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WinCE Comparative Benchmarks

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This page provides comparison among WinCE BSPs running on various TI processors. Data published here is for the latest version of released BSP. Items yet to be measured are marked "TBD" and those that are not applicable to a particular platform are marked "N/A".

For comparing CE6 and WEC7 results: please note that in some cases CTK tests in WEC7 have changed substantially and therefore direct comparison may not be as accurate (and in some cases misleading).

Platform Benchmarks[edit]

This is a collection of benchmarks comparing CPU speed and other data transfer operations.


See info here [1].

Benchmark CE6 CE7
OMAP3530 AM1808 AM3517 DM3730 OMAP3530 AM3517 DM3730 AM335x AM387x
CPU Q-Score 788 282 787 1317 803 804 1342 597 804
Memory Q-Score 218 483 191 542 350 324 720 420 548
File System Q-Score 79119 51832 60510 135231 86724 73716 181011 112302 135876
GDI Q-score 185 206 134 350 319 290 535 215 261
CPU Linpack(in MFLOPS) 1.4 1.25 2.41 4.08 8.6 8.5 14.43 7.2 8.7
CPU Whetstones(in WMIPS) 11.85 5.96 11.77 19.95 48.43 48.66 83.63 40 47.6
CPU Dhrystone v1.1(in DMIPS) 1054 388 1049 1764 991 995 1662 729 989
CPU Dhrystone v2.1(in DMIPS) 1016 361 1010 1700 994 993 1657 734 995
Power Consumption Backlight off/Multiplier 2/Time in sec (CPU Intensive test ID 4001) 10.15 15.55 10.2 6.07 10.06 10.04 6.04 12.05 10.03
Power Consumption Backlight on/Multiplier 2/Time in sec (CPU Intensive test ID 4004) 10.15 15.55 10.20 6.07 10.05 10.04 6.03 12.06 10.03


See info here [2]

OMAP3530 AM1808 AM3517 DM3730 OMAP3530 AM3517 DM3730 AM335x AM387x
Integer 2628 1308 2600 4392 2138 2181 3733 1889 2491
Float 240 113 236 406 656 645 1098 549 660
Draw 732 276 664 1184 796 776 1316 660 800
Window 291 163 239 380 372 353 648 358 428
Memory 3503 1150 3445 6000 3054 3005 5178 2618 3160
Total 1478 602 1433 2472 1403 1392 2394 1214 1507


See info here [3]
All numbers are for Avg Time and No Cache Sync.

OMAP3530 AM1808 AM3517 DM3730 OMAP3530 AM3517 DM3730 AM335x AM387x
Counter Freq (KHz) 26001.136 24000 12999.967 26000.936 26000.777 12999.893 26000.868 24000 20000
Kernel API to NK.exe 1.2 us 2.28 us 1.26 us 0.72 us 0.045 us 0.043 us 0.027 us 0.054 us 0.045 us
Intra-Process UserMode PSL API with 6 input 4096 byte string params 71.6 us 294.3 us 71.9 us 39.8 us 69.3 us 68.9 us 38.5 us 77.1 us 64.7 us
Inter-Process UserMode PSL API with 6 input 4096 byte string params 2037.91 us 1081.64 us 2237.68 us 610.43 us 72.99 us 68.87 us 40.76 us 77.5 us 64.07 us
Intra-Process Semaphore Signaling 13.22 us 13.56 us 14.29 us 7.29 us 6.70 us 7.30 us 3.95 us 5.28 us 4.3 us
Inter-Process Semaphore Signaling 15.07 us 115.19 us 15.92 us 8.49 us 12.78 us 14.5 us 7.9 us 8.9 us 7.2 us

Boot Time[edit]

Numbers shown here measure the time from Power-On to appearance of Windows Desktop. These measurements are done using the default OS Design supplied with the BSP. The first value is measured with standard NK.bin and the second value is with fastboot image XIPKERN.bin when NK.bin is already written in NAND. Also, please note that all these numbers include the 5-second wait time for entry into eboot menu which should not apply to a production unit.

Time (secs) CE6 CE7*
OMAP3530 AM1808 AM3517 DM3730 OMAP3530 AM3517 DM3730 AM335x AM387x
NAND Boot Time 18/16 14 17/16 14/12 36 38 26 67.5 45.5
Ethernet Boot Time 43/23 54 40/22 40/16 109 91.5 90 76.5 70
SD Boot Time 32/18 TBD 36/22 28/14 43 56 26 40 42
  • Please note that size of NK.bin in EC7 is almost twice that of size of NK.bin in CE6. Also, numbers for EC7 are based on a standard NK.bin.
  • Boot times will vary with the number of features/drivers that are enabled in Catalog

EDMA Test[edit]

Need to devise this test.

