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OMAP35x Wireless Connectivity Code Descriptions and Examples

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This document provides code examples for several basic WLAN scenarios.

Literature Number: SPRUGT5

January 2010


This document includes code examples of the following basic WLAN scenarios:

  • Active scan
  • Connection to an open network, WEP-secured network, WPA-secured network and WPA2-secured network
  • Disconnection from a network

This document does not provide a full set of commands and examples, but rather the basic set needed for initial use. The interface level used in this document is described in a dedicated document. The interface is not a direct connection to the driver. The main reason for that is the high level of specialty required by the programmer as a result of complexity (few API interfaces with many argument types).


The purpose of this document is to provide the customer with several code examples for a basic set of operations that may be used to test the TI WLAN chip. The customer may develop a utility that interacts with the driver indirectly by using the interface described herein.

File Name[edit]

The file name of this document is WL1271 Code Descriptions and Examples.doc.


Before using the commands described in this document, some parameters must be initialized. The structure type containing these parameters is CuCmd_t. CuCmd_t, which is defined in CU_CLI Control Parameter.

This structure includes the following important parameters:

  • hCuCommon: Handle to communicate commands with the driver
  • hConsole: Console handle created when allocating memory for the console
  • hIpcEvent: Handle to communicate events with the driver
  • hWpaCore: Handle to communicate with the WPA supplicant
  • appScanParams: Scan parameters. You may refer to Scan Parameters for more information.

Initialization Command[edit]

Example 1: Initialization command

Description: In this example, all necessary handles and default scan parameters are initialized. This command is mandatory and must be applied before any other command can be applied.

The arguments to this function include:

  • device_name: The name of the driver, such as tiwlan0
  • hConsole: The console handle
  • BypassSupplicant: A flag denoting whether or not a supplicant is used
  • PSupplIfFile: The full path (directory and file name) of the supplicant control interface (the interface created for communication between the user utility; for example, CU_CLI and the WPA supplicant)

Code Segment:

	S8 device_name[IF_NAME_SIZE];
	Console_t* pConsole;
	S32 BypassSupplicant = FALSE;
	S8 pSupplIfFile[50];

	// arguments initialization
	os_strcpy(device_name, (PS8)"tiwlan0");
	os_strcpy(pSupplIfFile, (PS8) "/var/run/tiwlan0");
	pConsole = (Console_t*)os_MemoryCAlloc(sizeof(Console_t), sizeof(U8));

	// executing command
	pConsole->hCuCmd = CuCmd_Create(device_name, pConsole, BypassSupplicant,   pSupplIfFile);

	//returned value should not be a NULL pointer


Initialization parameters are configured as follows:

  • The driver name: tiwlan0
  • Allocate memory on kernel
  • Don’t bypass the supplicant: FALSE
  • The full path of the supplicant’s control interface: /var/run/tiwlan0

The following are obtained (the relevant structure is defined in CU_CLI Control Parameter:

  • Handle to communicate commands with the driver: pCuCmd->hCuCommon
  • Handle to communicate events with the driver: pCuCmd->hIpcEvent
  • Handle to communicate with the WPA supplicant: pCuCmd->hWpaCore
  • Default scan parameters, as described in Initializing Scanning.

General Command Structure[edit]

Each command has a constant structure, as follows:

VOID CuCmd_<command name>(THandle hCuCmd, ConParm_t parm[], U16 nParms);

hCuCmd argument is the initialized handle.

Parm and nParms are optional.

There are some commands that use default values or that do not use any parameter. The relevant parameters (if needed) are described, per command, in the following section:

Active Scan[edit]


There are two ways to start an application scan. The difference between the two approaches is transparent to the user. In one way, it is applied using a private command and in the second way, it is applied using a WEXT command. The different sequences are executed in the background so that the user is unaware of them.

Initializing Scanning[edit]

The scan parameters initialization is done as part of the general initialization described in the previous section.

Example 2: Initializing scan parameters

Description: In this example, all necessary scan parameters are initialized. Note that the values appearing in this example are the default ones.

