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PRU Subsystem Differences Between OMAPL1x8/AM18x and OMAP1x7/AM17x

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This article outlines the PRU subsystem differences between the OMAP-L1x7/C674m (where m is odd)/AM17xx and OMAP-L1x8/C674n (where n is even)/AM18xx devices. Aside from the differences below, all other aspects of the PRU subsystem are the same, including (but not limited to): SOC memory mapping, PRU instruction and data RAM size, SOC interrupt controller mapping, etc.

Constants Table Mapping

The following tables provide the constants table as implemented on OMAP-L1x8/C674n/AM18xx and OMAP-L1x7/C674m/AM17xx devices.

OMAP-L1x8/C674n/AM18xx Specific Constants Table
Entry # Region Pointed To Value [31:0]
0 PRU0/1 Local INTC 0x00004000
1 Timer64P0 0x01C20000
2 I2C0 0x01C22000
3 PRU0/1 Local Data 0x00000000
4 PRU1/0 Local Data 0x00002000
5 MMC/SD 0x01C40000
6 SPI0 0x01C41000
7 UART0 0x01C42000
8 McASP0 DMA 0x01D02000
9* RESERVED 0x01D06000
10* RESERVED 0x01D0A000
11 UART1 0x01D0C000
12 UART2 0x01D0D000
13 USB0 0x01E00000
14 USB1 0x01E25000
15 UHPI Config 0x01E10000
16* RESERVED 0x01E12000
17 I2C1 0x01E28000
18 EPWM0 0x01F00000
19 EPWM1 0x01F02000
20* RESERVED 0x01F04000
21 ECAP0 0x01F06000
22 ECAP1 0x01F07000
23 ECAP2 0x01F08000
24 PRU0/1 Local Data 0x00000n00, n=c24_blk_index[3:0]
25 McASP0 Control 0x01D00n00, n=c25_blk_index[3:0]
26* RESERVED 0x01D04000
27* RESERVED 0x01D08000
28 DSP Megamodule RAM/ROM 0x11nnnn00, nnnn=c28_pointer[15:0]
29 EMIFA SDRAM 0x40nnnn00, nnnn=c29_pointer[15:0]
30 Shared RAM 0x80nnnn00, nnnn=c30_pointer[15:0]
31 mDDR/DDR2 Data 0xC0nnnn00, nnnn=c31_pointer[15:0]
* These constants cannot be used due to memory map restrictions.


  1. Constants table entries 24 through 31 are not fully hard-coded, but contain a programmable bitfield (ex. c24_blk_index[3:0]) that is programmable through the PRU control register space (0x01C3_7000 - 0x01C3_73FF for PRU0 and 0x01C3_7800 - 0x01C3_7BFF for PRU1).

OMAP-L1x7/C674m/AM17xx Specific Constants Table
Entry # Region Pointed To Value [31:0]
0 PRU0/1 Local INTC 0x00004000
1 Timer64P0 0x01C20000
2 I2C0 0x01C22000
3 PDSP0/1 Local Data 0x00000000
4 PDSP1/0 Local Data 0x00002000
5 MMC/SD 0x01C40000
6 SPI0 0x01C41000
7 UART0 0x01C42000
8 McASP0 DMA 0x01D02000
9 McASP1 DMA 0x01D06000
10 McASP2 DMA 0x01D0A000
11 UART1 0x01D0C000
12 UART2 0x01D0D000
13 USB0 0x01E00000
14 USB1 0x01E25000
15 UHPI Config 0x01E10000
16 SPI1 0x01E12000
17 I2C1 0x01E28000
18 EPWM0 0x01F00000
19 EPWM1 0x01F02000
20 EPWM2 0x01F04000
21 ECAP0 0x01F06000
22 ECAP1 0x01F07000
23 ECAP2 0x01F08000
24 PRU0/1 Local Data 0x00000n00, n=c24_blk_index[3:0]
25 McASP0 Control 0x01D00n00, n=c25_blk_index[3:0]
26 McASP1 Control 0x01D04n00, n=c26_blk_index[3:0]
27 McASP2 Control 0x01D08n00,n=c27_blk_index[3:0]
28 DSP Megamodule RAM/ROM 0x11nnnn00, nnnn=c28_pointer[15:0]
29 EMIFA SDRAM 0x40nnnn00, nnnn=c29_pointer[15:0]
30 Shared RAM 0x80nnnn00, nnnn=c30_pointer[15:0]
31 EMIFB Data 0xC0nnnn00, nnnn=c31_pointer[15:0]
  1. Constants table entries 24 through 31 are not fully hard-coded, but contain a programmable bitfield (ex. c24_blk_index[3:0]) that is programmable through the PRU control register space (0x01C3_7000 - 0x01C3_73FF for PRU0 and 0x01C3_7800 - 0x01C3_7BFF for PRU1).

System Event Mapping[edit]

The following tables provide the PRU subsystem system event assignment as implemented on OMAP-L1x8/C674n/AM18xx and OMAP-L1x7/C674m/AM17xx devices. Note that the OMAP-L1x8/C674n/AM18xx devices have two potential event assignments, depending on the setting of PRUSSEVTSEL. The OMAP-L1x7/C674m/AM17xx devices have a single fixed assignment for the 32 system events.

