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AM335x Industrial Automation EVM User Guide

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AM335x Industrial Design Kit Evaluation Module (TMDXEVM3359) Hardware User Guide

The content of this wiki is no longer maintained. The TMDXIDK3359 is "Obsolete" and no longer available. However the TMDSICE3359 is recommended for industrial communications and is less complex to use and is readily available at a lower cost via the TI eStore.


The TMDXIDK3359 is "Obsolete" and no longer available. However the TMDSICE3359 is recommended for industrial communications and is less complex to use and is readily available at a lower cost via the TI eStore.

This document describes the hardware architecture of the AM335x Industrial Development Kit (IDK) Evaluation Module (EVM) (Part # TMDXIDK3359) which is based on the Texas Instruments AM335x processor. This EVM is also commonly known as the AM335x IDK EVM.


The AM335x IDK EVM is a standalone test, development, and evaluation module system that enables developers to write software and develop hardware around an AM335x processor subsystem, and it is focused on industrial automation and motor control type of applications. The main elements of the AM335x subsystem are already available on the base board of the EVM which gives developers the basic resources needed for most general purpose type projects that encompass the AM335x as the main processor. Furthermore, additional, industrial type peripherals are built into the daughterboard of the EVM such as memory, sensors, Profibus, DCAN, Ethernet PHY, etc. so that prospective industrial systems can be modeled quickly without significant additional hardware resources.

The following sections give more details regarding the EVM.

EVM System View[edit]

The System View of the AM335x IDK EVM consists of the baseboard and industrial automation/motor control daughterboard stacked together and connected with standard throughhole connectors. See the pictures below of the EVM.


Figure 1: AM335x IDK EVM


Figure 2: AM335x IDK Daughterboard View

Schematics/Design Files[edit]

System Description[edit]

System Board Diagram[edit]

The complete AM335x IDK EVM is partitioned across two different boards for modularity. The IDK EVM consists of the baseboard (processor and main power supply) and daughterboard (external peripherals).


Figure 3: AM335x IDK EVM System Board Diagram

Functional Block Diagram of AM335x IDK Baseboard[edit]

The functional block diagram of the AM335x IDK baseboards is as shown below:


Figure 4: AM335x IDK Baseboard Block Diagram

Functional Block Diagram of AM335x IDK Industrial Daughterboard[edit]

The functional block diagram of the AM335x IDK Industrial Daughterboard is as shown below:


Figure 5: AM335x IDK Industrial Daughterboard Block Diagram


The AM3359 processor is the central processor for this EVM. All the resources on the board surround the AM3359 processor to provide development capabilities for hardware and software. See the AM3359 datasheet and TRM for the details about the processor.

There are system configuration signals, SYSBOOT, that can be set on the EVM to define some startup parameters on the AM335x processor. See the Configuration/Setup section later for more details.


The IDK EVM has several clocks to support the AM3359 processor. The main clock for the processor is derived from a 24MHz crystal. An on-board oscillator in the AM3359 generates the base clock and subsequent module clocks as needed within the AM3359 processor. A 32kHz clock for the RTC on the AM3359 is derived from a 32kHz crystal on the board.

Reset Signals[edit]

SYS_RESETn is a signal running to several peripherals and AM335x which performs a reset on those peripherals. SYS_WARMRESETn is asserted by a pushbutton on the base board and is used to force a reset of the AM335x. AM335x can also pulldown on the RESET_INOUTn signal to cause the SYS_RESETn line to go active.

Power System[edit]

This section describes how the power supply is implemented.

Power Source[edit]

Power Source[edit]

AM335x Baseboard uses an external AC to +5VDC (rated 2.5A min) power adapter. The switch near to the power cable is used for power ON/OFF. The main power is off when the power switch is in the position away from the power supply jack. The main power is on when the power switch is in the position closest to the power supply jack. The AM335x IDK Daughterboard has a power jack for +24VDC to power the motor drive and the industrial input/output devices. There are separate industrial screw down power supply jacks for +24VDC connections to enable using different voltage values to drive the motor than the industrial input/outputs. Nonetheless, the default setup when the IDK is shipped is to use a single +24VDC power supply into the DIN power jack. On earlier IDK versions, this DIN power jack is the same barrel size as the base board +5VDC power jack.

