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SYSBIOS Industrial SDK 02.01.01 Release Notes
Revision History[edit]
Revision | Date | Description |
1.0 | 27-Oct-2015 | Created initial version of the document |
1.1 | 04-Dec-2015 | Updated Fixed Defects for |
The SYSBIOS-based software development kit (SDK) for industrial communications is designed for the Sitara AM335x and AM437x microprocessor family(with PRU-ICSS IP) to enable customers add real-time industrial communications, motor control and feedback capabilities easily and quickly to their system. By making all the basic system software components immediately available, the Kit allows developers to focus on their application code, where they can add the most differentiation. Optimized to support real-time industrial communications protocols such as EtherCAT, Profibus, PROFINET RT/IRT, Ethernet/IP, motor feedback capabilies like EnDAT, BISS, Sigma Delta Decimation Filter, redundancy protocols like DLR, HSR/PRP and time synchronization protocols like PTP/1588. The SDK includes a real-time, low-footprint SYSBIOS kernel with boot loader and sample industrial applications to get started quickly.
Device Support[edit]
The following devices are supported with the current release.
- SOC's supported
- AM335x
- AM437x
- Hardware Platform Supported
- AM335x ICEv2
- AM437x IDK
- Software
- Code Composer Studio version CCS
- SYS/BIOS Real Time Operating System
- XDC Tool
- Compiler GNU v4.8.4 (Linaro)
- Serial console terminal application (like Teraterm, minicom, HyperTerminal)
- Code Composer Studio version CCS
Obtaining the Release Package[edit]
The following documents are provided with this release.
What Is Supported[edit]
- Hardware Platform
- AM335x ICEv2
- AM437x IDK
- Starterware boot loader
- Boot from MMC/SD, QSPI flash(on AM437x IDK) and SPI flash(on AM335x ICEv2)
- Starterware based drivers integrated with SYSBIOS
- Timer
- I2C
- EtherCAT Slave Controller
- EtherCAT Commands
- 8 FMMU support in Firmware
- 8 SM support in Firmware (stack support only 4)
- 8KB (AM335) / 28KB (AM437) Process data RAM
- Distributed clocks
- 64-bit DC
- SYNC0 out generation single shot and cyclic mode support
- SYNC1 out generation - SYNC1 cycle time multiple of SYNC0 cycle time
- Latch0 and Latch1 inputs
- DL Loop Control
- Using PRU-ICSS MDIO state m/c (slow)
- Using MII_RX_LINK (fast - depending on PHY link loss detection latency)
- Enhanced link detection in EtherCAT firmware
- EEPROM Emulation
- QSPI flash non-volatile storage support
- Provisions to use volatile storage for debug and development
- Interrupts – AL/ECAT events
- Watchdog – PDI and SM
- Error Counters – all key counters
- LED – Run, Error and Port0/1 activity based on firmware feedback
- Management Interface for PHY over EtherCAT
- PHY address configuration and host side PRU-ICSS MDIO API for PHY programming
- Redundancy support
- Motor Drive Synchronization (on AM437x with Sigma Delta as current sense)
- Beckhoff Slave Stack Version 5.11
- CoE, EoE, FoE and CiA402
- EtherNet/IP adapter
- EtherNet/IP adapter implementation on low latency ICSS cut-thru switch
- Beacon based DLR ring node capability with ICSS based implementation
- Flush Table frame support has been added
- Integrated with Molex Ethernet/IP adapter stack Version 3.3.x supporting the following features
- Ethernet/IP Capabilities
- Explicit Messaging and Implicit Messaging
- Class 1 and Class 3 Connection
- Supported CIP Objects
- Identity
- Message Router
- Assembly
- Connection Manager
- Ethernet Link
- TCP/IP Interface
- DLR (on ICSS implementation)
- QoS
- Interface and Media counters in Ethernet Link Object
- Ethernet/IP Capabilities
- Supports Exclusive Owner,Input Only and listen Only Connections
- Supports Address Conflict Detection
- Compliant with ODVA EtherNet/IP Protocol Conformance Test Tool (Rev CT-12)
- IEEE1588 End to End Ordinary Clock support in firmware
- PTPD Stack support in Slave Only mode
- Profinet RT/IRT device
- Profinet I/O RT/IRT Device(slave) conforms to PROFINET Conformance classes A,B and C functionality.