Memory Bandwidth[edit]

Need to devise this test.

CEDB Performance[edit]

These are CETK tests supplied by Microsoft [4].

Operation OMAP3530 AM1808 AM3517 DM3730 OMAP3530 AM3517 DM3730 AM335x AM387x
DWORD Sort CeWriteRecord 0.00136 0.00178 0.00242 0.00093 0.00107 0.001889 0.000862 0.001926 0.001200
CeSeekDatabase 5.27E-05 6.89E-05 8.07E-05 3.39E-05 2.20E-05 2.50E-05 1.32E-05 2.06E-05 1.52E-05
CeDeleteRecord 0.00015 0.00022 0.00020 9.11E-05 5.50E-05 5.91E-05 3.18E-05 6.68E-05 4.28E-05
String Sort CeWriteRecord 0.00154 0.00184 0.00250 0.00105 0.00131 0.00214 0.00103 0.00228 0.00143
CeSeekDatabase 5.31E-05 6.74E-05 8.09E-05 3.36E-05 2.24E-05 2.49E-05 1.19E-04 2.66E-05 1.48E-05
CeDeleteRecord 0.000210 0.000416 0.000296 0.000137 0.000180 0.000218 0.000103 0.000250 0.000158

The above data is measured on NAND.

CeWriteRecord - Write String sort (250 recs)

CeSeekDatabase - Seek_next (with index)String sort (250 recs)

CeDeleteRecord - Del_Recs String sort (250 recs)

Registry Performance[edit]

These are CETK tests supplied by Microsoft [5].

OMAP3530 AM1808 AM3517 DM3730 OMAP3530 AM3517 DM3730 AM335x AM387x
Create Key 0.000154 0.000223 0.000227 0.000106 2.076 0.940 1.764 0.800 1.336
Open Key 0.000144 0.000243 0.000195 8.91E-05 0.070 0.075 0.041 0.066 0.054

CreateKey data is for RegCreateKey - CreateKey - HKLM - singleKey - ShortNames - 50 Keys.

OpenKey data is for RegOpenKey - OpenKey - PATH keys - HKLM - 50 keys

File Access and FileSystem Performance[edit]

CE6 and CE7 tests are based on CETK tests supplied by Microsoft: CE6 [6] or CE7 - [7] [8] [9] [10] [11].

Medium CE6 CE7
Operation OMAP3530 AM1808 AM3517 DM3730 OMAP3530 AM3517 DM3730 AM335x AM387x
Root File System** WriteFile (MB/S) 02.45 17.50 01.60 09.84 20.34 12.32 32.17 13.57 23.27
ReadFile (MB/S) 13.98 110.32 14.1 279.32 18.29 13.19 28.09 13.29 22.43
CreateDiretory (Dir/S) 450.1 1884.9 293.00 1397.6 2780 512 4972 1992 3324
NAND WriteFile (MB/S) 04.01 TBD 03.45 14.89 22.30 12.19 29.77 13.39 23.46
ReadFile (MB/S) 02.75 TBD 02.26 05.58 19.08 13.07 26.99 13.13 22.33
CreateDiretory (Dir/S) 101.88 TBD 91.41 118.98 2956 504 5196 2244 3616
SD/MMC (2GB Sandisk SD) WriteFile (MB/S) 03.95 TBD 03.42 14.24 02.054 02.53 01.61 02.34 01.70
ReadFile (MB/S) 01.81 TBD 01.43 02.89 02.34 03.45 02.44 02.79 03.03
CreateDiretory (Dir/S) 02.93 TBD 33.75 43.08 04.00 12.00 04.00 04.00 04.00
USB-EHCI (2GB Patriot) WriteFile (MB/S) 03.81 TBD 3.41 01.34 03.81 03.15 04.12 N/A N/A
ReadFile (MB/S) 00.93 TBD 00.87 01.09 01.97 02.38 01.97 N/A N/A
CreateDiretory (Dir/S) 13.51 TBD 14.63 24.10 16.00 16.00 16.00 N/A N/A
USB-OTG (2GB Patriot) WriteFile (MB/S) 39.25 TBD 03.41 13.65 03.43 03.05 02.19 02.47 02.52
ReadFile (MB/S) 01.48 TBD 01.23 01.01 17.41 02.96 01.83 00.75 03.87
CreateDiretory (Dir/S) 01.47 TBD 01.50 02.10 32.00 16.00 12.00 12.00 16.00
Remote Network Share WriteFile (MB/S) 0.60 0.85 0.70 0.39 0.65 0.72 0.66 0.84 0.83
ReadFile (MB/S) 1.65 1.52 1.6 1.02 0.60 0.67 0.61 0.87 0.90
CreateDiretory (Dir/S) 169 219.29 192 148.34 116 112 112 116 136
  • The above data are collected with File Cache Manager enabled.
  • For R/W Performance, 512KB buffer is used and 2MB file is transferred.
  • For ce7, R/W Performance tests were run with the "-flush" option in command-line.
  • CreateDirectory performance is for 20 levels deep.
  • Remote Network Share is measured using command line like:
tux -o -d fsperflog.dll -x2013,3003 -c"-r \\pc_name\shared\ -desc nfs_perf -cpu"

