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WL18xx TI Bluetooth Stack HDSM Demo App

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Demo Overview[edit]

NoteNote: : This instructions can be used to run this demo on the AM335x Platform.
This demo allows users to evaluate TI's WL18xx device by using the AM335x platform. The Headset profile allows the user to demonstrate the use of Headset profile on embedded device. The Headset profile is used to connect a headset or speakerphone with a mobile device or used to connect a Audio gateway with headset device to provide basic control and voice connections. The Headset profile supports two roles, Headset and Audio Gateway. This document demonstrates how to use both roles of the profile.

It is recommended that the user visits the kit setup Getting Started Guide for AM335x pages before trying the application described on this page.

Instructions for platform audio routing[edit]

The am335x platform can route the Audio to the Microphone and Speakers Jacks on the development board. The audio can be routed only on development boards with the main board version 1.5 or later, Doughter board 1.2. Two audio devices should be added to the platform configuration- AM335xEVM and WILINK8BT. For reconfiguring the platform kernel, the user should download the SDK version 3.14.43 for the AM335x. After downloading the kernel and compilation under the Linux folder: ~/ti-processor-sdk-linux-am335x-evm- . For the kernel download and compilation instruction follow the link: TI Linux Kernel Users Guid
For the BluetopiaPM environment follow the link: Bluetopia PM Build Process
When the setup is ready go to the kernel folder: ~/ti-processor-sdk-linux-am335x-evm- .
Then copy the following patch to the kernel folder and type: "git apply 0001-New-Feature-BT-PCM-integration-on-the-AM335x-EVM.PATCH".
NoteNote: : Currently all Sitara boards 1.5 and later needs the following patch to route the Audio in HFRM Demo App:

Description Patch type Support for board Link to patch
HFP AUdio route in the Sitara Patch Bug fix All AM335x variants <patch>

The patch requires recompiling the zImage:

make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- zImage
cp arch/arm/boot/zImage [target-rootfs]/boot/

After the new configurations done, the devices, AM335xEVM and WILINK8BT, should appear in /proc/asound/ folder on the platform's file system. The BluetopiaPM application version should fit the Bluetooth device, cc256x or wl18xx, for the audio to work.

NoteNote: When using a CC256x controller you will need to change the init script in order to enable AVPR. You can use the following command in the AM335x device terminal

cp -f /lib/firmware/TIInit_6.7.16_avpr_on.bts /lib/firmware/TIInit_6.7.16.bts

Running the Bluetooth Code[edit]

Once the am335x is initialized on the terminal, follow the instructions;
Enter to the Sample Application folder, for this example “cd BluetopiaPM/bin”

 root@am335x-evm:~# cd BluetopiaPM/bin/

Demo Application[edit]

This section provides a description of how to use the demo application to connect smart phone over Bluetooth HSP profile, the same for the second smart phone. Bluetooth HSP is a simple Client-Server connection process with one side, the client, operating in the Audio-Gateway role and the other, the server, operating in the Headset role. We will setup the boards one as a Headset server and the second one as Audio gateway Client.

Headset Profile (HSP)[edit]

HDSM Client (HDSM_AG)[edit]

To verify HDSM_AG client role functionality, first run the "LinuxHDSM_AG" executable, initialize, and power on the local device if necessary.

Start the Server and the Demo application by typing “./SS1BTPM & ./LinuxHDSM_AG”

