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OMAP35x Wireless Connectivity AM3715 Demo

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This section walks through basic Bluetooth and Wireless LAN demo scenarios.
It is assumed that the hardware and the software are already installed, otherwise please refer to the <Getting Started Guide> section before starting the Demo.

Turn on the EVM and log on as "root".

Demo Menu[edit]

Step 1. Demo scenarios
Step 2. Start the Bluetooth menu
Step 3. Bluetooth A2DP profile
Step 4. Bluetooth FTP profile
Step 5. Bluetooth OPP profile
Step 6. Start WLAN menu
Step 7. Connect to non secured WLAN network
Step 8. WLAN PING test
Step 9. WLAN Throughput test
Step 10. Web Browsing via WLAN

Demo scenarios[edit]

Below are the Bluetooth and WLAN scenarios that are supported in this demo

senario description
Bluetooth A2DP profile Play a *.wav music file from the EVM on a stereo headset
Bluetooth OPP profile Send a *.jpg image from the EVM to a cellular phone via OPP profile
Bluetooth FTP profile Sends a text file from the EVM to a PC via FTP profile
Wireless LAN ping Connect to an Access Point and perform a ping test
Wireless LAN throughput Test UDP downstream throughput using the iPerf tool
Web browsing through the WLAN Browse the web over WLAN using a PC connected to the EVM Ethernet port
Bluetooth and WLAN coexistence Play a *.wav music file from the EVM on a stereo headset while browsing the web over WLAN

Top page.jpg return to Menu

Start the Bluetooth menu[edit]

To enter the Bluetooth demo menu run the script under Bluetooth_scripts folder:

root@omap3evm:~/DEMO# cd Bluetooth_scripts/
root@omap3evm:~/DEMO/Bluetooth_scripts# ./

following is the screen capture after calling the script

Starting BT Demo .......
 * #################################################
 *                  Cleaning BT
 * #################################################

killall: obexftpd: no process killed
killall: bluetoothd: no process killed
killall: dbus-daemon: no process killed
killall: hciattach: no process killed

!!!!!!!!!!! Start from the MAIN MENU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 * #################################################
 *                  Initialize BT
 * #################################################

bluetoothd[1301]: Bluetooth daemon 4.40
bluetoothd[1301]: Starting SDP server
bluetoothd[1301]: Can't create GN bridge
Set BT_EN of WL1271
WL1271: Powering on
Found a Texas Instruments' chip!
Firmware file : /lib/firmware/TIInit_7.2.31.bts
Loaded BTS script version 1
texas: changing baud rate to 3000000, flow control to 1
bluetoothd[1301]: HCI dev 0 registered
bluetoothd[1301]: HCI dev 0 up
bluetoothd[1301]: Starting security manager 0
bluetoothd[1301]: Adapter /org/bluez/1301/hci0 has been enabled
bluetoothd[1301]: Failed to access HAL
Device setup complete
< HCI Command: ogf 0x3f, ocf 0x0210, plen 5
  01 30 D0 02 01
> HCI Event: 0x0e plen 6
  01 10 FE 00 30 0C

               MAIN NENU
    1 - BT Scan Remote Devices
    2 - BT Get capabilities of Remote Device
    3 - OPP  Test
    4 - FTP  Test
    5 - HID  Test
    6 - HSP  Test
    7 - A2DP Test
    8 - Pair Remote Device
    9 - Unpair Remote Device
    10 - Exit Without BT Shut Down
    11 - Exit With BT Shut Down

Menu General Description:[edit]

The first runs the WL1271 Bluetooth init script. LD3 on the daughtercard should light red indicating that BT is active ready to respond to user commands. Then the MAIN MENU is displayed with the following options.

Menu command description
BT Scan Remote Devices Perform query scan to discover all Bluetooth devices
BT Get capabilities of Remote Device Get a specific Bluetooth device's capabilities (list of profiles supported by Bluetooth device)
OPP Test Perform file transfer using OPP profile, between EVM and Mobile phone or PC, file transfer can be operated in both directions
FTP Test Perform file transfer using FTP profile, between EVM and PC, file transfer can be operated in both directions
A2DP Test Transfer an *.wav music file from the EVM and plays it on the Bluetooth stereo headset
Pair Remote Device Pair to remote Bluetooth device
Unpair Remote Device Un-pair from a remote Bluetooth device
Exit Exit the Bluetooth demo menu

There are some known issues with the command line BT scripts that are listed in the Demo errata section.
Until these known issues are fixed, please avoid:
(a) typing ^C or ^Z to exit instead of using menu command #10; If you mistakenly do that an EVM power cycle is required
(b) pressing the backspace key or typing extra spaces when entering commands or data in each of the demo steps. Doing that will result in errors messages. In these case ignore the error messages and repeat the previous step.

Top page.jpg return to Menu

Bluetooth A2DP Profile[edit]

Hardware Setup[edit]

To run this demo you need a stero BT Headphones like the Motorola MOTOROKR S9-HD or any other headset that support the BT A2DP profile
A2DP Demo setup.jpg

Running the demo[edit]

From the BT main menu press 1 to perform Scan

====> 1

 * ########### BT-Scan #############
 * Scan for the remote BT devices
 * #################################

Scanning ...
        00:10:C6:C2:D3:7F       CN
        00:12:1C:BB:05:46       Parrot MK6000v1.01c
        00:13:FD:02:C0:5E       Nokia 62
        00:0D:FD:30:65:B6       Motorola S9-HD
               MAIN NENU
    1 - BT Scan Remote Devices
    2 - BT Get capabilities of Remote Device
    3 - OPP  Test
    4 - FTP  Test
    5 - HID  Test
    6 - HSP  Test
    7 - A2DP Test
    8 - Pair Remote Device
    9 - Unpair Remote Device
    10 - Exit Without BT Shut Down
    11 - Exit With BT Shut Down

Press 8 in order to pair to with the BT device
In this example we will connect the Motorola S9-HD device (which is a Bluetooth headphones) The BD_Addr of the Bluetooth device is indicated in the Scan results, for example for the "Motorola S9-HD" device BD_Addr is 00:0D:FD:30:65:B6

====> 8

            Before running Pairing-Test, ensure that we have the following mandatory inputs
            a. BD Address of Remote BT-Device (Use Option-1 of MAIN MENU)

1. Continue...

Press 1 to continue

====> 1

 * ########## BT-Pair ########
 * Pair to a remote BT device
 * ###########################

Enter the BD Addr of the remote BT device you want to pair with

Type the BD_Addr of the remote Bluetooth device, in that example connect to the Parrot MK6000v1.01c device with BD_Addr 00:12:1C:BB:05:46

====> 00:12:1C:BB:05:46
method return sender=:1.0 -> dest=:1.2 reply_serial=2
   object path "/org/bluez/1301/hci0"
Enter the object path as got in the above command to complete Pairing

Enter the object path as received by by the Paring command (in that example it is /org/bluez/1489/hci0)

====> /org/bluez/1489/hci0
bluetoothd[1489]: pin_code_request (sba=00:22:A5:C7:CB:59, dba=00:12:1C:BB:05:46)
Pincode request for device /org/bluez/1489/hci0/dev_00_12_1C_BB_05_46
bluetoothd[1489]: link_key_notify (sba=00:22:A5:C7:CB:59, dba=00:12:1C:BB:05:46, type=0)
method return sender=:1.0 -> dest=:1.3 reply_serial=2
   object path "/org/bluez/1489/hci0/dev_00_12_1C_BB_05_46"
method return sender=:1.0 -> dest=:1.4 reply_serial=2

Now you should see many printouts on the screen. They are not relevant for the demo and will be removed in the next release. After the printouts are over you should be back at the main menu.

