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MCSDK OMAPL138 User Guide Chapter Exploring

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MCSDK User Guide for OMAP-L138:

Exploring the MCSDK

Last updated: 03/03/2016


The following acronyms are used throughout this chapter.

Acronym Meaning
CCS Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio
CSL Texas Instruments Chip Support Library
DSP Digital Signal Processor
EDMA Enhanced Direct Memory Access
EVM Evaluation Module, hardware platform containing the Texas Instruments DSP
IP Internet Protocol
JTAG Joint Test Action Group
MCSDK Texas Instruments Multi-Core Software Development Kit
PDK Texas Instruments Programmers Development Kit
TI Texas Instruments
UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
USB Universal Serial Bus

 ARM Subsystem[edit]


ARM subsystem runs following components:-

   U-Boot - Boot loader

  uImage - linux kernel

  Target File system
This section describes details of these components delivered as part the Linux system in MCSDK.


          Linux source and prebuilt binary will be available as part of MCSDK package.

prebuilt binary can be found at


The source for the linux is available at 


The uImage can be built using the source and same can be used for booting the EVM.

1  If you have not already set toolchain, install the arago toolchain for ARMv5te (ARM9) (link to it is in the MCSDK release notes) to a Linux host PC. Add {tool chain install location}/arago-2011.09/armv5te/bin to the exported environment variable 'PATH'. ( refer Getting started Guide for downloading the toolchain)

2  If U-Boot is not built yet, build U-Boot first, as building Linux Kernel requires mkimage utility, which gets built along with U-Boot. Refer to Rebuilding U-Boot for steps to build U-Boot. Once built, mkimage will be present under the tools folder of U-Boot source ( /opt/ti/mcsdk_1_01_00_01/board-support/u-boot--psp\tools<).Ensure that this path is added to the $PATH variable by adding the following

host$ export PATH=/opt/ti/mcsdk_1_01_00_01/board-support/u-boot--psp\tools:$PATH

3 Change directory to linux installation path

host$ cd linux-xx.xx.xx.xx

4 Clean your installation of previous build settings

host$ make distclean ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-arago-linux-gnueabi-

5 Configure the kernel according to the default configuration provided. The steps below assume that the arago toolchain is already present in your $PATH variable.

host $ ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-arago-linux-gnueabi- make da850_lcdk_defconfig
host $ ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-arago-linux-gnueabi- make menuconfig
host $ ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-arago-linux-gnueabi- make uImage

More details on linux kernel building is available at
More details on Linux PSP is available at


          U-boot source and prebuilt binary will be available as part of MCSDK package.

prebuilt binary can be found at


The source for the linux is available at 

 u-boot-<u-boot version>-psp<psp version>.sdk

The u-boot can be built using the source and same can be used for booting the EVM.
Follow these steps to rebuild U-Boot:

  1. If you have not already done so, install the arago toolchain for ARMv5te (ARM9) on your Linux host.
  2. Use your Linux host to build the u-boot source available as part of mcsdk_<version>/board-support/u-boot-<u-boot version>-psp<psp version>.sdk folder
  3. Go to the u-boot directory .
  4. Run the following commands on your Linux host to build U-Boot.

The steps below assume that the arago toolchain is already present in your $PATH variable.

for omap-l138 LCDK EVM

host $ make distclean CROSS_COMPILE=arm-arago-linux-gnueabi-
host $ make omapl138_lcdk_config CROSS_COMPILE=arm-arago-linux-gnueabi-
host $ make all CROSS_COMPILE=arm-arago-linux-gnueabi-

The u-boot.bin will be created at the Top folder of the u-boot source as u-boot-<u-boot version>-psp<psp-version>.sdk

This u-boot.bin needs to be converted to AIS file by following the below steps.