- Integrated with Molex PROFINET stack
- PROFINET I/O RT/IRT Device Features:
- Supports minimum cycle time of 250 us
- Integrated two-port cut-through switch, 100 Mb/s Full Duplex
- Profinet Quality of Service(QoS)
- Upto 8 Application Relations (ARs)
- Data Hold Timer
- DCP Identify Filter
- 1 ms buffering per port
- 8 IOCR with 40..1440 Bytes
- 802.1d learning bridge for received source MAC addresses
- PNIO static routing and custom FDB for multicast addresses
- Interrupt Pacing
- Watchdog - If host crashes/stops then PRUs stop generating PPM frames
- Compliant with Profinet IO Tester Version
- Compliant with Profinet IRT SPIRTA Module Version
- PROFIBUS DP Slave Controller
- Evaluation PROFIBUS DP slave stack library file from TMG
- Baud rates 12M, 6M, 3M, 1.5M, 500k, 187.5k, 93.75k, 45.45k 19.2k, 9.6k
- Telegram size Up to 244 bytes
- DPv0 support Cyclic exchange of data and diagnosis
- DPv1 support Acyclic/cyclic data exchange and alarm handling
- Response time 11-bit minimum TSDR response time
- Watchdog 10ms time base
- Get diagnostics and extended diagnostics
- PROFIBUS DP Mono Master
- Evaluation PROFIBUS DP Mono Master stack library file from TMG NOTE: FDL firmware and master library is not suitable for applications requiring multi master support (multiple masters attached to same PROFIBUS cable)
- Baud rates 12M, 6M, 3M, 1.5M, 500k, 187.5k, 93.75k, 45.45k 19.2k, 9.6k
- Telegram size Up to 244 bytes
- DPv0 support Cyclic exchange of data and diagnosis
- DPv1 support Acyclic/cyclic data exchange and alarm handling
- Ethernet MAC
- Ethernet MAC via PRU-ICSS
- Independent EMAC instance per PRU
- EnDat2.2 Master
- EnDat 2.2 command set
- EnDat 2.1 command set
- Interrupted and continuous clock mode
- Clock configuration up to 16MHz
- Cable length up to 100m @8MHz
- Propagation delay compensation (capable of handling different propagation delay of different channels in concurrent multi channel configuration)
- Automatic estimation of propagation delay
- Receive on-the-fly CRC verification of position, parameters and additional information
- Two modes of operation - host trigger and periodic trigger
- Channel select
- Concurrent multi channel support (up-to 3 encoders with identical part number @ 8MHz maximum)
- Motor Control
- PMSM Field Oriented Control (FOC)
- EnDat position feedback
- Current sense via Sigma Delta Decimation Filter or Onchip ADC
- Closed Current control
- Closed Speed control
- Closed Position control
- Current loop (PWM period) verified upto 33.3KHz
- Synchronization with EtherCAT network (with Sigma Delta current sense)
- Sigma Delta Decimation Filtering (SDDF)
- PRU Firmware source examples of SINC2 and SINC3 filter
- SINC3 filter for Normal current and voltage measurement
- SINC2/SINC3 filter for overcurrent detection
- Two modes of operation - trigger based sampling and continuous sampling
- Signalling via DIGIO upon detecting overcurrent
- Example implements a DANH and DANP for HSR and PRP (respectively)
- LRE (Link Redundancy Engine) in Firmware
- Rejects duplicates and provides a single frame to Host
- Provides a consistent interface to Host for Rx and Tx. (API's remain the same)
- 127 Port Node table for storing Supervisor frame entries
- Port duplicate table to prevent duplicates from getting forwarded to other port (HSR only)
- Host duplicate table to prevent duplicates from getting forwarded to Host
- Capability to send HSR Supervisor frames
- HSR/PRP statistics showing number of nodes on the network and network state
- Duplicate forget time of 400ms. (Two duplicates arriving after this interval are not considered duplicates)
- Node forget time of 6s. (A node entry is deleted after this time)
- PTP/1588 Ordinary Clock and Tranparent Clock support (HSR only)
- Sample Applications
- Example Utils
- Ethernet MAC
- EtherCAT slave
- Profinet RT/IRT slave
- Ethernet IP slave
- Profibus slave
- Profibus master
- EnDat Diagnostic
- Motor Control
- SDDF GUI client
- Full feature EtherCAT slave with integrated motor control (patch mode application)
- Host Development Platform And Toolchain
- CCS V6.0 on Windows PC
- GCC 4.8.x for Cortex-A8/9 (part of CCS6.1)
What Is Not Supported[edit]
- In general, peripherals or features not mentioned as part of "What is Supported" section are not supported in this release.
