 filesystem creation (for other SPI flash parts) refer Creating JFFS2 File-system

Flashing File-system from U-Boot[edit]

TI8148_EVM# tftp 81000000 <filesystem_image>

Flash the file system image to flash using the appropriate offsets

TI8148_EVM# sf probe 0:0
TI8148_EVM# sf erase 0x2e2000 0x11E000
TI8148_EVM# sf write 0x81000000 0x2e2000 0x11E000

U-Boot UART support[edit]

This section describes how to use UART boot mode using TeraTerm.

Ensure that you have the latest version 4.67 of the Teraterm installed. The kermit protocol implementation in Teraterm is not reliable in older versions. The latest version of Teraterm 4.67 can be downloaded from here

Boot Over UART[edit]

The release package does not contain the binary for UART boot. Please follow the steps mentioned [U-Boot for UART boot] for compiling u-boot.min.uart

  1. Switch ON EVM with switch settings for UART boot. When “CCCC” characters appear on TeraTerm window, from the File Menu select Transfer --> XMODEM --> Send (1K mode)
  2. Select “u-boot.min.uart” for the transfer
  3. Press "Reset button" to initiate image download
  4. After image is successfully downloaded, the ROM code will boot it.
  5. Hit enter and get to u-boot prompt “TI-MIN#”

Loading 2nd stage over UART[edit]

  • From the U-Boot-MIN prompt
TI_MIN# loadb 0x81000000
  • From TeraTerm Menu click “File -> Transfer -> Kermit -> Send”.
  • Select the 2nd stage u-boot image “u-boot.bin” built earlier and click “OPEN” button
  • Wait for download to complete
TI_MIN# go 0x81000000
  • You should get 2nd Stage u-boot prompt

Flashing images to NAND[edit]

Before proceeding with any of the commands given in this section please make sure that NAND is enabled on the EVM. The switch for enabling NAND is shown over here.

After the 2nd stage prompt TI8148_EVM# comes up, the images for the 1st stage and 2nd stage can be flashed to NAND for persistent storage.

Before proceeding with flashing of the images please make sure that NAND is enabled on the EVM.

Flashing 1st stage to NAND from 2nd stage[edit]

Flash U-Boot-MIN for NAND (u-boot.min.nand) to NAND by executing the following commands:

TI8148_EVM# mw.b 0x81000000 0xFF 0x20000
TI8148_EVM# loadb 0x81000000
  • From TeraTerm Menu click “File -> Transfer -> Kermit -> Send”.
  • Select the 1st stage u-boot image “u-boot.min.nand” and click “OPEN” button
  • Wait for download to complete and then run following commands in u-boot prompt
TI8148_EVM# nand erase 0x0 0x20000
TI8148_EVM# nandecc hw 2
TI8148_EVM# nand write.i 0x81000000 0x0 0x20000
TI8148_EVM# nandecc hw 0

If no error messages are displayed the 1st stage of NAND boot has been successfully transferred to NAND.

Flashing 2nd stage to NAND from 2nd stage[edit]

Flash the 2nd stage U-Boot (u-boot.bin) to NAND by executing the following commands:

TI8148_EVM# mw.b 0x81000000 0xFF 0x60000
TI8148_EVM# loadb 0x81000000
  • From TeraTerm Menu click “File -> Transfer -> Kermit -> Send”.
  • Select the 2nd stage u-boot image “u-boot.bin” and click “OPEN” button
  • Wait for download to complete and then run following commands in u-boot prompt
TI8148_EVM# nand erase 0x20000 0x60000
TI8148_EVM# nandecc hw 0
TI8148_EVM# nand write.i 0x81000000 0x20000 0x60000

If no error messages are displayed the 2nd stage of NAND boot has been successfully transferred to NAND.

Flashing images to SPI[edit]

Before proceeding with any of the commands given in this section please make sure that SPI is enabled on the EVM. The switch for enabling SPI is shown over here.

After the 2nd stage prompt TI8148_EVM# comes up the images for the 1st stage and 2nd stage can be flashed to SPI for persistent storage.

Flashing 1st stage to SPI from 2nd stage[edit]

Flash U-Boot-MIN for SPI (u-boot.min.spi) to SPI flash by executing the following commands:

TI8148_EVM# mw.b 0x81000000 0xFF 0x20000
TI8148_EVM# loadb 0x81000000
  • From TeraTerm Menu click “File -> Transfer -> Kermit -> Send”.
  • Select the 1st stage u-boot image “u-boot.min.spi” and click “OPEN” button
  • Wait for download to complete and then run following commands in u-boot prompt
TI8148_EVM# sf probe 0:0 
TI8148_EVM# sf erase 0x0 0x20000
TI8148_EVM# sf write 0x81000000 0x0 0x20000

If no error messages are displayed then the 1st stage for SPI boot is successfully flashed to SPI.