Be careful to plug the supplied +24VDC power supply only into the daughterboard!

Power Nets[edit]

The power nets used in the AM335x Baseboard schematics are listed in the below tables.

Net Description
V1_8DDR Power supply for DDR2 SDRAM
GND_OSC0 isolated ground for OSC0 main clock source
GND_OSCRTC isolated ground for RTC oscillator
DGND main ground reference net
V3_3D digital 3.3V power
V5_0D digital 5.0V power
GNDUSB0 local ground for USB0 connector shield
GNDUSB1 local ground for USB1 connector shield
V1_8D digital 1.8V power
VSDMMC0 digital SDMMC0 power supply (1.8V or 3.3V)
VBAT main unregulated power supply (may be tied to 5V)

(needs to be 3.7 to 5.5V)

VEXPD Unregulated power supply for the daughterboard
VADC Power supply for the ADC
V5_0USB 5.0V power supply for the VBUS on USB
V1_1D Power supply for AM335x core
GNDA_TSC Local analog ground for ADC/touch screen

Table 1: AM335x IDK EVM Baseboard Power Nets

Net Description
DGND main ground reference net
V3_3D digital 3.3V power
V5_0D digital 5.0V power
V1_8D digital 1.8V power
V12_0D 12.0V power for motor control
V24_0D 24.0V power for common board requirements
V24_0MTR 24.0V power for motor control
V24_0HVS 24.0V power for industrial input/output
VPROFI 5.0V power for profibus
VSTEL_VDC 3.3V power for Stellaris Processor
VBAT main unregulated power supply (may be tied to 5V)

(needs to be 3.7 to 5.5V)

VEXPD Variable power supply for expansion board
GND_CAN Local ground for the CAN bus
GNDPROFI Local ground for the Profibus
GNDA_TSC Local ground for the ADC
VADC Power supply for the ADC

Table 2: AM335x IDK EVM Industrial Daughterboard Power Nets

The power sequencing requirements of the AM335X processor (see the AM335x datasheet) are handled automatically by the TPS65910A PMIC.

Power Management IC Power Supplies[edit]

The AM335x Baseboard uses the TPS65910A power management IC.

The I2C0 on AM335x is used to control the Smart Reflex port and control port on the TPS65910A.

For AM335x, the following power supplies from the TPS65910A are used.

TPS65910 Power Supply AM335x Power Rail Voltage
VAUX2 (300mA) VDDSHV1, 3, 5,6 (500mA) 3.3V (rails that are 3.3V)
VDIG1 (300mA) VDDSHV1, 3, 5, 6 (500mA) 1.8V (rails that are 1.8V)
VMMC (300mA) VDDSHV4 (60mA) & VDDSHV2 1.8V/3.3V
VDD2 SMPS (1500mA) VDD_CORE (1000mA) 1.1V
VDD1 SMPS (1500mA) VDD_MPU (1500mA) 1.2V
No supply needed VDD_RTC 1.1V
VIO_SMPS (1000mA) VDDS_DDR (200mA) 1.8V (or 1.5V for DDR3)
VIO_SMPS (1000mA) VREFSSTL (10mA) 0.9V
VDAC (150mA) VDDS (100mA) 1.8V


VDIG2 (300mA) VDDS_SRAM_MPU_BB (40mA) 1.8V
VDIG2 (300mA) VDDS_PLL_DDR (25mA) 1.8V
VDIG2 (300mA) VDDS_PLL_CORE_LCD (25mA) 1.8V
VDIG2 (300mA) VDDS_PLL_MPU (25mA) 1.8V
VDIG2 (300mA) VDDS_OSC (10mA) 1.8V
VAUX1 (300mA) VDDA1P8V_USB0/1 (50mA) 1.8V
VAUX33 (150mA) VDDA3P3V_USB0/1 (10mA) 3.3V
VAUX33 (150mA) USB_VBUS0/1 3.3V
VDD3 SMPS (100mA) Not Used -
VIO_SMPS (1000mA) DDR2 SDRAM (320mA) 1.8V

Table 3: AM335x Power supplies from TPS65910A

APM Sense Resistors[edit]

The AM335x Baseboard has the following subsystems with current sense resistors. These resistors allow the power to be measured on each power rail to check AM335x power requirements during real time software execution. The value of the resistors is selected to provide the best dynamic range when using a TI INA226 converter. In fact an INA226 converter is installed on the base board for both the VDD_CORE and VDD_MPU power supply rails of the AM335x. The other power rails have sense resistors but have their measurement connections attached to 2pin standard headers so that they can be read easily by a multimeter or connected to an INA226 converter EVM.