root@am335x-evm:~/BluetopiaPM/bin# ./SS1BTPM & ./LinuxHDSM_AG
[1] 2054

Now the help screen is displayed

* Command Options: 1) Initialize                                 *
*                  2) Cleanup                                    *
*                  3) QueryDebugZoneMask                         *
*                  4) SetDebugZoneMask                           *
*                  5) ShutdownService                            *
*                  6) RegisterEventCallback,                     *
*                  7) UnRegisterEventCallback,                   *
*                  8) QueryDevicePower                           *
*                  9) SetDevicePower                             *
*                  10)QueryLocalDeviceProperties                 *
*                  11)SetLocalDeviceName                         *
*                  12)SetLocalClassOfDevice                      *
*                  13)SetDiscoverable                            *
*                  14)SetConnectable                             *
*                  15)SetPairable                                *
*                  16)StartDeviceDiscovery                       *
*                  17)StopDeviceDiscovery                        *
*                  18)QueryRemoteDeviceList                      *
*                  19)QueryRemoteDeviceProperties                *
*                  20)AddRemoteDevice                            *
*                  21)DeleteRemoteDevice                         *
*                  22)DeleteRemoteDevices                        *
*                  23)PairWithRemoteDevice                       *
*                  24)CancelPairWithRemoteDevice                 *
*                  25)UnPairRemoteDevice                         *
*                  26)QueryRemoteDeviceServices                  *
*                  27)RegisterAuthentication                     *
*                  28)UnRegisterAuthentication                   *
*                  29)PINCodeResponse                            *
*                  30)PassKeyResponse                            *
*                  31)UserConfirmationResponse                   *
*                  32)ChangeSimplePairingParameters              *
*                  33)ConnectDevice                              *
*                  34)DisconnectDevice                           *
*                  35)ConnectionRequestResponse                  *
*                  36)ManageAudio                                *
*                  37)SetSpeakerGain                             *
*                  38)SetMicrophoneGain                          *
*                  39)QueryHeadsetServices                       *
*                  40)ChangeIncomingConnectionFlags              *
*                  41)RingIndication                             *
*                  42)HDSRegisterEventCallback                   *
*                  43)HDSUnRegisterEventCallback                 *
*                  44)HDSRegisterDataCallback                    *
*                  45)HDSUnRegisterDataCallback                  *
*                  46)EnableBluetoothDebug                       *
*                  Help, Quit.                                   *
a) Initialize the profile by typing “1 1” or “Initialize 1”.
b) Powering up the Bluetooth device by typing “9 1” or "SetDevicePower 1”, if the device is already powered up you’ll receive an error that the device is already powered up
Headset>Initialize 1

BTPM_Initialize() Success: 0.
DEVM_RegisterEventCallback() Success: 5.
Headset>SetDevicePower 1

echo 117 > /sys/class/gpio/export
echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio117/direction
echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio117/value
echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio117/value
BT COMM PORT (/dev/ttyO1): 1
Changing HCI baud rate to 3000000
Status: Executing BTS Script /lib/firmware/TIInit_11.8.32.bts.
Status: BTS Script successfully executed.
DEVM_PowerOnDevice() Success: 0.
Device Powered On.
c) Register HDS Event and Data Callbacks.
Usage: HDSRegisterEventCallback [(0 = Non-Control Callback, 1 = Control Callback)].
Headset>HDSRegisterEventCallback 1

HDSM_Register_Event_Callback() Success: 1.

HDSM_Register_Data_Event_Callback() Success: 2.
d) Register Authentication

DEVM_RegisterAuthentication() Success: 5.
e) In order to make connection, we need to check the RFCOMM ID, use QueryRemoteDeviceServices function in order to discover SDP.
Usage: QueryRemoteDeviceServices [BD_ADDR] [Force Update] [Bytes to Query (specified if Force is 0)].
Headset>QueryRemoteDeviceServices 84DD209C58DD 1

