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MCSDK UG Chapter Developing Fault Mgmt
Developing with MCSDK: Fault Management
Last updated: 08/07/2014
Learn about troubleshooting, monitoring, error recovery with the MCSDK.
DSP Fault Management (FM)[edit]
This section describes the Fault Management APIs and provides information on how to instrument a DSP image for exception, capture the DSP core dump, and analyze the fault using the core dump in CCS.
FM DSP Exception APIs & Usage[edit]
A DSP application can create and install an exception hook configured with the following features using the APIs provided by FM:
- Retrieve DSP register status for a core dump
- Halt system IO, such as DMAs
- Inform remote DSPs an exception has occurred
- Inform Host a DSP exception has occurred
Retrieving Last Register Status[edit]
An exception hook function that intends to create a core dump must call the following API:
<syntaxhighlight lang="c">void Fault_Mgmt_getLastRegStatus(void);</syntaxhighlight>
The API stores relevant DSP core register values into the memory region mapped to the fault_mgmt_data data array for the core dump that is provided to the Host.
Halting System IO[edit]
When a DSP exception is detected, invoking the FM instrumented exception hook function, system IO that offload data transfers can be stopped using the following API:
<syntaxhighlight lang="c">Fault_Mgmt_haltIoProcessing(Fm_GlobalConfigParams *fmGblCfgParams, Fm_HaltCfg *haltCfg)</syntaxhighlight>
The API provides the ability to disable all or subsets of the following system IO:
- AIF2 PE (Tx) and PD (Rx) channels
- EDMA3 DMA, QDMA, and INT channels
- CPDMA Tx/Rx channels
- SGMII switch
The exception hook can invoke this function in order to stop DSP enabled IO from continuing data transfers that may wipe out data important to deciphering the source of the DSP exception. However, care must be taken to not disable resources in use by the Host. If this occurs the Host (ARM) may experience unstable behavior preventing it from properly receiving and handling the DSP core dump.
IO Halt Configuration Parameters[edit]
The Fm_HaltCfg structure is used to define which system IO will be disabled upon invocation of the IO halt API. A user can specify that an entire IO be disabled or a subset of an IO be disabled. The Fm_HaltCfg structure has the following parameters:
- <syntaxhighlight lang="c">int32_t haltAif</syntaxhighlight> If set to a non-zero value, will halt all AIF2 PE and PD channels except those specified within the Fm_ExcludedResource's list. All AIF2 PE and PD channels will be disabled if the Fm_ExcludedResource's list is NULL.
- <syntaxhighlight lang="c">int32_t haltSGMII</syntaxhighlight> If set to a non-zero value, will halt the SGMII ethernet switch.
Note: This will prevent ARM Linux ethernet from working properly.
- <syntaxhighlight lang="c">int32_t haltEdma3</syntaxhighlight> If set to a non-zero value, will halt all EMDA3 DMA, QDMA, and INT channels except those specified within the Fm_ExcludedResource's list. All EDMA3 DMA, QDMA, and INT channels will be disabled if the Fm_ExcludedResource's list is NULL.
Note: Some EDMA3 channels are used by ARM Linux to access NAND in UBIFS. UBIFS will not work correctly if these channels are halted.
- <syntaxhighlight lang="c">int32_t haltCpdma</syntaxhighlight> If set to a non-zero value, will halt all CPDMA channels except those specified within the Fm_ExcludedResource's list. All CPDMA channels will be disabled if the Fm_ExcludedResource's list is NULL.
Note: Some CPDMA channels are used by ARM Linux which will exhibit unknown behavior if the relevant CPDMA channels are halted.
- <syntaxhighlight lang="c">Fm_ExcludedResource *excludedResources;</syntaxhighlight> List of specific system IO values that should not be disabled.
A customized version of the Fm_ExcludedResource's list can be created. However, a version has been created and supplied in pdk_keystone2_#_##_##_##\packages\ti\instrumentation\fault_mgmt\device\k2?\src\fm_device.c which already accounts for all resources used the ARM Linux kernel delivered with the latest MCSDK 3.x release.
Note: Following the IO halt configuration defined in the FM test source code will diable all IO except that used by ARM Linux UBIFS and NFS.
Informing Remote DSP Core's of Exception[edit]
Remote DSP cores can be informed of a DSP exception and told to halt functioning using the following API:
<syntaxhighlight lang="c">void Fault_Mgmt_notify_remote_core(uint32_t core_id);</syntaxhighlight>
The DSP local to the exception will interrupt remote cores via their NMI causing them to enter their own exception handling routine. This allows all DSPs to be brought down when a single DSP exception occurs. In multi-core application this may help preserve information relevant to deciphering the root cause of the original DSP exception.
