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TI-Android-JB-4.2.2-DevKit-4.1.1 PortingGuide
About this manual[edit]
The goal of Porting Guide is to provide valuable information and instructions to people who want to run Android OS on their (new) HW. Information covered here will mainly be useful to port TI Android JB DevKit on Sitara-based devices.
Note: Detailed porting information in the different technical areas is dependent on the respective h/w architecture. The information provided here generally refers to the AM335x devices.
Base Port[edit]
The Android Board-specific configuration files are present in device/ti/<boardname>. e.g for am335xevm, the files are at <android sources root>/device/ti/am335xevm.
The Jelly Bean release uses board-specific init file instead of the unified init.rc used in previous releases. The board name is determined by the android property ro.hardware which is the machine name set in the board file in the kernel. So the init file for am335xevm becomes init.am335xevm.rc.
This section of the porting guide describes the display system with respect to TI Android JB DevKit. AM335x EVM, AM335x Starter Kit and BeagleBone with LCD cape use LCD interface for display while BeagleBone Black (without LCD cape) uses HDMI output.
Depending on the display size, android uses either the phone layout (e.g. AM335xevm) or tablet layout (BeagleBone Black).
Features Overview[edit]
- Supports LCD display interface on AM335x EVM, AM335x Starter Kit and BeagleBone with LCD cape
- Supports DVI output on BeagleBone with DVI-D cape
- Supports HDMI output on BeagleBone Black without any cape
Android Display Subsystem Overview[edit]
See AOSP Graphics Guide at
Driver Configuration[edit]
- Refer AM335x LCD Controller Driver's Guide for AM335x
Android Configuration[edit]
Display density[edit]
The TI Android DevKit configures Android for mdpi display (dpi=160) for AM335x EVM, BeagleBone and BeagleBone Black. AM335x Starter Kit is configured as ldpi display (dpi=120)
The dpi setting is done in as follows: (eg AM335x Starter Kit)
PRODUCT_PROPERTY_OVERRIDES += \ ro.sf.lcd_density=120
To activate the Software Navigation Bar, add the following line in overlay/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml. This is done by default for AM335x EVM
<bool name="config_showNavigationBar">true</bool>
In case you have a Landscape Display and the resolution is not high enough to enter Tablet-mode, you will see a Vertical Navigation Bar. To view the Navigation keys correctly in this case add the following lines in init.{ro.hardware}.rc
# This board has landscape LCD, enable rotation of keys on Navigation bar setprop lcd.landscape true
Display backlight[edit]
This section explains how the LCD backlight control is implemented in the DevKit. For variable backlight intensity, PWM-controlled backlight is generally used.
Driver Configuration[edit]
Android Configuration[edit]
For integration with the Android Backlight settings configuration, the liblights HAL needs to be implemented for the board. The output HAL library should have the name lights.<TARGET_PRODUCT>.so. E.g. for AM335x EVM, the liblights HAL is called
The liblights backlight HAL for AM335x EVM is implemented at device/ti/am335xevm/liblights.
Android 4.2.2 framework requires the brightness scale to be 0-255. In TI Android DevKit liblights HAL, we map the 0-255 scale in Android framework to the 0-100 scale as supported by the LCD backlight driver. You can however specify the minimum brightness below which Brightness cannot be reduced from the Android settings in the overlay (e.g AM335x EVM overlay/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml)
<!-- Minimum screen brightness setting allowed by the power manager. The user is forbidden from setting the brightness below this level. --> <integer name="config_screenBrightnessSettingMinimum">50</integer> <integer name="config_screenBrightnessDim">50</integer>
A setting of 50 in the Android framework corresponds to ~20% duty cycle on AM335x EVM.
The touchscreen is the primary input device for TI Android DevKit on AM335xevm, AM335x Starter Kit and BeagleBone LCD7/LCD3 cape
Features Overview[edit]
The features supported by Touchscreen in Android are:
- Single touch input
- Single click
- Single long click
- Uni-direction motion touch
Driver Configuration[edit]
Add touchscreen driver support[edit]
- AM335x evm: Refer AM335x Touchscreen Driver's Guide for details
Test touch driver using getevent[edit]
- Once ADC Touchscreen driver is up through board file (e.g. board-am335xevm.c) configuration.
- Test with AndroidFS as events are coming while touching the LCD display. Run on command prompt:
# getevent add device 1: /dev/input/event1 name: "ti-tsc-adcc" /dev/input/event1: 0003 0000 00000659 /dev/input/event1: 0003 0001 00000a31 /dev/input/event1: 0001 014a 00000001 /dev/input/event1: 0000 0000 00000000 /dev/input/event1: 0003 0000 00000654 /dev/input/event1: 0000 0000 00000000
- It confirms that touch inputs and irq based event generation is working fine.
Touch Calibration[edit]
The platform data for TSC driver for AM335x contains the following fields to provide calibration data:
static struct tsc_data am335xevm_touchscreen_data = { ... .x = { .min = 0xCB, .max = 0xF9B, .inverted = 1, }, .y = { .min = 0xC8, .max = 0xE93, .inverted = 1, }, ...
X-axis is from left to right and Y-axis from top to bottom.
min and max values are the actual touch data obtained at the extreme corners of the LCD screen. You can obtain the raw value returned by the touchscreen at the corners using the getevent utility in Android. Use the values for ABS_X and ABS_Y
root@android:/ # getevent -tl /dev/input/event3 [ 2331.426687] EV_ABS ABS_X 00000ea7 [ 2331.426687] EV_ABS ABS_Y 00000819 [ 2331.426718] EV_ABS ABS_PRESSURE 000000b8 [ 2331.426718] EV_KEY BTN_TOUCH DOWN [ 2331.426718] EV_SYN SYN_REPORT 00000000
Test Touch Calibration in Android[edit]
- Run android on the board.
- select "Menu" -> "Dev Tools" -> "Pointer Location" utility
- Touch and draw on the screen and observe that the expected points are getting marked on the LCD screen.