- EtherCAT Slave Controller
- Distributed Clocks (DC)
- System Time difference filter depth (0x934) other than 0, 2, 4, 8 and 16 - any value not listed will be rounded to next power of 2
- Speed Counter filter depth (0x935) other than 0, 2, 4, 8 and 16 - any value not listed will be rounded to next power of 2
- ECAT side register protection when using LRD command
- APRW/FPRW/BRW for SM mapped area
- Online Firmware Upgrade
- Distributed Clocks (DC)
- Motor Control
- Automatic recovery from over current faults
- Profinet RT/IRT slave
- Profinet IRT MRPD support
- IEEE802.1 AS for time synchronization
- Profinet IRT High Performance Profile
- EtherNet IP slave
- CIP Sync support in stack
- IEEE 1588 Master support
- Ethernet MAC
- DMA support
- IEEE1588 support
- PTP/1588 support for PRP
- From Industrial SDK 1.1
- NOR Bootloader/Flasher
- IRAM modes for EtherCAT, Profibus
- SPI Bootloader Fast boot mode
- SPI Bootloader booting app from SD card
- SD card based SPIflasher App
- CPSW based Ethernet
- EtherCAT Online firmware upgrade (SEMI TWG spec has changed - no longer a requirement)
- AM335x IDK, AM335x ICE v1
- LWIP SYSBIOS based example
- Removed "platform" library
- TI Compiler tool chain
New In This Release[edit]
- HSR and PRP support for Ethernet redundancy
- PROFIBUS mono master support
- EnDat master concurrent multichannel support (up-to 3 encoders with identical part number @ 8MHz)
- Ethernet IP and HSR switch adds Ordinary clock support and PTPd stack integration
- Updated to Molex Ethernet/IP stack version
- Updated to Molex Profinet stack
- Profinet MRP support (in RT mode)
- Profinet PRU Watchdog feature where PRUs stop generating PPM frames if host crashes/stopped.
- EtherCAT Motor Drive Synchronization (PWM synced on EtherCAT SYNC, with Sigma Delta current sense)
- Bugfixes for EtherCAT slave, Profinet slave, Profibus slave and Ethernet IP slave
- Support for CCS v6.1 and the latest XDC, SYS/BIOS
Fixed In This Release[edit]
Issue Identifier | Issue Description | Status |
SDOCM00105030 | Ethernet_Switch_ICSS - Drop in cut through packets over IXIA traffic at Line rate found in ICEv2 board | Fixed |
SDOCM00114788 | Packets dropped by ICSS Switch Driver not counted in statistics | Fixed |
SDOCM00117346 | PN IRT: Large IO Data: SYNC/ Connect issues with 1440 Bytes size data frames | Fixed |
SDOCM00117693 | PROFINET IRT STACK: Release mode stack causes application to crash upon PLC Traffic | Fixed |
SDOCM00117759 | SNMP ifOutOctect counts not increasing for PPM | Fixed |
SDOCM00117988 | Cut through packet drop seen in AM437x IDK at linerate | Fixed |
SDOCM00117991 | Output LEDs not working properly on ICE v2 boards having no LCD display | Fixed |
SDOCM00117997 | PN IRT: AM437X: PTCP Sync Jitter varies more than 140ns in 5 boards setup | Fixed |
SDOCM00117998 | PN IRT: SPIRTA Testcase 'Delay01_NoAR' fails | Fixed |
SDOCM00117999 | PN IRT: AM437X: SPIRTA Testcase 'DHT' fails | Fixed |
SDOCM00118000 | PN IRT: Multiboard: DUT Drops data exchange with PLC when second port goes down | Fixed |
SDOCM00118021 | PN IRT: Display DUT Chassis MAC Address in UART Console | Fixed |
SDOCM00118024 | EtherCAT : Clear UDP CRC on processing of UDP encapsulated packets | Fixed |
SDOCM00118054 | Statistics: TX: Port level txGoodFrames parameter shows wrong value while sending packets from host | Fixed |
SDOCM00118128 | PN IRT: PPM active race condition | Fixed |
SDOCM00118194 | EtherCAT: Dummy traffic on link loss when link partner is non-TLK PHY | Fixed |
SDOCM00118195 | EtherCAT: Write to ESC register @ 0x517 clears ESC register @ 0x0000 which is readonly | Fixed |
SDOCM00118196 | EtherCAT: WKC update issues with unsupported port error counter access | Fixed |