Informing Host of DSP Exception[edit]
A DSP core can inform the ARM Host an exception has occurred via the following API:
<syntaxhighlight lang="c">void Fault_Mgmt_notify(void);</syntaxhighlight>
This function will notify the ARM Host an exception has occurred via Remoteproc and should be the last FM API called within the instrumented exception hook function.
Instrumenting a DSP Application with FM Exception APIs[edit]
Create and install an exception hook in the DSP application that utilizes the DSP FM APIs.
- In the .cfg (Configuro Script) file of the application add following commands to create a section
<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript"> var devType = "k2?"; /* Replace k2? with the k2 device in use k2e, k2h, k2k, or k2l */ /* Load and use the Fault Management package */ var Fault_mgmt = xdc.useModule('ti.instrumentation.fault_mgmt.Settings') Fault_mgmt.deviceType = devType;
* The SysMin used here vs StdMin, as trace buffer address is required for * Linux trace debug driver, plus provides better performance. */ = 0x8000; var System = xdc.useModule('xdc.runtime.System'); var SysMin = xdc.useModule('xdc.runtime.SysMin'); System.SupportProxy = SysMin; SysMin.bufSize =;
/* Configure resource table for trace only.
Note that traceOnly parameter should not be set if application is using MessageQ based IPC to communicate between cores. */
var Resource = xdc.useModule('ti.ipc.remoteproc.Resource'); Resource.loadSegment = Program.platform.dataMemory; Resource.traceOnly = true;
/* Load the Exception and register a exception hook */ var Exception = xdc.useModule(''); Exception.exceptionHook = '&myExceptionHook'; Exception.enablePrint = true;
/* Add note section for coredump */ Program.sectMap[".note"] = new Program.SectionSpec(); Program.sectMap[".note"] = Program.platform.dataMemory; Program.sectMap[".note"].loadAlign = 128; </syntaxhighlight>
- In a source/header file, create a exception hook function as follows
<syntaxhighlight lang="c"> /* Fault Management Include File */
- include <ti/instrumentation/fault_mgmt/fault_mgmt.h>
Void myExceptionHook(Void) {
uint32_t i; Fm_HaltCfg haltCfg; uint32_t efr_val;
/* Copy register status into fault management data region for Host */ Fault_Mgmt_getLastRegStatus();
memset(&haltCfg, 0, sizeof(haltCfg)); efr_val = CSL_chipReadEFR();
/* If triggered exception originates from another core through * NMI exception don't need to halt processing and notify other cores * since the parent core where the exception originally triggered via * event would notify them. This eliminates recursive exceptions */ if (!(efr_val & 0x80000000)) { /* Halt all processing - Only need to be done on one core */ haltCfg.haltAif = 1; haltCfg.haltCpdma = 1;
haltCfg.haltSGMII = 0; /* EDMA used by kernel to copy data to/from NAND in UBIFS */ haltCfg.haltEdma3 = 0; haltCfg.excludedResources = &linuxResources[0];
- else
haltCfg.haltSGMII = 1; haltCfg.haltEdma3 = 1; haltCfg.excludedResources = NULL;
- endif
Fault_Mgmt_haltIoProcessing(&fmGblCfgParams, &haltCfg);
for (i = 0; i < fmGblCfgParams.maxNumCores; i++) { /* Notify remote DSP cores of exception - WARNING: This will generate NMI * pulse to the remote DSP cores */ if (i != CSL_chipReadDNUM()) { Fault_Mgmt_notify_remote_core(i); } } }
/* Notify Host of crash */ Fault_Mgmt_notify();
} </syntaxhighlight>
A sample test application is provided in pdk_keystone2_#_##_##_##\packages\ti\instrumentation\fault_mgmt\test\k2?. The test application uses the default resource exclusion list provided with FM in pdk_keystone2_#_##_##_##\packages\ti\instrumentation\fault_mgmt\device\k2?\src. The default list has been configured to exclude all Linux owned IO from the halting on exception. This allows the Linux kernel to remain operational after DSP exception so that the core dump can be processed.
Note: It is recommended that the IO halt configuration defined within #if EXCLUDE_LINUX_RESOURCES_FROM_HALT be used in addition to halting AIF and CPDMA if Linux must remain active after a DSP exception occurs. This IO halt configuration has been tested with both UBIFS and NFS. The documented configuration shuts down all IO except those needed by Linux to operate, such as EDMA3 (for access to NAND), the SGMII (for Ethernet), and Linux owned CPPI DMAs.
FM Global Configuration Parameters[edit]
The Fm_GlobalConfigParams structure informs the IO halt and cleanup features of the system peripheral resource ranges that could not be pulled from CSL. The user should not create their own version of this structure. Instead, the version of the structure provided within pdk_tci6614_#_##_##_##\packages\ti\instrumentation\fault_mgmt\device\tci6614\src\fm_device.c should be used. This structure has been statically created based on the TCI6614 device peripheral parameters.