       1. Install the AISgen tool  (AISgen_d800k008_Install_<version>).exepresent at


       2. Once AIS gen tool is installed at AISgen_d800k008.exe is preset at AISgen for D800K008 folder

       3. Different configuration files are present at AISgen for D800K008\cfg_files

       4. Open the AISgen tool and load OMAPL138_LCDK_AISGen_Config.cfg file

       5. Enable the 'Specify Entrypoint' option and provide the u-boot.bin file path

           pre-built u-boot.bin is present at mcsdk_<version>\images or u-boot.bin built using the u-boot source available as part of mcsdk package

For details of AIS file generation refer

For details on Flashing u-boot  refer

After re-building the u-boot and Kernel image, to program the EVM , to flash the u-boot and boot the EVM with latest kernel refer

Target File system

File system is available at


For setting up the Network file system

  1. If file system is not already preset ,copy the filesystem on to linux host machine or if mcsdk is installed on linux system,file system can be found at above path.
  2. Change directory to file system path
    host $ mkdir -p workdir/filesys
    host $ cd workdir/filesys
  3. With root user permission , extract the file system
    host $ sudo tar -zxvf tisdk-rootfs-image-omapl138-lcdk.tar.gz  -C workdir/filesys
  4. Edit the /etc/exports file on the host Linux workstation (not the exports file on the target file system). Add the following line for exporting the filesys directory, substituting your user name for <useracct>. Use the full path from root; ~ may not work for exports on all file systems
    ./home/<useracct>/workdir/filesys *(rw,no_root_squash,no_all_squash,sync)

NOTE: Make sure you do not add a space between the * and the ( in the above command.

      5. Still as root, use the following commands to make the NFS server aware of the change to its configuration and to invoke an NFS restart.

            host$sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart
file system should be ready for use now.

 DSP Subsystem[edit]


The Multicore Software Development Kit (MCSDK) provides the core foundational building blocks that facilitate application software development on TI's high performance and multicore SoC. The foundational DSP components include:

  • Chip support libraries, drivers, and basic platform utilities
  • Demonstrations and examples

The purpose of this User's Guide is to provide more detailed information regarding the software elements and infrastructure provided with MCSDK. MCSDK pulls together all the elements into demonstrable multicore applications and examples for supported EVMs. The objective being to demonstrate device, platform, and software capabilities and functionality as well as provide the user with instructive examples. The software provided is intended to be used as a reference when starting their development.

Tools Overview

The following documents provide information on the various development tools available to you.

CCS v5 Getting Started Guide
How to get up and running with CCS v5
XDS560 Emulator Information
Information on XDS560 emulator

Hardware - EVM Overview[edit]

The following documents provide information about the EVM.           


Detailed information on the LCDK hardware aspect

LCDK Hardware -EVM overview

Platform Development Kit (PDK)[edit]

This section gives the information of components of PDK.

While installing the mcsdk_<version>_setupwin32.exe (or mcsdk_<version>_setuplinux.bin) select the PDK_omapl138 for installing PDK. After installing  pdk_OMAPL138_<version> will be get created with list of contents.The following is a more detailed listing of the contents of this folder:

release folder

Chip Support Library (CSL)[edit]

The Chip Support Library constitutes a set of well-defined APIs that abstract low-level details of the underlying SoC device so that a user can configure and control .The source code for the CSL is located under $(TI_PDK_INSTALL_DIR)\packages\ti\csl directory. The following is the detailed list of PDK CSL example projects available.


Short Description[edit]

This example initializes the CACHE using CSL macros and verifies the same using the bios cache library APIs.


This example initializes the GPIO peripheral using CSL macros, which are used to configure two GPIO pins one each in input and output modes. The input pin (bank) interrupt is enabled to receive interrupt from that pin when input transition (high to low) occurs at that pin. The interrupt handler registered for this interrupt then toggles the output pin in loop, which make the LED connected at this pin to blink.


This example uses initializes the I2C peripheral in loopback mode using CSL macros.The data is transmitted and received via this loopback mode using CSL macros.


This example initializes the IDMA peripheral for data transfer using the CSl macros.The source and destination addresses are programmed using the CSL macros and data at the end of transfer is verified.