Code Segment:

	CuCmd_t* pCuCmd;

	// arguments initialization
	CuCmd_t* pCuCmd = (CuCmd_t*)os_MemoryCAlloc(sizeof(CuCmd_t), sizeof(U8));

	// executing command

Explanation: Initialization parameters are configured, as follows:

  • pCuCmd.appScanParams.desiredSsid.len = 0
  • pCuCmd.appScanParams.scanType = SCAN_TYPE_NORMAL_ACTIVE
  • = RADIO_BAND_2_4_GHZ
  • pCuCmd.appScanParams.probeReqNumber = 3 (denoting the number of probe requests to send to each channel)
  • pCuCmd.appScanParams.probeRequestRate = RATE_MASK_UNSPECIFIED
  • pCuCmd.numOfChannels = 14

Application Scan Using Private Command[edit]

Example 3: Application scan

Description: In this example, an application scan is initiated and scan results are obtained. When using a private command, scanning is applied over all SSIDs. Taking into account the default scan parameters (see Initializing Scanning), the scan is configured over 14 channels on a 2.4GHz band with three probe requests per channel.

Code Segment:

	ConParm_t parm;
	U16 nParm;
	// pConsole->hCuCmd  is used as returned from CuCmd_Create()

	// arguments initialization
   	parm.low_val = 0;
   	parm.hi_val = 32;
   	nParm = 0;	

  	// executing command
  	CuCmd_StartScan(pConsole->hCuCmd, &parm, nParm);

  	// get results
	CuCmd_BssidList(pConsole->hCuCmd, 0, 0);

Expected Output / Results:

Application scan started.
BssId List: Num=8
         MAC        Privacy Rssi  Mode    Channel    SSID
 00.50.f1.12.03.38     0    -45  Infra      1        yaelb     0    -45  Infra      1        Cat     0    -58  Infra      1        123
 00.19.a9.fc.f9.20     0    -52  Infra      6        Cat
 00.16.46.c6.2b.90     1    -54  Infra      6        ****
 00.0f.f7.0c.e8.e0     1    -45  Infra     10        shlomi_net
 00.15.c6.5f.62.50     0    -45  Infra     11        Rachel_11g     0    -59  Infra     11        linksys
In this example, there is no connection to an AP. If an AP was connected (such as Cat), the output is as follows:
BssId List: Num=8
         MAC        Privacy Rssi  Mode    Channel    SSID
 00.50.f1.12.03.38     0    -45  Infra      1        yaelb
*     0    -45  Infra      1        Cat     0    -58  Infra      1        123
 00.19.a9.fc.f9.20     0    -52  Infra      6        Cat
 00.16.46.c6.2b.90     1    -54  Infra      6        ****
 00.0f.f7.0c.e8.e0     1    -45  Infra     10        shlomi_net
 00.15.c6.5f.62.50     0    -45  Infra     11        Rachel_11g     0    -59  Infra     11        linksys

Note: The MAC address of the AP appears on the printout with an asterisk on the far left.


  • Initially, the driver is created and a handle to it is obtained (pConsole->hCuCmd).
  • Scan parameters are configured, as follows: no parameters are defined, meaning that all SSID are scanned (it is not possible to scan a specific SSID).
  • Scan results are obtained and printed to the screen.

Application Scan Using the WEXT Command[edit]

Example 4: Application scan

Description: In this example, an application scan is initiated and scan results are obtained. When using a private command, scanning is applied over all SSIDs. Taking into account the default scan parameters (see Intializing Scanning), the scan is configured over 14 channels on a 2.4GHz band with three probe requests per channel.

Code Segment:

	ConParm_t parm;
	U16 nParm;
	S8 ssid[32];
	// pConsole->hCuCmd  is used as returned from CuCmd_Create()

	// arguments initialization
   	parm.low_val = 0;
   	parm.hi_val = 32;
	os_strcpy(ssid, (PS8)"Cat");
   	parm.value = (PS8)ssid;
   	nParm = 1;	

  	// executing command
  	CuCmd_WextStartScan(pConsole->hCuCmd, &parm, nParm);

  	// get results
	CuCmd_BssidList(pConsole->hCuCmd, 0, 0);

Expected Output / Results:

application scan started.
BssId List: Num=1
         MAC        Privacy Rssi  Mode    Channel    SSID
00.19.a9.fc.f9.20     0    -52  Infra      6        Cat 


  • Initially, the driver is created and a handle to it is obtained (pConsole->hCuCmd).
  • Scan parameters are configured, as follows: SSID Cat is defined, meaning that only this SSID is scanned and reported.
  • Scan results are obtained and printed to the screen.

Stop Scanning[edit]

Example 5: Stop scanning

Description: In this example, an application scan is stopped.