shared is a shared folder in WindowXP.

  • Root File System for ce7 is based on RAMDISK and for ce6 on ObjectStore - performance cannot be compared.

Storage Device Tests[edit]

CE6 and CE7 tests are based on CETK tests supplied by Microsoft: CE6 [12] or CE7 - [13] [14] [15] [16] [17].

Block Driver Benchmark Tests -- Nand

Operation OMAP3530 AM1808 AM3517 DM3730 OMAP3530 AM3517 DM3730 AM335x AM387x
R/W 64 sectors at a time Write (ms) 36.0 TBD 29.40 55.60 36.00 28.00 37.00 87.00 54.00
Read (ms) 06.00 TBD 04.00 10.70 04.00 04.00 06.00 66.00 39.00

These are the avg time used to W/R 64 sectors data (64*2048 Bytes) to Nand.

Block Driver Benchmark Tests -- SD

Operation OMAP3530 AM1808 AM3517 DM3730 OMAP3530 AM3517 DM3730 AM335x AM387x
R/W 64 sectors at a time Write(ms) 04.00 06.00 04.40 04.80 03.00 04.00 02.00 04.00 02.00
Read(ms) 03.00 04.00 04.10 03.70 02.00 02.00 02.00 03.00 01.00

These are the avg time used to W/R 64 sectors data (64*512 Bytes) to Sandisk 2G SD card.

Block Driver Benchmark Tests -- USB 2.0 Host (EHCI)

Operation OMAP3530 AM1808 AM3517 DM3730 OMAP3530 AM3517 DM3730 AM335x AM387x
R/W 64 sectors at a time Write (ms) 05.00 TBD 04.00 55.60 02.00 02.00 05.00 N/A N/A
Read (ms) 02.00 TBD 02.00 10.70 02.00 01.00 01.00 N/A N/A

These are the avg time used to W/R 64 sectors data (64*2048 Bytes) to USB.

Block Driver Benchmark Tests -- USB 2.0 OTG

Operation OMAP3530 AM1808 AM3517 DM3730 OMAP3530 AM3517 DM3730 AM335x AM387x
R/W 64 sectors at a time Write (ms) 05.00 TBD 02.00 55.60 03.00 02.00 05.00 06.00 05.00
Read (ms) 03.00 TBD 02.00 10.70 02.00 02.00 02.00 02.00 01.00

These are the avg time used to W/R 64 sectors data (64*2048 Bytes) to USB.

Block Driver Performance Tests -- Nand

OMAP3530 AM1808 AM3517 DM3730 OMAP3530 AM3517 DM3730 AM335x AM387x
Sector R/W performance test Read (MBytes/S) Avg 02.300 TBD 02.363 01.518 02.340 02.360 01.708 01.470 02.400
Min 02.241 TBD 02.188 01.500 02.280 02.090 01.681 00.183 00.298
Max 02.327 TBD 02.388 01.525 02.360 02.390 01.721 00.186 00.301
Write (MBytes/S) Avg 00.339 TBD 00.475 00.288 00.350 00.470 00.359 00.164 00.262
Min 00.274 TBD 00.400 00.250 00.280 00.390 00.294 00.146 00.229
Max 00.391 TBD 00.550 00.325 00.400 00.540 00.409 00.178 00.287
Block Driver Performance Tests -- SD

OMAP3530 AM1808 AM3517 DM3730 OMAP3530 AM3517 DM3730 AM335x AM387x
Sector R/W performance Test Read (MBytes/S) Avg 00.063 TBD 00.763 01.013 00.790 00.770 01.232 00.818 01.350
Min 00.060 TBD 00.500 00.825 00.710 00.400 01.102 00.729 01.166
Max 00.062 TBD 00.500 00.825 00.710 00.400 01.102 00.729 01.166
Write (MBytes/S) Avg 00.029 TBD 00.100 00.038 00.050 00.120 00.026 00.053 00.027
Min 00.017 TBD 00.088 00.013 00.020 00.020 00.010 00.025 00.010
Max 00.062 TBD 00.625 00.813 00.480 00.620 00.735 00.508 00.864
Block Driver Performance Tests -- USB 2.0 Host (EHCI)