Flashing 2nd stage to SPI from 2nd stage[edit]

Flash 2nd stage u-boot image (u-boot.bin) to SPI flash by executing the following commands:

TI8148_EVM# mw.b 0x81000000 0xFF 0x40000
TI8148_EVM# loadb 0x81000000
  • From TeraTerm Menu click “File -> Transfer -> Kermit -> Send”.
  • Select the 1st stage u-boot image “u-boot.bin” and click “OPEN” button
  • Wait for download to complete and then run following commands in u-boot prompt
TI8148_EVM# sf probe 0:0 
TI8148_EVM# sf erase 0x20000 0x40000
TI8148_EVM# sf write 0x81000000 0x20000 0x40000

If no error messages are displayed then the 2nd stage for SPI boot is successfully flashed to SPI.

U-Boot SD (Secured Digital card) Support[edit]

This section gives an overview of the SD (Secured Digital Card) support in U-Boot


SD (Secured Digital Card) support is available through HSMMC controller.

SD support is available by default in all U-Boot configs.  SD card can be accessed in all other boot modes (NAND/SPI).

Read and execute application from SD card

Pleas note that the following commands are being executed from the 2nd stage.

List files on a FAT32 formated SD card

TI8148_EVM# mmc rescan 0
TI8148_EVM# fatls mmc 0

Booting kernel image from the SD card

TI8148_EVM# mmc rescan 0
TI8148_EVM# fatload mmc 0 0x81000000 uImage
TI8148_EVM# bootm 0x81000000

Booting application (ex. u-boot.bin) image from the SD card

TI8148_EVM# mmc rescan 0
TI8148_EVM# fatload mmc 0 0x81000000 u-boot.bin
TI8148_EVM# go 0x81000000

NoteNote: For the PSP_04.00.00.5 and older release use the following mmc commands

$mmc rescan 0 must be replaced with $mmc init
$fatls mmc 0 must be replaced with $fatls mmc 1
$fatload mmc 0 <addr> <file> must be replaced with $fatload mmc 1 <addr> <file>

Setting Up Boot Environment on SD Card[edit]

This section describes steps to be followed to create a standalone power-on bootable system on SD card.

Prerequisites Ensure that following is available:

  • A Linux host with fdisk, sfdisk, mkfs.ext3 and mkfs.vfat utilities is available
  • Copy images MLO, u-boot.bin, uImage, nfs.tar.gz and from release package to a directory on this Linux machine. For subsequent description, we will assume these files are copied to /home/ti814x. Please refer "Package Contents" section in DM814x C6A814x AM387x PSP User Guide for location of these files.
  • Empty SD card (at least 256MB, preferably 4GB SDHC)
  • A SD memory card reader/programmer to copy files from Linux Host
  Note: The SD Boot has some specific restriction about the format of the 1st partition and copying the MLO image.
So it is recommended that the supplied script is used for creating partitions and copying files. 


  • Connect the SD memory card using Memory Card reader to the Linux Host
  • Note the name allotted for this device. We assume the device is named as "/dev/sdd"
  • Navigate to the /home/ti814x directory where all the mentioned files are copied
  • Ensure that the script has executable permissions
  • This scripts expects arguments in the following format
./ <sd-device-name> <sd-1st-stage-bootloader> <sd-2nd-stage-bootloader> <kernel-uImage> <filesystem>
  • Note that the user will require root/sudo permissions
  • In our example, we run the following command
sudo ./ /dev/sdd MLO u-boot.bin uImage nfs.tar.gz
  • You will be asked about data getting overwritten, confirm it and the files along with filesystem will be copied to SD card
  • Note that this script will create two primary partitions:
    • 1st partition is formatted as FAT32 containing MLO, u-boot.bin, uImage files
    • 2nd partition is formatted as ext3 where the filesystem is extracted in root

Boot using SD card[edit]

Once the SD card has been setup as described in the previous section make sure the switch setting are set for SD boot mode and then plug in the SD card in the MMC/SD card slot on the EVM.