- if drawing on LCD is not proper then driver needs to be fine tune the above mentioned macros.
Android Touchscreen configuration[edit]
An .idc file is required to register the touch driver correctly with Android. AM335x uses ti-tsc touchscreen driver, so the .idc file becomes ti-tsc.idc. See device/ti/am335xevm/ti-tsc.idc
Refer the AOSP guide on touch devices at for more information.
In the TI Android DevKit, touchscreen is set as the default input device. commit
The matrix gpio keypad and Volume gpio keys are in AM335x EVM. Here porting explanation for matrix gpio keypad controller.
Features Overview[edit]
- 3x2 matrix key layout supported
- single click input
Driver Configuration[edit]
Add keypad driver support
- start the Linux Kernel Configuration tool:
$ make ARCH=arm menuconfig
- Select Device Drivers from the main menu.
... Power management options ---> [*] Networking support ---> '''Device Drivers --->''' File systems ---> Kernel hacking ---> ...
- Select Input device support form the next menu:
... [ ] ISDN support ---> < > Telephony support ---> '''Input device support --->''' Character devices ---> -*- I2C support ---> ...
- Select Keyboards from the next menu:
... < > Reset key *** Input Device Drivers *** '''[*] Keyboards --->''' [ ] Mice ---> [ ] Joysticks/Gamepads ---> ....
- Select GPIO driven matrix keypad support and GPIO Buttons from the next menu:
.... < > DECstation/VAXstation LK201/LK401 keyboard <*> GPIO Buttons < > Polled GPIO buttons < > TCA6416/TCA6408A Keypad Support <*> GPIO driven matrix keypad support < > Maxim MAX7359 Key Switch Controller ....
Board-specific Configuration The board-specific configuration includes, specifying the GPIOs, no. of rows and columns, debounce, scan settings etc. The following code snippet shows the configuration for AM335x EVM (arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-am335xevm.c).
static const uint32_t am335x_evm_matrix_keys[] = { KEY(0, 0, KEY_MENU), KEY(1, 0, KEY_BACK), KEY(2, 0, KEY_LEFT), KEY(0, 1, KEY_RIGHT), KEY(1, 1, KEY_ENTER), KEY(2, 1, KEY_DOWN), }; const struct matrix_keymap_data am335x_evm_keymap_data = { .keymap = am335x_evm_matrix_keys, .keymap_size = ARRAY_SIZE(am335x_evm_matrix_keys), }; static const unsigned int am335x_evm_keypad_row_gpios[] = { GPIO_TO_PIN(1, 25), GPIO_TO_PIN(1, 26), GPIO_TO_PIN(1, 27) }; static const unsigned int am335x_evm_keypad_col_gpios[] = { GPIO_TO_PIN(1, 21), GPIO_TO_PIN(1, 22) }; static struct matrix_keypad_platform_data am335x_evm_keypad_platform_data = { .keymap_data = &am335x_evm_keymap_data, .row_gpios = am335x_evm_keypad_row_gpios, .num_row_gpios = ARRAY_SIZE(am335x_evm_keypad_row_gpios), .col_gpios = am335x_evm_keypad_col_gpios, .num_col_gpios = ARRAY_SIZE(am335x_evm_keypad_col_gpios), .active_low = false, .debounce_ms = 5, .col_scan_delay_us = 2, }; ... static struct gpio_keys_button am335x_evm_volume_gpio_buttons[] = { { .code = KEY_VOLUMEUP, .gpio = GPIO_TO_PIN(0, 2), .active_low = true, .desc = "volume-up", .type = EV_KEY, .wakeup = 1, }, { .code = KEY_VOLUMEDOWN, .gpio = GPIO_TO_PIN(0, 3), .active_low = true, .desc = "volume-down", .type = EV_KEY, .wakeup = 1, }, }; static struct gpio_keys_platform_data am335x_evm_volume_gpio_key_info = { .buttons = am335x_evm_volume_gpio_buttons, .nbuttons = ARRAY_SIZE(am335x_evm_volume_gpio_buttons), };
Test keypad driver using getevent
- Once matrix gpio keypad and volume gpio keys driver is up through board file (e.g. board-am335xevm.c) configuration.
- Test with AndroidFS as events are coming while pressing the keys. Run on command prompt:
# getevent add device 1: /dev/input/event2 name: "gpio-keys" add device 2: /dev/input/event0 name: "matrix-keypad" /dev/input/event0: 0004 0004 00000002 /dev/input/event0: 0001 009e 00000001 /dev/input/event0: 0000 0000 00000000 /dev/input/event0: 0004 0004 00000002 /dev/input/event0: 0001 009e 00000000 /dev/input/event0: 0000 0000 00000000
- It confirms that keypad inputs and irq based event generation is working fine.
Android Keypad Configuration[edit]
- Android requires Key layout files (.kl files) for mapping Linux key codes and axis codes to Android key codes and axis codes and specifying associated policy flags.
- The <matrix keypad driver name>.kl (e.g. QWERTY_Keypad.kl) or <gpio keypad driver name>.kl (e.g. gpio-keys.kl) should be present in root directory of AndroidFS.
- Syntax of a Key layout File (Refer to the link:
- Key declarations each consist of the keyword "key" followed by a Linux key code number(In Decimal), an Android key code name, and optional set of whitespace delimited policy flags.
- For example:
The gpio-keys.kl for Beaglebone looks like: # Beaglebone LCD Cape GPIO KEYPAD keylayout key 105 BACK WAKE key 106 HOME WAKE key 103 MENU WAKE key 108 SEARCH WAKE key 28 POWER WAKE
- For finding a suitable Android key code name for your requirement, follow the link:
- The Policy Flags specify extra information such as: whether this key should wake the device, also while waking the device should this key press be considered etc. Complete information is available under the "Key Declarations" in the link:
The MMC/SD card is used as the primary boot device and storage device on TI Android DevKit. This section gives details on configuring the MMC interface and supporting MMC/SD storage card.
