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WL18xx TI Bluetooth Stack PANM Demo App

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Demo Overview[edit]

NoteNote: : This instructions can be used to run this demo on the AM335x Platform.

PAN - Linux Implementation

PAN User to PAN User[edit]

In this demo we will demonstrate how to use the Bluetopia PM PANM module to connect two PAN User (PANU) devices to each other. Note that a PANU to PANU connection is a device-to-device connection only, it is different from a traditional network connection, and is used to simulate a cross-over cable between two nodes. For more information on PAN roles please refer to the Personal Area Network Profile Specification linked at the bottom of the page. The remote device used in this demonstration is a Windows 7 64-bit PC running the default Windows Bluetooth stack with a Belkin F8T016 Bluetooth USB dongle.

It is recommended that the user visits the kit setup Getting Started Guide for AM335x pages before trying the application described on this page.

Running the Bluetooth Code[edit]

NoteNote: : Currently all available serial SDK needs the following patch to run the PAN Demo App:

Description Patch type Support for board Link to patch
TTY buffer overrun patch (for PAN and high bandwidth BT use cases) Bug fix All AM335x variants <patch>

The patch requires recompiling the zImage:

make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- zImage
cp arch/arm/boot/zImage [target-rootfs]/boot/

Once the am335x is initialized on the terminal, follow the instructions;
To use the PAN profile first start the Stonestreet One-provided Virtual Network driver (VNET driver) on the target. The VNET driver creates a virtual network interface that can be used like a typical network interface, e.g. eth0. Applications can access the PAN virtual network connection using the virtual network interface provided by the VNET driver when a Bluetooth PAN connection is established. To start the VNET driver run:

cd ~/BluetopiaPM/Bluetopia/VNET/
chmod +x driver/VNETInst/Kernel_2_6/
./driver/VNETInst/Kernel_2_6/ start
root@am335x-evm:~/BluetopiaPM# cd ~/BluetopiaPM/Bluetopia/VNET/
root@am335x-evm:~/BluetopiaPM# cd ~/BluetopiaPM/Bluetopia/VNET/chmod +x driver/VNETInst/Kernel_2_6/
root@am335x-evm:~/BluetopiaPM/Bluetopia/VNET/driver/VNETInst/Kernel_2_6# ./driver/VNETInst/Kernel_2_6/ start
Installing SS1 Virtual Network Driver: [  632.187408] printk NumberOfDevices 1
[  632.191223] Allocate Memory for 1
[  632.194671] Return Allocate Memory for 1  Ptr cf2c6800
[  632.200042] alloc_chrdev_region returned 0
[  632.204315] VNETCharacterDeviceMajorNumber returned 250 0
Driver started and devices entries refreshed.

Next run "ifconfig -a" and look for the network interface named ss1vnet0 to verify that the driver was properly loaded.

root@am335x-evm:~/BluetopiaPM/Bluetopia/VNET/# ifconfig -a
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:18:31:92:17:31
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          RX packets:26175 errors:0 dropped:513 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:12838 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:27550505 (26.2 MiB)  TX bytes:1991786 (1.8 MiB)

eth1      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:18:31:92:17:32
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
          inet addr:  Mask:
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

ss1vnet0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:02:03:04:05:06
          BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:256
          RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

Enter the Sample Application folder, for this example “cd ~/BluetopiaPM/bin”

root@am335x-evm:~# cd ~/BluetopiaPM/bin/

Start the Server and the Demo application by typing “./SS1BTPM & ./LinuxPANM”

