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OMAP-L137 EVM Hardware Setup
By default, DA830/OMAP-L137/AM17xx EVM comes up with CPU operating at 300MHz. UBL has to be re-built to boot at a higher CPU frequency.
When powering up EVM for the first time with a freshly installed Linux filesystem, be sure to have the UI card connected so that devices on that card can be detected as well. On first time boot-up, a cache of device nodes is prepared and stored in /etc/dev.tar. Devices which are not detected will not be made part of this cache. To rescan the devices at a later point of time, remove the /etc/dev.tar file from the filesystem and issue reboot from the Linux shell prompt.
Setting up the Hardware (For Linux )[edit]
Follow the steps below to setup the hardware and enable communication with the EVM.
NOTE The EVM is sensitive to static discharges. Use a grounding strap or other device to prevent damaging the board. Be sure to connect communication cables before applying power to any equipment.
- Verify that the EVM board's SW2 (Boot) switch is correctly set. The setting to boot from SPI0 Flash are:
Pin # | 7 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 3 |
Position | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | X |
- If you want to use networking, connect the Ethernet cable to one of the Ethernet ports on the EVM board and to an Ethernet network port.
- Connect the USB cable provided in the kit to the on-board emulation USB port on the board (EMBED USB). Connect the other end to a computer with CCS installed.
- If you plan to use UART port for a console window, connect the RS-232 null modem cable to the EVM UART port and to the COM port of your host workstation.
- Connect the power cable to the EVM power jack on the board. To be ESD safe, plug in the other end of the power cable only after you have connected the power cord to the board.
Connecting to a Console Window[edit]
You can open a console window that allows you to watch boot and serial console messages by following these steps:
- Connect a serial cable between the serial port on the EVM and the serial port (for example COM1) on a PC.
- Run a terminal session (such as Minicom on Linux or TeraTerm on Windows) on the workstation and configure it to connect to that serial port with the following characteristics:
- Bits per Second: 115200
- Data Bits: 8
- Parity: None
- Stop Bits: 1
- Flow Control: None
- Transmit delay: 0 msec/char, 100 msec/line
For Linux
- When you power on the EVM, you will see boot sequence messages (If you have a boot loader in flash. If you do not have a boot loader in flash see the Restoring/Flashing Bootloaders section). You can press a key to interrupt the boot sequence and type commands in the U-Boot command shell.
Connecting to CCS[edit]
Target Configuration[edit]
- Open CCS and select New->Target Configuration File.
- Specify a file name or use default.
- Select "Spectrum Digital XDS510USB Emulator" as Connection
- Check "OMAPL137" or "C6747" as Device and save.
Useful Tip
- Open Target Configuration view in CCS by selecting "Window -> Show view -> Target Configurations" from menu.
- Select newly created configuration, right-click on it and set it as default.
- Launch Target configuration file
Connect Target and Load/Run Program[edit]
- Connecting Target
- Select "View -> Debug" from menu to start a debug session.
- CCS will switch to Debug perspective with devices DSP and ARM .
- Select device to connect and then go to "Run -> Connect Target" from menu.
OMAPL137 is a DSP boot master device. Hence to connect to the ARM, you need to connect the DSP first (even if you do not load anything to DSP), then connect ARM (Reason: DSP’s GEL file enables and wakes up the ARM)
Loading Program
- Choose desired device (DSP or ARM)
- Go to "Run -> Load -> Load Program" from menu.
- Click “Browse” to choose a prebuilt *.out or click “Browse project..” to choose *.out of the open projects.
- Choose desired *.out and click OK.
- Running Program
- Go to "Run -> Resume"