Features Overview[edit]
The MMC/SD/SDIO driver supports following features
- The driver is built in-kernel (part of vmlinux).
- MMC cards including High Speed cards.
- SD cards including SD High Speed and SDHC cards
- Uses block bounce buffer to aggregate scattered blocks
Driver Configuration[edit]
- Refer AM335x MMC/SD Driver's Guide for AM335x
Android MMC HAL or Vold Configuration[edit]
Android system uses vold as the mount daemon, which detects, mounts and monitors the status of sdcard. The mount daemon needs a configuration file to tell it what the sdcard device is. Since Android 2.2 (froyo), it ships with a new implementation of vold (aka vold2). The configuration is changed to /etc/vold.fstab and its format is also changed. See system/core/rootdir/etc/vold.fstab in the Android source tree for the detailed explanations of the format.
However, a fixed vold.fstab can only support block device with fixed name.
# cat /etc/vold.fstab dev_mount sdcard /mnt/sdcard 3 /devices/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/mmc_host/mmc0 dev_mount usb /mnt/usb2 auto /devices/platform/omap/ti81xx-usbss/musb-hdrc.1/usb1
Depending on the interface used these values can change. Best way is to probe sysfs directories to find the fixed name. For MMC the entry will be of the form:
Update the android storage list overlay at overlay/frameworks/base/core/res/res/xml/storage_list.xml
<StorageList xmlns:android=""> <storage android:mountPoint="/storage/sdcard0" android:storageDescription="@string/storage_internal" android:primary="true" android:emulated="true" android:mtpReserve="100" /> </StorageList>
This release supports audio playback and capture at 44.1kHz. For application-specific usage, the audio HAL supports the software resampler. The audio HAL is implemented at hardware/ti/omap3/audio. The audio HAL uses the file mixer_paths.xml to configure the audio driver. This file contains the ALSA mixer settings for the various audio paths supported by the driver. The mixer_paths.xml is present at device/ti/<boardname> and is copied to the filesystem by the entry in The following is the contents of mixer_paths.xml for AM335x EVM
<mixer> <!-- These are the initial mixer settings --> <ctl name="DAC IF1 SWITCH" value="Normal" /> <path name="speaker"> <ctl name="PCM Playback Volume" value="120" /> </path> <path name="headphone"> <ctl name="PCM Playback Volume" value="120" /> </path> <path name="headset-mic"> <ctl name="Mic Jack Switch" value="1" /> <ctl name="Analog Left AUXL Capture Switch" value="1" /> <ctl name="Analog Right AUXR Capture Switch" value="1" /> <ctl name="Analog Capture Volume" value="3"/> </path> </mixer>
The mixers setting commands at the beginning of the file are executed when the audio HAL is initialized. The mixer settings within the various <paths> are executed when that mode of operation is selected.
Testing audio from command line[edit]
You can use tinyalsa utilities to test audio input/output from shell.
- To play simple audio
# tinyplay testfile.wav -n 16
- To record simple audio
# tinycap testfile.wav -n 16
NOTE: Android handles volume control in software. We recommend to keep the default volume levels close to maximum in the audio HAL.
This section of guide provides a step by step explanation of what's involved in adding a new WiFi driver and making WiFi work in a custom Android build like Rowboat.
Features Overview[edit]
- WLAN (802.11 b/g/n)
- Core IP pre-tested against WiFi specifications.
- Station mode is fully supported.
- Initial support for SoftAP/WiFi hotspot and WiFi Direct is available
Android WLAN Sub-System Overview[edit]
Diagram explains WLAN event flow from application to h/w with respect to rowboat android source tree.
- Settings/Connection Manager:<android-src>/packages/apps/Settings/src/com/android/settings/
Application Framework[edit]
- WiFi manager:<android-src>/frameworks/base/wifi/java/android/net/wifi
- JNI Implementation:<android-src>/frameworks/base/core/jni/android_net_wifi_Wifi.cpp
- libhardware_legacy:<android-src>/hardware/libhardware_legacy/wifi/wifi.c
- wpa_supplicant (Daemon):<android-src>/external/hostap/wpa_supplicant
- Higher level network management is done in <android-src>/frameworks/base/core/java/android/net.
Driver Configuration[edit]
In this Devkit release we are using WL12XX Compat wireless SDK. The drivers and firmwares of WL12XX Compat release are at hardware/ti/wlan
To enable WLAN support in kernel the following settings need to be enabled:
- First enable Wireless LAN device driver as shown below:
Device Drivers ---> [*] Network device support ---> [*] Wireless LAN --->
- Enable WLAN Networking support as shown below:
[*] Networking support ---> -*- Wireless ---> [*] Wireless extensions sysfs files
This enables the following CONFIG options in kernel and allows WL12xx compat wlan drivers to be built:
- The following additional options need to be enabled in kernel for WLAN to operate
- The relevant initialization and pin-muxing for MMC bus is done in the relevant board file e.g for AM335xevm arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-am335xevm.c. Do take care of this initialization and pin-muxing if using any other MMC bus e.g. MMC3.
The following code snippet shows the board-specific WLAN configuration done on AM335xevm. The code below is provided for information only and is not complete. Please refer to the source for more details.