Note the value of the sense resistors for the VDD_CORE and VDD_MPU were selected to give better dynamic range for active power modes rather than sleep/low power modes. If power is to be measured for VDD_CORE or VDD_MPU for sleep/low power modes then this sense resistor value should be changed to give better shunt voltage values.

Voltage Net Sense Resistor Value
VDD_CORE 0.05ohm
VDD_MPU 0.05ohm
VDDA1P8V_USB0 1ohm
VDDA3P3V_USB0 2ohm
VDDS_DDR 0.24ohm
SA_VDDSHV1 0.24ohm
SA_VDDSHV2 0.24ohm
SA_VDDSHV3 0.24ohm
SA_VDDSHV4 0.24ohm
SA_VDDSHV5 0.24ohm
SA_VDDSHV6 0.24ohm
SA_VDDS 0.24ohm

Table 4: AM335x Baseboard APM Sense Resistors


The IDK EVM has many different subsystems to allow development around the AM335x's capabilities. All major subsystems are fixed with regard to address locations and pin assignments. Additionally, the AM335x has SYSBOOT pins that can be configured a certain way using two 8bit DIP switches on the base board.

Also, the motor driver chip, DRV8412, can be configured for one of several different modes. See the Motor Control section for configuration information.

I2C Address Assignments[edit]

In the AM335x IDK EVM boards, each separate board has an I2C ID memory that contains the details of the identity of that board such as it's configuration, etc. (see sections below for more details on the memories' contents). All the ID memories use I2C0 from AM335x (as does the Smart Reflex to the PMIC) so that software can always check I2C0 at the defined I2C addresses for the presence of a board and its contents. Therefore, the baseboard is the only board that has the ID memory set to 0x50, and the daughterboard's addresses are all 0x51 (only one daughterboard is ever connected at a time).

AM335x IDK Baseboard Function AM335x I2C Port Address
Baseboard ID memory I2C0 0x50
AM335x PMIC Smart Reflex I2C0 0x12
AM355x PMIC Control I2C0 0x2D

Table 5: AM335x IDK Baseboard I2C Bus Addresses

AM335x IDK Industrial Daughterboard Function AM335x I2C Port Address
Industrial Daughterboard ID memory I2C0 0x51
TPIC2810 I2C1 0x60

I2C ID Memory[edit]

Both boards in the EVM have a dedicated I2C EEPROM which contains specific identity/configuration information for that board. In addition, there is available space in each memory for user specific configuration information.

The part number of the memory device is pn\\#CAT24C256WI-GT3.

Name Size (bytes) Contents
Header 4 MSB 0xEE3355AA LSB
Board Name 8 Name for board in ASCII "A33515BB" = AM335x 15x15 Base Board
Version 4 Hardware version code for board in ASCII "1.0A" = rev. 01.0A
Serial Number 12 Serial number of the board. This is a 12 character string which is:

WWYY4P16nnnn where: WW = 2 digit week of the year of production YY = 2 digit year of production nnnn = incrementing board number

Configuration 32 Codes to show the configuration setup on this board. For the available EVM's supported, the following codes are used: ASCII "SKU#01" = base board for gen purpose evm ASCII "SKU#02" = base board for industrial motor control evm Remaining 26 bytes are reserved
reserved 6 reserved
reserved 6 reserved
reserved 6 reserved
Available 32702 Available space for other non-volatile codes/data

Table 6: AM335x Baseboard EEPROM Data

Name Size (bytes) Contents
Header 4 MSB 0xEE3355AA LSB
Board Name 8 Name for board in ASCII "A335IAMC" = AM335x Industrial Daughterboard
Version 4 Hardware version code for board in ASCII "1.0A" = rev. 01.0A
Serial Number 12 Serial number of the board. This is a 12 character string which is:

WWYY4P14nnnn where: WW = 2 digit week of the year of production YY = 2 digit year of production nnnn = incrementing board number

Configuration 32 Codes to show the configuration setup on this board. For the available EVM's supported, the following codes are used: ASCII "SKU#00" = standard gp daughterboard configuration Remaining 26 bytes are reserved
CPLD Version 8 CPLD code version for board in ASCII "CPLD1.0A" = rev. 01.0A of the CPLD
Available 32700 Available space for other non-volatile codes/data

Table 7: AM335x IDK Industrial Daughterboard EEPROM Data

AM335x IDK EVM Functional Block Descriptions[edit]

This section describes major functional blocks of the AM335x IDK EVM System.

Board Identity Memory[edit]

Each of the boards contains a serial EEPROM that contains board specific data that allows the processor to automatically detect which board is connected and the version of that board. Other hardware specific data can be stored on this memory device as well. The part number of the memory device is pn\\#CAT24C256WI-GT3. See the Configuration/Setup section for details on the data in this memory.

SDMMC0 Connector[edit]

The SDMMC0 connector on the Base Board is a Morethanall card socket \\#MHC-W21-601. This is a standard SD/MMC Card type of connector. It is connected to the MMC0 port of the AM335x processor. Check the AM335x data sheet and TRM for supported card types/densities.

The Pin assignment is as given below.

Pin No Memory Card PIN No.
MMC plus & MMC mobile & MMC & RS-MMC & SD#1 RSV/DAT3
MMC plus & MMC mobile & MMC & RS-MMC & SD#2 CMD
MMC plus & MMC mobile & MMC & RS-MMC & SD#3 GND
MMC plus & MMC mobile & MMC & RS-MMC & SD#4 VCC
MMC plus & MMC mobile & MMC & RS-MMC & SD#5 CLK
MMC plus & MMC mobile & MMC & RS-MMC & SD#6 GND
MMC plus & MMC mobile & MMC & RS-MMC & SD#7 DAT0
MMC plus & MMC mobile & SD#8 DAT1
MMC plus & MMC mobile & SD#9 DAT2
MMC plus & MMC mobile#10 DAT4
MMC plus & MMC mobile#11 DAT5
MMC plus & MMC mobile#12 DAT6
MMC plus & MMC mobile#13 DAT7
miniSD#1 CD/DAT3
miniSD#2 CMD
miniSD#3 GND
miniSD#4 VCC
miniSD#5 CLK
miniSD#6 GND
miniSD#7 DAT0
miniSD#8 DAT1
miniSD#9 DAT2
miniSD#10 NC
miniSD#11 NC

Table 8: AM335x SDMMC0 Connector Pin Details

10/100 Ethernet PRU Controlled[edit]

The AM335x Industrial Daughterboard has two 10/100 Ethernet transceivers, TI TLK110, that are connected to J8 & J9. These Ethernet transceivers are connected to the PRU0 & PRU1 units within the AM335x.

The reset on the transceiver is driven by the board system reset SYS_RESETn. A 25MHz crystal drives the clock signal for the AR8031. The Ethernet INT pins are not used in the IDK EVM.

The PHYAD pins are left unconnected for setting the PHY's address on the PRU0 Ethernet so it is by default 0x01. The PHYAD pins are left unconnected for setting the PHY's address on the PRU1 Ethernet so it is by default 0x03.

Pin No Signal Name Description
1 ETHERx_RDP Ethernet Data Rx Positive
2 ETHERx_RDN Ethernet Data Rx Negative
3 Power Power
4 Power Power
5 ETHERx_TDP Ethernet Data Tx Positive
6 ETHERx_TDN Ethernet Data Tx Negative
7 NC
8 GND Ground
D1 LINK LED Power Power
D2 LINKLED Link LED Signal
D3 Active LED Power Power
D4 ACTLED Active LED Signal

Table 9: AM335x 10/100 PRU Ethernet Pin Details

10/100 Ethernet[edit]

The AM335x Industrial Daughterboard has a 10/100 Ethernet transceiver, TI TLK110, that is connected to J14. This Ethernet transceiver is connected to the standard Ethernet switch MII1 within the AM335x.

