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Sitara Linux SDK 64 Bit Ubuntu Support
Users of a 64-bit operating system will find out that they aren't able to install any Sitara SDK. When trying to run the installer nothing will happen not even an error is given. Since the Sitara SDK installer and integrated tools are 32-bit binaries, 32-bit versions of various packages are required to successfully install and user the Sitara SDK.
Why not release a 64-bit SDK?[edit]
There are still users who are either doing development on an old PC which doesn't support 64-bit operating systems or is still running an 32-bit version of Ubuntu. By releasing a 32-bit version of our SDK we can insure that all of our customers can be supported.
Even if we choose to include a 64-bit version of the installer some of the tools we integrate directly into the SDK or heavily rely on only provide 32-bit binaries. For example, the Linaro tool chain that we integrate only has a 32-bit version available. So no matter what you will still have to follow the steps below to use the Sitara SDK.
Determining if your using 32-bit/64-bit version of Ubuntu[edit]
In Ubuntu, open a terminal window and enter the below command:
uname -a
The bolded portion below indicates that your running a 32-bit version of Ubuntu.
Linux sitara 3.8.0-29-generic #42~precise1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Aug 14 16:19:23 UTC 2013 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
The bolded portion below indicates that your running a 64-bit version of Ubuntu.
Linux sitara 3.8.0-29-generic #42~precise1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Aug 14 16:19:23 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Ubuntu Versions[edit]
Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit[edit]
Run the below command to install the required 32-bit libraries needed by the Sitara SDK and Code Composer Studio v5.x
sudo apt-get install ia32-libs
After successfully installing the above packages you will be able to run the Sitara SDK and Code Composer Studio installer/application.
Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit[edit]
Run the below command to install the required 32-bit libraries needed by the Sitara SDK and Code Composer Studio v6.0
sudo apt-get install ia32-libs libgnomevfs2-0:i386 liborbit2:i386 libjpeg62:i386
- Note that libgnomevfs2-0:i386 liborbit2:i386 are only required if using Code Composer Studio v6.0 or greater.
After successfully installing the above packages you will be able to run the Sitara SDK and Code Composer Studio installer/application.
Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit[edit]
Run the below command to install the required 32-bit libraries needed by the Sitara SDK and Code Composer Studio v6.0
sudo apt-get install libc6:i386
- If you get an error message like "Unable to locate package libc6" try "sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386", then "sudo apt-get update"
- Try again the command above, if succeed, then proceed with the following command
sudo apt-get install libx11-6:i386 libasound2:i386 libatk1.0-0:i386 libcairo2:i386 libcups2:i386 libdbus-glib-1-2:i386 libgconf-2-4:i386 libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0:i386 libgtk-3-0:i386 libice6:i386 libncurses5:i386 libsm6:i386 liborbit2:i386 libudev1:i386 libusb-0.1-4:i386 libstdc++6:i386 libxt6:i386 libxtst6:i386 libgnomeui-0:i386 libusb-1.0-0-dev:i386 libcanberra-gtk-module:i386 gtk2-engines-murrine:i386
- Note that libgnomevfs2-0:i386 liborbit2:i386 are only required if using Code Composer Studio v6.0 or greater.
After successfully installing the above packages you will be able to run the Sitara SDK and Code Composer Studio installer/application.