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WL18xx TI Bluetooth Stack BT2WIFI Demo App
Return to WL18xx AM335x TI Bluetooth Stack
Note: This page is currently under construction.
Demo Overview[edit]
These instructions can be used to run this demo on the AM335x Platform.
This demo allows users to evaluate TI's WL18xx device. The BLE to WIFI sample application code is provided to enable a rich out-of-box experience to the user. The application allows the user to use the WiLink8 BLE Provisioning Application on Android to provision a device to a WIFI network using BLE to send the credentials.
It is recommended that the user visits the kit setup Getting Started Guide for AM335x pages before trying the application described on this page.
Hardware Requirements[edit]
- (TBD)
Software Requirements[edit]
- WL18xx TI Getting Started Guide for Environment and Bluetooth stack setup.
- Android WiLink8 BLE Provisioning APK (Link TBD)
Software Overview[edit]
This sample application (LinuxBT2WIFI) differs from others in the BluetopiaPM structure as it has a companion Android APK and source code designed to run concurrently with it. This allows for the user to send Wifi credentials via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to connect the WiLink8 device to a secure Wifi network.
Software components[edit]
LinuxBT2WIFI C Application[edit]
LinuxBT2WIFI is a C application that includes code to initialize BLE and wait for a valid JSON packet containing credentials from the Android app. The LinuxBT2WIFI application is designed to run without the use of a terminal and as such will perform the necessary setup, such as powering on the device, automatically. Once data is received this application will parse the data and try to connect to the Wifi network with the provided credentials. It then will acknowledge the connection status back to the android application.
WiLink8 BLE Provisioning Android Application[edit]
The WiLink8 BLE Provisioning application is responsible for collecting the credentials from the user, scanning for the WiLink8 BLE device, sending the credentials, and polling a characteristic for connection status updates.
Setup and Building[edit]
Adding LinuxBT2WIFI to the makefile build[edit]
1. Add "LinuxBT2WIFI" to PM_SAMPLES for PLATFORM_MANAGER in ~/AM335xBluetopiaLinuxProduction-
2. Add the following under Platform Specific Rules Definitions in ~/AM335xBluetopiaLinuxProduction-
$(PMBINDIR)/LinuxBT2WIFI: $(OBJDIR)/LinuxBT2WIFI_C.o $(OBJDIR)/jsmn_C.o $(PMLIBDIR)/libBTPM_C.a $($ @echo LN $(^F) -o $(@F) @$(CC) -L$(LIBDIR) $^ $(LDFLAGS) -o $@
3. Verify that "PLATFORM_MANAGER=y in ~/AM335xBluetopiaLinuxProduction-
Building the Source[edit]
1. Download the project from (TBD)
2. Once downloaded, copy the contents of the files to a directory in BluetopiaPM/sample ex.
cp LinuxBT2WIFI/* ~/AM335xBluetopiaLinuxProduction-
3. Then change directories to the build dir and source the
cd ~/AM335xBluetopiaLinuxProduction- source
4. After that, you should be able to make all and then copy the contents from BlutopiaPM/bin/LinuxBT2WIFI to the actual AM335x device ex.
make all scp ~/AM335xBluetopiaLinuxProduction- root@<yourIP>:~/BluetopiaPM/bin/
Building with Bluetopia[edit]
After following the Getting Started Guide for AM335x. It is only a matter of modifying a few files to get the LinuxBT2WIFI project building.
Running the Bluetooth Code[edit]
Once the AM335x is initialized on the terminal and you are logged in as root, follow the following instructions.
1. Enter to the Sample Application folder
root@am335x-evm:~# cd BluetopiaPM/bin/
2. Start the Server and the Demo application
root@am335x-evm:~/BluetopiaPM/bin# ./SS1BTPM & ./LinuxBT2WIFI
Now that the program is running it should look similar to below
BTPM_Initialize() Success: 0. DEVM_RegisterEventCallback() Success: 5. echo 3 > /sys/class/gpio/export sh: line 0: echo: write error: Device or resource busy echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio3/direction echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio3/value echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio3/value echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio3/value echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio3/value BT COMM PORT (/dev/ttyS1): 1 Changing HCI baud rate to 3000000 Status: Executing BTS Script /lib/firmware/TIInit_11.8.32.bts. Status: BTS Script successfully executed. DEVM_PowerOnDevice() Success: 0. Device Powered On. GATM>DEVM_EnableBluetoothDebug(TRUE) Success. DEVM_EnableSCOnly() Success: 0. SC Only mode is on - LE Legacy pairing will be rejected. DEVM_RegisterAuthentication() Success: 5. GATM_RegisterEventCallback() Success: 1. Registering Service, UUID: BC65B80102957A8B1410526C8154FE6A Registered Service, Service ID: 1. Registered Characteristic, UUID: BC65B80102957A8B1410526C414DFE6A Registered Characteristic, UUID: BC65B80102957A8B1410526C9651FE6A Registered Characteristic, UUID: BC65B80102957A8B1410526C8B52FE6A Service Registered. ****************************************************************** Service Start Handle: 0x4000 Service End Handle: 0x4006 Characteristic: : BC65B80102957A8B1410526C414DFE6A Characteristic Declaration @ Handle: 0x4001 Characteristic Value @ Handle: 0x4002 Characteristic: : BC65B80102957A8B1410526C9651FE6A Characteristic Declaration @ Handle: 0x4003 Characteristic Value @ Handle: 0x4004 Characteristic: : BC65B80102957A8B1410526C8B52FE6A Characteristic Declaration @ Handle: 0x4005 Characteristic Value @ Handle: 0x4006 ****************************************************************** Local Device Properties Changed. Device Flags: 0x80020000 LE Scan Mode: FALSE, 0x00000000 LE Adv Mode: TRUE, 0x000186A0 GATM> LE Advertising Started. GATM>DEVM_StartAdvertising() Success: Duration 100000 seconds. Advertising Started: SUCCESS
Running the Android Application[edit]
This section provides a description of how to use the demo application to connect the Android Application to the AM335x and communicate over Bluetooth.
This demo uses a simple Client-Server connection process. We will set up the WiLink8 device as a server and android cell phone as a client. We will then initiate a connection from the client to the server. Once connected, we can transmit data between the two devices over Bluetooth.
1. Verify that the WiLink8 device has started advertising but looking for a success message in the console after starting the LinuxBT2WIFI demo, as explained above.
2. Download and install the Android WiLink8 BLE Provisioning Application.
3. Launch application, and enter the Wi-Fi SSID and password, and select "SCAN FOR BLE DEVICE"
4. Select the wilink8 device (NOTE: this app filters all BLE devices and only lists names matching `*WL18*`)
5. Observe the output of the connection attempt it should either return Connection Success or Connection Error when it is done connecting.
Licensing Information[edit]
jsmn- [1]