               MAIN NENU
   1 - BT Scan Remote Devices
    2 - BT Get capabilities of Remote Device
    3 - OPP  Test
    4 - FTP  Test
    5 - HID  Test
    6 - HSP  Test
    7 - A2DP Test
    8 - Pair Remote Device
    9 - Unpair Remote Device
    10 - Exit Without BT Shut Down
    11 - Exit With BT Shut Down

Now the EVM and the BT headphones are paired and you can start the A2DP test by choosing menu entry 7

====> 7

            Before running A2DP-Test, ensure that we have the following mandatory inputs
            a. BD Address of Remote BT-Device (Use Option-1 of MAIN MENU)
            b. The remote A2DP device is paired (Use Option-8 of MAIN MENU)
1. Start Audio...
2. Stop Audio...

Press 1 to continue, if you already have the Bluetooth device BD_Adrr

 ====> 1

 * ################################# A2DP ###################################
 * Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP) defines how the high quality
 * audio can be streamed from one device to another over Bluetooth connection.
 * ##########################################################################

Enter the BD Address of the A2DP device

Enter the Bluetooth Device BD_Addr (as we saw in the Scan results previously it is 00:12:1C:BB:05:46)

====> 00:12:1C:BB:05:46
'/etc/asound.conf' got updated, ensure that we will pair to the device 00:12:1C:BB:05:46 for A2DP

 * ################################# A2DP ###################################
 * Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP) defines how the high quality
 * audio can be streamed from one device to another over Bluetooth connection.
 * ##########################################################################

Enter the stereo wav file name with path

Enter the *.wav music file to play on via the A2DP profile, in that example we already prepared a music file which is located in /home/root/DEMO/gallery/Pop.wav

====> /home/root/DEMO/gallery/Pop.wav
bluetoothd[1489]: link_key_request (sba=00:22:A5:C7:CB:59, dba=00:12:1C:BB:05:46)
bluetoothd[1489]: Can't open input device: No such file or directory (2)
bluetoothd[1489]: AVRCP: failed to init uinput for 00:12:1C:BB:05:46
Playing WAVE '/home/root/DEMO/gallery/Pop.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 44100 Hz, Stereo
bluetoothd[1489]: Badly formated or unrecognized command: AT+GMI
bluetoothd[1489]: Badly formated or unrecognized command: AT+CGMI
bluetoothd[1489]: Badly formated or unrecognized command: AT+GMM
bluetoothd[1489]: Badly formated or unrecognized command: AT+CGMM
bluetoothd[1489]: Badly formated or unrecognized command: AT+CSCS=?
bluetoothd[1489]: Badly formated or unrecognized command: AT+CPBS=?
bluetoothd[1489]: Badly formated or unrecognized command: AT+CSQ
bluetoothd[1489]: Badly formated or unrecognized command: AT+CBC
bluetoothd[1489]: Badly formated or unrecognized command: AT+CIMI

Please enjoy the music playing on the Bluetooth headphones.
The Pop.wav file in this example will play for about two minutes. Due to a know issue with the demo scripts in this release your need to wait until the music play is over before you can continue. Do not press ^C or ^Z as this will result in a system crash.

Top page.jpg return to Menu

Bluetooth FTP profile[edit]

Hardware Setup[edit]

BT FTP setup.jpg
Please make sure that Bluetooth in your laptop is configured to be discoverable or "available to be searched". This may require changing the security level settings on the PC Bluetooth Connection Manager.

Running the Demo[edit]

Starting from the Main Menu:

               MAIN NENU
    1 - BT Scan Remote Devices
    2 - BT Get capabilities of Remote Device
    3 - OPP  Test
    4 - FTP  Test
    5 - HID  Test
    6 - HSP  Test
    7 - A2DP Test
    8 - Pair Remote Device
    9 - Unpair Remote Device
    10 - Exit Without BT Shut Down
    11 - Exit With BT Shut Down

Press 1 to scan for BT devices and wait for the discovered devices list to show up.

====> 1

 * ########### BT-Scan #############
 * Scan for the remote BT devices
 * #################################

Scanning ...
        00:13:FD:02:F7:AF       Nokia 6230 ari
        00:1C:9A:99:2D:D0       Nokia 6267
        00:25:48:3A:5B:64       Nokia 3120 classic
        00:1E:37:00:E5:9F       Eyal
        00:17:E5:8B:13:D8       Gil's Nokia
        00:22:5F:97:7B:42       ILL101763
        00:13:FD:02:C0:5E       Nokia 62
        00:12:1C:BB:05:46       Parrot MK6000v1.01c
        00:14:A4:DF:B0:3E       MCS086596
        00:16:41:5A:DD:ED       CNA0390840
        00:22:69:DC:77:C5       NAGASAI

               MAIN NENU
    1 - BT Scan Remote Devices
    2 - BT Get capabilities of Remote Device
    3 - OPP  Test
    4 - FTP  Test
    5 - HID  Test
    6 - HSP  Test
    7 - A2DP Test
    8 - Pair Remote Device
    9 - Unpair Remote Device
    10 - Exit Without BT Shut Down
    11 - Exit With BT Shut Down

In this example we are going to pair with a laptop named "Eyal" with a BD_Addr of 00:1E:37:00:E5:9F. You will need to find your laptop in the list and copy its BT address.

Press 8 in order to pair to with the BT device

====> 8

            Before running Pairing-Test, ensure that we have the following mandatory inputs
            a. BD Address of Remote BT-Device (Use Option-1 of MAIN MENU)

1. Continue...

Press 1 to continue (as we already know the BD_Addr)

====> 1

 * ########## BT-Pair ########
 * Pair to a remote BT device
 * ###########################

Enter the BD Addr of remote Device to Pair

Enter your laptop's BD Address (as copied from the sacn results) and then copy the object path as demonstrated below

====> 00:1E:37:00:E5:9F
method return sender=:1.0 -> dest=:1.9 reply_serial=2
   object path "/org/bluez/1301/hci0"
Enter the object path as got in the above command to complete Pairing
====> /org/bluez/1301/hci0
Error org.bluez.Error.AlreadyExists: Device already exists
method return sender=:1.0 -> dest=:1.10 reply_serial=2