The reset on the transceiver is driven by the board system reset SYS_RESETn. A 25MHz crystal drives the clock signal for the AR8031. The Ethernet INT pin is not used in the IDK EVM.

Some of the PHYAD pins are connected for setting the PHY's address so it is by default 0x1F.

Pin No Signal Name Description
1 ETHERx_RDP Ethernet Data Rx Positive
2 ETHERx_RDN Ethernet Data Rx Negative
3 Power Power
4 Power Power
5 ETHERx_TDP Ethernet Data Tx Positive
6 ETHERx_TDN Ethernet Data Tx Negative
7 NC
8 GND Ground
D1 LINK LED Power Power
D2 LINKLED Link LED Signal
D3 Active LED Power Power
D4 ACTLED Active LED Signal

Table 10: AM335x 10/100 Ethernet Pin Details


The AM335x ZCZ package supports 2 USB ports. The USB ports are on the base board and connected to a microUSB AB connector and a standard A connector. The ESD device TPD4012 and common choke filter ACM2012 (TDK) are used on the USB signals before they are connected to the AM335x pins. The microAB connector has its ID pin tied to ground through a 120K resistor by default so that the port looks like a B device.

Pin No Signal Name Description
5 DGND Ground

Table 11: AM335x USB Port0

Pin No Signal Name Description
4 DGND Ground

Table 12: AM335x USB Port1

RS-232 Connectors[edit]

The IDK Industrial Daughterboard has two RS-232 connectors (DB9 male) for two of the UART's on the AM335x. J10 is connected to UART3 of the AM335x and J12 is connected to UART5 of the AM335x. The MAX3232E is used for the RS-232 level translation. Hardware handshaking is not enabled for either of these ports.


The IDK Industrial Daughterboard has 1 CAN transceiver and connector for the CAN1 interface of the AM335x. The CAN transceiver that is used is the TI ISO1050 and the connector is a DB9 female connector.

Pin No Signal Name Description
1 Reserved Upgrade Path
2 CAN_L Dominant Low
3 CAN_GND Ground
4 Reserved Upgrade Path
5 CAN_SHLD Shield, Optional
6 GND Ground, Optional
7 CAN_H Dominant High
8 Reserved Upgrade Path
9 CAN_V+ Power, Optional

Table 13: AM335x IDK Industrial Daughterboard CAN Connector Pin Details

A PSM712 transient voltage suppressor and RSZ-3.305HP isolated voltage regulator are connected to the ISO1050 for full industrial connection. The AM335x side line filters are calculated for a max CAN transmission speed of 10MHz.


The IDK Industrial Daughterboard has 1 Profibus transceiver and connector for the UART1 interface of the AM335x. The Profibus transceiver that is used is the TI ISO1176T and the connector is a DB9 female connector. The Profibus voltage rail is sourced by a TPS76650 regulator U15.

Pin No Signal Name Description
1 Reserved Reserved
2 Reserved Reserved
4 Reserved Upgrade Path
5 GND_PROFI Ground reference
6 VPROFI power supply
7 Reserved Reserved
9 Reserved Reserved

Table 15: AM335x IDK Industrial Daughterboard ProfiBus Connector Pin Details

A PSM712 transient voltage suppressor and TPS76650 voltage regulator are connected to the ISO1076T for full industrial connection.

Industrial Serializer (SPI)[edit]

The IDK Industrial Daughterboard has an ISO7641 industrial isolated serializer which is connected to an SN65HVS882 parallel input and output industrial latch. The isolated industrial inputs/outputs are 24V powered through R283.

Industrial Serializer (I2C)[edit]

The IDK Industrial Daughterboard has an TPIC2810 industrial serializer latch. This industrial serializer is connected to I2C1.

Piccolo DSP[edit]

The IDK Industrial Daughterboard has a TMS320F28027 DSP to allow motor control testing. There is a full subsystem to support the F28027 including JTAG header (shared with the Stellaris processor), reset button SW1, status LED, and ADC inputs from the motor subsystem. This F28027 is connected to the AM335x through the SPI bus.