root@am335x-evm:~/BluetopiaPM/bin# ./SS1BTPM & ./LinuxPANM
[1] 1789

Now the help screen is displayed

* Command Options: 1) Initialize                                 *
*                  2) Cleanup                                    *
*                  3) QueryDebugZoneMask                         *
*                  4) SetDebugZoneMask                           *
*                  5) ShutdownService                            *
*                  6) RegisterEventCallback,                     *
*                  7) UnRegisterEventCallback,                   *
*                  8) QueryDevicePower                           *
*                  9) SetDevicePower                             *
*                  10)QueryLocalDeviceProperties                 *
*                  11)SetLocalDeviceName                         *
*                  12)SetLocalClassOfDevice                      *
*                  13)SetDiscoverable                            *
*                  14)SetConnectable                             *
*                  15)SetPairable                                *
*                  16)StartDeviceDiscovery                       *
*                  17)StopDeviceDiscovery                        *
*                  18)QueryRemoteDeviceList                      *
*                  19)QueryRemoteDeviceProperties                *
*                  20)AddRemoteDevice                            *
*                  21)DeleteRemoteDevice                         *
*                  22)DeleteRemoteDevices                        *
*                  23)PairWithRemoteDevice                       *
*                  24)CancelPairWithRemoteDevice                 *
*                  25)UnPairRemoteDevice                         *
*                  26)QueryRemoteDeviceServices                  *
*                  27)RegisterAuthentication                     *
*                  28)UnRegisterAuthentication                   *
*                  29)PINCodeResponse                            *
*                  30)PassKeyResponse                            *
*                  31)UserConfirmationResponse                   *
*                  32)ChangeSimplePairingParameters              *
*                  33)ConnectionRequestResponse                  *
*                  34)ConnectRemoteServer                        *
*                  35)CloseConnection                            *
*                  36)QueryConnectedDevices                      *
*                  37)QueryCurrentConfiguration                  *
*                  38)ChangeIncomingConnectionFlags              *
*                  39)PANRegisterEventCallback                   *
*                  40)PANUnRegisterEventCallback                 *
*                  41)EnableBluetoothDebug                       *
*                  Help, Quit.                                   *

Demo Application[edit]

The demo application provides a description on how to use the demo application to connect two devices and form an ad-hoc network over Bluetooth.

Personal Area Network (PAN)[edit]

Windows PC initiate the PAN connection[edit]

To verify PANM functionality, start by running the "LinuxPANM" executable, initializing, and powering on the local device if necessary, first register PAN events.

a) Initialize the profile by typing “1 1” or “Initialize 1”.
b) Powering up the Bluetooth device by typing “9 1” or "SetDevicePower 1”, if the device is already powered up you’ll receive an error that the device is already powered up
PANM>Initialize 1

BTPM_Initialize() Success: 0.
DEVM_RegisterEventCallback() Success: 5.
PANM>SetDevicePower 1

[256151.498556] (hci_tty): inside hci_tty_open (ecb2e788, ebbbec00)
[256151.505629] (stc):  chnl_id list empty :4
[256151.509745] (stk) : st_kim_start(stk) :ldisc_install = 1uim:poll broke due to event 10(PRI:2/ERR:8)

uim:read 1 from install

uim:@ st_uart_config
uim: signal received, opening /dev/ttyS1
uim:@ set_baud_rate
uim:set_baud_rate() done
uim:Setting speed to 3000000
uim:@ read_command_complete
uim: Command complete started
uim:@ read_hci_event
uim: read_hci_event
uim:Command complete done
[256151.672556] (stc): st_tty_open
uim:Speed changing to 3000000, 1
uim:@ set_custom_baud_rate
(stk) :line discipline installeduim:Installed N_TI_WL Line displine
[256151.686798] (stk) :TIInit_11.8.32.bts
uim:begin polling...
(stk) :change remote baud rate command in firmware
[256151.700113] (stk) :skipping the wait event of change remote baud[256152.456904] (stc): add_channel_to_table: id 4
[256152.461420] (stc): add_channel_to_table: id 2
[256152.465884] (stc): add_channel_to_table: id 3
BT COMM PORT (/dev/hci_tty): 1
DEVM_PowerOnDevice() Success: 0.
Device Powered On.
c) Registering an Authentication

DEVM_RegisterAuthentication() Success: 5.
d) Registering an PAN Events

Attempting to Register for Events.
PANM_Register_Event_Callback() Success. Callback ID: 1.
e) Now in Windows discover, connect, and pair to the local device by doing the following:
 1. Click the Bluetooth icon in the Windows system tray, choose "Add a Device".
 2. Select the device named "WL183x Device" or "WL18xx Device" and choose Next.
 3. Verify the pass code displayed in Windows matches the pass code displayed in the LinuxPANM app and press Next.
Remote Device Properties Changed.
BD_ADDR:       00190E06ABE8
Device Flags:  0x80000009
Connect State: TRUE
Authentication Request received for 00190E06ABE8.
I/O Capability Response.
Remote I/O Capabilities: Display Yes/No, MITM Protection: TRUE.
Authentication Request received for 00190E06ABE8.
I/O Capability Request.
DEVM_AuthenticationResponse() Success.
Authentication Request received for 00190E06ABE8.
User Confirmation Request.
User Confirmation: 981178