This example initializes the DSP Interrupt controller using CSL macros. The same is verified by initializing running timer0 to generate an interrupt upon overflow.This is also done using the timer0 CSL


This example initializes the DDR2/MDDR peripheral using the CSL macros. The settings are then verified by writing and reading to the DDR2/MDDR. The read and written data are compared and a result is output on the console.


This example initializes the OMAPL138 PLL controller using CSL macros


This example initializes the SPI peripheral in loopback mode using CSL macros.This is verified by comparing the transmit and receive data using CSl macros.


This example initializes the timers 0 and 1 using CSL macros. They are configured to run in one shot mode and generate interrupts upon overflow. The interrupt occurrence are verified in the main function and the result is printed on the console.


This example sets up the UART in 8-bit loopback mode. Characters are transmitted and received using software polling. The test will transmit 8 characters and receive 8 characters and verify the results are correct.

Low Level Drivers (LLDs)

The Low Level Drivers (LLDs) provide ineterfaces to the various peripherals on your SoC Device.
The source code for the LLDs is located under $(TI_PDK_INSTALL_DIR)\packages\ti\drv directory.
following is the detailed list of PDK LLD example projects available


Short Description

MCASP audio

The sample applications demonstrates the use of the McASP driver by loopback audio capture (the audio fed through Line-in stereo pin from an audio source and playback the audio through the LINEOUT pin on a speaker or headphone).

For Line-in and Line-out pin details refer

MCBSP Digital loopback

The sample application demonstrates the use of the McBSP driver by digital loopback mode of operation, in master mode.

Building and testing Example projects[edit]

All the above listed example projects for both CSL and LLDs can be built using ccs and generated .out file can be loaded and run.

Pre-built binaries are also available at 



For Building these exampleProjects refer

Details of loading and running can be refered from


     syslink source should be available as part of SDK package.

Build Syslink

To setup SysLink, you need to edit the contents of the products.mak file found at the top level of the SysLink folder. This file is used by the SysLink "make" build system to identify which platform to build for and where the supporting tools and headers are located. A detailed procedure is outlined in the

Update all the relevant paths at products.mak for details refer Syslink_Install_Guide

To build SysLink drivers and sample examples, make sure you are in the SysLink folder and run

host $ make syslink
host $ make samples

While building the syslink with kernel 3.3  which is available as part of mcsdk_1_01_00_02.

Error as below is observed

/home/test/workspace/ti/syslink_<version>/packages/ti/syslink/utils/hlos/knl/Linux/../../../../../../ti/syslink/family/hlos/knl/omapl1xx/omapl1xxdsp/omapl1xxpwr.c: In function 'OMAPL1XXPWR_attach': /home/test/workspace/ti/syslink_2_20_02_20/packages/ti/syslink/utils/hlos/knl/Linux/../../../../../../ti/syslink/family/hlos/knl/omapl1xx/omapl1xxdsp/omapl1xxpwr.c:920: error: 'IO_SIZE' undeclared (first use in this function) /home/test/workspace/ti/syslink_2_20_02_20/packages/ti/syslink/utils/hlos/knl/Linux/../../../../../../ti/syslink/family/hlos/knl/omapl1xx/omapl1xxdsp/omapl1xxpwr.c: In function 'OMAPL1XXPWR_detach':

To build syslink successfully, there are three files in SysLink to which we have to modify the path as mentioned below:




Add the following to the above SysLink files:

#include <mach/hardware.h>

With these changes syslink and examples should build fine.