The IDK Industrial Daughterboard has a LM3S5R31 processor which can provide safe mode protection for the motor control system. The JTAG connection is shared (chained) with the DSP F28027. Separate reset switch SW3 and indicator LED's are provided. The Stellaris processor communicates with the AM335x through the SPI1 channel. A test UART header J26 is provided.

Motor Control[edit]

The IDK Industrial Daughterboard has a DRV8412 motor driver. This circuit incorporates over temp and fault indicator LED's. Separate screw type connectors are provided for each motor leg so a variety of motors can be used. Either a separate power input (J23) for the motor section or the combined 24V power supply J32 can be used.

The mode set for the DRV8412 is configured by DIP switch SW2- 3&4. By default the driver is setup for mode 3 for dual full bridges. See the DRV8412 datasheet for the possible mode settings.

RS-485 / EnDAT[edit]

This industrial automation daughterboard has 2 SN65HVD10 transceivers for the UARTs for RS-485 or EnDAT connection.

EtherCAT LED's[edit]

The EtherCAT LED's are implemented as 4 LEDs D6-D9.

D6 RUN green color
D7 ERR red color
D8 Link/Act 0 green color
D9 Link/Act 1 green color

Table 17: AM335x IA Daughterboard EtherCAT LED's

ADC Inputs[edit]

The IDK Industrial Daughterboard has a test header J30 that can be used for connecting analog devices to the ADC of the AM335x.

Signal Pin No

Table 18: AM335x Industrial Daughter Board ADC Test Header Signals

NAND Flash Memory[edit]

The Industrial Daughterboard has a Micron NAND Flash Memory. This is a MT29F2G08AB 2Gb 8bit wide flash memory. The footprint is set to allow the 16bit version to be placed instead although there is no plan for this. This memory was placed on the daughterboard to allow active muxing of its signals and allow NOR/MMC1 connection.

Pin No Signal Description
1 NC
2 NC
3 NC
4 NC
5 NC
6 NC
8 NAND_OEn NAND output enable
9 NAND_CSn NAND chip select
10 NC
11 NC
12 VDDSHV1 Power supply
13 DGND Ground
14 NC
15 NC
16 NAND_BE0n_CLE NAND Byte Enable 0 / Command Latch Enable
17 NAND_ADVN_ALE NAND Address Valid / Address Latch Enable
18 NAND_WEn NAND Write Enable
19 NAND_WPn NAND Write Protect
20 NC
21 NC
22 NC
23 NC
24 NC
25 DGND Ground
26 NAND_D8 NAND Data
27 NAND_D9 NAND Data
28 NAND_D10 NAND Data
29 NAND_D0 NAND Data
30 NAND_D1 NAND Data
31 NAND_D2 NAND Data
32 NAND_D3 NAND Data
33 NAND_D11 NAND Data
34 VDDSHV1 Power supply
35 NC
36 DGND Ground
37 VDDSHV1 Power supply
38 NC
39 VDDSHV1 Power supply
40 NAND_D12 NAND Data
41 NAND_D4 NAND Data
42 NAND_D5 NAND Data
43 NAND_D6 NAND Data
44 NAND_D7 NAND Data
45 NAND_D13 NAND Data
46 NAND_D14 NAND Data
47 NAND_D15 NAND Data
48 DGND Ground

Table 19: AM335x NAND Pin Details

SPI Flash Memory[edit]

The IDK Industrial Daughterboard has a 64Mb SPI Flash device which is a W25Q64CVSSIG device. This is connected to the SPI1 port on the AM335x. Write protect is off by default.

Pin Use Description[edit]

Functional Interface Mapping[edit]

Most signals of the AM335x are connected to a fixed device on the EVM where it is used for a specific function. A few of the signals of the AM335x such as the SPI signals, however, are connected to devices on the EVM based on the logic within the CPLD. The only use of the CPLD in fact for the standard IDK is to use the states of two GPIO signals XDMA_EVENT_INTR0 and UART0_RTSn to enable the SPI chip selects for the Piccolo, Stellaris, and industrial serializer ISO7641 U18.


      0                0                 Industrial Serializer
      0                1                 None
      1                0                 Stellaris
      1                1                 Piccolo

GPIO Definitions[edit]

See this pinmux document File:Am335x idkevm pinuse rev1 1.pdf which shows the use case for the AM335x signals on the IDK. Developer can select and enable pins based on the selective peripheral pins as output or input. For the IDK EVM, each single pin is muxed based on the functional needs of the EVM.