SDOCM00118255 | Statistics:RX/TX octets: Align the CRC bytes counting behavior across host stats and PRU stats | Fixed |
SDOCM00118257 | EthernetIP : DLR Specific Auto-MDIX tests are failing when DUT is in forced mode | Fixed |
SDOCM00118322 | Profinet IRT: Statistics: Tx/Rx Error counters are not updated | Fixed |
SDOCM00118341 | Timer created for pacing in EMAC LLD, eventhough Pacing is disabled | Fixed |
SDOCM00118530 | EtherCAT: Port0 in Auto Close mode does not always open Port on a valid frame arrival post link up event | Fixed |
SDOCM00118698 | EtherNet MAC App:EMAC IOCTL Stats:Host stats are not counted when frames are sent to EVM PORT2 | Fixed |
SDOCM00118699 | EtherNet MAC App: AM335X ICEv2.1: Adjust the LCD scrolling string length to prevent overlapping | Fixed |
SDOCM00118701 | EtherNet MAC: Application crashes while receiving a frame after a NIMU IOCTL stats clear operation | Fixed |
SDOCM00118747 | ICSS EMAC CFG: Update TX_CLK_DELAY to 6 to meet H/W timing requirements | Fixed |
SDOCM00119262 | Profibus Slave: Sync and Freeze modes are not configured correctly when enabled/disabled together | Fixed |
SDOCM00119389 | EtherCAT – Online firmware upgrade fails | Fixed |
SDOCM00119390 | PN IRT: TIA Shows errors in Slots/Subslots while S7-1511 exchanges data with DUT at cycle time >16ms | Fixed |
SDOCM00119418 | EtherCAT - FoE download takes more time even though the size of mailbox is increased | Fixed |
SDOCM00119421 | EtherCAT: Inconsistency of 64-bit DC System Time | Fixed |
SDOCM00119422 | EtherCAT: LATCH0 only latches sometimes in continuous mode | Fixed |
SDOCM00119497 | ICSS Statistics: More packets are dropped on RX side at higher payload with BC/MC/non directed UC traffic at line rate | Fixed |
SDOCM00119500 | EthernetIP: Huge binary size of EtherNet IP application | Fixed |
SDOCM00119529 | PNIO_Tester: DCP_Name_1 : DUT retains the device name (after power reset) when PNIO_Tester sets the name in non-permanent way | Fixed |
SDOCM00119530 | RM61/RM62: DUT retains the IP address (after power reset) when PNIO_Tester sets the IP address in non-permanent way | Fixed |
SDOCM00119543 | EthernetIP: Application crashes when ethernet cable is plugged and unplugged a few times while ACD is enabled | Fixed |
SDOCM00119545 | EthernetIP: Huge binary size causes the non volatile parameters stored in SPI flash to be overwritten | Fixed |
SDOCM00119650 | EtherCAT – Alternate frames are lost when 60-63 bytes sized frames are sent | |
SDOCM00119697 | PN IRT/RT_MRP: DUT is forwarding the frames to second port which is down | Fixed |
SDOCM00119732 | EtherCAT: DC sync is not working correctly when System Time PDI controlled Time synchronization is enabled | Fixed |
SDOCM00119998 | PN RT_MRP: Netload Faulty: Application hangs when PLC traffic is applied to DUT Port1 and Netload traffic to DUT Port2 | Fixed |
SDOCM00120079 | Profinet RT_MRP: DUT is sending a short PPM frame on Port1 when Netload Faulty Test-case 56 traffic is fed to DUT Port2 | Fixed |
SDOCM00120097 | EtherCAT: When ENABLE_PDI_REG_PERMISSIONS set, PDI control (0x140:141) shall have RW access from PDI side | Fixed |
SDOCM00120142 | AM437x IDK chip revision number wrong in startup messages | Fixed |
SDOCM00120143 | EtherCAT: TI_ESC.xml ConfigData init value of 0x150:0x151 does not match H/W reset value | Fixed |
SDOCM00120226 | Profinet IRT/RT_MRP: Application is not going to data exchange with PLC while using .out (CCS console prints related) | Fixed |
SDOCM00120227 | PN IRT/RT_MRP:Application specific non-volatile storage offset is conflicting with app SPI binary storage space | Fixed |
SDOCM00120257 | Profinet IRT: IRT connection is not restored when a burst of PTCP SYNC frames are fed to DUT port1 | Fixed |