OMAP3530 AM1808 AM3517 DM3730 OMAP3530 AM3517 DM3730 AM335x AM387x
Sector R/W performance test Read (MBytes/S) Avg 01.111 TBD 00.024 01.525 01.170 01.273 00.886 N/A N/A
Min 00.861 TBD 00.750 01.500 01.030 01.081 00.565 N/A N/A
Max 01.391 TBD 01.213 01.525 01.360 01.533 01.179 N/A N/A
Write (MBytes/S) Avg 00.018 TBD 00.075 00.288 00.070 00.066 00.028 N/A N/A
Min 00.007 TBD 00.013 00.250 00.010 00.015 00.013 N/A N/A
Max 01.060 TBD 01.425 00.325 01.790 00.808 00.462 N/A N/A
Block Driver Performance Tests -- USB 2.0 Host (OTG)

OMAP3530 AM1808 AM3517 DM3730 OMAP3530 AM3517 DM3730 AM335x AM387x
Sector R/W performance test Read (MBytes/S) Avg 01.317 TBD 01.188 01.525 01.090 00.920 01.062 00.990 01.197
Min 01.465 TBD 00.875 01.500 00.940 00.570 00.951 00.607 01.128
Max 01.781 TBD 01.475 01.525 01.430 01.160 01.214 01.241 01.442
Write (MBytes/S) Avg 00.016 TBD 00.009 00.288 00.050 00.020 00.032 00.029 00.031
Min 00.002 TBD 00.011 00.250 00.010 00.013 00.009 00.013 00.009
Max 01.313 TBD 01.913 00.325 00.770 00.463 00.394 00.476 00.406
Block Driver Performance Tests -- USB 1.1 Host (OTG)

OMAP3530 AM1808 AM3517 DM3730 OMAP3530 AM3517 DM3730 AM335x AM387x
Sector R/W performance test Read (MBytes/S) Avg TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD


These tests provide a throughput comparison across commonly used transports/mediums.

USB 2.0 OTG[edit]

Test CE6 CE7
Throughput (Mb/s) OMAP3530 AM1808 AM3517 DM3730 OMAP3530 AM3517 DM3730 AM335x AM387x
RNDIS (TCP) Send 31.56 TBD 39.20 50.34 17.81 47.03 26.64 82.19 84.22
Recv 28.47 TBD 35.10 36.98 16.87 29.82 17.31 38.21 37.59
RNDIS (UDP) Send 02.59 TBD 35.30 02.58 20.38 61.95 27.54 75.20 76.95
Recv 07.84 TBD 13.30 07.63 09.73 14.54 06.40 25.61 24.15
RNDIS (NDIS) Send 35.40 TBD 32.80 62.34 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Recv 52.30 TBD 08.90 06.51 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
FTP2 Put 00.98 TBD 00.60 02.78 15.40 27.70 36.28 33.71 23.07
Get 3.60 TBD 03.6 6.15 17.51 32.81 29.38 31.24 43.33
  1. For CE6, these tests were performed with the provided NDIS driver and a WinXP PC. For CE7, these tests were performed with the provided NDIS6 driver and a Windows 7 PC.
  2. This test was performed using the WinXP FTP client to transfer a 8MB file to/from the device under test and then convert the results to Megsbits per second.
  3. Buffer size size for both CE6 and CE7 is set to 1514 bytes.

Ethernet Tests[edit]

CE6 tests are based on CETK tests supplied by Microsoft [18]. CE7 tests are also supplied by Microsoft [19] [20].

Test CE6 CE7
Throughput (Mb/s) OMAP3530 AM1808 AM3517 DM3730 OMAP3530 AM3517 DM3730 AM335x3 AM387x3 AM335x4 AM387x4
NDIS Performance Test Send 36.90 92.40 36.30 41.80 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Recv 84.40 92.40 85.30 87.10 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Winsock TCP Send 15.03 14.84 31.10 50.34 29.01 34.41 35.34 62.72 93.14 75.04 88.73
Recv 36.30 18.15 33.20 36.98 31.69 33.36 34.02 69.48 76.17 81.94 165.69
Winsock UDP Send 08.55 14.01 18.70 02.58 19.64 23.74 23.55 69.68 82.50 68.81 82.33
Recv 15.78 26.63 12.80 07.63 23.44 24.83 14.41 24.50 21.24 25.42 23.55
FTP2 Put 07.10 19.59 05.80 15.20 33.35 33.18 45.99 63.42 45.52 139.92 101.68
Get 15.50 28.24 30.30 16.30 27.68 30.05 31.63 52.86 57.58 86.30 69.61
  1. For CE6, this test was performed with the provided NDIS driver and a WinXP PC. For CE7, these tests were performed with the provided NDIS6 driver and a Windows 7 PC.
  2. This test was performed using the WinXP FTP client to transfer an 8MB file to/from the device under test and then convert the results to Megabits per second.
  3. This test was performed with a fixed network speed of 100Mbs.
  4. This test was performed with a fixed network speed of 1Gbs.
  5. Buffer size for both CE6 and CE7 is set to 1514 bytes.