File: arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-am335xevm.c arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-am335xevm.c |
struct wl12xx_platform_data am335xevm_wlan_data = { .irq = OMAP_GPIO_IRQ(AM335XEVM_WLAN_IRQ_GPIO), .board_ref_clock = WL12XX_REFCLOCK_38_XTAL, /* 38.4Mhz */ .bt_enable_gpio = GPIO_TO_PIN(3, 21), .wlan_enable_gpio = GPIO_TO_PIN(1, 16), }; /* Module pin mux for wlan and bluetooth */ static struct pinmux_config mmc2_wl12xx_pin_mux[] = { {"gpmc_a1.mmc2_dat0", OMAP_MUX_MODE3 | AM33XX_PIN_INPUT_PULLUP}, {"gpmc_a2.mmc2_dat1", OMAP_MUX_MODE3 | AM33XX_PIN_INPUT_PULLUP}, {"gpmc_a3.mmc2_dat2", OMAP_MUX_MODE3 | AM33XX_PIN_INPUT_PULLUP}, {"gpmc_ben1.mmc2_dat3", OMAP_MUX_MODE3 | AM33XX_PIN_INPUT_PULLUP}, {"gpmc_csn3.mmc2_cmd", OMAP_MUX_MODE3 | AM33XX_PIN_INPUT_PULLUP}, {"gpmc_clk.mmc2_clk", OMAP_MUX_MODE3 | AM33XX_PIN_INPUT_PULLUP}, {NULL, 0}, }; ... static int wl12xx_set_power(struct device *dev, int slot, int on, int vdd) { if (on) { gpio_direction_output(am335xevm_wlan_data.wlan_enable_gpio, 1); mdelay(70); } else { gpio_direction_output(am335xevm_wlan_data.wlan_enable_gpio, 0); } return 0; } static void wl12xx_init(int evm_id, int profile) { ... if (wl12xx_set_platform_data(&am335xevm_wlan_data)) pr_err("error setting wl12xx data\n"); dev = am335x_mmc[1].dev; if (!dev) { pr_err("wl12xx mmc device initialization failed\n"); goto out; } ... ret = gpio_request_one(am335xevm_wlan_data.wlan_enable_gpio, GPIOF_OUT_INIT_LOW, "wlan_en"); ... setup_pin_mux(wl12xx_pin_mux); pdata->slots[0].set_power = wl12xx_set_power; out: return; } |
See also: WL127x WiLink6 Portal
Android WiFi HAL Configuration[edit]
- Enable building of TI version of wpa_supplicant 0.8.x in your (e.g. device/ti/am335xevm/ for AM335xevm)
This is by simply adding following options in
BOARD_WPA_SUPPLICANT_DRIVER := NL80211 WPA_SUPPLICANT_VERSION := VER_0_8_X_TI BOARD_WLAN_DEVICE := wl12xx_mac80211 BOARD_SOFTAP_DEVICE := wl12xx_mac80211 WIFI_DRIVER_MODULE_PATH := "/system/lib/modules/wl12xx_sdio.ko" WIFI_DRIVER_MODULE_NAME := "wl12xx_sdio"
This will set WPA_BUILD_SUPPLICANT to true in external/wpa_supplicant_8_ti/ enabling building of wpa_supplicant 0.8.x with NL80211. At run time wl12xx_sdio will get loaded from WIFI_DRIVER_MODULE_PATH.
BOARD_SOFTAP_DEVICE := wl12xx_mac80211 needs to be set only if SoftAP/hotspot feature is required.
- Next we need to provide a proper wpa_supplicant.conf for our device. That we will keep in /data/misc/wifi.
- Set the correct permissions and paths created and load the core wi-fi drivers from init.am335xevm.rc
# wi-fi mkdir /data/misc/wifi/sockets 0770 wifi wifi mkdir /data/misc/dhcp 0770 dhcp dhcp insmod /system/lib/modules/compat.ko insmod /system/lib/modules/cfg80211.ko insmod /system/lib/modules/mac80211.ko insmod /system/lib/modules/wlcore.ko insmod /system/lib/modules/wl12xx.ko insmod /system/lib/modules/wl18xx.ko
- Set the wifi interface name in
PRODUCT_PROPERTY_OVERRIDES := \ wifi.interface=wlan0
- Start wpa_supplicant and dhcpcd from init.am335xevm.rc.
service wpa_supplicant /system/bin/wpa_supplicant \ -iwlan0 -Dnl80211 -c/data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf \ -e/data/misc/wifi/entropy.bin class main socket wpa_wlan0 dgram 660 wifi wifi disabled oneshot
service dhcpcd_wlan0 /system/bin/dhcpcd -ABKL class main disabled oneshot
service iprenew_wlan0 /system/bin/dhcpcd -n class main disabled oneshot
The following entries are required to configure SoftAP/hotspot and WiFi Direct functions:
- Register hostap service for SoftAP/hotspot:
service hostapd_bin /system/bin/hostapd -d /data/misc/wifi/hostapd.conf socket wpa_wlan0 dgram 660 wifi wifi disabled oneshot
- Register the supplicant and dhcp hooks for WiFi Direct:
service p2p_supplicant /system/bin/wpa_supplicant \ -iwlan0 -Dnl80211 -c/data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf -N \ -ip2p0 -Dnl80211 -c/data/misc/wifi/p2p_supplicant.conf \ -puse_p2p_group_interface=1 class main socket wpa_wlan0 dgram 660 wifi wifi disabled oneshot
service dhcpcd_p2p /system/bin/dhcpcd -aABKL disabled oneshot
service iprenew_p2p /system/bin/dhcpcd -n disabled oneshot
Overlay changes[edit]
The following entries enable Wi-Fi for use by android network manager.
Add the following entries in device/ti/<boardname>/overlay/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml
<string-array translatable="false" name="networkAttributes"> ... <item>"wifi,1,1,1,-1,true"</item> <item>"wifi_p2p,13,1,0,-1,true"</item> ... </string-array> <string-array translatable="false" name="radioAttributes"> <item>"1,1"</item> ... </string-array>
Add the required permissions file into the android filesystem by updating This also enables the Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi Direct options in the Settings App.
PRODUCT_COPY_FILES := \ ... frameworks/native/data/etc/android.hardware.wifi.xml:system/etc/permissions/android.hardware.wifi.xml \ frameworks/native/data/etc/
Verify WLAN from console[edit]
The following steps perform basic checks to see if WiFi driver is operational:
# lsmod wl12xx 142062 0 - Live 0xbf08d000 (O) mac80211 248275 1 wl12xx, Live 0xbf03c000 (O) cfg80211 161123 2 wl12xx,mac80211, Live 0xbf004000 (O) compat 1706 0 - Live 0xbf000000 (O) # insmod /system/lib/modules/wl12xx_sdio.ko [ 154.549804] wl1271: loaded
If you do not see the message wl1271: loaded after inserting wl12xx_sdio.ko kernel module, the wifi driver initialization may not be correct. Please ensure that all the relevant pinmuxing and gpio configuration is correct and not over-written.
