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Template:Keystone II Features

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  • Fixed/Float 32-bit C66x DSP (up to 8 cores)
    • up to 352 GMAC/176 GFLOP @ 1.4GHz
    • L1 512 KB(64KB per core)
    • L2 8192 KB(1MB per core)
  • ARM Cortex-A15 (up to 4 cores)
    • up to 19600 ARM MIPS @ 1.4GHz
    • L1 256 KB(ARM Cluster)
    • L2 4096 KB (ARM Cluster)
  • up to 6144 KB L2(Shared)
  • 72-Bit DDR3 Interface (DDR3-1600)
  • Extensive High-Bandwidth Connectivity
  • Network Coprocessor and Multicore Navigator
  • SYS/BIOS, Multicore SDK
66ak2hx dsp+arm chip.jpg

For more information