               MAIN NENU
    1 - BT Scan Remote Devices
    2 - BT Get capabilities of Remote Device
    3 - OPP  Test
    4 - FTP  Test
    5 - HID  Test
    6 - HSP  Test
    7 - A2DP Test
    8 - Pair Remote Device
    9 - Unpair Remote Device
    10 - Exit Without BT Shut Down
    11 - Exit With BT Shut Down

Now press 4 to run FTP Test

====> 4
==== Options for FTP tests ====
1 - FTP from Remote Device to OMAP3EVM
2 - FTP from OMAP3EVM to remote device
3 - Goto MAIN MENU

FTP from a Remote Device to the OMAP3EVM[edit]

Press 1 to send a file from your laptop to the OMAP3EVM

====> 1

 * ########################### BT-FTP ###############################
 * File Transfer Profile (FTP) provides capability to transfer files
 * and folders in an object store (file system) of another system.
 * Following are the two ways of testing FTP
 * ##################################################################

FTP from Remote Device to OMAP3EVM

    - FTP Server started, send the files over BT-FTP from the remote
      device and ensure that its present in the   
      path /home/root/bluetooth_scripts/../BT_FTP_storage

               MAIN NENU
    1 - BT Scan Remote Devices
    2 - BT Get capabilities of Remote Device
    3 - OPP  Test
    4 - FTP  Test
    5 - HID  Test
    6 - HSP  Test
    7 - A2DP Test
    8 - Pair Remote Device
    9 - Unpair Remote Device
    10 - Exit Without BT Shut Down
    11 - Exit With BT Shut Down Device

====> Waiting for connection...

The EVM is now waiting for the FTP session to start
To start the FTP session from your laptop right click on the "Bluetooth Icon" at the bottom right bar of your disply and select "Wireless File Transfer"

Ftp p1.jpg

The following Window should open:

Ftp p2.jpg

Click "Add" and browse for the file that you want to send to the EVM. Check the EVM (omap3evm-0) in the BT devices list at the lower part of the window:

Ftp p3.jpg

Click the Send button to start transfering the file to the EVM

Ftp p4.jpg
Upon transfer completion a "File transfer was succesfull" messege will show up on your PC:

Ftp p5.jpg
Below is the screen shot of the EVM terminal:

Incoming request 00
obex_event() OBEX_EV_REQDONE: obex_rsp=00
Incoming request 03
get_server() Skipped header cb
get_server() type:x-obex/folder-listing
get_server() Found inverse push req
xml doc:<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE folder-listing SYSTEM "obex-folder-listing.dtd">
<folder-listing version="1.0">
<file name="ReadMe.txt" size="0" user-perm="RWD" modified="20090911T180418Z" created="20090911T180418Z" accessed="200909
11T180418Z" />
<file name="Margishim_Brochure.PDF" size="837002" user-perm="RWD" modified="20090911T180538Z" created="20090911T180538Z"
 accessed="20090911T180538Z" />

obex_event() OBEX_EV_REQDONE: obex_rsp=00
obex_event() OBEX_EV_REQCHECK: mode=01, obex_cmd=02, obex_rsp=00
\obex_ev_progress: obex_cmd_put
put_done () Skipped header cb
put file name: Building Ressoc.doc
Got a PUT without a body
|obex_ev_progress: obex_cmd_put
put_done () Skipped header cb
Got a PUT without a body
/obex_ev_progress: obex_cmd_put
put_done () Skipped header cb
Got a PUT without a body
-obex_ev_progress: obex_cmd_put
put_done () Skipped header cb
Got a PUT without a body
\obex_ev_progress: obex_cmd_put
put_done () Skipped header cb
Got a PUT without a body
|obex_ev_progress: obex_cmd_put
put_done () Skipped header cb
Got a PUT without a body
/obex_ev_progress: obex_cmd_put
put_done () Skipped header cb
Got a PUT without a body
-obex_ev_progress: obex_cmd_put
put_done () Skipped header cb
Got a PUT without a body
\obex_ev_progress: obex_cmd_put
put_done () Skipped header cb
Got a PUT without a body
|obex_ev_progress: obex_cmd_put
put_done () Skipped header cb
Got a PUT without a body
/obex_ev_progress: obex_cmd_put
put_done () Skipped header cb
Got a PUT without a body
-obex_ev_progress: obex_cmd_put
put_done () Skipped header cb
Got a PUT without a body
\obex_ev_progress: obex_cmd_put
put_done () Skipped header cb
Got a PUT without a body
|obex_ev_progress: obex_cmd_put
put_done () Skipped header cb
Got a PUT without a body
/obex_ev_progress: obex_cmd_put
put_done () Skipped header cb
Got a PUT without a body
-obex_ev_progress: obex_cmd_put
put_done () Skipped header cb
Got a PUT without a body
\obex_ev_progress: obex_cmd_put
put_done () Skipped header cb
Got a PUT without a body
|obex_ev_progress: obex_cmd_put
put_done () Skipped header cb
Got a PUT without a body
/obex_ev_progress: obex_cmd_put
put_done () Skipped header cb
Got a PUT without a body
-obex_ev_progress: obex_cmd_put
put_done () Skipped header cb
Got a PUT without a body
\obex_ev_progress: obex_cmd_put
put_done () Skipped header cb
Got a PUT without a body
|obex_ev_progress: obex_cmd_put
put_done () Skipped header cb
Got a PUT without a body
/obex_ev_progress: obex_cmd_put
put_done () Skipped header cb
Got a PUT without a body
-obex_ev_progress: obex_cmd_put
put_done () Skipped header cb
Got a PUT without a body
\obex_ev_progress: obex_cmd_put
put_done () Skipped header cb
Got a PUT without a body
Incoming request 02
Received PUT command
put_done () Skipped header cb, hlen=33792
Filename = Building Ressoc.doc
Wrote Building Ressoc.doc (33792 bytes)
obex_event() OBEX_EV_REQDONE: obex_rsp=00
Incoming request 03
get_server() Skipped header cb
get_server() type:x-obex/folder-listing
get_server() Found inverse push req
xml doc:<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE folder-listing SYSTEM "obex-folder-listing.dtd">
<folder-listing version="1.0">
<file name="Building Ressoc.doc" size="33792" user-perm="RWD" modified="20090911T191854Z" created="20090911T191854Z" acc
essed="20090911T191854Z" />
<file name="ReadMe.txt" size="0" user-perm="RWD" modified="20090911T180418Z" created="20090911T180418Z" accessed="200909
11T180418Z" />
<file name="Margishim_Brochure.PDF" size="837002" user-perm="RWD" modified="20090911T180538Z" created="20090911T180538Z"
 accessed="20090911T180538Z" />

obex_event() OBEX_EV_REQDONE: obex_rsp=00
Incoming request 01
obex_event() OBEX_EV_REQDONE: obex_rsp=00
failed: 0
obexftpd reset
Waiting for connection...
Incoming request 00

The file was successfully saved on the EVM. Files are stored under the directory: /home/root/BT_FTPStorage

Press Enter to go back to the demo menu.