Next, check that the driver is not unloaded after initialization:
# netcfg lo UP 0x00000049 00:00:00:00:00:00 sit0 DOWN 0x00000080 00:00:00:00:00:00 eth0 UP 0x00001043 40:5f:c2:76:4c:99 wlan0 DOWN 0x00001002 00:12:34:56:78:90
If wlan0 is not available in netcfg output, the driver might have been unloaded due to some error.
Now, we try to up the wlan0 interface:
# netcfg wlan0 up [ 8255.485626] wl1271: firmware booted (Rev [ 8255.491027] wl1271: Driver version: R4_SP2_03_00 [ 8255.515350] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready
The above messages show that the interface is up and the firmware is downloaded to wlan module and booted.
Ensure that wlan drivers are unloaded before trying the Android UI for wireless settings
# netcfg wlan0 down # rmmod wl12xx_sdio
If wlan0 is not available in netcfg output, the driver might have been unloaded due to some error.
WLAN calibration[edit]
- Copy the ini files used for calibration to the sdcard
sudo cp -rv rowboat/hardware/ti/wlan/mac80211/ti-utils/ini_files /media/rootfs/system/etc/wifi
- Boot the board. Make sure WLAN is disabled. wl12xx_sdio.ko should NOT be loaded
root@android:/ # lsmod omaplfb 10662 0 - Live 0xbf0ed000 (O) pvrsrvkm 159205 49 omaplfb, Live 0xbf0bc000 (O) wl12xx 142062 0 - Live 0xbf08e000 (O) mac80211 251034 1 wl12xx, Live 0xbf03c000 (O) cfg80211 161115 2 wl12xx,mac80211, Live 0xbf004000 (O) compat 1706 0 - Live 0xbf000000 (O)
- Remove existing calibration file
rm /system/etc/firmware/ti-connectivity/wl1271-nvs.bin
- Run the calibrator tool
calibrator plt autocalibrate wlan0 /system/lib/modules/wl12xx_sdio.ko /system/etc/wifi/ini_files/127x/TQS_S_2.6.ini /system/etc/firmware/ti-connectivity/wl1271-nvs.bin
NOTE: Running the calibration results in a random MAC address being set. To set the desired MAC address, run the following step:
calibrator set nvs_mac /system/etc/firmware/ti-connectivity/wl1271-nvs.bin <MAC Address>
You can verify the MAC address using the following command:
calibrator get nvs_mac /system/etc/firmware/ti-connectivity/wl1271-nvs.bin
This section describes how to enable Bluetooth support on Android for wl1271 chipset.
Features Overview[edit]
- Bluetooth 2.1
- OPP, A2DP, AVRCP, HID profiles are supported.
- HSP, HFP profiles are NOT supported
Android BT Sub-System Overview[edit]
Detailed information is available at the AOSP Bluetooth Guide
Enable Bluetooth with the following setting in (e.g. device/ti/am335xevm/
# Bluetooth BOARD_HAVE_BLUETOOTH := true BOARD_BLUETOOTH_BDROID_BUILDCFG_INCLUDE_DIR := device/ti/am335xevm/bluetooth
The file bdroid_buildcfg.h in device/ti/am335xevm/bluetooth specifies the Bluetooth Device Name
Driver Configuration[edit]
TI Android DevKit uses the TI Wilink7 Bluetooth driver along with the TI Shared-Transport driver (TI-ST) for managing the BT-UART.
- WL12xx BT is interfaced to UART1 on AM335xevm. UART1 initialization and BT module registration with TI-ST is implemented at arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-am335xevm.c
- Bluetooth support is enabled in the kernel as shown below:
[*] Networking support ---> <*> Bluetooth subsystem support ---> [*] L2CAP protocol support <*> RFCOMM protocol support <*> RFCOMM protocol support <*> BNEP protocol support [*] Multicast filter support [*] Protocol filter support <*> HIDP protocol support Bluetooth device drivers ---> <*> HCI UART driver [*] UART (H4) protocol support [*] HCILL protocol support <*> RF switch subsystem support
This enables the following CONFIG options:
- The following CONFIG options enable TI-ST and WiLink Bluetooth driver support:
- The following kernel configs are required for Bluetooth AVRCP support:
You can check this as follows:
Device Drivers ---> Input device support ---> [*] Miscellaneous devices ---> <*> User level driver support
The following code-snippet shows board-level configuration for TI-ST on AM335xevm:
File: arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-am335xevm.c |
struct ti_st_plat_data wilink_pdata = { .nshutdown_gpio = GPIO_TO_PIN(3, 21), .dev_name = "/dev/ttyO1", .flow_cntrl = 1, .baud_rate = 3000000, .suspend = plat_kim_suspend, .resume = plat_kim_resume, .chip_enable = plat_kim_chip_enable, .chip_disable = plat_kim_chip_disable, }; static struct platform_device wl12xx_device = { .name = "kim", .id = -1, .dev.platform_data = &wilink_pdata, }; static struct platform_device btwilink_device = { .name = "btwilink", .id = -1, }; static inline void __init am335xevm_init_btwilink(void) { pr_info("am335xevm: bt init\n"); platform_device_register(&wl12xx_device); platform_device_register(&btwilink_device); } |
Android BT HAL Configuration[edit]
- Set the correct permissions and paths created from init.rc
#Owners, Modes for Bluetooth chmod 0660 /dev/ttyO1 chown bluetooth bluetooth /dev/ttyO1 chmod 0660 /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill0/state chown bluetooth bluetooth /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill0/state
- The following services are registered in init.rc for Bluetooth operation:
- dbus-daemon: (deal connections between hcid and system server)
service dbus /system/bin/dbus-daemon --system --nofork class main socket dbus stream 660 bluetooth bluetooth user bluetooth group bluetooth net_bt_admin
- bluetoothd: create hcid (Bluetooth Host Controller Interface Daemon) service, but disabled at first
service bluetoothd /system/bin/bluetoothd -n class main socket bluetooth stream 660 bluetooth bluetooth socket dbus_bluetooth stream 660 bluetooth bluetooth # init.rc does not yet support applying capabilities, so run as root and # let bluetoothd drop uid to bluetooth with the right linux capabilities group bluetooth net_bt_admin misc disabled
- uim-sysfs: userspace module for TI-ST kernel driver. This service attaches the BT UART HCI interface to the bluetooth stack at 3000000 baud rate. It is also responsible for loading the BT firmware on WL1271. The sources for uim-sysfs is found in hadware/ti/wpan
#shared transport user space mgr service for Bluetooth, FM and GPS service uim /system/bin/uim-sysfs class core user bluetooth group bluetooth net_bt_admin
Overlay changes[edit]
Add bluetooth entry in the overlay to indicate bluetooth availability to network manager
<string-array translatable="false" name="networkAttributes"> ... <item>"bluetooth,7,7,0,-1,true"</item> ... </string-array> <string-array translatable="false" name="radioAttributes"> ... <item>"7,1"</item> ...