OMAP-L1x8/C674n/AM18xx Specific PRUSS System Event Assignment

Event Description Description
0 Emulation Suspend Signal (Software Use Only) Emulation Suspend Signal (Software Use Only)
1 ECAP0 Interrupt Timer64P2_T12CMPEVT0
2 ECAP1 Interrupt Timer64P2_T12CMPEVT1
3 Timer64P0 Event Out 12 Timer64P2_T12CMPEVT2
4 ECAP2 Interrupt Timer64P2_T12CMPEVT3
5 McASP0 TX DMA Request Timer64P2_T12CMPEVT4
6 McASP0 RX DMA Request Timer64P2_T12CMPEVT5
7 McBSP0 TX DMA Request Timer64P2_T12CMPEVT6
8 McBSP0 RX DMA Request Timer64P2_T12CMPEVT7
9 McBSP1 TX DMA Request Timer64P3_T12CMPEVT0
10 McBSP1 RX DMA Request Timer64P3_T12CMPEVT1
11 SPI0 Interrupt 0 Timer64P3_T12CMPEVT2
12 SPI1 Interrupt 0 Timer64P3_T12CMPEVT3
13 UART0 Interrupt Timer64P3_T12CMPEVT4
14 UART1 Interrupt Timer64P3_T12CMPEVT5
15 I2C0 Interrupt Timer64P3_T12CMPEVT6
16 I2C1 Interrupt Timer64P3_T12CMPEVT7
17 UART2 Interrupt Timer64P0_T12CMPEVT0 or Timer64P0_T12CMPEVT1 or Timer64P0_T12CMPEVT2 or Timer64P0_T12CMPEVT3 or Timer64P0_T12CMPEVT4 or Timer64P0_T12CMPEVT5 or Timer64P0_T12CMPEVT6 or Timer64P0_T12CMPEVT7
18 MMCSD0 Interrupt 0 Timer64P2 Event Out 12
19 MMCSD0 Interrupt 1 Timer64P3 Event Out 12
20 USB0 (USB2.0 HS OTG) Subsystem Interrupt Request (aggregated from subsystem’s INTD) Timer64P1 Event Out 12
21 USB1 (USB1.1 FS OHCI) Subsystem IRQ Interrupt UART1 Interrupt
22 Timer64P0 Event Out 34 UART2 Interrupt
23 ECAP0 input (output from mux) SPI0 Interrupt 0
24 EPWM0 Interrupt EPWM0 Interrupt
25 EPWM1 Interrupt EPWM1 Interrupt
26 SATA Interrupt SPI1 Interrupt 0
27 EDMA TPCC0 EDMAINT[2] (region 2) GPIO Bank 0 Interrupt
28 EDMA TPCC0 EDMAINT[3] (region 3) GPIO Bank 1 Interrupt
30 EPWM0TZ Interrupt or EPWM1TZ Interrupt McBSP0 RX DMA Request
31 McASP0 TX Interrupt or McASP0 RX Interrupt McASP0 TX Interrupt or McASP0 RX Interrupt

OMAP-L1x7/C674m/AM17xx Specific PRUSS System Event Assignment
Event Description Event Description
0 Emulation Suspend Signal (Software Use Only) 16 I2C1 Interrupt
1 ECAP0 Interrupt 17 UART2 Interrupt
2 ECAP1 Interrupt 18 MMCSD Interrupt0
3 Timer64P0 Event Out 12 19 MMCSD Interrupt1
4 ECAP2 Interrupt 20 USB0 Subsystem Interrupt Request (Aggregated, from sub-system’s INTD)
5 McASP0 TX DMA Request 21 USB1 Subsystem IRQ Interrupt
6 McASP0 RX DMA Request 22 Timer64P0 Event Out 34
7 McASP1 TX DMA Request 23 eCAP0 Input (output from mux)
8 McASP1 RX DMA Request 24 EPWM0 Interrupt
9 McASP2 TX DMA Request 25 EPWM1 Interrupt
10 McASP2 RX DMA Request 26 EPWM2 Interrupt
11 SPI0 Interrupt0 27 EDMA TPCC EDMAINT[2] (region 2)
12 SPI1 Interrupt0 28 EDMA TPCC EDMAINT[3] (region 3)
13 UART0 Interrupt 29 UHPI CPU_INT
14 UART1 Interrupt 30 EPWM0TZ Interrupt or EPWM1TZ Interrupt or EPWM2TZ Interrupt
15 I2C0 Interrupt 31 McASP0 TX INT or McASP0 RX INT or McASP1 TX INT or McASP1 RX INT or McASP2 TX INT or McASP2 RX INT


OMAP-L1x7/C674m/AM17xx devices do not support any PRU pins.  OMAP-L1x8/C674n/AM18xx devices do support PRU pins, see the device data sheet for more information.

Return to Subsystem Documentation[edit]

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