In this demo, you will need to exit the demo menu (using command #10 or #11) if you want to check out the file that was transfered.

root@omap3evm:~/BT_FTPStorage# ls -l
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          955 Sep 11 23:51
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         1228 Sep 11 17:27
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root         6987 Dec  2  2009
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          545 Sep 11 23:51
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         1108 Dec  1  2009
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         2342 Sep 12 00:02
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          814 Sep 11 23:51
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          866 Sep 11 23:51
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          641 Sep 11 23:51
-rw-------    1 root     root          964 Nov 30  2009
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          453 Sep 11 23:51
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         1443 Dec 31  2009
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         1240 Sep 11 23:51
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         1244 Sep 11 23:51
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         1153 Sep 11 23:51


FTP from OMAP3EVM to Remote Device[edit]

To do file transfer from the EVM to your laptop, you need to know the BD Address of your laptop and also the channel number of the file transfer service in your laptop. The following instrucntions show how to obtain the channel number.

If your laptop is not paired yet with the EVM, you would need to pair it first using menu command #8 in the same manner that was demostrated in the previous demo. The following instrucntions assume that your laptop is already paired with the EVM.

               MAIN NENU
    1 - BT Scan Remote Devices
    2 - BT Get capabilities of Remote Device
    3 - OPP  Test
    4 - FTP  Test
    5 - HID  Test
    6 - HSP  Test
    7 - A2DP Test
    8 - Pair Remote Device
    9 - Unpair Remote Device
    10 - Exit Without BT Shut Down
    11 - Exit With BT Shut Down

Press 2 to read (get) the BT capabilities of your laptop

====> 2

 * #################### BT-Browse ##################
 * Browse the Device and get the device capabilities
 * #################################################

    Capture the following LOG for further reference

Enter the BD Addr of remote Device for browsing

Enter the BD Addr of your laptop (in this example BD Addr is 00:1E:37:00:E5:9F taken from the Scan Results )

====> 00:1E:37:00:E5:9F

==================== 00:1E:37:00:E5:9F ======================

Browsing 00:1E:37:00:E5:9F ...
Service Name: Audio Source
Service RecHandle: 0x1083f
Service Class ID List:
  "Audio Source" (0x110a)
Protocol Descriptor List:
  "L2CAP" (0x0100)
    PSM: 25
  "AVDTP" (0x0019)
    uint16: 0x100
Language Base Attr List:
  code_ISO639: 0x656e
  encoding:    0x6a
  base_offset: 0x100
Profile Descriptor List:
  "Advanced Audio" (0x110d)
    Version: 0x0100

Service Name: Audio Sink
Service RecHandle: 0x10840
Service Class ID List:
  "Audio Sink" (0x110b)
Protocol Descriptor List:
  "L2CAP" (0x0100)
    PSM: 25
  "AVDTP" (0x0019)
    uint16: 0x100
Language Base Attr List:
  code_ISO639: 0x656e
  encoding:    0x6a
  base_offset: 0x100
Profile Descriptor List:
  "Advanced Audio" (0x110d)
    Version: 0x0100

Service Name: Voice gateway
Service Description: Headset Audio Gateway
Service RecHandle: 0x10841
Service Class ID List:
  "Headset Audio Gateway" (0x1112)
  "Generic Audio" (0x1203)
Protocol Descriptor List:
  "L2CAP" (0x0100)
  "RFCOMM" (0x0003)
    Channel: 2
Language Base Attr List:
  code_ISO639: 0x656e
  encoding:    0x6a
  base_offset: 0x100
Profile Descriptor List:
  "Headset" (0x1108)
    Version: 0x0100

Service Name: File Transfer Service
Service RecHandle: 0x10842
Service Class ID List:
  "OBEX File Transfer" (0x1106)
Protocol Descriptor List:
  "L2CAP" (0x0100)
  "RFCOMM" (0x0003)
    Channel: 6
  "OBEX" (0x0008)
Language Base Attr List:
  code_ISO639: 0x656e
  encoding:    0x6a
  base_offset: 0x100
Profile Descriptor List:
  "OBEX File Transfer" (0x1106)
    Version: 0x0100

Service Name: Object Push Service
Service RecHandle: 0x10843
Service Class ID List:
  "OBEX Object Push" (0x1105)
Protocol Descriptor List:
  "L2CAP" (0x0100)
  "RFCOMM" (0x0003)
    Channel: 5
  "OBEX" (0x0008)
Language Base Attr List:
  code_ISO639: 0x656e
  encoding:    0x6a
  base_offset: 0x100
Profile Descriptor List:
  "OBEX Object Push" (0x1105)
    Version: 0x0100

Service Name: Imaging
Service RecHandle: 0x10844
Service Class ID List:
  "Imaging Responder" (0x111b)
Protocol Descriptor List:
  "L2CAP" (0x0100)
  "RFCOMM" (0x0003)
    Channel: 4
  "OBEX" (0x0008)
Profile Descriptor List:
  "Imaging" (0x111a)
    Version: 0x0100


The above printed list specifies all the BT capabilities that are supported by your laptop. The relevant information for this demo is the Channel number in the File Transfer Service service.

In the example above identify the section that says: "Service Name: File Transfer Service" and look for the channel number under the "Protocol Descriptor List" part. The channel number in this example is 6 as captured below.

Service Name: File Transfer Service
Service RecHandle: 0x10842
Service Class ID List:
  "OBEX File Transfer" (0x1106)
Protocol Descriptor List:
  "L2CAP" (0x0100)
  "RFCOMM" (0x0003)
    Channel: 6
  "OBEX" (0x0008)
Language Base Attr List:
  code_ISO639: 0x656e
  encoding:    0x6a
  base_offset: 0x100
Profile Descriptor List:
  "OBEX File Transfer" (0x1106)
    Version: 0x0100

Now we have the BD Addres and the FTP channel number of your laptop. Next step is starting the file transfer from the menu.

               MAIN NENU
    1 - BT Scan Remote Devices
    2 - BT Get capabilities of Remote Device
    3 - OPP  Test
    4 - FTP  Test
    5 - HID  Test
    6 - HSP  Test
    7 - A2DP Test
    8 - Pair Remote Device
    9 - Unpair Remote Device
    10 - Exit Without BT Shut Down
    11 - Exit With BT Shut Down

Press 4 to start the FTP test

====> 4
==== Options for FTP tests ====
1 - FTP from Remote Device to OMAP3EVM
2 - FTP from OMAP3EVM to remote device
3 - Goto MAIN MENU

Press 2 for sending file from OMAP3EVM to remote device via FTP

====> 2

                Before running FTP-Test, ensure that we have the following mandatory inputs
                a. BD Address of Remote BT-Device (Use Option-1 of MAIN MENU)
                b. Channel Number of the FTP service of that device. (Use Option-2 of MAIN MENU)

1. Continue...

Press 1 to Continue

====> 1

 * ########################## BT-FTP ################################
 * File Transfer Profile (FTP) provides capability to transfer files
 * and folders in an object store (file system) of another system.
 * Following are the two ways of testing FTP
 * ##################################################################

FTP from OMAP3EVM to remote device

    For this test ensure that we have BD_ADDR of remote device and CH_NUM of
    this remote device for FTP service

Enter the BD_ADDR of the remote Device for FTP test

Enter the BD_ADDR of your laptop(BD Addr in this example is 00:1E:37:00:E5:9F taken from the Scan Results )

====> 00:1E:37:00:E5:9F
Enter the channel number of FTP service

Enter the channel number of FTP service (channel = 6, from the FTP service in the BT device capabilities list)

====> 6
Enter the local file name to be sent over FTP

Enter the file name (including full path) to send via FTP profile. In this case we are transfering a music file "Pop.wav" that is stored under /home/root/DEMO/gallery/

====> /home/root/DEMO/gallery/Pop.wav
Tried to connect for 400ms
Sending "/home/root/DEMO/gallery/Pop.wav"...|done

On the lpatop disply you enter the path for the received file:

FTP p6.jpg

FTP p7.jpg
Browse your laptop directory and verify that the file was successfully received.