When the EVM is powered on the 1st stage will autoload the 2nd stage from SD. Interrupt the countdown in the 2nd stage if kernel boot is not required. You should see the TI8148_EVM# prompt on the console.

Flashing images to NAND in SD boot[edit]

Before proceeding with any of the commands given in this section please make sure that NAND is enabled on the EVM. The switch for enabling NAND is shown over here.

Copy the U-Boot image u-boot.min.nand built for 1st stage NAND as describedhere and u-boot.bin built for NAND as described here in the FAT partition on the SD card.

After the 2nd stage prompt TI8148_EVM# comes up, the images for the 1st stage and 2nd stage can be flashed to NAND for persistent storage.

Flashing 1st stage to NAND from 2nd stage in SD boot[edit]

Flash U-Boot-MIN for NAND (u-boot.min.nand) to NAND by executing the following commands:

TI8148_EVM# mmc rescan 0
TI8148_EVM# mw.b 0x81000000 0xFF 0x20000
TI8148_EVM$ fatload mmc 0 0x81000000 u-boot.min.nand
TI8148_EVM# nandecc hw 2
TI8148_EVM# nand erase 0x0 0x20000
TI8148_EVM# nand write.i 0x81000000 0x0 0x20000
TI8148_EVM# nandecc hw 0

If no error messages are displayed the 1st stage of NAND boot has been successfully transferred to NAND.

Flashing 2nd stage to NAND from 2nd stage in SD boot[edit]

Flash the 2nd stage U-Boot (u-boot.bin) to NAND by executing the following commands:

TI8148_EVM# mmc rescan 0
TI8148_EVM# mw.b 0x81000000 0xFF 0x20000
TI8148_EVM$ fatload mmc 0 0x81000000 u-boot.bin
TI8148_EVM# nandecc hw 0
TI8148_EVM# nand erase 0x20000 0x60000
TI8148_EVM# nand write.i 0x81000000 0x20000 0x60000

If no error messages are displayed the 2nd stage of NAND boot has been successfully transferred to NAND.

Flashing images to SPI in SD boot[edit]

Before proceeding with any of the commands given in this section please make sure that SPI is enabled on the EVM. The switch for enabling SPI is shown over here.

Copy the U-Boot image u-boot.min.spi built for 1st stage SPI as describedhere and u-boot.bin built for SPI as described here in the FAT partition on the SD card.

After the 2nd stage prompt TI8148_EVM# comes up the images for the 1st stage and 2nd stage can be flashed to SPI for persistent storage.

Flashing 1st stage to SPI from 2nd stage in SD boot[edit]

Flash U-Boot-MIN for SPI (u-boot.min.spi) to SPI flash by executing the following commands:

TI8148_EVM# mmc rescan 0
TI8148_EVM# mw.b 0x81000000 0xFF 0x20000
TI8148_EVM# fatload mmc 0 0x81000000 u-boot.min.spi
TI8148_EVM# sf probe 0:0 
TI8148_EVM# sf erase 0x0 0x20000
TI8148_EVM# sf write 0x81000000 0x0 0x20000

If no error messages are displayed then the 1st stage for SPI boot is successfully flashed to SPI.

Flashing 2nd stage to SPI from 2nd stage in SD boot[edit]

Flash 2nd stage u-boot image (u-boot.bin) to SPI flash by executing the following commands:

TI8148_EVM# mmc rescan 0
TI8148_EVM# mw.b 0x81000000 0xFF 0x40000
TI8148_EVM# fatload mmc 0 0x81000000 u-boot.bin
TI8148_EVM# sf probe 0:0 
TI8148_EVM# sf erase 0x20000 0x40000
TI8148_EVM# sf write 0x81000000 0x20000 0x40000

If no error messages are displayed then the 2nd stage for SPI boot is successfully flashed to SPI.

NoteNote: For the PSP_04.00.00.5 and older release use the following mmc commands

$mmc rescan 0 must be replaced with $mmc init
$fatload mmc 0 <addr> <file> must be replaced with $fatload mmc 1 <addr> <file>

ENV on SD card using a script[edit]

U-Boot environment variables can be modified using U-Boot scripts. The scripts can be used to modify and even over-ride the various parameters like bootargs, TFTP serverip etc.

Generation of the scripts is done with the help of the mkimage tool which can be found under the tools directory of the U-Boot source. The mkimage binary gets generated whenever any U-Boot image is built.

Once the mkimage binary generated, create a text file named boot.txt with the U-Boot commands that would normally be executed manually at the U-Boot prompt.

