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Category:C6000 Single Core

From Texas Instruments Wiki
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Floating-/Fixed-Point TMS320C6000™ DSPs[edit]

TMS320C6000™ DSPs offer industry leading performance (up to 24,000 MMACS), power efficiency (as low as ~470mW active / ~7mW standby), value (as low as $6.65 in 1ku quantity), and long-standing DSP heritage. The platform’s processing and low power capabilities are optimal for applications such as imaging/video, communication and broadband infrastructure, industrial, medical, test and measurement, high-end computing, and performance audio applications. Quite simply, TI offers a vast assortment of floating/fixed point single core and multicore DSP options that address the most mission critical design challenges to the most cost or power-sensitive application needs.

C6-Integra Application Processors
video platform video management video solutions video player
Introduction to C6-Integra™ ARM + DSP® Application Processors

Examples of applications that benefit from an integrated real-time signal processor:

  • Speech/Voice processing
  • Video/Image processing
  • Military & Avionics Radar/Sonar processing
  • Industrial & Medical Laser/Light processing

The purpose of the C6000™ wiki is to foster cooperative development among the C6000™ developer community. This site is a companion to the C6000™ information found on the C6000 DSPs homepage.
We encourage you to spend some time reading through what's here today, adding to it, and creating your own topics, tips and tricks. TI will continue to author and monitor content on this wiki to ensure it stays up to date.

EZ 1-2-3 Design Companions[edit]

Click on the Icons below to access the Wiki Pages

C6000™ Devices

Step 1: Evaluate the Device

<imagemap> Image:TMS320C6748.jpg|200px default desc none </imagemap>

Step 2: Design the Hardware

<imagemap>Image: LogicPD_OMAPL138_Exp_Kit.JPG|200px default desc none </imagemap>

Step 3: Design the Software

<imagemap>Image:CCS_Graphic.JPG |200px default desc none </imagemap>

(C674x Fixed-/Floating-Point DSP)
C6747 Device Evaluation C6747 Hardware Design Guide C6747 Software Design Guide
(C674x Fixed-/Floating-Point DSP)
C6748 Device Evaluation C6748 Hardware Design Guide C6748 Software Design Guide
(C64x Fixed-Point DSP)
C64x Device Evaluation C64x Hardware Design Guide C64x Software Design Guide
(C67x Floating-Point DSP)
C67x Device Evaluation C67x Hardware Design Guide C67x Software Design Guide

C6000™ White Papers[edit]

White papers for C6000 Devices

C6000™ Videos[edit]

Feel free to check out these articles and videos created by our team!

The Future of DSP with Gene Frantz

Demonstration Videos

End Application Videos

Videos in Chinese

C6000™ Developement kit[edit]

C6-Integra Device Directory[edit]

C6 Integra processors
Devices Platforms Operating Systems Tools Support Components Programming

<imagemap>Image: C6A816x.PNG|alt=C6A816x default desc none</imagemap>

<imagemap> Image: C6A816xHW.PNG|alt=C6A816x Hardware default desc none </imagemap>

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<imagemap>Image: Codecsimg.PNG

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Image: Algorithmsbox.png|alt=Algorithms default desc none </imagemap>

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<imagemap>Image: OMAP-L1HW.PNG|alt=OMAP-L1 Hardware default desc none</imagemap>

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<imagemap> Image: EMULATORS box.png|alt=EMULATORS default desc none </imagemap>

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<imagemap>Image: Pspimg.PNG

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Image: Debuggingbox.png|alt=Debugging default desc none </imagemap>

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<imagemap> Image: 3P ide box.png|alt=Third Party IDE default desc none </imagemap>

<imagemap> Image: 3P box.png|alt=Third Party default desc none </imagemap>

<imagemap>Image: Codecenimg.PNG

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alt=Memory Maps

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<imagemap> Image: QNX box.png|alt=QNX default desc none </imagemap>

<imagemap>Image: Toolchain box.png|alt=Toolchain default desc none</imagemap>

<imagemap> Image: TRAINING box.png|alt=TRAINING default desc none </imagemap>

<imagemap>Image: XDAISimg.PNG

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Image: Optimizationbox.png|alt=Optimization default desc none </imagemap>

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<imagemap>Image: fwcomp.PNG

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<imagemap> Image: WINCE box.png|alt=WINCE default desc none </imagemap>

<imagemap>Image: C6accelimg.png

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<imagemap>Image: Syslinkimg.PNG

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<imagemap>Image: C6FLOimg.png

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This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.