Copy the Bluetooth permissions file and the relevant bluez conf file. The permissions file also enables Bluetooth menu in Settings
PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += \ frameworks/native/data/etc/android.hardware.bluetooth.xml:system/etc/permissions/android.hardware.bluetooth.xml \ system/bluetooth/data/main.nonsmartphone.conf:system/etc/bluetooth/main.conf
USB Host and Gadget[edit]
Android JB supports both USB host and USB device ports. USB host can be used to connect Keyboard/Mouse, Mass storage device, modem dongles etc, while the USB device port is mainly used for adb and USB accessory gadgets.
Driver Configuration[edit]
- See AM335x USB Driver's Guide for AM335xevm
- The USB Android Gadget driver on AM335x is enabled as shown below:
-> Device Drivers -> USB support -> USB Gadget Support -> USB Gadget Drivers (X) Android Gadget
Android USB Configuration[edit]
Android USB Gadget Configuration[edit]
USB Gadget configuration for AM335x[edit]
The Android gadget driver is configured via the sysfs entries. These are done from init.<ro.hardware>.usb.rc. For am335xevm, this is init.am335xevm.usb.rc
on boot write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/iManufacturer ${ro.product.manufacturer} write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/iProduct ${ro.product.model} write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/iSerial ${ro.serialno} on property:sys.usb.config=none stop adbd write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable 0 write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/bDeviceClass 0 setprop sys.usb.state ${sys.usb.config} on property:sys.usb.config=adb write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable 0 write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/idVendor 18d1 write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/idProduct D002 write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/functions ${sys.usb.config} write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable 1 setprop sys.usb.state ${sys.usb.config} on property:sys.usb.config=mtp write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable 0 write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/idVendor 18d1 write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/idProduct D108 write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/functions ${sys.usb.config} write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable 1 setprop sys.usb.state ${sys.usb.config} on property:sys.usb.config=mtp,adb write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable 0 write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/idVendor 18d1 write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/idProduct D109 write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/functions ${sys.usb.config} write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable 1 start adbd setprop sys.usb.state ${sys.usb.config}
The sysfs settings need to be done depending on the features required to be enabled. By default only the adb and mtp mode is configured.
USB Accessory Gadget configuration for AM335x[edit]
To indicate that the platform supports USB Host port add the following to
PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += \ frameworks/native/data/etc/android.hardware.usb.accessory.xml:system/etc/permissions/android.hardware.usb.accessory.xml PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \
NOTE: The USB accessory does not work over USB Hub.
Android USB Host Configuration[edit]
To indicate that the platform supports USB Host port add the following to
PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += \ frameworks/native/data/etc/
This section of porting guide will describe the NAND layout present on AM335x EVM.Micron MT29F2G08ABA Nand part (AM335x EVM) is supported.
NAND Layout[edit]
The NAND on the EVM has been configured in the following manner.
+------------+-->0x00000000-> SPL start | | | |-->0x0001FFFF-> SPL end | |-->0x00020000-> SPL.backup1 start | | | |-->0x0003FFFF-> SPL.backup1 end | |-->0x00040000-> SPL.backup2 start | | | |-->0x0005FFFF-> SPL.backup2 end | |-->0x00060000-> SPL.backup3 start | | | |-->0x0007FFFF-> SPL.backup3 end | |-->0x00080000-> U-Boot start | | | |-->0x0025FFFF-> U-Boot end | |-->0x00260000-> U-Boot ENV start | | | | | |-->0x0027FFFF-> ENV end | |-->0x00280000-> Linux Kernel start | | | | | | | | | |-->0x0077FFFF-> Linux Kernel end | |-->0x00780000-> Filesystem start | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +------------+-->0x10000000-> Filesystem end
To change NAND layout, modify u-boot and kernel code as mentioned in below code snippet.
Note: u-boot and kernel NAND layout should match as it is.