Top page.jpg return to Menu

Bluetooth OPP profile[edit]

Hardware Setup[edit]

To run this demo you need a mobile phone that supports the BT OPP Profile or Laptop with BT connection that support OPP profile
OPP setup.jpg

Running the demo[edit]

From the BT main menu press 1 to perform Scan

               MAIN NENU
    1 - BT Scan Remote Devices
    2 - BT Get capabilities of Remote Device
    3 - OPP  Test
    4 - FTP  Test
    5 - HID  Test
    6 - HSP  Test
    7 - A2DP Test
    8 - Pair Remote Device
    9 - Unpair Remote Device
    10 - Exit Without BT Shut Down
    11 - Exit With BT Shut Down

====> 1

 * ########### BT-Scan #############
 * Scan for the remote BT devices
 * #################################

Scanning ...
        00:17:E5:8B:13:D8       n/a
        00:1F:5D:5D:3C:EA       Asher Golomb phone
        00:22:5F:97:7B:42       ILL101763
        00:14:A4:DF:B0:3E       MCS086596
        00:1D:28:6D:AD:0A       K610i ohad
        00:13:E7:48:3C:95       n/a
        00:12:1C:BB:05:46       Parrot MK6000v1.01c
        00:25:48:3A:5B:64       Nokia 3120 classic
        00:23:D4:85:39:D3       TI Android Bluetooth
        00:16:41:5A:DD:ED       CNA0390840
        00:13:FD:02:C0:5E       Nokia 62
        00:10:C6:C2:D3:7F       CN
        00:22:69:DC:77:C5       NAGASAI
        00:1C:9A:99:2D:D0       Nokia 6267

               MAIN NENU
    1 - BT Scan Remote Devices
    2 - BT Get capabilities of Remote Device
    3 - OPP  Test
    4 - FTP  Test
    5 - HID  Test
    6 - HSP  Test
    7 - A2DP Test
    8 - Pair Remote Device
    9 - Unpair Remote Device
    10 - Exit Without BT Shut Down
    11 - Exit With BT Shut Down

To do file transfer from the Remote device (Mobile Phone or laptop)to the EVM, you need to know the BD Address of your BT remote device and also the channel number of the OBEX Object Push service in your Remote Device. The following instructions show how to obtain the channel number.
Press 2 to get the remote device capabilities, and then when asked type the Remote device BD Address in that example we work with Nokia 62 that has BD Address 00:13:FD:02:C0:5E (see Scan results)

====> 2

 * #################### BT-Browse ##################
 * Browse the Device and get the device capabilities
 * #################################################

    Capture the following LOG for further reference

Enter the BD Addr of remote Device for browsing

Enter the BD Addr of the remote BT device you get the capabilities from

====> 00:13:FD:02:C0:5E

==================== 00:13:FD:02:C0:5E ======================

Browsing 00:13:FD:02:C0:5E ...
Service Name: OBEX Object Push
Service RecHandle: 0x10000
Service Class ID List:
  "OBEX Object Push" (0x1105)
Protocol Descriptor List:
  "L2CAP" (0x0100)
  "RFCOMM" (0x0003)
    Channel: 9
  "OBEX" (0x0008)
Language Base Attr List:
  code_ISO639: 0x656e
  encoding:    0x6a
  base_offset: 0x100
Profile Descriptor List:
  "OBEX Object Push" (0x1105)
    Version: 0x0100

Service Name: OBEX File Transfer
Service RecHandle: 0x10001
Service Class ID List:
  "OBEX File Transfer" (0x1106)
Protocol Descriptor List:
  "L2CAP" (0x0100)
  "RFCOMM" (0x0003)
    Channel: 10
  "OBEX" (0x0008)
Language Base Attr List:
  code_ISO639: 0x656e
  encoding:    0x6a
  base_offset: 0x100
Profile Descriptor List:
  "OBEX File Transfer" (0x1106)
    Version: 0x0100

Service Name: Dial-up networking
Service RecHandle: 0x10002
Service Class ID List:
  "Dialup Networking" (0x1103)
  "Generic Networking" (0x1201)
Protocol Descriptor List:
  "L2CAP" (0x0100)
  "RFCOMM" (0x0003)
    Channel: 1
Language Base Attr List:
  code_ISO639: 0x656e
  encoding:    0x6a
  base_offset: 0x100
Profile Descriptor List:
  "Dialup Networking" (0x1103)
    Version: 0x0100

Service Name: Nokia PC Suite
Service RecHandle: 0x10003
Service Class ID List:
  "Serial Port" (0x1101)
Protocol Descriptor List:
  "L2CAP" (0x0100)
  "RFCOMM" (0x0003)
    Channel: 15
Language Base Attr List:
  code_ISO639: 0x656e
  encoding:    0x6a
  base_offset: 0x100

Service Name: COM 1
Service RecHandle: 0x10004
Service Class ID List:
  "Serial Port" (0x1101)
Protocol Descriptor List:
  "L2CAP" (0x0100)
  "RFCOMM" (0x0003)
    Channel: 3
Language Base Attr List:
  code_ISO639: 0x656e
  encoding:    0x6a
  base_offset: 0x100

Service Name: Voice Gateway
Service RecHandle: 0x10005
Service Class ID List:
  "Handsfree Audio Gateway" (0x111f)
  "Generic Audio" (0x1203)
Protocol Descriptor List:
  "L2CAP" (0x0100)
  "RFCOMM" (0x0003)
    Channel: 13
Language Base Attr List:
  code_ISO639: 0x656e
  encoding:    0x6a
  base_offset: 0x100
Profile Descriptor List:
  "Handsfree" (0x111e)
    Version: 0x0101

Service Name: Audio Gateway
Service RecHandle: 0x10006
Service Class ID List:
  "Headset Audio Gateway" (0x1112)
  "Generic Audio" (0x1203)
Protocol Descriptor List:
  "L2CAP" (0x0100)
  "RFCOMM" (0x0003)
    Channel: 12
Language Base Attr List:
  code_ISO639: 0x656e
  encoding:    0x6a
  base_offset: 0x100
Profile Descriptor List:
  "Headset" (0x1108)
    Version: 0x0100

