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MCSDK OMAPL138 User Guide Chapter Developing

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MCSDK User Guide for OMAP-L138:

Developing with the MCSDK

Last updated: 11/07/2013

MCASP Sample App customisation[edit]

The MCASP audio sample application can be customised for a variety of applications. The following example is an illustration of the changes required for supporting 16/24/32 bit I2S data from the AIC1306 The data structures to be modified are as follows:
In Aic31.c

/* -------- constants -------- */
const Aic31_Params Aic31_PARAMS = {
    ICodec_CodecType_AIC31,         /* acType                 */
    ICodec_ControlBusType_I2C,      /* acControlBusType       */
    "NONE",                         /* acCtrlBusName          */
    ICodec_OpMode_MASTER,           /* acOpMode               */
    ICodec_DataType_I2S,            /* acSerialDataType       */
    (Uint32)ICodec_SlotWidth_24,    /* acSlotWidth  ICodec_SlotWidth_16 for 16 bit/ICodec_SlotWidth_32 for 32 bit          */
    ICodec_DataPath_TXRX,           /* acDataPath             */
    0,                              /* isRxTxClockIndependent */

In audioSample_io.c

Mcasp_HwSetupData mcaspRcvSetup = {
        /* .rmask    = */ 0xffffFFff, /* All the data bits are to be used     */
        /* .rfmt     = */ 0x000180b0, /* 0x00018070 for 16, 0x000180b0 for 24, 0x000180f0 for 32 */
                                       * 1 bit delay from framsync
                                       * MSB first
                                       * No extra bit padding
                                       * Padding bit (ignore)
                                       * slot Size is 24
                                       * Reads from DMA port
                                       * NO rotation
        /* .afsrctl  = */ 0x00000111, /* burst mode,
                                       * Frame sync is frame
                                       * Rising edge is start of frame
                                       * externally generated frame sync
        /* .rtdm     = */ 0x00000003, /* slot 1 and 2 is active (I2S)               */
        /* .rintctl  = */ 0x00000003, /* sync error and overrun error         */
        /* .rstat    = */ 0x000001FF, /* reset any existing status bits       */
        /* .revtctl  = */ 0x00000000, /* DMA request is enabled or disabled   */
             /* .aclkrctl  = */ 0x00000000,
             /* .ahclkrctl = */ 0x00000000,
             /* .rclkchk   = */ 0x00000000
} ;

Mcasp_HwSetupData mcaspXmtSetup = {
        /* .xmask    = */ 0xffffFFff, /* All the data bits are to be used     */
        /* .xfmt     = */ 0x000180b6, /* 0x00018074 for 16, 0x000180b6 for 24, 0x000180f0 for 32 */
                                       * 1 bit delay from framsync
                                       * MSB first
                                       * No extra bit padding
                                       * Padding bit (ignore)
                                       * slot Size is 24
                                       * Reads from DMA port
                                       * 24 bit rotation
        /* .afsxctl  = */ 0x00000111, /* burst mode,
                                       * Frame sync is frame
                                       * Rising edge is start of frame
                                       * externally generated frame sync
        /* .xtdm     = */ 0x00000003, /* slot 1 and 2 is active (I2S)               */
        /* .xintctl  = */ 0x00000007, /* sync error,overrun error,clK error   */
        /* .xstat    = */ 0x000001FF, /* reset any existing status bits       */
        /* .xevtctl  = */ 0x00000000, /* DMA request is enabled or disabled   */
             /* .aclkxctl  = */ 0x00000080,
             /* .ahclkxctl = */ 0x00000000,
             /* .xclkchk   = */ 0x00000000


Mcasp_ChanParams  mcasp_chanparam[Audio_NUM_CHANS]=
        0x0001,                    /* number of serialisers      */
        {Mcasp_SerializerNum_14, }, /* serialiser index           */
        Mcasp_OpMode_TDM,          /* Mode (TDM/DIT)             */
        Mcasp_WordLength_24, /* Mcasp_WordLength_16 for 16 bit/Mcasp_WordLength_32 for 32 bit */
        2,                        /* number of TDM channels      */
        0x0001,                   /* number of serialisers       */
        Mcasp_WordLength_24,    /* Mcasp_WordLength_16 for 16 bit/Mcasp_WordLength_32 for 32 bit */
        2,                        /* number of TDM channels      */
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