Respond with the command: UserConfirmationResponse
f) In LinuxPANM confirm that the pass codes match by running:
PANM>UserConfirmationResponse 1

DEVM_AuthenticationResponse(), User Confirmation Response Success.
Remote Device Properties Changed.
BD_ADDR:       00190E06ABE8
Device Flags:  0x8000008D
Paired State : TRUE
Remote Device Properties Changed.
BD_ADDR:       00190E06ABE8
Device Flags:  0x8000009D
Encrypt State: TRUE
Remote Device Properties Changed.
BD_ADDR:       00190E06ABE8
Device Flags:  0x80000085
Connect State: FALSE
Encrypt State: FALSE
Remote Device Properties Changed.
BD_ADDR:       00190E06ABE8
Device Flags:  0x8000008D
Connect State: TRUE
Remote Device Properties Changed.
BD_ADDR:       00190E06ABE8
Device Flags:  0x8000009D
Encrypt State: TRUE
PANM: Device Connected
    BD_ADDR     : 00190E06ABE8
    Service Type: PAN User
g) Now on the Windows computer wait for Windows to finish trying to update the driver software, any "No driver found" errors can be ignored, they will not affect this demonstration.

Now that we have paired, next let's establish a PAN connection. To establish a PAN connection, in Windows do the following:

 1. Click the Bluetooth icon in the system tray, and choose "Join a Personal Area Network".
 2. Right click the device named "WL183x Device" or "WL18xx Device" and choose "Connect using" --> "Direct connection".
h) If all went well you should see a pop-up in Windows that says "Connection successful". In LinuxPANM you will see the "PANM: Device Connected ... Service Type: PAN User" message.

Now that we have connected we will need to configure the ss1vnet0 network interface in Linux. First quit LinuxPANM using the following:

 PANUnRegisterEventCallback 1
PANM>PANUnRegisterEventCallback 1

Attempting to Un-Register Events.
PANM_Un_Register_Event_Callback() Success.

DEVM_UnRegisterAuthentication() Success.



Bluetopia PM initiate the PAN connection[edit]

To verify PANM functionality, start by running the "LinuxDEVM" executable.

after running the "LinuxPANM" executable, initializing, and powering on the local device if necessary, first register PAN events.

a) Initialize the profile by typing “1 1” or “Initialize 1”.
b) Powering up the Bluetooth device by typing “9 1” or "SetDevicePower 1”, if the device is already powered up you’ll receive an error that the device is already powered up
PANM>Initialize 1

BTPM_Initialize() Success: 0.
DEVM_RegisterEventCallback() Success: 5.
PANM>SetDevicePower 1

[256151.498556] (hci_tty): inside hci_tty_open (ecb2e788, ebbbec00)
[256151.505629] (stc):  chnl_id list empty :4
[256151.509745] (stk) : st_kim_start(stk) :ldisc_install = 1uim:poll broke due to event 10(PRI:2/ERR:8)

uim:read 1 from install

uim:@ st_uart_config
uim: signal received, opening /dev/ttyS1
uim:@ set_baud_rate
uim:set_baud_rate() done
uim:Setting speed to 3000000
uim:@ read_command_complete
uim: Command complete started
uim:@ read_hci_event
uim: read_hci_event
uim:Command complete done
[256151.672556] (stc): st_tty_open
uim:Speed changing to 3000000, 1
uim:@ set_custom_baud_rate
(stk) :line discipline installeduim:Installed N_TI_WL Line displine
[256151.686798] (stk) :TIInit_11.8.32.bts
uim:begin polling...
(stk) :change remote baud rate command in firmware
[256151.700113] (stk) :skipping the wait event of change remote baud[256152.456904] (stc): add_channel_to_table: id 4
[256152.461420] (stc): add_channel_to_table: id 2
[256152.465884] (stc): add_channel_to_table: id 3
BT COMM PORT (/dev/hci_tty): 1
DEVM_PowerOnDevice() Success: 0.
Device Powered On.
c) Registering an Authentication