Service Name: SyncML Client
Service RecHandle: 0x10008
Service Class ID List:
  UUID 128: 00000002-0000-1000-8000-0002ee000002
Protocol Descriptor List:
  "L2CAP" (0x0100)
  "RFCOMM" (0x0003)
    Channel: 11
  "OBEX" (0x0008)
Language Base Attr List:
  code_ISO639: 0x656e
  encoding:    0x6a
  base_offset: 0x100

Service Name: SIM ACCESS
Service RecHandle: 0x1000c
Service Class ID List:
  "SIM Access" (0x112d)
  "Generic Telephony" (0x1204)
Protocol Descriptor List:
  "L2CAP" (0x0100)
  "RFCOMM" (0x0003)
    Channel: 4
Language Base Attr List:
  code_ISO639: 0x656e
  encoding:    0x6a
  base_offset: 0x100
Profile Descriptor List:
  "SIM Access" (0x112d)
    Version: 0x0100


The channel is 9 as appears under the Service Name: OBEX Object Push

               MAIN NENU
    1 - BT Scan Remote Devices
    2 - BT Get capabilities of Remote Device
    3 - OPP  Test
    4 - FTP  Test
    5 - HID  Test
    6 - HSP  Test
    7 - A2DP Test
    8 - Pair Remote Device
    9 - Unpair Remote Device
    10 - Exit Without BT Shut Down
    11 - Exit With BT Shut Down

Press 8 in order to pair to with the BT device
In this example we will connect the Nokia 62 device (which is a Mobile Phone with Bluetooth connection)
The BD_Addr of the Bluetooth device is indicated in the Scan results, for example for the "Nokia 62" device BD_Addr is 00:13:FD:02:C0:5E

====> 8

            Before running Pairing-Test, ensure that we have the following mandatory inputs
            a. BD Address of Remote BT-Device (Use Option-1 of MAIN MENU)

1. Continue...

Press 1 to continue

====> 1

 * ########## BT-Pair ########
 * Pair to a remote BT device
 * ###########################

Enter the BD Addr of remote Device to Pair

Type the BD_Addr of the remote Bluetooth device, in that example connect to the Nokia 62 device with BD_Addr 00:13:FD:02:C0:5E

====> 00:13:FD:02:C0:5E
method return sender=:1.0 -> dest=:1.2 reply_serial=2
   object path "/org/bluez/1377/hci0"
Enter the object path as got in the above command to complete Pairing
====> /org/bluez/1377/hci0
Error org.bluez.Error.AlreadyExists: Device already exists
method return sender=:1.0 -> dest=:1.4 reply_serial=2

Now you should see many printouts on the screen. They are not relevant for the demo and will be removed in the next release. After the printouts are over you should be back at the main menu

               MAIN NENU
    1 - BT Scan Remote Devices
    2 - BT Get capabilities of Remote Device
    3 - OPP  Test
    4 - FTP  Test
    5 - HID  Test
    6 - HSP  Test
    7 - A2DP Test
    8 - Pair Remote Device
    9 - Unpair Remote Device
    10 - Exit Without BT Shut Down
    11 - Exit With BT Shut Down

Now the EVM and the Mobile phone are paired and you can start the OPP test by choosing menu entry 3

====> 3

            Before running OPP-Test, ensure that we have the following mandatory inputs
            a. BD Address of Remote BT-Device (Use Option-1 of MAIN MENU)
            b. Channel Number of the OPP service of that device (Use Option-2 of MAIN MENU)

 1. Continue...
 2. Goto MAIN MENU

Press 1 to continue, if you already have the Bluetooth device BD_Adrr

====> 1
==== Options for OPP test ====
1 - Object Push from Remote-Device to WL1271-Host
2 - Object push from WL1271-Host to Remote-Device
3 - Goto MAIN MENU

Press 1 to continue to preform the file transfer from the mobile phone to the EVM

====> 1

OPP From Remote Device to EVM:
 * ############################### BT-OPP ##################################
 * Object Push Profile (OPP) is for sending objects such as pictures,
 * virtual business cards etc. It is called push because the transfers
 * are always instigated by the sender (client), not the  receiver (server).
 * Run the following commands to configure WL1271 for OPP
 * #########################################################################

Enter the BD address and the channel number of the mobile phone

Enter the BD_ADDR of the remote Device for OPP test
====> 00:13:FD:02:C0:5E
Enter the channel number of OPP service
====> 9
OBEX Object Push service registered
--- Object Push from Remote-Device to WL1271-Host ---

    1. Type 's' to start the interactive server and 'q' to quit application
    2. Ensure that you send file from the remote device over OPP

Using Bluetooth RFCOMM transport
OBEX Interactive test client/server.

Press s since the in that case the EVM is about to receive file from the remote device hence acting as a OPP server

> s

Now I have searched and sent a file  from your mobile phone to the EVM

EVM will print:
>Timeout while doing OBEX_HandleInput()
Server request finished!
server_done() Command (00) has now finished
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 7
Unknown event 0b!
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 107
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
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OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
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OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
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OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 666
Made some progress...
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 1024
put_server() Found name
put_server() Skipped header c3
put_server() Skipped header 42
put_server() Skipped header 44
put_server() Found body
Filename = Animated_Skeleton_2_176X220.gif
Wrote Animated_Skeleton_2_176X220.gif (131400 bytes)
Server request finished!
server_done() Command (02) has now finished
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 84
We got a disconnect-request
Server request finished!
Disconnect done!
OBEX_HandleInput() returned 3

Now, the file was successfully sent from the mobile phone to the EVM.
Enter q to return to the main menu


Send file from EVM to Remote Device using OPP profile[edit]

               MAIN NENU
    1 - BT Scan Remote Devices
    2 - BT Get capabilities of Remote Device
    3 - OPP  Test
    4 - FTP  Test
    5 - HID  Test
    6 - HSP  Test
    7 - A2DP Test
    8 - Pair Remote Device
    9 - Unpair Remote Device
    10 - Exit Without BT Shut Down
    11 - Exit With BT Shut Down

====> 3

Press 3 for OPP testing

==== Options for OPP test ====
1 - Object Push from Remote-Device to WL1271-Host
2 - Object push from WL1271-Host to Remote-Device
3 - Goto MAIN MENU

Press 2 to transfer file from EVM to mobile phone (Remote device)

====> 2
 * ############################### BT-OPP ###################################
 * Object Push Profile (OPP) is for sending objects such as pictures,
 * virtual business cards etc. It is called push because the transfers
 * are always instigated by the sender (client), not the  receiver (server).
 * Run the following commands to configure WL1271 for OPP
 * ##########################################################################

--- Object push from WL1271-Host to Remote-Device ---

Enter BD address and channel of the mobile phone (Remote device)

Enter the BD_ADDR of the remote Device for OPP test
====> 00:13:FD:02:C0:5E
Enter the channel number of OPP service for the 00:13:FD:02:C0:5E
====> 9

At that point you will be requested by the mobile phone to approve the file transfer from the EVM

OBEX Object Push service registered
 Enter the Local file to be transferred
====> Readme.txt
name=Readme.txt, size=238
Local device 00:22:A5:C7:CB:59
Remote device 00:13:FD:02:C0:5E (9)
Connection established

               MAIN NENU
    1 - BT Scan Remote Devices
    2 - BT Get capabilities of Remote Device
    3 - OPP  Test
    4 - FTP  Test
    5 - HID  Test
    6 - HSP  Test
    7 - A2DP Test
    8 - Pair Remote Device
    9 - Unpair Remote Device
    10 - Exit Without BT Shut Down
    11 - Exit With BT Shut Down


File was sent successfully to the phone

at that point the file has being transferred completed

Top page.jpg return to Menu

Start WLAN menu[edit]

If you are still in the BT demo menu, please exit using menue command #10 or #11<bt><bt> To run the WLAN demo you need to have a WLAN access point availble. In this example we will connect to a non secured access point.