Code Segment:

	ConParm_t parm;
	U16 nParm;
	// pConsole->hCuCmd  is used as returned from CuCmd_Create()

	// arguments initialization
   	parm.flags = 0;
   	parm.low_val = 0;
   	parm.hi_val = 0;
   	nParm = 0;	

  	// executing command
  	CuCmd_StopScan(pConsole->hCuCmd, &parm, nParm);

Expected Output / Results:

The application scan stops.


  • Initially, the driver is created and a handle to it is obtained (pConsole->hCuCmd).
  • No parameters are defined. Only the scan is stopped.
  • A Stop message is printed on the screen.


Connecting to an Open Network[edit]

Connecting to an open network comprises three operations:

  • Getting the BSS type
  • Setting the BSSID
  • Setting the SSID

Example 6: Connecting to an open network

Description: In this example, a connection to an open network is made. The SSID configured for connection is Cat and no BSSID is specified. The BSSID option is used when there are several APs with the same SSID. It is possible to distinguish between them according to the BSSID.

Code Segment:

	ConParm_t parm;
	U16 nParm;
	S8 ssid[32];
	// pConsole->hCuCmd  is used as returned from CuCmd_Create()

	// arguments initialization
   	parm.low_val = 0;
   	parm.hi_val = 32;
	os_strcpy(ssid, (PS8)"Cat");
   	parm.value = (PS8)ssid;
   	nParm = 1;	

  	// executing command
  	CuCmd_Connect(pConsole->hCuCmd, &parm, nParm);


Note: If the BSS type is IBSS (ad hoc), then the SSID is mandatory.

Expected Output / Results:

The CLI printout when connecting to the SSID (for example, Cat) is:

************ NEW CONNECTION ************
-- SSID  = Cat
-- BSSID = 0-12-1-4d-da-70


  • Initially, the driver is created and a handle to it is obtained (pConsole->hCuCmd).
  • Scan parameters are configured, as follows: SSID Cat is to be connected.
  • A NEW CONNECTION message is printed on the screen.

Before Connecting to Any Secured Network[edit]

Before connecting to any secured network, the WPA supplicant must be initialized and started.

The WPA supplicant communicates with both the driver and a utility (for example, CU_CLI, wpa_cli, wpa_gui and so on) responsible for configuring and managing the driver. The customer can create its own utility to control the driver. TI uses a utility called Configuration Utility (CU_CLI).

The communication between the utility and the WPA supplicant is performed via a control interface. For Linux, the control interface is created by a UNIX socket between two user space processes. It is very much like using a virtual file system (the UNIX /proc system is implemented in a similar way).

  • How does the WPA supplicant know what is the control interface?
The name of this virtual file is supplied as one of the arguments when running the supplicant (under -i option). The path to this file is supplied in a configuration file as the ctrl_interface parameter. The name of the configuration file is supplied as one of the arguments when running the supplicant (under -c option).
  • How does the user utility know what is the control interface?
The name of this virtual file is supplied either as one of its arguments for example, under the -i option for wpa_cli) or hard coded as the driver name for CU_CLI (tiwlan0). The path to this file is supplied either as one of its arguments (for example, under the -p option for wpa_cli) or hard coded for CU_CLI (as /var/run).

After the WPA supplicant is running in the background, the WPA core in the utility can be initialized. The WPA initialization is applied as part of the general initialization process Initialization Command. As part of the initialization process, the following operations are generated:

  • Create a socket to communicate with the supplicant (through the virtual file system)
  • Initialize the WPA supplicant parameters
  • Send the configuration to the supplicant

Note that the WPA supplicant parameters are set according to the structures described in Security Parameters.

The default parameters set are:

  • WpaSupplParams:
  • WpaSupplParams.mode = IEEE80211_MODE_INFRA
  • WpaSupplParams.proto = WPA_PROTO_WPA
  • WpaSupplParams.key_mgmt = WPA_KEY_MGMT_NONE
  • WpaSupplParams.auth_alg = WPA_AUTH_ALG_OPEN
  • WpaSupplParams.pair_wise = WPA_CIPHER_NONE
  • WpaSupplParams.anyWpaMode = 0
  • WpaParams:
  • WpaParams.AuthMode = os802_11AuthModeOpen
  • WpaParams.EncryptionTypeGroup = OS_ENCRYPTION_TYPE_NONE
  • WpaParams.EncryptionTypePairWise = OS_ENCRYPTION_TYPE_NONE

Connecting to a WEP-secured Network[edit]

Example 7: Connecting to a WEP secured network

Description: In this example, a connection to a WEP secured network is conducted. First, the WEP parameters are defined. These parameters include an authentication algorithm as OPEN with no key management (os802_11AuthModeOpen), an encryption type of WEP (OS_ENCRYPTION_TYPE_WEP) and the key itself, 1234567890. The SSID configured for connection is Cat and no BSSID is specified.