Example text file named boot.txt

setenv bootargs 'console=ttyO0,115200n8 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 mem=128M rootwait'
setenv bootcmd 'mmc rescan 0; fatload mmc 0 0x81000000 uImage; bootm 0x81000000'

NoteNote: For the PSP_04.00.00.5 and older release use the following mmc commands

setenv bootargs 'console=ttyO0,115200n8 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 mem=128M rootwait'
setenv bootcmd 'mmc init; fatload mmc 1 0x81000000 uImage; bootm 0x81000000'

Now use the following command to generate the script named boot.scr

$ mkimage -A arm -O linux -T script -C none -n TI_script -d boot.txt boot.scr

The file boot.scr can now be executed from U-Boot using the source command to execute all the commands present in it. Eg: TFTP the file to some location in DDR and then use source command in the following manner (assumption: network setting has already been done using the steps mentioned in this User Guide)

TI8148_EVM# tftp 0x81000000 boot.scr 
TI8148_EVM# source 0x81000000

The script can even be placed in the SD card and then bootcmd set to autorun this script if present.

U-Boot Network configuration[edit]

In order to download the Linux kernel image from the TFTP server and for mounting NFS the network settings in U-Boot need to be configured.

NoteNote: Uboot supports only Ethernet on Port 1 (J14), Port 2 (J27) is not supported in current release.

Please note that the following commands are being run from the 2nd stage U-Boot prompt on the serial console.

TI8148_EVM# setenv autoload no
TI8148_EVM# setenv bootfile uImage

The above two commands configure U-Boot not to autoboot the kernel and then set the name of the kernel image to be downloaded over the network. Once you have flashed the kernel image (described later on) you can set the autoload option to 'yes' in order to have U-Boot automatically boot the kernel image.

When booting for the first time, U-Boot tries to fetch the MAC address from the env space. If it returns empty, it will look for MAC address from the eFuse registers in the Control module space and set the "ethaddr" variable in the env appropriately.

The ethaddr can also be set using the setenv/saveenv commands. In such cases the user-set MAC address will take effect on subsequent reboot only.

To set a different MAC address use the following command

TI8148_EVM# set ethaddr <random MAC address eg- 08:11:23:32:12:77>

When setting a MAC address please ensure that the LSB of the 1st byte if not 1 i.e. when setting the MAC address: y in xy:ab:cd:ef:gh:jk has to be an even number. For more info this refer to the wiki page

In case a static ip is not available run the dhcp command to obtain the ip address from the DHCP server on the network to which the EVM is connected.

TI8148_EVM# setenv serverip <tftp server in your network>
TI8148_EVM# netmask
TI8148_EVM# dhcp
TI8148_EVM# saveenv

In case a static ip is available run the following commands

TI8148_EVM# setenv ipaddr <your static ip>
TI8148_EVM# saveenv

This completes the network configuration in U-Boot.

U-Boot Environment Variables[edit]

After completing the network configuration and flashing the kernel image and filesystems to flash you need to set some other parameters which are essential for booting the kernel.

Environment Settings for Ramdisk[edit]

In case you are using a RAMDISK as the Linux filesystem

TI8148_EVM# setenv bootargs 'console=ttyO0,115200n8 mem=256M ip=dhcp earlyprintk root=/dev/ram rw initrd=0x82000000,32MB'

In case of NAND boot (0x170000 => size of Linux kernel uImage, 0x00320000 => size of Filesystem)

TI8148_EVM# setenv bootcmd 'nand read 0x81000000 0x00280000 0x170000;nand read 0x82000000 0x006C0000 0x00320000;bootm 0x81000000'

In case of SPI boot (0x280000 => size of Linux kernel uImage, 0x11E000 => size of Filesystem)

TI8148_EVM# setenv bootcmd 'sf probe 0; sf read 0x81000000 0x62000 0x280000; sf read 0x82000000 2e2000 0x11E000;bootm 0x81000000'

In case of SD boot

TI8148_EVM# setenv bootcmd 'mmc rescan 0;fatload mmc 0 0x81000000 uImage;bootm 0x81000000' 

In case of NOR boot (0x00320000 => size of Filesystem)

TI8148_EVM# setenv bootcmd 'cp.w 0x8460000 0x82000000 0x320000;bootm 0x08060000' 

NOTE: The sizes of images mentioned in the above commands have to be modified based on the actual image size. Also, it should be aligned to sector size of the flash device used.