Graphics Tests[edit]

DirectDraw Performance Tests[edit]

These are based on CETK tests supplied by Microsoft [21].

Test CE6 CE7
OMAP3530 AM1808 AM3517 DM3730 OMAP3530 AM3517 DM3730 AM335x AM387x
Blt Perf (Sys to Sys 10x scaled, nonoverlapping 100px) TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD
Blt Perf (Video to Video 10x scaled, nonoverlapping 100px) TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD

GDI Performance Tests[edit]

These are based on CETK tests supplied by Microsoft [22]. Numbers listed below are the simple addition of mean values acquired from running tests specified in Microsoft supplied iescript.txt. Timing data is in microseconds.

Test (using iescript) CE6 CE7
OMAP3530 AM1808 AM3517 DM3730 OMAP3530 AM3517 DM3730 AM335x AM387x
Bitblt(100x100 area) 178 390.9 263.25 137.27 165 21 29 98 102
Patblt(50x50 area) 101.5 181.8 150.4 73.85 96 21 28 60 69
Polyline(solid pen/opaque BKMode) 85 301.03 140 60 67 21 18 48 52
  1. Note: EC7 test results are based on test ID 100, 101, and 103 respectively. Also, please note that the tests have been run on AM335x with 800x480 LCD display resolution and AM387x with 1280x720 HDMI display

Silverlight Performance Tests[edit]

The results presented in this table use the sample Silverlight applications provided from Microsoft for their WinCE6R3 release. These application are embedded by default in the desktop for the different OSDesigns that compose the current release. See more details for Silverlight here.

Performance Measurements (Avg. Frames Per Second)
Sample XAML CE6 CE73
GDI1 OMAP3530 DM3730 AM35172 GDI1 OMAP3530 DM3730 AM3517 AM335x AM387x2
Bounce 46 19-22 37-38 TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD
Bubbles <9 14-15 25-29 TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD
Carousel <5 17-21 31-39 TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD
  1. The PowerVR module is disabled to get a comparative reference for the application running without the hardware acceleration provided by it (used DM3730 for reference).
  2. The tests performed in AM3517 used a WQVGA display (480x272) therefore they should be used for reference and not comparative purposes with respect to the other entries; since only the available surface is used (i.e. shrinking is not performed by the apps).
  3. In CE7, there is no XAMLPERF or Silverlight demos from Microsoft. The XAMLPERF and Silverlight demos from WinCE6 work but print out fps information to be 0 always. Hence there are no performance results to publish.

Demo Performance Comparison[edit]

The following table shows the Performance measurements for sample Applications bundled with the graphics package. These measurements were taken using Windows CE 6.0 BSP Release. It uses all the default values included in the BSP for the retail version with KITL enabled (except for the AM3517), and uses the LCD VGA display (640x480) except where noted. The graphics version used is TI:U6002. The table presents the minimum, maximum (some applications present a high variance, since they contain different configurations for visualization) and the average Frames Per Second (FPS) that are obtained for each test with vsync disabled.

