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PASM Syntax Highlighting
Content is no longer maintained and is being kept for reference only!
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This page describes how to enable syntax highlighting support for PASM (PRU assembly)on popular editors like Notepad++ and Textpad.
How to get support for Vim[edit]
There is a plugin available here:
Note that by default, only files with the extensions .pru, .hpru, or .pasm are treated as PASM syntax files (filetype=pru). Edit the ftdetect/pruss.vim file to change this.
How to get support for Notepad++[edit]
Notepad++ ( is a light weight multi-tab free source editor for Windows. Below are steps to enable PASM syntax highlighting in Notepad++ using User Defined Language option.
- Install Notepad++
- Open %APPDATA%\Notepad++ folder via Start->Run
- Copy userDefineLang.xml from to above folder
- Above XML assumes extensions .p for source and .hp for header – custom extensions can be added in XML in "ext" section
- Select Language->PASM after restarting Notepad++ to enable syntax highlighting
- To make Notepad++ by default open PASM sources and apply syntax highlighting, add these extensions to Settings->FileAssociation->customize
How to get support for Textpad[edit]
- Extract pasm.syn into the SAMPLES sub-folder of TextPad installation folder
- Create the document class (In TextPad 4.2 and later, this can be done using the "New Document Class" wizard on the "Configure" menu)
- Specify which files are members of that class. (*.p,*.hp,*.pdsp,*.pasm)
- Specify which syntax definition file is required. (Point to pasm.syn in the selection window)
How to get support for Sublime Text 3[edit]
- Browse to
- Put the file pasm.sublime-syntax in the place where Sublime Text looks for syntax definitions:
- Mac: /Users/justin/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/
- Linux: ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User/
- Restart Sublime Text.
- In the lower-right language selection, you should see 'pasm'