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Talk:I2C Tips
Comments on I2cTips
Rbotev said ...
Chandrashekhar said ...
Hi We have 4 devices connected on I2C bus of DSP TMS320C5509A. Out of 4 devices 2 devices(DS1050Z,cy8c20534) working properly but the 2 more devices(MAX7318AAG) which is connected to the same I2c bus is not functioning properly. Means i am not able to get the Ack back from the devices . Please will you help on this..
--Chandrashekhar 00:46, 7 September 2009 (CDT)
BradGriffis said ...
For support questions please use the forums at Leaving a comment on the page doesn't "push" to anyone so the questions can sit for a long time.
--BradGriffis 22:04, 23 October 2009 (CDT)
DiegoSantaCruz said ...
The suggested option 2 to solve the "External Slave Device Hanging the Bus by Holding SDA Low" (that is using the "free data format") does not work on the DM646x devices at least. The issue is that when SDA is stuck low the I2C module will not start the I2C transaction until SDA is released.
I solved this by using the "digital loopback" mode together with the "free data format" mode. See for details.
--DiegoSantaCruz 07:54, 25 May 2012 (CDT)
0. Interesting and informative stuff -- thank you. 1. The page as titled "I2cTips" (glued) does not come up in search results for keywords like i2c. 2. Does this article apply for c2000 devices, e.g. 2808? 3. Can you elaborate on general call subtleties? What is the "right" way of generating a general call? Thank you.
--Rbotev 10:01, 26 August 2009 (CDT)