Performance Measurements (Frames Per Second)
Demo CE6 CE7
OMAP3530 DM3730 AM3517 1 OMAP3530 DM3730 AM35171 AM335x AM387x
Min Max Avg Min Max Avg Min Max Avg Min Max Avg Min Max Avg Min Max Avg Min Max Avg Min Max Avg
OGLES1.1 Chameleon Man 57.7 57.9 57.8 90.5 91.1 90.7 52.8 53.5 53.3 TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD
OGLES1.1 Mouse 96.7 101.5 99.5 152.0 153.7 152.9 95.8 97.2 96.3 102.0 107.0 105.2 202.0 205.0 203.5 106.0 108.6 107.5 137.0 139.0 138.0 89.2 92.2 90.9
OGLES1.1 Vase 116.7 120.3 118.3 155.8 157.0 156.3 98.5 100.0 99.1 122.0 133.0 126.4 216.0 227.0 221.0 138.6 147.1 141.7 157.0 165.0 160.4 90.6 99.6 93.7
OGLES2 Skybox2 2 36.2 160.0 93.8 51.9 215.8 151.8 63.4 189.2 129.2 168.0 215.0 100.2 37.0 298.0 175.6 60.0 222.0 145.8 44.4 213.6 137.6 20.0 112.3 70.9
OGLES2 Shaders 78.0 82.9 81.6 134.2 140.0 136.7 109.0 112.8 110.5 82.4 87.4 85.7 155.0 162.0 158.9 120.0 126.0 122.0 127.0 132.0 129.3 69.2 74.6 72.4
  1. The tests performed in AM3517 used a WQVGA display (480x272) therefore they should be used for reference and not comparative purposes with respect to the other entries.
  2. The Skybox2 test presents a high variance due to the nature of the test itself in which various shaders are applied to the balloon, and the dependencies with the background.
  3. The tests performed in AM335x used a 800x600 LCD display and those in AM387x used a 1280x720 HDMI display, therefore these facts need to be kept in mind when using the numbers as a reference.
  4. Tests on AM335x and AM387x were run with the -cbpp=32 option since the native display in these platforms is of 32 bits per pixel.

Browser Performance[edit]


[[Media:File:Example.ogg]]== Video Capture (Note: these numbers are based on ce6 release) ==


Operating Frequency MPU-800.00MHz, IVA-660.00MHz, CORE-400.00 MHz
Capture Input Shrek DVD (NTSC) played in continuous repeat mode from 49:22 to 49:34
Capture Resolution 720x480
Capture Frame Rate 30 fps
Encode Bitrate 4.0 Mbps
Codec Input Video ARM Load (%) DSP Load (%) Frame Rate (fps) Write Location ARM Load (%) DSP Load (%) Frame Rate (fps) Write Location
H.264 Composite 36.5 65.33 29 RAM TBD TBD TBD RAM
H.264 Composite 37.33 46.83 22.4 SD card TBD TBD TBD SD card
H.264 S-Video 36.83 65.33 29.14 RAM TBD TBD TBD RAM
H.264 S-Video 38.17 50.17 21.8 SD card TBD TBD TBD SD card
H.264 Component 36.33 63.67 29 RAM TBD TBD TBD RAM
H.264 Component 38.67 38 22.6 SD card TBD TBD TBD SD card
MPEG4 Composite 37.33 45.33 29.14 RAM TBD TBD TBD RAM
MPEG4 Composite 36.33 29.5 22.4 SD card TBD TBD TBD SD card
MPEG4 S-Video 36.5 46.67 29.14 RAM TBD TBD TBD RAM
MPEG4 S-Video 38.33 34.33 23 SD card TBD TBD TBD SD card
MPEG4 Component 36.67 46.17 29.14 RAM TBD TBD TBD RAM
MPEG4 Component 38.83 33.33 22.6 SD card TBD TBD TBD SD card


Operating Frequency MPU-600.00 MHz, IVA-430.00 MHz, CORE-332.00 MHz
Capture Input Shrek DVD (NTSC) played in continuous repeat mode from 49:22 to 49:34
Capture Resolution 720x480
Capture Frame Rate 30 fps
Encode Bitrate 4.0 Mbps
Codec Input Video ARM Load (%) DSP Load (%) Frame Rate (fps) Write Location ARM Load (%) DSP Load (%) Frame Rate (fps) Write Location
H.264 Composite 48.33 55.5 17.25 RAM TBD TBD TBD RAM
H.264 Composite 46.33 65.33 17 SD card TBD TBD TBD SD card
H.264 S-Video 48.17 55.83 17 RAM TBD TBD TBD RAM
H.264 S-Video 86.86 48.14 17.75 SD card TBD TBD TBD SD card
H.264 Component 48.33 56.83 17 RAM TBD TBD TBD RAM
H.264 Component 45.5 64.33 17.5 SD card TBD TBD TBD SD card
MPEG4 Composite 58.17 47.83 21 RAM TBD TBD TBD RAM
MPEG4 Composite 48.5 46.5 18.25 SD card TBD TBD TBD SD card
MPEG4 S-Video 57 48.17 21 RAM TBD TBD TBD RAM
MPEG4 S-Video 50 48.5 18.5 SD card TBD TBD TBD SD card
MPEG4 Component 56 47.5 21 RAM TBD TBD TBD RAM
MPEG4 Component 48.83 46.5 19 SD card TBD TBD TBD SD card


Video Playback on Windows Media Player[edit]


