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Talk:Android ADB Setup

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Comments on Android ADB Setup

Alexander S said ...

Ubuntu 12.04LTS adb over usb

Android SDK rev 19 has ADB in "/$HOME/android-sdks/platform-tools/adb"

The export path to include "/$HOME/android-sdks/tools/android" will be:

export PATH=/home/alexander/android-sdks/platform-tools/:/home/alexander/android-sdks/tools/:$PATH

You can edit ~/.bashrc and ~/.profile and add it to the bottom.

In a terminal type: $ lsusb

Bus 002 Device 005: ID 18d1:d002 Google Inc.

My udev rules is:

$ sudo gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/99-android.rules

  1. Beaglebone
  2. Google Inc.

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="18d1", ATTRS{idProduct}=="d002", MODE="0666" SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="18d1", ATTRS{idProduct}=="d002" TEST=="/var/run/ConsoleKit/database", \ RUN+="udev-acl --action=$env{ACTION} --device=$env{DEVNAME}"

$ sudo chmod a+rx /etc/udev/rules.d/99-android.rules

$ sudo reboot

You can now launch the command in a terminal:

$ adb devices

Output will look like:

List of devices attached 0123456789ABCDEF device

To update Android SDK packages type:

$ android

--Alexander S 23:23, 17 June 2012 (CDT)