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Example application using DSP Link on OMAPL1x
DSP Link is still available for download, but no further releases or updates are planned. Please see IPC Software Options for details and alternatives.
This page is provided to help developers use peripherals directly from the DSP side when using OMAP-L1x family of devices. Since it uses extensively DSP/Link and DSP/BIOS as well as the POOL memory allocator, it is highly desirable to have a good understanding on these software technologies.
For many developers that have extensive background on TI DSPs, going to an ARM+DSP processor platform usually imposes a difficult learning curve due to the complexity of the interactions between a High Level Operating System (HLOS) and the familiar DSP/BIOS - not to mention the different development environment (usually Linux).
In order to help with such big learning curve, this article covers in detail an example application that not only loads and runs the DSP from the ARM (using the PROC mechanism of DSP/Link) but also allows the DSP to access hardware peripherals directly (either via CSL or BSL). It also shows a safe method of sharing memory (POOL) and passing control messages (Message Queue or MSGQ) between the two operating systems - Linux on the ARM and DSP/BIOS on the DSP.
Updated Release 1.10! Based on feedback received, some fixes and improvements were incorporated to the example application, including a Windows command line version. Please check the differences in the file <readme.txt> on the download page and highlighted in the text below.
The old page is still active at this link.
Required Software:[edit]
- Code is linked below:
- Files <helloDSPgpp_1_10.tgz> (Linux) and <> (Windows) are the ARM side application.
- Files <helloDSPdsp_1_10.tgz> (Linux) and <> (Windows) are the DSP side application.
- File <modules_1_10.tgz> contains precompiled DSP/Link linux modules.
- File <readme.txt> contains a readme file with all the changes
- The tools below are available at the myRegisteredSoftware page (requires registration):
- OMAPL137 SDK; (this example was tested with SDK)
- DSP/BIOS 5.33.x (this example was tested with 5.33.05)
- Code Generation Tools 6.1.x (this example was tested with 6.1.9)
- EVMOMAPL137 Test Code from Spectrum Digital:
- To build in the Windows environment, it is also required to download the Sourcery G++ Lite 2007q3-51 for ARM GNU/Linux compiler for Windows from this page at CodeSourcery website.
Useful references:[edit]
This article extensively uses the following references:
- DSP/Link overview: DSPLink_Overview
- DSP/Link API guide and examples:
- <DSPLink_install_dir>/packages/dsplink/doc/UserGuide.pdf
- Section 6.5 of TMS320 DSP/BIOS User’s Guide.
- Sections 2.19 and 2.21 of DSP/BIOS API Guide for C6000 .
- Example code for MSGQ supplied by DSP/BIOS releases:
- %BIOS_INSTALL_DIR%/packages/ti/bios/examples/advanced/msgq_tsk2tsk
- POOL API guide: chapter 6 of
- <DSPLink_install_dir>/packages/dsplink/doc/design/LNK_082_DES.pdf
- MSGQ API guide: chapter 6 of
- <DSPLink_install_dir>/packages/dsplink/doc/design/LNK_031_DES.pdf
- For more information about DSPLink documentation please see:
- ...\dsplink\doc\index.html
- CCS project for DSP side: CCS Project OMAP-L137 HelloDSP DSPLINK example
Outside of the scope of this article is the setup of the Linux machine and the development environment. For details on how to do this, please check:
The example application is comprised (obviously) of two main processes: a Linux application that loads and starts the DSP using PROC calls, as well as exchanges messages and data through message queues (MSGQ) through a shared memory region configured using POOL; a DSP/BIOS application that starts its execution after being loaded by the Linux application and a task (TSK) receives and sends back messages to it using the same MSGQ and POOL structures. The messages exchanged contain simple Integer commands (0x01 and 0x02) and an Array of Chars that carries the string messages between the two processors.
In essence it is a heavily modified (and simplified) MESSAGE example supplied by DSP/Link, but the concepts are the same. Additional details can be seen in chapter 17 of the DSP/Link User's Guide for details on the example workflow.
ARM side application[edit]
For easier comprehension, the ARM side contains three source files:
- <main.c> contains the Linux entry point and simply performs the initial error checking of the command line parameters
- <system_os> contains an abstraction layer between the code and the Linux operating system. This way it can be easily ported to other operating systems (WinCE, etc).
- <helloDSP.c> contains the bulk of the application:
- Function helloDSP_main(): Application entry point that contains the sequence of function calls for this module, as well as the data verification checking.
