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Talk:CCSv4 Mediawiki Plug-in Download

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Comments on CCSv4 Mediawiki Plug-in Download

A0322160 said ...

I couldn't get this to work. The file at the link already has a .zip extension, versus the .jar mentioned. After copying the file to the specified directory and restarting CCS, I tried a search at Help->Help Contents and didn't see any indexing. The search failed even though I know it should have been found on the wiki.

--A0322160 16:09, 23 October 2009 (CDT)

Dvnwlms said ...

When using an Internet Explorer browser the file is renamed with a .zip extension during download. Therefore users should first save the file then rename it with the correct .jar extension. This page has been updated to better illustrate the process. Please let us know if this helps.

--Dvnwlms 09:55, 6 November 2009 (CST)

Skranish said ...

The above described process appears to only work correctly if the Embedded Processors Wiki is installed in between installing CCS 4.x and running it for the **VERY FIRST** time. Installing it after CCS 4.x has been run has no effect, other than wasting disk space. TI will undoubtedly claim this is 'an Eclipse problem' and thus make no attempt at doing anything about it.

--Skranish 10:50, 12 September 2010 (CDT)

Rsjsouza said ...

To Skranish: That is not true. The procedure was tested in multiple configurations without trouble. If your system or installation contains errors I would try to contact TI's e2e forums at:

--Rsjsouza 13:14, 21 January 2011 (CST)

Liuyu said ...

Can we change page title as CCSv4/v5 Mediawiki Plug-in Download?

--Liuyu 19:57, 18 December 2011 (CST)