NOTICE: The Processors Wiki will End-of-Life on January 15, 2021. It is recommended to download any files or other content you may need that are hosted on The site is now set to read only.
Guidelines for Posting on the E2E Forums
Before you post... [edit]
Read the official documentation first[edit]
Each TI product has a "product folder" online. The product folder contains tons of useful info and is intended to be your "one stop shop" to your design going. It contains items such as:
- Data Sheet
- User Guides
- Application Notes
- Silicon Errata
- Pricing
- Distribution inventory
- Links to EVMs and/or Software
- Schematic symbols
- IBIS models
- BSDL models
- Environmental data (RoHS related)
To find the product folder just type the part number (or some of the part number) into the part number search box on and then click on the corresponding product in the table of parts that displays.
You might try just a plain old Google search or perhaps you want to focus your search a bit more. A couple good sites to search are:
Tips for a good post [edit]
If you have not found the info you need in the official documentation, the wiki, or already on the forum, then you are ready to post!
Post to the appropriate forum[edit]
A complete list of forums and descriptions of what should be posted there can be found here:
Start a new thread rather than piling on to an older thread[edit]
Click the "New Post" button in the appropriate forum. There are several reasons to do this.
- If you're replying to a thread that has already been marked as "Verified" then it's likely no TI engineers will read the thread because they will think it is already resolved!
- "Piling on" to other posts creates long, disjointed threads that are difficult for other users to easily take away important information.
- If your issue closely resembles another issue then simply reference the thread by posting a link to it.
One notable exception to this would be if someone is actively having the exact same issue as you, i.e. the other person's thread is not resolved. In this scenario you can often help each other.
Choose a descriptive subject line[edit]
Avoid subjects like "help" and "urgent". Something such as "OMAP-L138 Timer1 interrupt not firing" is much better! There's simply not enough time for every TI engineer to read every post. We depend on the you to create descriptive subject lines to put the right engineers to work on the issues they are most knowledgeable.
Only one problem/question per post![edit]
In general please try to have well defined threads. Please separate issues whenever possible into distinct threads. This makes it much easier to get the right engineers answering the right questions. This is especially important when one question pertains better to one forum while another question pertains more to a different forum.
Describe your setup[edit]
Due to the high volume of participation it is too difficult for people to remember the specific setup of individual users. Therefore every post should contain the relevant info.
You should include things such as:
- Device being used (e.g. TI part number)
- Silicon revision if applicable
- Board -- TI EVM or custom hardware?
- For software related questions
- CCS version
- compiler version
- version of any other software components used
Describe the issue[edit]
- What did you expect to see?
- What are you actually seeing?
- What steps do you need to reproduce the issue?
- If you are receiving some kind of error message please provide the exact wording of the error.
Additional files[edit]
For large amounts of information such as a complete C source file it is better to attach the file rather than to paste the contents to the forum. This keeps the post itself less cluttered and also allows other engineers to view the file in a more appropriate program such as a source code editor that will do syntax highlighting, etc.
Verify Answer[edit]
Once your question is answered or problem is resolved please click the "Verify Answer" button for the corresponding post(s). This helps in several ways:
- Other support forum members searching through posts can quickly pick out what the actual issue was.
- TI engineers can "cover more ground" by not having to read every single post to see if there's still an open issue.