Board Connectors[edit]

Expansion Connectors[edit]

The expansion connector details are listed in the tables below.

Pin No Signal Description
1 V1_8D Power 1.8V supply
2 V5_0D Power 5.0V rail
3 GPMC_AD7 GPMC Address & Data
4 RMII1_RXD3 RMII Receive Data bit 3
5 GPMC_AD6 GPMC Address & Data
6 RMII1_TXCLK RMII Transmit Clock
7 GPMC_AD5 GPMC Address & Data
8 RMII1_RXCLK RMII Receive Clock
9 GPMC_AD4 GPMC Address & Data
10 RMII1_RXD2 RMII Receive Data bit 2
11 GPMC_AD3 GPMC Address & Data
12 RMII1_TXD2 RMII Transmit Data bit 2
13 GPMC_AD2 GPMC Address & Data
14 RMII1_RXDV RMII Receive Data Valid
15 GPMC_AD1 GPMC Address & Data
16 RMII1_TXD3 RMII Transmit Data bit 3
17 GPMC_AD0 GPMC Address & Data
18 RMII1_TXD1 RMII Transmit Data bit 1
19 GPMC_CS2n GPMC Chip Select
20 RMII1_TXD0 RMII Transmit Data bit 0
21 GPMC_CS1n GPMC Chip Select
22 RMII1_RXD1 RMII Receive Data bit 1
23 SPI0_D1 SPI Data
24 SPI0_CS0 SPI Chip Select
26 SYS_RESETn System reset
27 DGND Ground
28 DGND Ground

Table 21: AM335x EXP0 Connector

Pin No Signal Description
7 DGND Ground
8 DGND Ground
11 SYS_WARMRESETn System warm reset
21 GPMC_WPn GPMC Write Protect
25 GPMC_CS0n GPMC Chip Select
26 GPMC_ADVn_ALE GPMC Address Valid / Address Latch Enable
28 GPMC_BE0n_CLE GPMC Byte Enable 0 / Command Latch Enable

Table 22: AM335x EXP1 Connector

Pin No Signal Description
1 DGND Ground
2 GPMC_BE1n GPMC Byte Enable 1
3 RMII1_REFCLK RMII Reference Clock
4 GPMC_CS3n GPMC Chip Select
5 RMII1_RXD0 RMII Receive Data bit 0
6 GPMC_OEn_REn GPMC Output / Read Enable
8 GPMC_WEn GPMC Write Enable
10 DGND Ground
11 DGND Ground
12 MMC0_CLK MMC Clock
13 SPI0_CLK SPI Clock
14 MMC0_CMD MMC Command
15 SPI0_D0 SPI Data
16 MMC0_DAT0 MMC Data Bus
17 SPI0_CS1 SPI Chip Select
19 ECAP0_IN_PWM0_OUT enhanced capture 0 input or Auxiliary PWM0 out
20 DGND Ground
21 UART0_CTSn UART Clear to Send
22 MMC0_DAT1 MMC Data Bus
23 UART0_RTSn UART Request to Send
24 MMC0_DAT2 MMC Data Bus
25 UART0_RXD UART Receive Data
26 MMC0_DAT3 MMC Data Bus
27 UART0_TXD UART Transmit Data
28 XDMA_EVENT_INTR0 External DMA Event or Interrupt 0
29 UART1_CTSn UART Clear to Send
30 DGND Ground
31 UART1_RTSn UART Request to Send
32 XDMA_EVENT_INTR1 External DMA Event or Interrupt 1
33 UART1_RXD UART Receive Data
34 RMII1_COL RMII Colision
35 UART1_TXD UART Transmit Data
36 RMII1_CRS RMII Carrier Sense
37 DGND Ground
38 RMII1_RXERR RMII Receive Data Error
39 V3_3D Power 3.3V supply
40 RMII1_TXEN RMII Transmit Enable