Attempting Query Remote Device 84DD209C58DD For Services.
DEVM_QueryRemoteDeviceServices() Success: 0, Total Number Service Bytes: 0.
Remote Device Properties Changed.
BD_ADDR:       84DD209C58DD
Device Flags:  0x800001CD
Connect State: TRUE
Remote Device 84DD209C58DD Services Status: BR/EDR, SUCCESS.
Remote Device Properties Changed.
BD_ADDR:       84DD209C58DD
Device Flags:  0x800001CD
Serv. Known  : TRUE
Remote Device Properties Changed.
BD_ADDR:       84DD209C58DD
Device Flags:  0x80000185
Connect State: FALSE
Headset>QueryRemoteDeviceServices 84DD209C58DD 0 2000
Attempting Query Remote Device 84DD209C58DD For Services.
DEVM_QueryRemoteDeviceServices() Success: 813, Total Number Service Bytes: 813.
Returned Service Data (813 Bytes):...
Service Record: 2:
    Attribute ID 0x0000
       Type: Unsigned Int = 0x00010002
    Attribute ID 0x0001
       Type: Data Element Sequence
          Type: UUID_16 = 0x1108
          Type: UUID_16 = 0x1203
    Attribute ID 0x0002
       Type: Unsigned Int = 0x00000005
    Attribute ID 0x0004
       Type: Data Element Sequence
          Type: Data Element Sequence
             Type: UUID_16 = 0x0100
          Type: Data Element Sequence
             Type: UUID_16 = 0x0003
             Type: Unsigned Int = 0x02
    Attribute ID 0x0006
       Type: Data Element Sequence
          Type: Unsigned Int = 0x656E
          Type: Unsigned Int = 0x006A
          Type: Unsigned Int = 0x0100
    Attribute ID 0x0009
       Type: Data Element Sequence
          Type: Data Element Sequence
             Type: UUID_16 = 0x1108
             Type: Unsigned Int = 0x0102
    Attribute ID 0x0100
       Type: Text String = Headset
    Attribute ID 0x0302
       Type: Boolean = TRUE

NoteNote: : The RFCOMM we are searching according to the spec is "UUID_16 = 0x0003", that means the port id is "Unsigned Int = 0x02"

f) Connect to the Headset
Usage: Connect [BD_ADDR] [Port Number (optional)] [Connection Flags (optional - 0 = No Flags, 1 = Authentication, 2 = Encryption, 3 = Authentication/Encryption)].
Headset>ConnectDevice 84DD209C58DD

Service Name: Headset.
RFCOMM Port Number: 0x02.
HDS Profile Version: 0x0102.
HDSM_Connect_Remote_Device: Function Successful.
Remote Device Properties Changed.
BD_ADDR:       84DD209C58DD
Device Flags:  0x800001CD
Connect State: TRUE
Remote Device Properties Changed.
BD_ADDR:       84DD209C58DD
Device Flags:  0x800001DD
Encrypt State: TRUE
hetHDSConnectionStatus, BD_ADDR: 84DD209C58DD, Type: sctAudioGateway, Status: 0.
hetHDSConnected, BD_ADDR: 84DD209C58DD, Type: sctAudioGateway.
hetHDSConnected, BD_ADDR: 84DD209C58DD, Type: sctAudioGateway.
g) Sending indications - Ring indication.
Usage: RingIndication [BD_ADDR].
Headset>RingIndication 84DD209C58DD

HDSM_Ring_Indication: Function Successful.
At the Head Set side (When using another AM335x as a Head Set device) you will see
hetHDSRingIndication, BD_ADDR: D03972507A42.
h) In order to change Speaker gain, use "SetSpeakerGain" Command
Usage: SetSpeakerGain [BD_ADDR] [0 <= SpeakerGain <= 15].
SetSpeakerGain D03972507A42 5

HDS_Set_Remote_Speaker_Gain: Function Successful.
At the Head Set side (When using another AM335x as a Head Set device) you will see
hetHDSSpeakerGainIndication, BD_ADDR: D03972507A42, Type: sctHeadset, Speaker Gain: 5.
i) In order to change Microphone gain, use "SetMicrophoneGain" Command
Usage: SetMicrophoneGain [BD_ADDR] [0 <= MicrophoneGain <= 15].
SetMicrophoneGain D03972507A42 5

HDSM_Set_Remote_Microphone_Gain(): Function Successful.
At the Head Set side (When using another AM335x as a Head Set device) you will see
hetHDSMicrophoneGainIndication, BD_ADDR: D03972507A42, Type: sctHeadset, Microphone Gain: 5.
Usage: ManageAudio [BD_ADDR] [Release = 0, Setup = 1] [InBandRinging (0 = No, 1 = In Band Ringing) only valid if Setup = 1].
Headset>ManageAudio 84DD209C58DD 1 0