Operating Frequency MPU-800.00 MHz, IVA-660.00 MHz, CORE-400.00 MHz
Media Location SD Card

FileName Video Codec Resolution Video Bitrate (kbps) Audio Codec Video Output Device Mean ARM Load (%) Mean DSP Load (%) Mean Video Frame Rate (fps) Mean Frame Processing Time (ms) Mean ARM Load (%) Mean DSP Load (%) Mean Video Frame Rate (fps) Mean Frame Processing Time (ms)
omap4ad1_h264vid_mpeg1l3aud_d1ntsc_4mbps_duration_178_sec.avi H.264 D1 NTSC 4000 MP3 LCD 48.32 14.16 29.02 35.62 TBD TBD TBD TBD
omap4ad1_h264vid_mpeg1l3aud_d1ntsc_4mbps_duration_178_sec.avi H.264 D1 NTSC 4000 MP3 DVI 42.91 31.4 29.25 39.21 TBD TBD TBD TBD
omap4ad1_mpeg2vid_mpeg1l3aud_d1ntsc_4mbps_duration_178_sec.avi MPEG-2 D1 NTSC 4000 MP3 LCD 45.98 6.21 29.02 35.65 TBD TBD TBD TBD
omap4ad1_mpeg2vid_mpeg1l3aud_d1ntsc_4mbps_duration_178_sec.avi MPEG-2 D1 NTSC 4000 MP3 DVI 36.47 11.19 29.29 38.5 TBD TBD TBD TBD
omap4ad1_mpeg4vid_mpeg1l3aud_d1ntsc_4mbps_duration_178_sec.avi MPEG-4 D1 NTSC 4000 MP3 LCD 42.95 8.11 29.02 35.87 TBD TBD TBD TBD
omap4ad1_mpeg4vid_mpeg1l3aud_d1ntsc_4mbps_duration_178_sec.avi MPEG-4 D1 NTSC 4000 MP3 DVI 33.31 14.54 29.29 38.62 TBD TBD TBD TBD


Operating Frequency MPU-600.00 MHz, IVA-430.00 MHz, CORE-332.00 MHz
Media Location SD card
FileName Video Codec Resolution Video Bitrate (kbps) Audio Codec Video Output Device Mean ARM Load (%) Mean DSP Load (%) Mean Video Frame Rate (fps) Mean Frame Processing Time (ms) Mean ARM Load (%) Mean DSP Load (%) Mean Video Frame Rate (fps) Mean Frame Processing Time (ms)
omap4ad1_h264vid_mpeg1l3aud_d1ntsc_4mbps_duration_178_sec.avi H.264 D1 NTSC 4000 MP3 LCD 61.47 23.13 28.96 86.16 TBD TBD TBD TBD
omap4ad1_h264vid_mpeg1l3aud_d1ntsc_4mbps_duration_178_sec.avi H.264 D1 NTSC 4000 MP3 DVI 60.49 22.33 29.31 40.59 TBD TBD TBD TBD
omap4ad1_mpeg2vid_mpeg1l3aud_d1ntsc_4mbps_duration_178_sec.avi MPEG-2 D1 NTSC 4000 MP3 LCD 50.78 15.61 29.21 47.96 TBD TBD TBD TBD
omap4ad1_mpeg2vid_mpeg1l3aud_d1ntsc_4mbps_duration_178_sec.avi MPEG-2 D1 NTSC 4000 MP3 DVI 54.95 10.23 29.17 48.1 TBD TBD TBD TBD
omap4ad1_mpeg4vid_mpeg1l3aud_d1ntsc_4mbps_duration_178_sec.avi MPEG-4 D1 NTSC 4000 MP3 LCD 50.6 14.02 29.16 47.26 TBD TBD TBD TBD
omap4ad1_mpeg4vid_mpeg1l3aud_d1ntsc_4mbps_duration_178_sec.avi MPEG-4 D1 NTSC 4000 MP3 DVI 51.56 14 29.23 47.08 TBD TBD TBD TBD

Power Management[edit]