DEVM_RegisterAuthentication() Success: 5.
d) Registering an PAN Events

Attempting to Register for Events.
PANM_Register_Event_Callback() Success. Callback ID: 1.
e) Connect to remote Server
PANM>ConnectRemoteServer 00190E06ABE8 1 1 0x3

Where 00190E06ABE8 is the Bluetooth Device Address (BD_ADDR) of the USB dongle. Note that the BD_ADDR can be easily found by looking at the messages in LinuxPANM from the previous connection. On success you will see a "PANM: Connection Status ... Status : 0" message in LinuxPANM. Note that you do not have to reconfigure the ss1vnet0 driver again, the 2 devices are both configured and ready, however, when the target is restarted you will have to restart the VNET driver and also reconfigure the ss1vnet0 interface. Now that the PAN connection has been established you can verify connectivity by initiating a ping from either device.

PANM>ConnectRemoteServer 00190E06ABE8 1 1 0x3
Attempting to Open Remote Server.
PANM_Connect_Remote_Device() Success: 0.
Remote Device Properties Changed.
BD_ADDR:       00190E06ABE8
Device Flags:  0x800000CD
Connect State: TRUE
Remote Device Properties Changed.
BD_ADDR:       00190E06ABE8
Device Flags:  0x800000DD
Encrypt State: TRUE
PANM: Connection Status
    BD_ADDR     : 00190E06ABE8
    Service Type: PAN User
    Status      : 0
PANM: Device Connected
    BD_ADDR     : 00190E06ABE8
    Service Type: PAN User
f) Now that we have shown how to initiate a PAN connection in Bluetopia PM, let's close the PAN sample application, to do so run the following in LinuxPANM:
 CloseConnection 00190E06ABE8
 PANUnRegisterEventCallback 1
PANM>CloseConnection 00190E06ABE8

Attempting to Close Connection.

PANM: Device Disconnected
    BD_ADDR     : 00190E06ABE8
    Service Type: PAN User
PANM>PANM_Close_Connection() Success: 0.
Remote Device Properties Changed.
BD_ADDR:       00190E06ABE8
Device Flags:  0x80000085
Connect State: FALSE
Encrypt State: FALSE
PANM>PANUnRegisterEventCallback 1
Attempting to Un-Register Events.
PANM_Un_Register_Event_Callback() Success.


Verify Connectivity[edit]

Once the connection is established and you close the demo application you can configure the devices and verify connectivity.

a) In Windows run ipconfig to determine the appropriate network configuration to use in Linux. Look for an adapter named "Bluetooth Network Connection" or similar. Note its IPv4 Address and Subnet Mask. In this example we will assume the Windows PC has an IPv4 Address of and an Subnet Mask of With the network configuration from the Windows PC we can now configure the ss1vnet0 interface on the target, to configure the interface run:
 ifconfig ss1vnet0 netmask

On the Windows PC:


Windows IP Configuration

Ethernet adapter Bluetooth Network Connection 2:

   Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
   Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::f4b9:c353:ea9e:2aa%27
   Autoconfiguration IPv4 Address. . :
   Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
   Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
root@am335x-evm:~/BluetopiaPM/bin# ifconfig ss1vnet0 netmask
b) Now that we have configured ss1vnet0 we can ping the Windows PC. On the target run:

On the target:

root@am335x-evm:~/BluetopiaPM/bin# ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=128 time=39.001 ms
64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=128 time=24.200 ms
64 bytes from seq=2 ttl=128 time=149.048 ms
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 24.200/70.749/149.048 ms

If everything is configured correctly you should see "64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=128 time=39.001 ms" or a similar message.

c)To verify connectivity on the Windows PC run:

On the Windows PC:


Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=22ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time=8ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time=6ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time=24ms TTL=64

You should see "Reply from bytes=32 time=34ms TTL=64" or a similar message.

Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 6ms, Maximum = 24ms, Average = 15ms
d) Now that we have demonstrated connectivity between the devices we can close the PAN connection. On the Windows PC do the following:
1. Click the Bluetooth icon in the system tray, choose "Show Bluetooth Devices".
2. Right click the device named "WL183x Device" or "WL18xx Device" and choose "Disconnect from device network".
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