The Wireless LAN folder is located in /home/root/DEMO/wlan. Go to that folder by typing: "cd /home/root/DEMO/wlan"
Type "ls -l" to view all files in the wlan folder

root@omap3evm:~/wlan# ls -l
-rw-rw-r--    1 root     root        13188 Dec 31  2009 bmtrace.ko
-rwxrwxr-x    1 root     root       267500 Dec 31  2009 firmware.bin
-rw-rw-r--    1 root     root        25624 Dec 31  2009 sdio.ko
-rw-r--r--    1 1000     1000         7069 Dec 17  2009 tiwlan.ini
-rw-rw-r--    1 root     root       939904 Dec 31  2009 tiwlan_drv.ko
-rwxrwxr-x    1 1000     1000         6791 Dec 17  2009 tiwlan_dual.ini
-rwxrwxr-x    1 root     root       463576 Dec 31  2009 tiwlan_loader
-rwxrwxr-x    1 root     root       601344 Dec 31  2009 wlan_cu
-rwxrwxr-x    1 root     root        22888 Dec 31  2009 wlan_logger
-rwxrwxr-x    1 root     root      1216424 Dec 31  2009 wpa_supplicant
-rw-rw-r--    1 1000     1000          210 Sep 17 18:48 wpa_supplicant.txt

To start the wlan driver, please follow the below mentioned steps
(The comand ifconfig tiwlan0 netmask up, Set and enable the Wireless IP address)

root@omap3evm:~/wlan# insmod sdio.ko
root@omap3evm:~/wlan# insmod bmtrace.ko
root@omap3evm:~/wlan# insmod tiwlan_drv.ko
root@omap3evm:~/wlan# ./tiwlan_loader
root@omap3evm:~/wlan# ifconfig tiwlan0 netmask up
root@omap3evm:~/wlan# ./wpa_supplicant -Dwext -itiwlan0 -c wpa_supplicant.txt &

Type:ls to list the content of this foloder

root@omap3evm:~/wlan# ls
bmtrace.ko          tiwlan.ini          wlan_cu
firmware.bin        tiwlan_drv.ko       wlan_logger
tiwlan_dual.ini     wpa_supplicant      sdio.ko
tiwlan_loader       wpa_supplicant.txt

Then to connect to the CLI type : ./wlan_cu

root@omap3evm:~/wlan# ./wlan_cu

The 1271 drivers are being loaded and started. Then the wlan command line interface application (CLI) is brought up and the WL1271 is now ready for user commands To confrim the current version please type from the main menu: / u

Driver version: WiLink_Driver_6.
Firmware version: Rev

Top page.jpg return to Menu

Connect to non secured WLAN network[edit]

Below is the main CLI menu that shows up after runing the script.

\> Driver/, Connection/, Management/, Show/, Privacy/, scAn/, roaminG/, qOs/, poWer/, eVents/, Bt coexsistance/, Report/
, dEbug/, biT/, aboUt, Quit

From the CLI press a in order to get into the scan menu

.../scAn> Start, sTop, Wextstart, configApp/, configpEriodic/, configPolicy/

From the Scan Menu press s to start the scan

Application scan started

Scanning for access points has now started. It takes just a few seconds to complete the scan and no further indication is provided upon scan completion
Press "/" to return to the CLI main menu

\> Driver/, Connection/, Management/, Show/, Privacy/, scAn/, roaminG/, qOs/, poWer/, eVents/, Bt coexsistance/, Report/
, dEbug/, biT/, aboUt, Quit

Press c to get into the Connection menu

.../Connection> Bssid_list, Connect, Disassociate, Status, Full_bssid_list, wPs/

Press b for full Bssid_list. This will show the list and the amount of Access points discovered during the scan process.

BssId List: Num=8
         MAC        Privacy Rssi  Mode    Channel    SSID
 00.1c.f9.2f.c6.32     0    -83  Infra      1        B     1    -74  Infra      1        ****     0    -75  Infra      1        ****
 00.50.f1.12.03.38     1    -81  Infra      1        yaelb
 00.16.46.c6.2b.90     1    -74  Infra      6        ****
 00.15.c6.5f.62.50     0    -72  Infra      6        123
*     0    -51  Infra     11        theseus     1    -82  Infra     11        Cat

.../Connection> Bssid_list, Connect, Disassociate, Status, Full_bssid_list, wPs

Now we will connect to one of the Access points listed in the Bssid_list. In this example we will connect to an access point with name theseus, that has 0 in the Privacy field, indicating that this access point is non secured.

c theseus
Trying to associate with SSID 'theseus'
Associated with 00:14:a8:a0:ec:1************ NEW CONNECTION ************
CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connec-- SSID  = theseus
tion to 00:14:a8:a0:ec:10 comple-- BSSID = 0-14-a8-a0-ec-10
ted (auth) [id=2 id_str=]

.../Connection> Bssid_list, Connect, Disassociate, Status, Full_bssid_list, wPs/

From anywhere in the sub Menus press "/ q" to exit from the CLI menu and return to the linux prompt

/ q
\> Driver/, Connection/, Management/, Show/, Privacy/, scAn/, roaminG/, qOs/, poWer/, eVents/, Bt coexsistance/, Report/, dEbug/, biT/, aboUt, Quit


Top page.jpg return to Menu

WLAN PING test[edit]

Hardware Setup[edit]

To run this demo you need an extra PC connected to your Access Point with an Ethernet cable, as shown below.
Ping setup.jpg

This section assumes that the EVM is already connected to the Access Point, otherwise return to < return to Menu> to start the WLAN driver and connect to a non-secured WLAN network.