TI8148_EVM# saveenv

Environment Settings for JFFS2 Filesystem[edit]

  • U-Boot environment variable bootargs has information on arguments to be passed to Linux kernel. The bootargs format for JFFS2 root filesystem is,
  console=ttyO0,115200n8 root=/dev/mtdblock<partion_id> [ro|rw] rootfstype=jffs2 mem=100M earlyprintk

The value of <partition_id> depends on memory device which holds the rootfs. The below list gives values for different scenarios and it also assumes that only that respective device is enabled on the board,

 rootfs on NAND ==> partion_id should be 4
rootfs on SPI ==> partion_id should be 4
rootfs on NOR ==> partion_id should be 3
NOTE: If the kernel is compiled with both SPI and NAND support then /dev/mtdblock9 should be used for NAND.
    If the kernel is compiled with both SPI and NOR support then /dev/mtdblock7 should be used for SPI 

Below examples set bootargs variable from u-boot prompt for different memory devices (in case of SPI, mtdblock4 should be used).

In case if you want readonly filesystem,

TI8148_EVM# setenv bootargs 'console=ttyO0,115200n8 root=/dev/mtdblock4 ro rootfstype=jffs2 mem=100M earlyprintk'

In case if you want read/write filesystem,

TI8148_EVM# setenv bootargs 'console=ttyO0,115200n8 root=/dev/mtdblock4 rw rootfstype=jffs2 mem=100M earlyprintk'

NOTE: If the kernel is compiled with both SPI and NAND support then /dev/mtdblock9 should be used for NAND

In case of NAND boot (0x170000 => size of Linux kernel uImage)

TI8148_EVM# setenv bootcmd 'nand read 0x81000000 0x00280000 0x170000;bootm 0x81000000'

In case of SPI boot (0x280000 => size of Linux kernel uImage)

TI8148_EVM# setenv bootcmd 'sf probe 0; sf read 0x81000000 0x62000 0x280000;bootm 0x81000000'

In case of NOR boot

TI8148_EVM# setenv bootcmd 'bootm 0x08060000'

NOTE: The sizes of images mentioned in the above commands have to be modified based on the actual image size. Also, it should be aligned to sector size of the flash device used.

Environment Settings for NFS Filesystem[edit]

When setting a MAC address please ensure that the LSB of the 1st byte if not 1 i.e. when setting the MAC address: y in xy:ab:cd:ef:gh:jk has to be an even number. For more info this refer to the wiki page

In case you want to have the kernel use the same ip as that assigned to U-Boot

TI8148_EVM# print ethaddr                          <-- Check if MAC address is assigned and is unique
TI8148_EVM# setenv ethaddr <unique-MAC-address>    <-- Set only if not present already, format uv:yy:zz:aa:bb:cc
TI8148_EVM# setenv bootcmd 'dhcp;run addip; tftp 81000000 uImage;bootm'
TI8148_EVM# setenv hostname <unique-hostname>
TI8148_EVM# setenv addip 'setenv bootargs ${bootargs} ip=${ipaddr}:${nfsserver}:${gatewayip}:${netmask}:${hostname}:eth0:off'
TI8148_EVM# setenv autoload no
TI8148_EVM# setenv nfsserver <NFS server-ip>         <-- Make sure the same NFS server IP is used below
TI8148_EVM# setenv bootargs 'console=ttyO0,115200n8 root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=<NFS server-ip>:<NFS share>,nolock rw mem=128M'      
TI8148_EVM# setenv serverip <tftp-server-ip>

In case you want to use dhcp for getting an IP when the kernel boots up

TI8148_EVM# print ethaddr                          <-- Check if MAC address is assigned and is unique
TI8148_EVM# setenv ethaddr <unique-MAC-address>    <-- Set only if not present already, format uv:yy:zz:aa:bb:cc
TI8148_EVM# setenv bootcmd 'dhcp;tftp 81000000 uImage;bootm'
TI8148_EVM# setenv autoload no
TI8148_EVM# setenv nfsserver <NFS server-ip>         <-- Make sure the same NFS server IP is used below
TI8148_EVM# setenv bootargs 'console=ttyO0,115200n8 root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=<NFS server-ip>:<NFS share>,nolock rw mem=128M ip=dhcp'      
TI8148_EVM# setenv serverip <tftp-server-ip>


TI8148_EVM# saveenv

Booting the kernel[edit]

In case everything went well you should now be able to boot the kernel from U-Boot using the following command.

TI8148_EVM# boot

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