Code Segment:

	// pConsole->hCuCmd is used as returned from CuCmd_Create()

	// authentication algorithm parameters
	ConParm_t parm1;
	U16 nParm1;

	// encryption type parameters
	ConParm_t parm2;
	U16 nParm2;

	// key value parameters
	ConParm_t parm3[3];
	U16 nParm3;
	S8 key[64];

	// SSID parameters
	ConParm_t parm4;
	U16 nParm4;
	S8 ssid[32];

	// arguments initialization

	// authentication algorithm parameters
	parm1.flags = CON_PARM_OPTIONAL;
	parm1.value = os802_11AuthModeOpen;
	nParm1 = 1;

	// encryption type parameters
	parm2.flags = CON_PARM_OPTIONAL;
	parm2.value = OS_ENCRYPTION_TYPE_WEP;
	nParm2 = 1;

	// key phrase parameter
	parm3[0].flags = CON_PARM_STRING;
	parm3[0].low_val = 0;
   	parm3[0].hi_val = 64;
	os_strcpy(key, (PS8)"1234567890");
   	parm3[0].value = (PS8)key;
	// TX key index parameter
	parm3[1].value = 0;
	// default key parameter
	parm3[2].value = 1;
	nParm3 = 3;

	// SSID parameter
   	parm4.low_val = 0;
   	parm4.hi_val = 32;
	os_strcpy(ssid, (PS8)"Cat");
   	parm4.value = (PS8)ssid;
   	nParm4 = 1;	

  	// executing authentication command
  	CuCmd_SetPrivacyAuth(pConsole->hCuCmd, &parm1, nParm1);

  	// executing encryption command
  	CuCmd_SetPrivacyEncryption(pConsole->hCuCmd, &parm2, nParm2);

  	// executing key command
  	CuCmd_AddPrivacyKey(pConsole->hCuCmd, &parm3, nParm3);

  	// executing connction command
  	CuCmd_Connect(pConsole->hCuCmd, &parm4, nParm4);


Expected Output / Results:

The CLI print when connecting to SSID (for example, Cat) is:
************ NEW CONNECTION ************
-- SSID  = Cat
-- BSSID = 0-f-f7-c-e8-e0
Associated with 00:0f:f7:0c:e8:e0
CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to 00:0f:f7:0c:e8:e0 completed (auth) [id=3 id_str=] 


  • Initially, the driver is created and a handle to it is obtained (pConsole->hCuCmd).
  • WEP parameters are configured, as follows:
  • Authentication algorithm = OPEN
  • Encryption type = WEP
  • Key phrase = 1234567890
  • The SSID used for the connection is Cat.
  • A NEW CONNECTION message is printed on the screen.

The relevant parameters are set according to the structures described in Security Parameters.

  • WpaSupplParams:
  • WpaSupplParams.mode = IEEE80211_MODE_INFRA
  • WpaSupplParams.proto = 0
  • WpaSupplParams.key_mgmt = WPA_KEY_MGMT_NONE
  • WpaSupplParams.auth_alg = WPA_AUTH_ALG_OPEN
  • WpaSupplParams.pair_wise = WPA_CIPHER_WEP40
  • WpaParams:
  • WpaParams.AuthMode = os802_11AuthModeOpen
  • WpaParams.EncryptionTypeGroup = WPA_CIPHER_WEP40
  • WpaParams.EncryptionTypePairWise = WPA_CIPHER_WEP40

Connecting to a WPA-secured Network[edit]

Example 8: Connecting to a WPA secured network

Description: In this example, a connection to a WPA secured network is made. First, the WPA parameters are defined. These parameters include an authentication algorithm as open with a WPA protocol and with a PSK key management (os802_11AuthModeWPA), an encryption type of TKIP (OS_ENCRYPTION_TYPE_TKIP) and the passphrase itself, 1234567890. Second, the SSID configured for connection is Cat and no BSSID is specified.