U-boot NAND Layout[edit]
File: drivers/usb/gadget/u_fastboot_nand.c
Here is default NAND layout. Modify start and length fields as needed.
fastboot_ptentry nand_ptn[MAX_PTN] = { { .name = "spl", .start = 0x0000000, .length = 0x0020000, /* 128 K */ /* Written into the first 4 0x20000 blocks Use HW ECC */ .flags = FASTBOOT_PTENTRY_FLAGS_WRITE_I | FASTBOOT_PTENTRY_FLAGS_WRITE_HW_BCH8_ECC | FASTBOOT_PTENTRY_FLAGS_REPEAT_4, }, { .name = "uboot", .start = 0x0080000, .length = 0x01E0000, /* 1.875 M */ /* Skip bad blocks on write Use HW ECC */ .flags = FASTBOOT_PTENTRY_FLAGS_WRITE_I | FASTBOOT_PTENTRY_FLAGS_WRITE_HW_BCH8_ECC, }, { .name = "environment", .start = NAND_ENV_OFFSET, /* set in config file */ .length = 0x0020000, .flags = FASTBOOT_PTENTRY_FLAGS_WRITE_ENV | FASTBOOT_PTENTRY_FLAGS_WRITE_HW_ECC, }, { .name = "kernel", .start = 0x0280000, .length = 0x0500000, /* 5 M */ .flags = FASTBOOT_PTENTRY_FLAGS_WRITE_I | FASTBOOT_PTENTRY_FLAGS_WRITE_HW_BCH8_ECC, }, { .name = "filesystem", .start = 0x0780000, .length = 0xF880000, /* 248.5 M */ .flags = FASTBOOT_PTENTRY_FLAGS_WRITE_I | FASTBOOT_PTENTRY_FLAGS_WRITE_HW_BCH8_ECC, }, };
Kernel NAND Layout[edit]
File: arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-am335xevm.c
Here is default NAND layout. Modify offset and size fields as needed.
/* NAND partition information */ static struct mtd_partition am335x_nand_partitions[] = { /* All the partition sizes are listed in terms of NAND block size */ { .name = "SPL", .offset = 0, /* Offset = 0x0 */ .size = SZ_128K, }, { .name = "SPL.backup1", .offset = MTDPART_OFS_APPEND, /* Offset = 0x20000 */ .size = SZ_128K, }, { .name = "SPL.backup2", .offset = MTDPART_OFS_APPEND, /* Offset = 0x40000 */ .size = SZ_128K, }, { .name = "SPL.backup3", .offset = MTDPART_OFS_APPEND, /* Offset = 0x60000 */ .size = SZ_128K, }, { .name = "U-Boot", .offset = MTDPART_OFS_APPEND, /* Offset = 0x80000 */ .size = 15 * SZ_128K, }, { .name = "U-Boot Env", .offset = MTDPART_OFS_APPEND, /* Offset = 0x260000 */ .size = 1 * SZ_128K, }, { .name = "Kernel", .offset = MTDPART_OFS_APPEND, /* Offset = 0x280000 */ .size = 40 * SZ_128K, }, { .name = "File System", .offset = MTDPART_OFS_APPEND, /* Offset = 0x780000 */ .size = MTDPART_SIZ_FULL, }, };
The fastboot protocol is a mechanism for communicating with bootloaders over USB. It is designed to flash Android build images(x-loader, bootloader, kernel, system, userdata etc) on to the target device.
Fastboot is implemented in u-boot. TI-Android-JB-4.2.2-DevKit-4.1.1 release fastboot implementation supports NAND and eMMC/SD flashing.
NAND Flashing[edit]
To configure fastboot for NAND flashing, make sure that CONFIG_FASTBOOT_NAND is defined in <u-boot/>include/configs/am335x_evm.h file.
File: <u-boot/>include/configs/am335x_evm.h #define CONFIG_FASTBOOT_NAND
NAND Partition Layout[edit]
Please refer to U-boot NAND Layout section for more details.
eMMC Flashing[edit]
To configure fastboot for eMMC/SD flashing, make sure that CONFIG_FASTBOOT_NAND is not defined in u-boot/include/configs/am335x_evm.h file.
eMMC Partition Layout[edit]
Default eMMC partitioning layout is defined in u-boot/drivers/usb/gadget/u_fastboot_mmc.c file. The entry for each partition can be modified as per the requirement.
File: drivers/usb/gadget/u_fastboot_mmc.c /* eMMC partition layout (All sizes are in kB) * Modify the below partition table to change the GPT configuration. * The entry for each partition can be modified as per the requirement. */ static struct partition partitions[] = { { "-", 128 }, /* Master Boot Record and GUID Partition Table */ { "spl", 128 }, /* First stage bootloader */ { "bootloader", 512 }, /* Second stage bootloader */ { "misc", 128 }, /* Rserved for internal purpose */ { "-", 128 }, /* Reserved */ { "recovery", 8*1024 }, /* Recovery partition */ { "boot", 8*1024 }, /* Partition contains kernel + ramdisk images */ { "system", 256*1024 }, /* Android file system */ { "cache", 256*1024 }, /* Store Application Cache */ { "userdata", 256*1024 }, /* User data */ { "media", 0 }, /* Media files */ { 0, 0 }, };
Fastboot Transfer Size[edit]
BeagleBone white, AM335x-SK and old AM335xEVMs have only 256MB RAM. To be compatible with all devices, default fastboot assume 256MB max RAM.
The current fastboot implementation assumes maximum 16MB of RAM will be used by u-boot itself. So the maximum fastboot transfer buffer in current implentation is (256-16)= 240MB, which means transfer image size is limited to 240MB. Fastboot will reject flashing for images more than 240MB size.
You can change fastboot maximum tranfer size by modifying following macro.
File: include/configs/am335x_evm.h #define CONFIG_FASTBOOT_MAX_TRANSFER_SIZE (SZ_256M - SZ_16M)
The STMicro LIS33 Accelerometer is supported on AM335x evm.
Kernel driver for accelerometer on AM335x :
Android HAL on AM335xevm:
To indicate accelerometer support to android add the following line in
PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += \ frameworks/native/data/etc/android.hardware.sensor.accelerometer.xml:system/etc/permissions/android.hardware.sensor.accelerometer.xml
Light sensor[edit]
AM335x evm supports light sensor TSL2550.
Light sensor kernel driver :
Please note that the standard linux driver is modified to report light sensor values to the input sub-system. See commit.