NOTE : While building syslink and examples if arago toolchain is used then we have update ex33_umsg for correct toolchain


CFLAGS = CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- ARCH=arm


CFLAGS = CROSS_COMPILE=arm-arago-linux-gnueabi- ARCH=arm

Running SysLink Examples

For running syslink examples first we have copy the same to target file system

host $ make install


host $ make install EXEC_DIR=<your ARMv5 file system location>

LCDK has to be re-booted with new bootargs.U-Boot arguments can be entered using the "setenv" command

The "argument line" to set up u-boot Linux bootargs to be able to run SysLink examples on LCDK is:

setenv bootargs 'console=ttyS2,115200n8 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw rootwait ip=off mem=32M@0xc0000000 mem=64M@0xc4000000'
setenv bootargs 'console=ttyS2,115200n8 root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=$nfs_serverip:$targetFS_path rw rootwait ip=dhcp mem=32M@0xc0000000 mem=64M@0xc4000000'

After booting with proper bootargs insert syslink.ko and run the examples as below

target# insmod /lib/modules/<kernel_version>/kernel/drivers/dsp/syslink.ko TRACE=1 TRACEFAILURE=1
target# ./

Each example contains a readme.txt and script to demonstrate how to run it.

The root of the samples directory on the target file-system (/ti/syslink-examples/<device>) contains a script to execute all the examples provided.

For details refer 


Linux host scripts[edit]

The linux host side scripts are available at mcsdk_<version>\bin  will set up your development host for SDK development. All the scripts can be run indivisually as well.

some example host scripts console log is given below

TISDK setup script
This script will set up your development host for SDK development.
Parts of this script require administrator priviliges (sudo access).
Verifying Linux host distribution
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS or Ubuntu 12.04 LTS is being used, continuing..

Starting with Ubuntu 12.04 serial devices are only accessible by members of the 'dialout' group.
A user must be apart of this group to have the proper permissions to access a serial device.

User 'x0089162' is already apart of the 'dialout' group

setup package script
This script will make sure you have the proper host support packages installed
This script requires administrator priviliges (sudo access) if packages are to be installed.
System requires packages minicom uboot-mkimage automake to be installed
Installation requires you to have administrator priviliges (sudo access)
on your host. Do you have administrator privilieges?
Type 'y' to continue or 'n' to exit the installation: n
Installation is aborted by user
Failed setup, aborting..

user@linux-host:~/mcsdk_<version>$/bin$ ls

Verifying Linux host distribution
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS or Ubuntu 12.04 LTS is being used, continuing..

DSP example projects[edit]

DSP examples can be built using CCSv5. Following are the steps

  1. Open the ccs with new workspace
  2. Select the option File -> Import -> Code Composer Studio -> Existing CCS Eclipse Projects
  3. select search-directory for the relevant project  and click finish                                                                         
  4. Once project is opened at Project Explorer
  5. Check for PDK installation path at project -> properties, If path is not correct , update the same to current installation directory

Pdk install path.JPG

        6.   Update the pdk installation path at Project -> properties - CCS Build - variables PDK_INSTALL_PATH

Pdk install path1.JPG

       7.  Once all the paths are set , Build the project.

For details of loading and running DSP example projects refer

Trouble Shooting[edit]

If the user faces the errors given below when building the MCSDK CSL examples on Ubuntu 12.04LTS,

1. Dependency - Filter Error
2. RTSC error

the following are the work around steps.

Check and set the PATH variables,Linked Resources and few other settings of example project as per the screenshots

open up CCS --> Right click example project --> Linked Resources -->Path Variables -->

particularly the following two path variables should be appropriately set as per the screeshot.




This work around is only for building MCSDK CSL examples on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. For every import of CSL project, this is necessary.


Q. How to deploy OMAP-L138 MCSDK into Ubuntu 14 ?

When installed with Ubuntu 14, the following error message will be thrown without completing the installation.

TISDK setup script
This script will set up your development host for SDK development.
Parts of this script require administrator priviliges (sudo access).

Verifying Linux host distribution
Unsupported host machine, only Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
are supported
Failed setup, aborting..

Ans: In the script file, bin/, comment out the "exit 1" line to proceed with installation.

E2e.jpg {{
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  • For questions related to the BIOS MultiCore SDK (MCSDK), please use the BIOS Forum

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Hyperlink blue.png Links

Amplifiers & Linear
Broadband RF/IF & Digital Radio
Clocks & Timers
Data Converters

Power Management


Switches & Multiplexers
Temperature Sensors & Control ICs
Wireless Connectivity