Code Segment:

	// pConsole->hCuCmd is used as returned from CuCmd_Create()

	// authentication algorithm parameters
	ConParm_t parm1;
	U16 nParm1;

	// encryption type parameters
	ConParm_t parm2;
	U16 nParm2;

	// passphrase parameters
	ConParm_t parm3;
	U16 nParm3;
	S8 passphrase[64];

	// SSID parameters
	ConParm_t parm4;
	U16 nParm4;
	S8 ssid[32];

	// arguments initialization

	// authentication algorithm parameters
	parm1.flags = CON_PARM_OPTIONAL;
	parm1.value = os802_11AuthModeWPA;
	nParm1 = 1;

	// encryption type parameters
	parm2.flags = CON_PARM_OPTIONAL;
	nParm2 = 1;

	// key phrase parameter
	parm3.flags = CON_PARM_STRING;
	parm3.low_val = WPACORE_MIN_PSK_STRING_LENGTH /* equals 8 */;
   	parm3.hi_val = WPACORE_MAX_PSK_STRING_LENGTH /* equals 64 */;
	os_strcpy(passphrase, (PS8)"1234567890");
   	parm3.value = (PS8)passphrase;
	nParm3 = 1;

	// SSID parameter
   	parm4.low_val = 0;
   	parm4.hi_val = 32;
	os_strcpy(ssid, (PS8)"Cat");
   	parm4.value = (PS8)ssid;
   	nParm4 = 1;	

  	// executing authentication command
  	CuCmd_SetPrivacyAuth(pConsole->hCuCmd, &parm1, nParm1);

  	// executing encryption command
  	CuCmd_SetPrivacyEncryption(pConsole->hCuCmd, &parm2, nParm2);

  	// executing passphrase command
  	CuCmd_SetPrivacyPskPassPhrase(pConsole->hCuCmd, &parm3, nParm3);

  	// executing connection command
  	CuCmd_Connect(pConsole->hCuCmd, &parm4, nParm4);


Expected Output / Results:

Associated with 00:0f:f7:0c:e8:e0
************ NEW CONNECTION ************
-- SSID  = Cat
-- BSSID = 0-f-f7-c-e8-e0
WPA: Key negotiation completed with 00:0f:f7:0c:e8:e0 [PTK=TKIP GTK=TKIP]
CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to 00:0f:f7:0c:e8:e0 completed (reauth) [id=3 id_str=] 


  • Initially, the driver is created and a handle to it is obtained (pConsole->hCuCmd).
  • WPA parameters are configured, as follows:
  • Authentication algorithm = OPEN
  • Protocol = WPA
  • Key management = PSK
  • Encryption type = TKIP
  • Passphrase = 1234567890
  • The SSID used for the connection is Cat.
  • A NEW CONNECTION message is printed on the screen.

The relevant parameters are set according to the structures described in Security Parameters.

  • WpaSupplParams:
  • WpaSupplParams.mode = IEEE80211_MODE_INFRA
  • WpaSupplParams.proto = WPA_PROTO_WPA
  • WpaSupplParams.key_mgmt = WPA_KEY_MGMT_PSK
  • WpaSupplParams.auth_alg = WPA_AUTH_ALG_OPEN
  • WpaSupplParams.anyWpaMode = 0
  • WpaSupplParams.pair_wise = WPA_CIPHER_TKIP
  • WpaSupplParams.pass_phrase = "1234567890" (example)
  • WpaParams:
  • WpaParams.AuthMode = os802_11AuthModeOpen
  • WpaParams.EncryptionTypeGroup = WPA_CIPHER_TKIP
  • WpaParams.EncryptionTypePairWise = WPA_CIPHER_TKIP

Connecting to a WPA2-secured Network[edit]

Example 9: Connecting to a WPA2 secured network

Description: In this example, a connection to a WPA2 secured network is made. First, the WPA2 parameters are defined. These parameters include an authentication algorithm as OPEN with an RSN protocol and with a PSK key management (os802_11AuthModeWPA2PSK), an encryption type of CCMP (OS_ENCRYPTION_TYPE_AES) and the passphrase itself, 1234567890. Second, the SSID configured for connection is Cat and no BSSID is specified.