Android HAL on AM335xevm:
To indicate light sensor support to android add the following line in
PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += \ frameworks/native/data/etc/android.hardware.sensor.light.xml:system/etc/permissions/android.hardware.sensor.light.xml
You can use the light sensor input to modify the LCD backlight intensity. You need to add the following entry in the overlay:
<bool name="config_automatic_brightness_available">true</bool>
Also you need to implement a lookup table to map the light intensity to the LCD backlight values. Please refer to the overlay patch file for more details.
Temperature Sensor[edit]
AM335xevm supports temperature sensor LM75.
Kernel driver path : The driver is modified to be compatible with the android sensor input subsystem. See commits here and here
Android HAL for AM335xevm is at :
USB camera[edit]
This section discusses interfacing USB camera with android
Kernel configuration[edit]
Enable the following CONFIGs to add support for USB camera in kernel:
Android Configuration[edit]
Enable USB Camera support in Also disable stub camera
Add the following entries in
#Camera PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \ camera.omap3 \
NOTE: The Camera icon will automatically appear in apps due to presence of in the filesystem.
Add permission for camera in init.am335xevm.rc. This is used for temporary storage before capture.
mkdir /data/misc/camera 0770 media media
Add camera permissions in ueventd.am335xevm.rc
/dev/video0 0666 root root
The Camera HAL is at hardware/ti/omap3/camera.
NOTE: By default it is assumed that the USB camera is registered as /dev/video0 ( source ). You may need to change this for your device.
USB 3G Modem[edit]
This section describes how to integrate USB 3G modem with Android.
Android Telephony Architecture[edit]
The diagram illustrates the Android's Telephony system architecture.
Application: All the telephony related applications like Dialer, Call tracker, SMS, MMS, GPRS, Antenna signal indicator and etc, will be tied up with the Android telephony framework services. The telephony framework provides APIs to access the Phone.
Framework services: Telephony framework will be initialized and started during the system start up. All the queries from the application through API will directed to the Radio interface Layer of Android by these services. The service will keep tracking of all the unsolicited commands from the modem. Unsolicited commands are the commands initiated from the modem.
Radio Interface Layer (RIL): It is the bridge between Android phone framework services and the hardware.The RIL consist of two primary components.
- RIL Daemon
- Vendor RIL
RIL Daemon: RILD will be initialized during the Android system start up. It will read the system property or use command line arguments to find which library has to be used for Vendor RIL.It provide the appropriate input for vendor RIL and finally calls RIL_Init function of Vendor RIL to map all the Vendor RIL functions to the upper layer.
Vendor RIL: It is a library specific to each modem that processes all communication with radio hardware and dispatches calls to the RIL Daemon.
USB Modem Mode Switching[edit]
USB 3G modem devices will have two modes
- USB flash memory storage
- USB Modem.
The first mode, sometimes known as ZeroCD, is often used to provide driver for desktop operating system and is generally of no interest for Android.
By default modem will be in flash memory storage mode. usb_modeswitch utility can be used for switching USB 3G modem into modem mode.
USB Mode Switch Configuration[edit]
The ARM compiled usb_modeswitch binary and its sources can be obtained from HERE Copy the usb_modeswitch (ARM Compiled binary) and usb_modeswitch.conf to the /system/bin folder.
Below is example usb_modeswitch.conf file for the Huawei E1731 Modem (Airtel in India).
Huawei E1731 EnableLogging=1 DefaultVendor= 0x12d1 DefaultProduct=0x1446 TargetVendor= 0x12d1 TargetProductList="1001,1406,140b,140c,1412,141b,1436,14ac,1506" CheckSuccess=20 MessageEndpoint= 0x01 MessageContent="55534243123456780000000000000011062000000100000000000000000000"
The vendor IDs and product IDs mentioned in this configurations are specific to modem. If you are using some other modem then, you can find vendor IDs and product IDs using lsusb command and modify usb_modeswitch.conf file accordingly.
Add USB Mode switch as a Service[edit]
Add USB mode switch as a service in init.<platform>.rc file.
:Ex device/ti/am335xevm/init.am335xevm.rc file #Download usb_modeswitch ARM complied binrary from # # and place it in "/system/bin" folder of your filesystem with "usb_modeswitch" name. service usb_modeswitch /system/bin/usb_modeswitch -I -W -c /etc/usbmodeswitch.conf class main disabled oneshot
Start usb_modeswitch Service[edit]
Android vold is modified to start usb_modeswitch service if "usb" is connected. If 3G modem is connected, it will switch it in modem mode.
3G Modem Node Permissions[edit]
Once 3G modem is switched into modem mode. It will provide 3 serial nodes. /dev/ttyUSB0: used for your ppp data connections. /dev/ttyUSB2: used for GSM related tasks such as SMS and network checks. /dev/ttyUSB1: not used at all.
Note: The actual device assignments (e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0) may be different if you have other USB serial devices installed..
Provide appropriate permissions to these nodes.
diff --git a/ueventd.am335xevm.rc b/ueventd.am335xevm.rc index d7cc538..2ba0518 100644 --- a/ueventd.am335xevm.rc +++ b/ueventd.am335xevm.rc @@ -1 +1,4 @@ -/dev/video0 0666 root root +/dev/video0 0666 root root +/dev/ttyUSB0 0660 radio radio +/dev/ttyUSB1 0660 radio radio +/dev/ttyUSB2 0660 radio radio
Kernel Configuration for USB Modem[edit]
Make sure following configuration options are enabled in kernel.
Device Drivers ---> [*] Network device support ---> <*> PPP (point-to-point protocol) support <*> PPP BSD-Compress compression <*> PPP Deflate compression <*> PPP support for async serial ports <*> PPP support for sync tty ports [*] USB support ---> <*> USB Modem (CDC ACM) support <*> USB Serial Converter support ---> [*] USB Generic Serial Driver <*> USB driver for GSM and CDMA modems
- All components explained in this porting guide are validated against TI Android DevKit release 4.2.2.
- This guide can be taken as reference to port mentioned components on similar architecture.
Technical Support and Product Updates[edit]
For further information or to report any problems, contact or
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