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Template:Glsdk DSS

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Running DSS application[edit]

DSS applications are omapdrm based. These will demonstrate the clone mode, extended mode, overlay window, z-order and alpha blending features. To demonstrate clone and extended mode, HDMI display must be connected to board. Application requires the supported mode information of connected displays and plane ids. One can get these information by running the modetest application in the filesystem.

  target #  modetest

DSS application is omapdrm based. This will demonstrate the z-order and alpha blending features. HDMI display must be connected to board. Application requires the supported mode information of connected display and plane ids. One can get these information by running the modetest application in the filesystem.

  target #  modetest

Running drmclone application

This displays same test pattern on both LCD and HDMI (clone). Overlay window also displayed on LCD. To test clone mode, execute the following command:

  target #  drmclone -l <lcd_w>x<lcd_h> -p <plane_w>x<plane_h>:<x>+<y> -h <hdmi_w>x<hdmi_h>
e.g.: target # drmclone -l 1280x800 -p 320x240:0+0 -h 640x480

We can change position of overlay window by changing x+y values. eg. 240+120 will show @ center

Running drmextended application

This displays different test pattern on LCD and HDMI. Overlay window also displayed on LCD. To test extended mode, execute the following command:

  target # drmextended -l <lcd_w>x<lcd_h> -p <plane_w>x<plane_h>:<x>+<y> -h <hdmi_w>x<hdmi_h>
e.g.: target # drmextended -l 1280x800 -p 320x240:0+0 -h 640x480

Running drmzalpha application


It determines, which overlay window appears on top of the other.

Range: 0 to 3

lowest value for bottom

highest value for top

Alpha Blend:

It determines transparency level of image as a result of both global alpha & pre multiplied alpha value.

Global alpha range: 0 to 255

0 - fully transparent

127 - semi transparent

255 - fully opaque

Pre multipled alpha value: 0 or 1

0 - source is not premultiply with alpha

1 - source is premultiply with alpha

To test drmzalpha, execute the following command:

  target # drmzalpha -s <crtc_w>x<crtc_h> -w <plane1_id>:<z_val>:<glo_alpha>:<pre_mul_alpha> -w <plane2_id>:<z_val>:<glo_alpha>:<pre_mul_alpha>
e.g.: target # drmzalpha -s 1280x800 -w 19:1:255:1 -w 20:2:255:1

To test drmzalpha, execute the following command:

  target # drmzalpha -s <crtc_w>x<crtc_h> -w <plane1_id>:<z_val>:<glo_alpha>:<pre_mul_alpha> -w <plane2_id>:<z_val>:<glo_alpha>:<pre_mul_alpha>

e.g.: target # drmzalpha -s 640x480 -w 15:1:255:1 -w 16:2:255:1

Testing with FPDLink Display setup[edit]

NOTE! Support for FPDLink display is available upto K4.4 releases. PSDKLA6.0x release with k4.19 doesn't have support for FPDLInk. Check the release notes to see whether FPDLink is supported on the Processor SDK Linux Automotive release you are using.

For information on debugging FPDLink integration, please refer to Debugging FPDLink integration

Current H/W setup[edit]

FPDLink display is currently supported with Spectrum Digital FPDLink display part number 703840-0001. This display includes a 1280x800 AUO LCD panel with Goodix touch screen connected over a DS90UB924Q1 deserializer.

To validate FPDLink with the current HW setup, below hardware is required.

  • DRA7xx EVM + 12V supply for the EVM.
  • FPDLink Cable between DRA7xx and FPDLink display
  • 12 V power supply for the FPDLink display if using a J6/J6 Eco/J6 Entry EVM. J6 Plus EVM supplies power to the display over FPDLink. Power supply for display is not required in this case.

The picture below shows the overall setup.

DRA7xx FPDLink AUO SD setup.png

Kernel Config modifications are not necessary as AUO panel support and fpdlink support are built into the kernel.

To test the FPDLink display,

  1. Use the device tree dra7-evm-fpd-auo-g101evn01.0.dtb to boot.
  2. Add omapdrm.num_crtc=2 to the kernel boot arguments. The above device tree will enable both HDMI and FPDlink LCD.
  3. Power on the EVM and the check the modetest output. You should see two connectors now, one for HDMI and another for FPDLink.

Legacy H/W setup[edit]

Please note that support for the below FPDLink hardware will be deprecated with the next release. This is due to availability of the single board FPDLink display listed above.

To validate FPDLink with the legacy HW setup, below hardware is required.

  • DRA7xx EVM + 12V supply for the EVM.
  • FPDLink Cable between DRA7xx and De-serilzer board (DS90UB928Q).
  • 5V power supply for De-serializer board.
  • LCD Adapter board (DS90UH928Q) that sits on De-serializer board.
  • LCD Adapter cable which is between LCD panel and the Adapter board.
  • 12V power supply for LCD Adapter board.
  • The actual LCD panel (LG101(10.1in) or AUO (7.1 in))

The picture below shows the overall setup.

DRA7xx FPDLink setup.png

Kernel Config is not necessary as the supported panels and fpdlink are built into the kernel.

To test the FPDLink display,

  1. Use the device tree dra7-evm-fpd-lg.dtb to boot.
  2. Add omapdrm.num_crtc=2 to the kernel boot arguments. The above device tree will enable both HDMI and FPDlink LCD.
  3. Power on the EVM and the check the modetest output. You should see two connectors now, one for HDMI and another for FPDLink.

HW Modifications required[edit]

With the Rev B J6 Plus EVM's, a board modification is required to supply the pixel clock to the FPDLink connector. The modification required is shown in the below image.

DRA76x FPDLink Board mod.png