HDSM_Setup_Audio_Connection: Function Successful.
hetHDSAudioConnected, BD_ADDR: 84DD209C58DD, Type: sctAudioGateway.
hetHDSAudioConnected, BD_ADDR: 84DD209C58DD, Type: sctAudioGateway.
At the Head Set side (When using another AM335x as a Head Set device) you will see
hetHDSAudioConnected, BD_ADDR: D03972507A42, Type: sctHeadset.
hetHDSAudioConnected, BD_ADDR: D03972507A42, Type: sctHeadset.
Headset>ManageAudio 84DD209C58DD 0

HDSM_Release_Audio_Connection: Function Successful.
At the Head Set side (When using another AM335x as a Head Set device) you will see
hetHDSAudioDisconnected, BD_ADDR: D03972507A42, Type: sctHeadset
hetHDSAudioDisconnected, BD_ADDR: D03972507A42, Type: sctHeadset
l) When You finish using the Head Set Device, Use "DisconnectDevice" Command
Usage: Disconnect [BD_ADDR].
Headset>DisconnectDevice 84DD209C58DD

hetHDSDisconnected, BD_ADDR: 84DD209C58DD, Type: sctAudioGateway, Reason: 0.
hetHDSDisconnected, BD_ADDR: 84DD209C58DD, Type: sctAudioGateway, Reason: 0.
Headset>HDSM_Disconnect_Device: Function Successful.
Remote Device Properties Changed.
BD_ADDR:       84DD209C58DD
Device Flags:  0x80000185
Connect State: FALSE
Encrypt State: FALSE

HDSM Server (HDSM_HS)[edit]

To verify HDSM_HS server role functionality, first run the "LinuxHDSM_HS" executable, initialize, and power on the local device if necessary.

Start the Server and the Demo application by typing “./SS1BTPM & ./LinuxHDSM_HS”

root@am335x-evm:~/BluetopiaPM/bin# ./SS1BTPM & ./LinuxHDSM_HS
[1] 1674

Now the help screen is displayed

* Command Options: 1) Initialize                                 *
*                  2) Cleanup                                    *
*                  3) QueryDebugZoneMask                         *
*                  4) SetDebugZoneMask                           *
*                  5) ShutdownService                            *
*                  6) RegisterEventCallback,                     *
*                  7) UnRegisterEventCallback,                   *
*                  8) QueryDevicePower                           *
*                  9) SetDevicePower                             *
*                  10)QueryLocalDeviceProperties                 *
*                  11)SetLocalDeviceName                         *
*                  12)SetLocalClassOfDevice                      *
*                  13)SetDiscoverable                            *
*                  14)SetConnectable                             *
*                  15)SetPairable                                *
*                  16)StartDeviceDiscovery                       *
*                  17)StopDeviceDiscovery                        *
*                  18)QueryRemoteDeviceList                      *
*                  19)QueryRemoteDeviceProperties                *
*                  20)AddRemoteDevice                            *
*                  21)DeleteRemoteDevice                         *
*                  22)DeleteRemoteDevices                        *
*                  23)PairWithRemoteDevice                       *
*                  24)CancelPairWithRemoteDevice                 *
*                  25)UnPairRemoteDevice                         *
*                  26)QueryRemoteDeviceServices                  *
*                  27)RegisterAuthentication                     *
*                  28)UnRegisterAuthentication                   *
*                  29)PINCodeResponse                            *
*                  30)PassKeyResponse                            *
*                  31)UserConfirmationResponse                   *
*                  32)ChangeSimplePairingParameters              *
*                  33)ConnectDevice                              *
*                  34)DisconnectDevice                           *
*                  35)ConnectionRequestResponse                  *
*                  36)ManageAudio                                *
*                  37)SetSpeakerGain                             *
*                  38)SetMicrophoneGain                          *
*                  39)QueryHeadsetServices                       *
*                  40)ChangeIncomingConnectionFlags              *
*                  41)SendButtonPress                            *
*                  42)HDSRegisterEventCallback                   *
*                  43)HDSUnRegisterEventCallback                 *
*                  44)HDSRegisterDataCallback                    *
*                  45)HDSUnRegisterDataCallback                  *
*                  46)EnableBluetoothDebug                       *
*                  Help, Quit.                                   *
a) Initialize the profile by typing “1 1” or “Initialize 1”.
b) Powering up the Bluetooth device by typing “9 1” or "SetDevicePower 1”, if the device is already powered up you’ll receive an error that the device is already powered up
Headset>Initialize 1