SDOCM00120260 | The MAC application does not communicate when configured to run in Single mac mode on Port2 | Fixed |
SDOCM00120261 | PN IRT: Stack receives the CPM frame from previous IRT connection in connection down/restore scenario | Fixed |
SDOCM00120262 | User not able to change the IP address configuration of Ethernet/IP application when value read from SPI flash is | Fixed |
SDOCM00120263 | Profinet IRT: SPIRTA: 'Delay01_NoAR' and 'Syncslave03_NoAR' testcases fails when ran multiple times | Fixed |
SDOCM00120274 | Profibus slave: Responds incorrectly to SD2 telegrams when EMC noise is applied | Fixed |
SDOCM00120424 | EtherCAT : Redundancy functionality broken | Fixed in Build |
SDOCM00120453 | Profibus Master : SD card binary not working | Fixed in Build |
SDOCM00120457 | Unicast RTC frames get counted as multi-cast frames | Fixed in Build |
Known Issues And Limitations[edit]
Issue Identifier | Issue Description | Workaround |
SDOCM00092510 | EtherCAT: Multiple FMMU access in a single datagram to a slave for process data using LRD/LWR commands | Use LRW instead of LRD/LWR |
SDOCM00098105 | EtherCAT: PDI/PD watchdog counter incremented by 1 whenever PDI/PD watchdog is disabled | None |
SDOCM00098950 | EtherCAT:LRD access on unused registers increment WKC - no register protection while using LRD | None |
SDOCM00105048 | EtherCAT: LRW access to non-interleaved input and output process data of multiple slaves does not work. SOEM accesses slaves in LRW mode this way | Use LRD/LWR for process data access or use more optimal interleaved access for process data access from Master (TwinCAT way) |
SDOCM00113014 | EtherNetIP DLR: IO connection timed out when ring state changes from RING_FAULT to RING_NORMAL | None |
SDOCM00113028 | EtherCAT: Link/Act LED behavior on ICE v2.1 is not compliant to ETG1300(Indication & Labeling spec) | Enable SW strapping (h/w mod)for TLK110 to override Link LED behavior to blink on activity |
SDOCM00114410 | PHY Link & Activity LED: Align the behavior as per the protocol specific recommendations across all supported EVM's | None |
SDOCM00117992 | EtherNet/IP: The application is not updating the IO data send to Scanner in CopyinOut mode. The IO data send by application is always 0 where as it should be same as data received from Scanner | The issue is mismatch between UpdateIn[] and DataIn[] field updated by the Stack. Workaround is to copy data from DataIn[i-1] if UpdateIn[i] is updated. |
SDOCM00117994 | EtherNet/IP: IO Connection Timeout observed when Ethernet/IP(with DLR enabled) application is run in multi board setup at lower RPI | None |
SDOCM00118172 | Statistics : ICSS EMAC interface Counters not getting updated properly | None |
SDOCM00118176 | EtherCAT: DC SYNC0 jitter is affected by heavy PDI activity | None |
SDOCM00118225 | EMAC: Performance drop with EMAC application on AM335x ICE | None |
SDOCM00119266 | EtherNet IP: ACD manual test reults not matching with values as per latest ODVA document | None |
SDOCM00119531 | PN IRT: PNIO_Tester: DIFF_ACCESS_WAYS Testcase fails. | None |
SDOCM00119751 | Tasks do not get cleared up when deleted when there is a Uart Task which infinitely waits on CONSOLEUtilsScanf | None |
SDOCM00119999 | AM437X IDK: PHY LED for Link Status (Amber) stays on all the time eventhough there is no active link | None |
SDOCM00120320 | EtherNet IP: Application does not communicate with ETAP Device when the PHY is configured in 10 Mbps | None |
More details on EtherCAT known issues can be found here
More details on PROFIBUS known issues can be found here
Refer to System Requirements section in AM437x Industrial SDK Getting Started Guide.
Technical Support and Product Updates[edit]
For further information or to report any problems, contact or