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For technical support please post your questions at Please post only comments about the article DSP BIOS FAQ here.

Comments on DSP BIOS FAQ

God I am sick of registering said ...

I have trouble with LOG_printf(&trace,msg);

Are there issues with where msg is located in the memory map?

--God I am sick of registering 13:27, 23 September 2009 (CDT)

God I am sick of registering said ...

Heres my code

  1. include <log.h>
  2. include "bioscfg.cmd"

char msgg[10]= "Hello"; char msg[10]; strncpy(msg,msgg,10); msg[10]=0; LOG_printf($trace,msg);

output in CCS->DSPBIOS->MsgWindow----

2 ERROR "0x96800" "0x96800"

I made up the 96800, its &msg

Note2: If I have a reduced project it does work, so it is something to do with memory and I can't seem to find it. Perhaps .cinit or .printf memory??

--God I am sick of registering 07:33, 24 September 2009 (CDT)