BTPM_Initialize() Success: 0.
DEVM_RegisterEventCallback() Success: 5.
Headset>SetDevicePower 1

echo 117 > /sys/class/gpio/export
sh: line 0: echo: write error: Device or resource busy
echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio117/direction
echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio117/value
echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio117/value
BT COMM PORT (/dev/ttyS1): 1
Changing HCI baud rate to 3000000
Status: Executing BTS Script /lib/firmware/TIInit_12.10.28.bts.
Status: BTS Script successfully executed.
DEVM_PowerOnDevice() Success: 0.
Device Powered On.
c) Register HDS Event and Data Callbacks.
Usage: HDSRegisterEventCallback [(0 = Non-Control Callback, 1 = Control Callback)].
Headset>HDSRegisterEventCallback 1

HDSM_Register_Event_Callback() Success: 1.

HDSM_Register_Data_Event_Callback() Success: 2.
d) Register Authentication

DEVM_RegisterAuthentication() Success: 5.
e) In order to make connection, we need to check the RFCOMM ID, use QueryRemoteDeviceServices function in order to discover SDP.
Usage: QueryRemoteDeviceServices [BD_ADDR] [Force Update] [Bytes to Query (specified if Force is 0)].
Headset>QueryRemoteDeviceServices 84DD209C58DD 1

Attempting Query Remote Device 84DD209C58DD For Services.
DEVM_QueryRemoteDeviceServices() Success: 0, Total Number Service Bytes: 0.
Remote Device Properties Changed.
BD_ADDR:       84DD209C58DD
Device Flags:  0x800001CD
Connect State: TRUE
Remote Device 84DD209C58DD Services Status: BR/EDR, SUCCESS.
Remote Device Properties Changed.
BD_ADDR:       84DD209C58DD
Device Flags:  0x800001CD
Serv. Known  : TRUE
Remote Device Properties Changed.
BD_ADDR:       84DD209C58DD
Device Flags:  0x80000185
Connect State: FALSE
Headset>QueryRemoteDeviceServices 84DD209C58DD 0 2000

Attempting Query Remote Device 84DD209C58DD For Services.
DEVM_QueryRemoteDeviceServices() Success: 813, Total Number Service Bytes: 813.
Returned Service Data (813 Bytes):...
Service Record: 1:
    Attribute ID 0x0000
       Type: Unsigned Int = 0x00010001
    Attribute ID 0x0001
       Type: Data Element Sequence
          Type: UUID_16 = 0x1112
          Type: UUID_16 = 0x1203
    Attribute ID 0x0002
       Type: Unsigned Int = 0x00000004
    Attribute ID 0x0004
       Type: Data Element Sequence
          Type: Data Element Sequence
             Type: UUID_16 = 0x0100
          Type: Data Element Sequence
             Type: UUID_16 = 0x0003
             Type: Unsigned Int = 0x04
    Attribute ID 0x0006
       Type: Data Element Sequence
          Type: Unsigned Int = 0x656E
          Type: Unsigned Int = 0x006A
          Type: Unsigned Int = 0x0100
    Attribute ID 0x0009
       Type: Data Element Sequence
          Type: Data Element Sequence
             Type: UUID_16 = 0x1108
             Type: Unsigned Int = 0x0102
    Attribute ID 0x0100
       Type: Text String = Headset - AG