Use Case Power Measurements. (OMAP35x)
User Scenario DVFS Smart Reflex Power on 3530 (mW) DVFS Smart Reflex Power on 3530 (mW)
Audio Playback
Playing an MP3 file from SD card using Windows Media Player to the loudspeaker, Display is active
off off 208.744
off off 161.76
on off 167.9078 on off TBD
on on 143.7905 on on 127.37
Audio/Video Playback ( H.264, AAC )
Playing a video files from SD card using Windows Media Player. Display goes to LCD screen, audio to the loudspeaker
off off 560.2077
off off 453.4
on off 415.2470 on off TBD
on on 280.8962 on on 238.98
Audio/Video Playback ( MPEG4, AAC )
Playing a video files from SD card using Windows Media Player. Display goes to LCD screen, audio to the loudspeaker
off off 508.2377
off off 420.29
on off 339.2868 on off TBD
on on 333.8613 on on 227.76
System Suspend
Remove attached peripherals, press the button and place the system in Suspend mode
off off 0.0006
off off 2.0E-8
on off 0.0011 on off TBD
on on 0.0009 on on 1.0E-7
Power Measurements for each OPP (OMAP35x)
Voltage (Volts) Current (A) Voltage (Volts) Current (A) Voltage (Volts) Current (A) Voltage (Volts) Current (A)
OPP0 0.9954 0.0080 1.0663 0.0576 N/A N/A N/A N/A
OPP1 0.9953 0.0080 1.1681 0.1034 1.003 0.0073 1.167 0.105
OPP2 1.0707 0.0135 1.1681 0.1034 1.077 0.0074 1.167 0.105
OPP3 1.2160 0.0202 1.1681 0.1032 1.224 0.00902 1.168 0.105
OPP4 1.2762 0.0235 1.1682 0.1034 1.285 0.00887 1.167 0.105
OPP5 1.3629 0.0282 1.1681 0.1034 1.045 0.00825 1.168 0.1058
OPP6 1.3626 0.0272 1.1682 0.1034 1.37 0.0098 1.168 0.105


Use Case Power Measurements. ((DM37x))
User Scenario DVFS Smart Reflex Power on 3730 (mW) DVFS Smart Reflex Power on 3730 (mW)
Audio Playback
Playing an MP3 file from SD card using Windows Media Player to the loudspeaker, Display is active
off off 220.93
off off 158.43
on off 176.95 on off TBD
on on 136.83 on on 119.58
Audio/Video Playback ( H.264, AAC )
Playing a video files from SD card using Windows Media Player. Display goes to LCD screen, audio to the loudspeaker
off off 581.93
off off 442.60
on off 328.29 on off TBD
on on 268.32 on on 256.35
Audio/Video Playback ( MPEG4, AAC )
Playing a video files from SD card using Windows Media Player. Display goes to LCD screen, audio to the loudspeaker
off off 535.53
off off 415.84
on off 300.42 on off TBD
on on 245.26 on on 218.22
System Suspend
Remove attached peripherals, press the button and place the system in Suspend mode
off off 0.0000
off off 1.0E-9
on off 0.0003 on off 2.0E-9
on on 0.0002 on on 0.000000002
Power Measurements for each OPP (DM37x)
Voltage (Volts) Current (A) Voltage (Volts) Current (A) Voltage (Volts) Current (A) Voltage (Volts) Current (A)
OPP0 0.9653 0.0099 0.9500 0.05167 N/A N/A N/A N/A
OPP1 0.9698 0.0085 1.1812 0.1022 0.962 0.0079 1.20 0.104
OPP2 1.1254 0.0150 1.1815 0.1022 1.119 0.0089 1.19 0.104
OPP3 1.2810 0.0223 1.1815 0.1022 1.27 0.0104 1.199 0.104
OPP4 1.3305 0.0287 1.1811 0.1022 1.03 0.0099 1.199 0.104
E2e.jpg {{
  1. switchcategory:MultiCore=
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  • For questions related to the BIOS MultiCore SDK (MCSDK), please use the BIOS Forum

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  • For technical support on MultiCore devices, please post your questions in the C6000 MultiCore Forum
  • For questions related to the BIOS MultiCore SDK (MCSDK), please use the BIOS Forum

Please post only comments related to the article WinCE Comparative Benchmarks here.

C2000=For technical support on the C2000 please post your questions on The C2000 Forum. Please post only comments about the article WinCE Comparative Benchmarks here. DaVinci=For technical support on DaVincoplease post your questions on The DaVinci Forum. Please post only comments about the article WinCE Comparative Benchmarks here. MSP430=For technical support on MSP430 please post your questions on The MSP430 Forum. Please post only comments about the article WinCE Comparative Benchmarks here. OMAP35x=For technical support on OMAP please post your questions on The OMAP Forum. Please post only comments about the article WinCE Comparative Benchmarks here. OMAPL1=For technical support on OMAP please post your questions on The OMAP Forum. Please post only comments about the article WinCE Comparative Benchmarks here. MAVRK=For technical support on MAVRK please post your questions on The MAVRK Toolbox Forum. Please post only comments about the article WinCE Comparative Benchmarks here. For technical support please post your questions at Please post only comments about the article WinCE Comparative Benchmarks here.


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