Code Segment:

	// pConsole->hCuCmd is used as returned from CuCmd_Create()

	// authentication algorithm parameters
	ConParm_t parm1;
	U16 nParm1;

	// encryption type parameters
	ConParm_t parm2;
	U16 nParm2;

	// passphrase parameters
	ConParm_t parm3;
	U16 nParm3;
	S8 passphrase[64];

	// SSID parameters
	ConParm_t parm4;
	U16 nParm4;
	S8 ssid[32];

	// arguments initialization

	// authentication algorithm parameters
	parm1.flags = CON_PARM_OPTIONAL;
	parm1.value = os802_11AuthModeWPA2PSK;
	nParm1 = 1;

	// encryption type parameters
	parm2.flags = CON_PARM_OPTIONAL;
	parm2.value = OS_ENCRYPTION_TYPE_AES;
	nParm2 = 1;

	// key phrase parameter
	parm3.flags = CON_PARM_STRING;
	parm3.low_val = WPACORE_MIN_PSK_STRING_LENGTH /* equals 8 */;
   	parm3.hi_val = WPACORE_MAX_PSK_STRING_LENGTH /* equals 64 */;
	os_strcpy(passphrase, (PS8)"1234567890");
   	parm3.value = (PS8)passphrase;
	nParm3 = 1;

	// SSID parameter
   	parm4.low_val = 0;
   	parm4.hi_val = 32;
	os_strcpy(ssid, (PS8)"Cat");
   	parm4.value = (PS8)ssid;
   	nParm4 = 1;	

  	// executing authentication command
  	CuCmd_SetPrivacyAuth(pConsole->hCuCmd, &parm1, nParm1);

  	// executing encryption command
  	CuCmd_SetPrivacyEncryption(pConsole->hCuCmd, &parm2, nParm2);

  	// executing passphrase command
  	CuCmd_SetPrivacyPskPassPhrase(pConsole->hCuCmd, &parm3, nParm3);

  	// executing connection command
  	CuCmd_Connect(pConsole->hCuCmd, &parm4, nParm4);


Expected Output / Results:

Associated with 00:0f:f7:0c:e8:e0
************ NEW CONNECTION ************
-- SSID  = Cat
-- BSSID = 0-f-f7-c-e8-e0
WPA: Key negotiation completed with 00:0f:f7:0c:e8:e0 [PTK=CCMP GTK=CCMP]
CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to 00:0f:f7:0c:e8:e0 completed (auth) [id=0 id_str=] 


  • Initially, the driver is created and a handle to it is obtained (pConsole->hCuCmd).
  • WPA2 parameters are configured, as follows:
  • Authentication algorithm = OPEN
  • Protocol = RSN
  • Key management = PSK
  • Encryption type = CCMP
  • Passphrase = 1234567890
  • The SSID used for the connection is Cat.
  • A NEW CONNECTION message is printed on the screen.

The relevant parameters are set according to the structures described in Security Parameters.

  • WpaSupplParams:
  • WpaSupplParams.mode = IEEE80211_MODE_INFRA
  • WpaSupplParams.proto = WPA_PROTO_RSN
  • WpaSupplParams.key_mgmt = WPA_KEY_MGMT_PSK
  • WpaSupplParams.auth_alg = WPA_AUTH_ALG_OPEN
  • WpaSupplParams.anyWpaMode = 0
  • WpaSupplParams.pair_wise = WPA_CIPHER_CCMP
  • WpaSupplParams.pass_phrase = "1234567890" (example)
  • WpaParams:
  • WpaParams.AuthMode = os802_11AuthModeOpen
  • WpaParams.EncryptionTypeGroup = WPA_CIPHER_CCMP
  • WpaParams.EncryptionTypePairWise = WPA_CIPHER_CCMP


Example 10: Disconnecting from a network

Description: In this example, a disconnection from a network is performed. No parameters are required.

Code Segment:

	ConParm_t parm;
	U16 nParm;
	// pConsole->hCuCmd is used as returned from CuCmd_Create()

	// arguments initialization
   	parm.flags = 0;
   	parm.low_val = 0;
   	parm.hi_val = 0;
   	nParm = 0;	

  	// executing command
  	CuCmd_Disassociate(pConsole->hCuCmd, &parm, nParm);


  • Initially, the driver is created and a handle to it is obtained (pConsole->hCuCmd).
  • No parameters are required.