NoteNote: : The RFCOMM we are searching according to the spec is "UUID_16 = 0x0003", that means the port id is "Unsigned Int = 0x04"

f) Connect to the Audio Gateway
Usage: Connect [BD_ADDR] [Port Number (optional)] [Connection Flags (optional - 0 = No Flags, 1 = Authentication, 2 = Encryption, 3 = Authentication/Encryption)].
Headset>ConnectDevice 84DD209C58DD

Service Name: Headset - AG.
RFCOMM Port Number: 0x04.
HDS Profile Version: 0x0102.
HDSM_Connect_Remote_Device: Function Successful.
Remote Device Properties Changed.
BD_ADDR:       84DD209C58DD
Device Flags:  0x800001CD
Connect State: TRUE
Remote Device Properties Changed.
BD_ADDR:       84DD209C58DD
Device Flags:  0x800001DD
Encrypt State: TRUE
hetHDSConnectionStatus, BD_ADDR: 84DD209C58DD, Type: sctHeadset, Status: 0.
hetHDSConnected, BD_ADDR: 84DD209C58DD, Type: sctHeadset.
hetHDSConnected, BD_ADDR: 84DD209C58DD, Type: sctHeadset.
g) In order to Answer a call or Disconnect active call use "SendButtonPress" Command
Usage: SendButtonPress [BD_ADDR].
Answer Call
Headset>SendButtonPress 84DD209C58DD

HDSM_Send_Button_Press: Function Successful.
Remote Device Properties Changed.
BD_ADDR:       84DD209C58DD
COD:           0x1C0424
hetHDSAudioConnected, BD_ADDR: 84DD209C58DD, Type: sctHeadset.
hetHDSAudioConnected, BD_ADDR: 84DD209C58DD, Type: sctHeadset.
At the Audio Gateway side (When using another AM335x as a Audio Gateway device) you will see
hetHDSAudioConnected, BD_ADDR: D03972507A42, Type: sctAudioGateway.
hetHDSAudioConnected, BD_ADDR: D03972507A42, Type: sctAudioGateway.
Disconnect Call
Headset>SendButtonPress 84DD209C58DD

HDSM_Send_Button_Press: Function Successful.
hetHDSAudioDisconnected, BD_ADDR: 84DD209C58DD, Type: sctHeadset
hetHDSAudioDisconnected, BD_ADDR: 84DD209C58DD, Type: sctHeadset
At the Audio Gateway side (When using another AM335x as a Audio Gateway device) you will see
hetHDSAudioDisconnected, BD_ADDR: D03972507A42, Type: sctAudioGateway
hetHDSAudioDisconnected, BD_ADDR: D03972507A42, Type: sctAudioGateway
h) In order to change Speaker gain or Microphone gain you can use the following command "SetSpeakerGain" "SetMicrophoneGain"
Usage: SetSpeakerGain [BD_ADDR] [0 <= SpeakerGain <= 15].
Usage: SetMicrophoneGain [BD_ADDR] [0 <= MicrophoneGain <= 15].
i) You can Setup or release your audio connection, by using "ManageAudio" command
Usage: ManageAudio [BD_ADDR] [Release = 0, Setup = 1].
j) When You finish using the Audio Gateway Device, Use "DisconnectDevice" Command
Usage: Disconnect [BD_ADDR].
Headset>DisconnectDevice 84DD209C58DD

hetHDSDisconnected, BD_ADDR: 84DD209C58DD, Type: sctHeadset, Reason: 0.
hetHDSDisconnected, BD_ADDR: 84DD209C58DD, Type: sctHeadset, Reason: 0.
Headset>HDSM_Disconnect_Device: Function Successful.
Remote Device Properties Changed.
BD_ADDR:       84DD209C58DD
Device Flags:  0x80000185
Connect State: FALSE
Encrypt State: FALSE
E2e.jpg {{
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