Table 23: AM335x EXP2 Connector

Pin No Signal Description
1 MCASP0_ACLKX McASP0 Transmit Bit Clock
2 GPMC_A0 GPMC Address
3 DGND Ground
4 GPMC_A1 GPMC Address
5 MCASP0_FSX McASP0 Transmit Frame Sync
6 GPMC_A2 GPMC Address
7 MCASP0_AXR0 McASP0 Serial Data (IN/OUT)
8 GPMC_A3 GPMC Address
9 EXP3_P9
10 GPMC_A4 GPMC Address
11 VDDSHV2 Power supply for SDMMC cards
12 GPMC_A5 GPMC Address
13 MCASP0_AHCLKR McASP0 Receive Master Clock
14 DGND Ground
15 V3_3D Power 3.3V supply
16 GPMC_A6 GPMC Address
17 MCASP0_ACLKR McASP0 Receive Bit Clock
18 GPMC_A7 GPMC Address
19 VEXPD VBAT spower
20 DGND Ground
21 MCASP0_FSR McASP0 Receive Frame Sync
22 GPMC_A8 GPMC Address
23 MCASP0_AXR1 McASP0 Serial Data (IN/OUT)
24 GPMC_A9 GPMC Address
25 DGND Ground
26 GPMC_A10 GPMC Address
27 MCASP0_AHCLKX McASP0 Transmit Master Clock
28 GPMC_A11 GPMC Address

Table 24: AM335x EXP3 Connector

LCD Connectors[edit]

     The connector details of LCD are described below.
Pin No Signal Description
1 V5_0D Power 5.0V rail
2 V5_0D Power 5.0V rail
3 LCD_DATA1 LCD data bus
4 LCD_DATA0 LCD data bus
5 LCD_DATA3 LCD data bus
6 LCD_DATA2 LCD data bus
7 LCD_DATA5 LCD data bus
8 LCD_DATA4 LCD data bus
9 LCD_DATA12 LCD data bus
10 LCD_DATA10 LCD data bus
11 LCD_DATA23 LCD data bus
12 LCD_DATA14 LCD data bus
13 LCD_DATA19 LCD data bus
14 LCD_DATA22 LCD data bus
15 I2C0_SDA I2C0 Data
16 LCD_DATA11 LCD data bus
17 LCD_VSYNC LCD Vertical Sync
18 DGND Ground
19 DGND Ground
20 DGND Ground

Table 25: AM335x LCD Connector 1

Pin No Signal Description
1 VEXPD Power variable supply
2 V1_8D Power 1.8V supply
3 LCD_DATA20 LCD data bus
4 LCD_DATA21 LCD data bus
5 LCD_DATA17 LCD data bus
6 LCD_DATA18 LCD data bus
7 LCD_DATA15 LCD data bus
8 LCD_DATA16 LCD data bus
9 LCD_DATA7 LCD data bus
10 LCD_DATA13 LCD data bus
11 LCD_DATA8 LCD data bus
12 V5_0D Power 5.0V rail
13 LCD_DATA9 LCD data bus
14 I2C0_SCL I2C0 Clock
15 LCD_DATA6 LCD data bus
16 LCD_PCLK LCD pixel clock
18 LCD_HSYNC LCD Horizontal Sync
19 DGND Ground
20 DGND Ground

Table 26: AM335x LCD Connector 2

     This is the touchscreen connector.
Pin No Signal Description
2 V3_3D Power 3.3V supply
4 TSC_I2CSCL I2C SCLK for touchscreen
5 TSC_CLK Source clock for touchscreen controller
6 TSC_I2CSDA I2C SDATA for touchscreen
7 TSC_RSV0 Reserved
9 TSC_RSV1_VREF Reserved power pin
10 DGND Ground
11 GNDA_TSC Analog ground
12 GNDA_TSC Analog ground
13 TSC_AIN4 ADC4 input
14 TSC_AIN0 ADC0 input
15 TSC_AIN5 ADC5 input
16 TSC_AIN1 ADC1 input
17 TSC_AIN6 ADC6 input
18 TSC_AIN2 ADC2 input
19 TSC_AIN7 ADC7 input
20 TSC_AIN3 ADC3 input

Table 27: AM335x Touchscreen Connector

EVM Important Notices[edit]

NoteNote: The Standard Terms And Conditions for TI Evaluation Modules can be downloaded from here:


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