Structure Type Definitions[edit]

Co CU_CLI Command Parameter[edit]

typedef struct ConParm_t
   PS8         name;      /* Parameter name */
   U8          flags;     /* Combination of CON_PARM_ flags */
   U32         low_val;   /* Low val for range checking */
   U32         hi_val;    /* Hi val for range checking/max length of string */
   U32         value;     /* Value/address of string parameter */
} ConParm_t;

#define CON_PARM_OPTIONAL 0x01 /* Parameter is optional */

  1. define CON_PARM_DEFVAL 0x02 /* Default value is set */
  2. define CON_PARM_RANGE 0x04 /* Range is set */
  3. define CON_PARM_STRING 0x08 /* String parm */
  4. define CON_PARM_LINE 0x10 /* String from the current parser position till EOL */
  5. define CON_PARM_SIGN 0x20 /* Signed param */
  6. define CON_PARM_NOVAL 0x80 /* Internal flag: parameter is anassigned */
  7. define CON_LAST_PARM { NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0 }

CU_CLI Control Parameter[edit]

typedef struct CuCmd_t
    THandle                 hCuWext;
    THandle                 hCuCommon;
    THandle                 hConsole;
    THandle                 hIpcEvent;
    THandle                 hWpaCore;
    U32                     isDeviceRunning;

    scan_Params_t             appScanParams;
    TPeriodicScanParams     tPeriodicAppScanParams;
    scan_Policy_t             scanPolicy;
} CuCmd_t;

typedef struct Console_t {

THandle hCuCmd;

S32 isDeviceOpen; ConEntry_t *p_mon_root; ConEntry_t *p_cur_dir; PS8 p_inbuf; volatile S32 stop_UI_Monitor; } Console_t;

Scan Parameters[edit]

typedef TScanParams                         scan_Params_t;

typedef struct
    TSsid                  desiredSsid;
    EScanType              scanType;
    ERadioBand             band;
    TI_UINT8               probeReqNumber;
    ERateMask              probeRequestRate;
    TI_UINT8               Tid;
    TI_UINT64              latestTSFValue;
    TI_UINT32              SPSScanDuration;
    TI_UINT8               numOfChannels;
    TScanChannelEntry      channelEntry[MAX_NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS_PER_SCAN]; } TScanParams;

typedef struct { TI_UINT8 len; /**< SSID Length */ char str[ MAX_SSID_LEN ]; /**< SSID string buffer */ } TSsid;


typedef enum { RADIO_BAND_2_4_GHZ = 0, RADIO_BAND_5_0_GHZ = 1, RADIO_BAND_DUAL = 2, RADIO_BAND_NUM_OF_BANDS = 2 } ERadioBand;


typedef union { TScanNormalChannelEntry normalChannelEntry; TScanSpsChannelEntry SPSChannelEntry; } TScanChannelEntry;

typedef struct { TMacAddr bssId; TI_UINT32 maxChannelDwellTime; TI_UINT32 minChannelDwellTime; EScanEtCondition earlyTerminationEvent; TI_UINT8 ETMaxNumOfAPframes; TI_UINT8 txPowerDbm; TI_UINT8 channel; } TScanNormalChannelEntry;

typedef struct { TMacAddr bssId; TI_UINT32 scanDuration; TI_UINT32 scanStartTime; EScanEtCondition earlyTerminationEvent; TI_UINT8 ETMaxNumOfAPframes; TI_UINT8 channel; } TScanSpsChannelEntry;

Security Parameters[edit]

typedef struct TWpaCore
    THandle hIpcWpa;

    S32 CurrentNetwork;

    TWpaCore_WpaSupplParams WpaSupplParams; 
    TWpaCore_WpaParams WpaParams;
} TWpaCore;

typedef struct

S32 mode; S32 proto; S32 key_mgmt; S32 auth_alg; S32 pair_wise; S32 group; U8 pass_phrase[WPACORE_MAX_PSK_STRING_LENGTH]; U8 wep_key [4][32\]; U8 default_wep_key; U8 wep_key_length; U8 WscMode; PS8 pWscPin;

       S32 eap;
       U8 private_key_passwd[WPACORE_MAX_CERT_PASSWORD_LENGTH];
       U8 anyWpaMode;
       U16 ccx;

} TWpaCore_WpaSupplParams;

typedef struct

OS_802_11_AUTHENTICATION_MODE AuthMode; OS_802_11_ENCRYPTION_TYPES EncryptionTypePairWise; OS_802_11_ENCRYPTION_TYPES EncryptionTypeGroup; } TWpaCore_WpaParams;

typedef enum _OS_802_11_AUTHENTICATION_MODE {



typedef enum _OS_802_11_AUTHENTICATION_MODE {





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