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LAUNCHXL2 RM57L: CC3100 Wi-Fi Demo
This demo is designed to let you add Wi-FI connectivity to the Hercules MCU LaunchPad using the Simplelink CC3100 Wi-Fi boosterpack. The demo provides an example code that users can program on the Hercules RM57Lx LaunchPad and CC3100 boosterpack. It includes options for two operating modes : 1) Access Point Mode: CC3100 generates a pre-defined SSID that other Wi-Fi devices can connect with. 2) Station Mode: CC3100 is configured to connect to a (pre-defined) SSID.
At this time, the steps below are needed to add support for the RM57L Launchpad to the cc3100 SDK.
In the future the RM57L will be included in the CC3100 SDK.
This demo requires tools to program the flash contents on the RM57L Launchpad and the CC3100 boosterpack, such as Uniflash and Code Composer Studio.
Uniflash 3.3 supports both devices, Code Composer Studio (CCS) supports only the RM57L Launchpad.
- Download and install Uniflash 3.3, required to move web content to CC3100 boosterpack.
- Download and install Code Composer Studio, only required to rebuild the CCS project.
- Download and install CC3100 SDK
Note your installation folder (default is c:\ti\CC3100SDK_x.y.z\cc3100-sdk), we will call this '<install_dir>' in the following steps.
Install CC3100 SDK RM57L Patch[edit]
- Download CC3100 SDK RM57L Support Patch, requires CC3100 SDK
- Extract the .zip to '<install_dir>\platform\', this will create the rm57-launchpad folder.
This includes the HalCoGen project, the CC3100 SDK Wi-Fi demo source, and .out files (so building the project is not required).
Programming the CC3100 Boosterpack[edit]
- Connect the CC3100 Boosterpack to the CC3100 Booster EMU board.
- Plug in your Booster EMU board's USB cable to the SPI/GPIO/UART/NWP port.
- Load your web content onto the boosterpack sFlash.
Use the uniFlash configuration at this location <install_dir>\platform\rm57-launchpad\example_project_ccs\http_server_WIFI_demo_station\uniflash_template\http_server_WIFI_demo.usf.
Visit the CC31xx UniFlash Quick Start Guide wiki for step-by-step instructions. - If you are missing web content files, the Launchpad will report them on the serial console.
Programming the RM57L Launchpad[edit]
- Connect the CC3100 Boosterpack to the Launchpad Boosterpack site #1.
- Plug in your LaunchPad's USB cable.
- Load your project onto the Launchpad and test it out!
Select the Access Point (AP) version if you want to connect to it using SSID '"<ap_mode_ssid>" or
Select the Station version if you want it to connect to the default SSID "<ap_name>" with no security (such as a smart phone with tethering). - Use the uniFlash and the .out file at <install_dir>\platform\rm57-launchpad\example_project_ccs\http_server_WIFI_demo_station\RM\http_server_WIFI_demo_ap.out or http_server_WIFI_demo_station.out.
Running the RM57L Launchpad Wi-Fi Demo[edit]
This demo is based on the HTTP Server Sample Application with documentation available at <install_dir>\docs\examples\http_server.pdf.
- Optionally connect to the console with a terminal program to see debug information and the client IP address.
Connect the provided micro USB cable to the XDS110 port on the RM57 Launchpad.
Configure the terminal for a baudrate: 115200, Data bits: 8, Stop bits; 1, Parity: None, Flow Control: None, Putty Terminal Setup Example.
- If in AP mode connect a client to the CC3100 using its SSID name
The default SSID "<ap_mode_ssid>".
- If in Station mode it will connect the specified SSID
The default SSID "<ap_name>".
- Open a web browser on the client and enter the IP of CC3100 in the client's address bar.
- Click the RM57L demo button to load the RM57L specific pages we loaded earlier.
- Click on the I/O control demo tab to load the RM57L Launchpad I/O Control Demo page shown below.
- LED Control: On - will turn USER LED2 (GIOB_6) on solid
- LED Toggle: On - will toggle USER LED2 (GIOB_6) at the speed shown in Toggling Speed
- Button Counts: will get and clear the number of time USER SWITCHES A and B are pressed.
- Analog Input will update based on the state of the potentiometer U10 meant to simulate a temperature sensor.
Alternatively, '' can also be entered for accessing the web page
A small phillips screw driver can used to adjust the potentiometer.