Running the demo[edit]

from the CLI menu type "/q" in order to exit the CLI and return to the linux prompt

\ q
\> Driver/, Connection/, Management/, Show/, Privacy/, scAn/, roaminG/, qOs/, poWer/, eVents/, Bt coexsistance/, Report/
, dEbug/, biT/, aboUt, Quit

configure the EVM WLAN IP address, and make sure that the EVM Ethernet port and WLAN port will not share the same IP subnet address.

ifconfig tiwlan0 netmask up

verify that the WLAN port (tiwlan0)IP address is configured correctly

root@omap3evm:~/DEMO/wlan# ifconfig
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:50:C2:7E:8D:D9
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          RX packets:18 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:1080 (1.0 KiB)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)
lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
          inet addr:  Mask:
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)
tiwlan0   Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 08:00:28:55:44:56
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          RX packets:6 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
          RX bytes:494 (494.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

Configure the IP address of the Laptop that is connected to the Access Point via the Ethernet cable to be in the same sub net as the EVM WLAN port. In this example, we configure it to, and the gateway IP address is not important for this test


then use the Ping command to ping the PC that is connected to the Access Point

root@omap3evm:~/DEMO/wlan# ping -c4
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=128 time=264.526 ms
64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=128 time=82.764 ms

Similarly, we can ping the EVM from the PC that is connected to the Access Point via Ethernet:


Top page.jpg return to Menu

WLAN Throughput test[edit]

Hardware Setup[edit]

To run this demo you need an extra PC connected to your Access Point with an Ethernet cable, as shown below. To measure the throughput we will use the iPerf tool, and in this example we will use only UDP downstream - i.e. UDP packets from the PC connected to the Access Point to the EVM.
Ping setup.jpg

This section assumes that the EVM is already connected to the Access Point, otherwise return to < return to Menu> to start the WLAN driver and connect to a non-secured WLAN network.

Jperf tool[edit]

In order to measure the throughout we are going to use the iPerf tool that is already installed on the EVM, and a graphical version of the iPerf tool called "jPerf" which runs on the PC side.
The jPerf tool can be loaded from the following URL: jPerf tool

Running the demo[edit]

from the CLI menu type "/q" in order to exit the CLI and return to the linux prompt

\ q  
\> Driver/, Connection/, Management/, Show/, Privacy/, scAn/, roaminG/, qOs/, poWer/, eVents/, Bt coexsistance/, Report/
, dEbug/, biT/, aboUt, Quit

configure the EVM WLAN IP address, and make sure that the EVM Ethernet port and WLAN port will not share the same IP subnet address.

ifconfig tiwlan0 netmask up

verify that the WLAN port (tiwlan0)IP address is configured correctly

root@omap3evm:~/DEMO/wlan# ifconfig
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:50:C2:7E:8D:D9
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          RX packets:18 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:1080 (1.0 KiB)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)
lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
          inet addr:  Mask:
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)
tiwlan0   Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 08:00:28:55:44:56
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          RX packets:6 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
          RX bytes:494 (494.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

Configure the IP address of the Laptop that is connected to the Access Point via the Ethernet cable to be in the same sub net as the EVM WLAN port. In this example, we configure it to, and the gateway IP address is not important for this test.


then use the iperf command to run iperf server on the EVM. In this example, we expect to receive UDP packets at port 7000 and print the results on the screen every one second

root@omap3evm:~/DEMO/tools# ./iperf_1.7 -s -i1 -p7000 -u

as a response to the previous command, we will see that iperf has started and ready to receive UDP packets

Server listening on UDP port 7000
Receiving 1470 byte datagrams
UDP buffer size:  108 KByte (default)

now we will have to operate the jPerf client on the PC that will send Packets to the EVM via the wireless medium. Configure jperf to:

  • Client
  • UDP
  • port 7000 (same as server configuration on the EVM)
  • send packets to server ip: which is the EVM IP address
  • UDP Bandwidth 30 MBytes/sec

Jperf server UDP.jpg

After starting the jPerf client in the PC side, you may see the Server on the EVM starts receiving frames. In this example the throughput is about 20Mbits/sec. Note that you would expect to have a higher throughput if you were working in a clean environment like an RF chamber.

root@omap3evm:~/DEMO/tools# ./iperf_1.7 -s -i1 -p7000 -u
Server listening on UDP port 7000
Receiving 1470 byte datagrams
UDP buffer size:  108 KByte (default)
[  3] local port 7000 connected with port 1578
[ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth       Jitter   Lost/Total Datagrams
[  3]  0.0- 1.0 sec  2.13 MBytes  17.8 Mbits/sec  1.974 ms 1121/ 2637 (43%)
[  3]  1.0- 2.0 sec  2.08 MBytes  17.4 Mbits/sec  1.626 ms  872/ 2355 (37%)
[  3]  2.0- 3.0 sec  1.86 MBytes  15.6 Mbits/sec  1.479 ms 1109/ 2434 (46%)
[  3]  3.0- 4.0 sec  1.99 MBytes  16.7 Mbits/sec  0.920 ms 1139/ 2559 (45%)
[  3]  4.0- 5.0 sec  3.14 MBytes  26.3 Mbits/sec  0.771 ms  279/ 2517 (11%)
[  3]  5.0- 6.0 sec  2.96 MBytes  24.8 Mbits/sec  0.658 ms  341/ 2453 (14%)
[  3]  6.0- 7.0 sec  2.73 MBytes  22.9 Mbits/sec  0.866 ms  395/ 2345 (17%)

Top page.jpg return to Menu

Web Browsing via WLAN[edit]

Hardware Setup[edit]


Configuration from Menu[edit]

Set the EVM Ethernet port IP address to using the following command:

ifconfig eth0 up

And then verify that the Ethernet port has the appropriate IP address by running the "ifconfig" command

IP Address on the Eth of the EVM:
root@omap3evm:~/DEMO/wlan# ifconfig eth0
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:50:C2:7E:8D:D9
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          RX packets:736 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:303 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:72400 (70.7 KiB)  TX bytes:53232 (51.9 KiB)

Configure your Laptop's Ethernet port IP address to be in the same sub net as the EVM Ethernet port and its default gateway to be the EVM Ethernet port IP adress:

the next step is to run the Web Browsing script called which is located in the iptables folder

oot@omap3evm:~/DEMO# cd iptables-
root@omap3evm:~/DEMO/iptables# ./ start
*********      Web Browsing on local PC *******************

Enter the IP address of the EVM Ethernet port.

udhcpc (v1.13.2) started
Sending discover...
Sending select for
Lease of obtained, lease time 3600
adding dns	

At this point the log prints the DNS server IP address that should be used to configure the PC Ethernet port

adding dns

PC Ethernet port configuration:

before starting to Browse, we will first verify that the EVM has the right configuration. Let's try to Ping ""

root@omap3evm:~/DEMO/iptables- ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=53 time=264.831 ms
64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=53 time=257.202 ms
64 bytes from seq=2 ttl=53 time=244.721 ms
64 bytes from seq=3 ttl=53 time=259.552 ms
64 bytes from seq=4 ttl=53 time=288.910 ms

--- ping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 244.721/263.043/288.910 ms

Next step it to start Browsing.
However before that we have to make sure that Internet Explorer has no Proxy setting.

  • Open Internet Explorer
  • go to Tools->Internet Options->Connections->LAN settings
  • verify that "Use automatic configuration" and "Use a proxy server" are not checked.




Next step is to open the internet explorer and start browsing

Top page.jpg return to Menu


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