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TI-AM335X-Android-DevKit Guide
TI-AM335X-Android-DEMO Quick Start Guide
Quick Start Guide - September 30, 2011
The purpose of this document is to give a quick start guide to boot and experience Android on AM335x EVM.
The sources are located at
NOTE: This is not an official TI Android DevKit release for development yet, this is just for demo purposes only
What's Supported[edit]
Device Support[edit]
This release supports the following platforms
- Texas Instruments AM335x 15x15 EVM
- Base Board Revision > 1.0B
- General Purpose Daughter card Revision > 1.0D [ capacitors (C125-C127) need to be removed for Matrix Keypad to work ]
- LCD Board Revision > 1.0C [ capacitors (C48-C51) need to be removed for Touchscreen to work ]
- Base Board Revision > 1.0B
Software features supported[edit]
- Android GingerBread 2.3.4 release from Google Android
- Android Linux Kernel 2.6.38 integrated with Linux PSP drivers
- Android GCC toolchain 4.4.3
- Bootloader (u-boot) and mini-u-boot (x-loader/MLO)
- SGX OpenGL ES Driver & Libraries DDK v1.7
- Built-in Applications and Demos
- Browser, Video playback, Audio playback, 3D graphics demos,
- RowboPERF (benchmark and performance measurement app), Dev Tools, Downloads,
- Gallery, Video Decode for MPEG4, H.264 and WEBM/VP8
- Android ADB support
- Calculator, Clock, Contacts, Custom Locale,Search, Spare parts (developer apps)
- Peripherals drivers
- USB (Host and Gadget), LCD, Keypad, Touch Screen
- MMC/SD, UART, Ethernet, Audio playback
Complete directory structure of SD card Images[edit]
am335x_mmcsd_images-ver1.0 |-- Boot_Images | |-- boot.scr | |-- MLO | |-- u-boot.bin | |-- uImage | `-- uImage_host (replace this as uImage if you need USB host functionality) |-- Filesystem | `-- rootfs_am335x.tar.bz2 |-- Media_Clips | |-- Audio | |-- H264 | |-- Images | `-- MPEG-4 `--
What's Not Supported[edit]
- The following items are not supported:
- WLAN/Bluetooth (Available on different package - not pre-integrated in this.)
Installation and Usage[edit]
- Host Side
- Linux Machine (Ubuntu) for SD card preparation
- USB Card Reader
- Target Side
- SD card of size minimum 2GB, See
- Male to Female null-modem serial cable
- Micro-B to USB cable
- Micro-A to USB cable
- USB Hub
- USB Keyboard
- USB Mouse
Preparing the SD card and Booting[edit]
STEP 1 : Download the SD card image from HERE
STEP 2 : Get an SD Card of minimum size 4GBytes (Class4 minimum) and a USB Card reader
STEP 3 : Insert the USB SD Card reader (with SD Card) in your host Linux PC
STEP 4 : Prepare the MMC/SD card Image
$tar -xzvf am335x_mmcsd_images-ver1.0.tar.gz $cd am335x_mmcsd_images-ver1.0 $sudo ./mkmmc-android /dev/sd<device>
STEP 5 : Boot the board for Android experience.
- Setup the board/platform
- Connect Serial cable to J12
- Connect Power cable
- Insert SD card in J13
- Connect USB Cables[Either Micro-A or Micro-B] to J14
- Do the DIP switch settings to boot from SD Card
For MMC/SD boot - On AM335x EVM
DIP switch SW3 should be set as shown below
Switch |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
State |
OFF | ON | ON | ON | ON | ON | ON | ON |
DIP switch SW4 should be set as shown below
Switch |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
State |
ON | ON | ON | ON | ON | ON | OFF | ON |
- Switch on the platform with the power switch
- Wait for 35sec to get Android up on the UI screen
NOTE: For the first time boot the System might take few minutes to boot.
NOTE: Sometime boot may get stuck at Android boot animation and android shell may get stuck. This is a known issue at this point of time. Need to reboot the board in this case.
NOTE: USE SW10 key on the board to go back to previous screen
Keypad mappings[edit]
The below table lists the keypad and USB Keyboard mappings to Android UI functionality.
Functionality |
USB Keyboard/Mouse |
Keypad on AM335X EVM |
Home Screen |
Home |
Left |
Left Arrow |
SW3 |
Right |
Right Arrow |
SW4 |
Up |
Up Arrow |
Down |
Down Arrow |
SW6 |
Volume Up |
Volume Up |
SW10 |
Volume Down |
Volume Down |
SW9 |
Contacts |
F3 |
Power | ||
Select |
Enter |
SW5 |
Back / Previous screen |
Mouse right |
SW2 |
Menu |
F1 |
SW1 |
Running Android Applications[edit]
After the first boot, the user will see an unlocked Android home screen. On subsequent boot, a locked screen will be displayed. User need to unlock the screen via touchscreen/mouse/or MENU key of keypad. Once the screen is unlocked, the user can navigate to Google Search, Tips, Browser or Application Launcher. Click the Application Launcher to see all pre-built applications.
Gallery Application[edit]
In Gallery, the user can view the images and play videos.
Rowboperf and 3D graphics applications[edit]
Select the rowboperf icon and get into the app directory
Browser Configuration[edit]
To browse web pages user should configure the Internet connection as given below.
#> netcfg eth0 dhcp #> getprop net.eth0.dns1
This prints the dns for the ethernet port, do the following to configure the DNS entries on board.
#> setprop net.dns1 <your_dns_server_ip>
If the platform is behind proxy, then following command should be executed to set the proxy settings
#> setprop net.gprs.http-proxy http://proxyurl:80
USB Mouse/Keyboard[edit]
For USB Mass storage functionality, replace uImage with uImage_host in Boot_Images in SD card package and create the SD card again.
Then connect USB Mouse/Keyboard to J14 usb port via Micro-A to USB cable and boot the Board. The keyboard/mouse will be functional.
Connecting Host machine and the board through adb[edit]
Please visit
Technical Support and Product Updates[edit]
For further information or to report any problems, contact