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Talk:Davinci USB WLan

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Hello Everyone,

I'm trying to get the D-Link DWL-G122 (Rev.C1) to work with the Davinci development board, without any luck :(

I follow all the steps in the wiki, but when I do 'insmod' I get:

  • root@ insmod rt73.ko debug=2

rt73: init

rt73: idVendor = 0x7d1, idProduct = 0x3c03

rt73: Failed to request_firmware. Check your firmware file location

rt73: Failed to load Firmware.

rt73: probe of 1-1.2:1.0 failed with error -2

usbcore: registered new driver rt73

...I specified the path, placed copies of rt73.bin in /root, /etc/Wireless/RT73STA/ and elsewhere but none of these work.

So, I moved on to the so-called "RaLink RT73 USB Enhanced Driver" (rt73-k2wrlz-X.X.X) at:

...with versions 2.0.X, I manage to do 'insmod' with success.

(because apparently they load their own internal firmware (v1.7))

but when I do "ifconfig rausb0 up" I keep getting these errors:

"Error 2 opening /etc/Wireless/RT73STA/rt73.bin"


"usb 1-1.2: ifconfig timed out on ep0out

    • RT2573**<7>USBVendorRequest failed ret=-110"

Also, running 'ifconfig' lists in rausb0 "HWaddr 00:00:00:00:00:00"

(for clarity, I list the full outputs only at the end of this post)

- Can anybody please help?

I couldn't find an answer for the problem googling around, and I really don't know what to do next...

Since you got it to work - I'm using a Davinci board with the very same dongle - perhaps you could post/email the

source or compiled files?

Regards & looking forward to your answer,

David O.


PS: Please excuse my wiki editing skills, it's the 1st time I write in one :) Here are the full outputs:

root@ ifconfig rausb0

    • RT2573**<7>rt73_get_ether_stats --->

rausb0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:00:00:00:00:00

         inet6 addr: fe80::200:ff:fe00:0/64 Scope:Link
         RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
         TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
         collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
         RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

root@ ifconfig rausb0 up rt73 driver version - CVS

    • RT2573**<7>--> PortCfgInit
    • RT2573**<7><-- PortCfgInit
    • RT2573**<7>--> RTMPInitAdapterBlock
    • RT2573**<7><-- RTMPInitAdapterBlock
    • RT2573**<7>--> NICInitTransmit
    • RT2573**<7>--> NICInitRecv
    • RT2573**<7><-- NICInitRecv
    • RT2573**<7>Init: MAC_CSR0=0x0002573a, Status=0x00000004
    • RT2573**<7>--> NICLoadFirmware
    • RT2573**<7>NICLoadFirmware OK: CRC = 0x29e9 ver=1.7

usb 1-1.2: ifconfig timed out on ep0out

    • RT2573**<7>USBVendorRequest failed ret=-110
    • RT2573**<7><-- NICLoadFirmware (src=/etc/Wireless/RT73STA/rt73.bin)
    • RT2573**<7>---> ReleaseAdapter
    • RT2573**<7><--- ReleaseAdapter
    • RT2573**<7>rt73_get_ether_stats --->
    • RT2573**<7>rt73_get_ether_stats --->