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Talk:Porting DM648 DVSDK demo app from CCSv3.3 to CCSv4

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For technical support please post your questions at Please post only comments about the article Porting DM648 DVSDK demo app from CCSv3.3 to CCSv4 here.

Comments on Porting DM648 DVSDK demo app from CCSv3.3 to CCSv4

Benjsec said ...

This is good as far as it goes, but having made these modifications how do you then get the program onto the board?

--Benjsec 05:12, 4 October 2011 (CDT)

Dimitar said ...

it is ok until the process of resolving the warnings. After adding the includes it gives errors. I have a question could you tell me the procedure for porting the examples from dvsdk to ccsv4

--Dimitar 06:45, 11 May 2012 (CDT)

TimHarron said ...

I am not sure if either of you will see this, but please post technical support questions on the E2E ( per the banner above. In any case, to answer the questions...

Benjsec - I used an XDS560 emulator to download via CCS. You could burn this application into an on-chip Flash, but this would require additional steps and I did not personally do this.

Dimitar - This article does cover porting the demo into CCSv4. Regarding your comments I would need to know what errors you are seeing. Chances are there is something missing from your environment to get this to build. Normally repairing warnings does not cause errors, but it could be a result of adding the wrong header files. Keep in mind that you could pull in the right header file, but if it is from a different version of one of the RTSC components I used (see Component Versions Used section) this could cause issues. Again, though, the E2E is a better place to discuss these types of questions.

--TimHarron 09:48, 16 September 2012 (CDT)