- Function helloDSP_Create(). The allocator and starter function, the most intricate part of the code. Configures the DSP through PROC_setup() and PROC_attach(). Creates the memory pool using POOL_open() and opens the control message queue between the two cores; this queue not only holds the control messages via a MSGQ_open() but also holds any asynchronous error messages via MSGQsetErrorHandler(). In sequence, it loads the DSP using PROC_load() and starts its execution via PROC_start(), in order to be able to open the transport mechanism (MSGQ_transportOpen()) and wait for the first message to arrive from DSP using MSGQ_locate().
- Function helloDSP_Execute(). The main execution body. After receiving the first DSP message (the first MSGQ_get()), it simply replies back to the DSP the same message queue. Optionally (by defining PROFILE and VERIFY_DATA) it can display the number of iterations passed via command line and verify the data received. At this point it is a good idea to insert any custom code for data processing and send the message back to the DSP, using MSGQ_put().
- Function helloDSP_Delete(). The de-allocator function. Closes the remote transport and stops DSP execution. It also closes the MSGQ and removes the PROC object from memory. Here the sequence is important, since it must happen in reverse order done by helloDSP_Create().
DSP side application[edit]
In the DSP side there are also three source files:
- <main.c> contains the DSP main function call that initializes DSP/Link (DSPLINK_init()), the BSL (EVMOMAPL137_init()) and creates the main application task (tskMessage) that contains the application sequence of events;
- <helloDSP_config.c> contains the memory Pool and the Message queue configurations. These configurations match the ones performed by the file <helloDSP.c> for the ARM core;
- <tskMessage.c> contains the bulk of the application:
- Function TSKMESSAGE_create(). The allocator and starter function. Allocates memory for the DSPLink physical transport mechanism via MEM_calloc() and starts the message queue semaphore using SEM_new(). In sequence, similarly to what happens in the ARM side, it creates the message queue MSGQ_open() and sets the error handling queue MSGQ_setErrorHandler(). At last, it waits for the first sync signal from the ARM through MSGQ_locate().
- Function TSKMESSAGE_execute(). The main execution body. It sends the first message MSG_put() back to ARM and runs through a loop as many times as passed to the application via the command line. In this loop it runs the main application (the led_test() routine) and writes to the message queue buffer the the message that indicates the end of each iteration. At the end of the loop, the message is sent back to the ARM via the last MSG_put().
- Function TSKMESSAGE_delete(). The de-allocator function. Releases the message queue (to avoid further communications) and closes it. At last it frees the memory used by the remote transport and returns to the main application task (tskMessage()). This task finishes and returns to the DSP/BIOS Idle loop.
Installation and usage[edit]
The application requires all the components (OMAPL137 SDK, DSP/BIOS, Code Generation Tools, BSL, ARM compiler tools) to be installed in a host PC.
- For Linux, check the section Installing the Software for OMAPL137 on the Getting Started Guide for OMAP-L137 for details on how to do it for Linux.
- Release 1.10. For Windows, the following installation steps are required:
- Download and install the Sourcery G++ Lite. The application uses the default installation directory C:\Program Files\CodeSourcery\Sourcery G++ Lite
- Download and install the Code Generation Tools 6.1.9 and DSP/BIOS 5.33.05 from the OMAPL137 SDK page. The application uses the default installation directories C:\CCStudio_v3.3\bios_5_33_05 and C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\C6000 Code Generation Tools 6.1.9.
- Even if Code Composer Studio 3.3 is installed in the host PC, the two downloads above may be needed, since the versions shipped with the standard CCS installation are older than the ones required.
- A make or gmake utility is needed. Fortunately there is one shipped with DSP/BIOS 5.33.05 and located at C:\CCStudio_v3.3\bios_5_33_05\xdctools
- For both releases, the application requires a target board running linux and a way to transfer files to/from the host PC (NFS mount, USB pendrive or SD card, etc.).
Installation procedures[edit]
The example application is supplied in two versions (Linux and Windows) that should be built in a command line window. Each version has two files: <helloDSPdsp_1_10> for the DSP and <helloDSPgpp_1_10> for the ARM (Linux has .tgz and Windows has .zip extensions). Extract both to the desired working directory on the host PC.
- These files also contain precompiled binaries (executables) for OMAPL137. The executables must be copied to the target board filesystem.
- The DSP executables are located at: <./Debug/helloDSP.out> or <./Release/helloDSP.out>
- The ARM executables are located at: <./Debug/helloDSPgpp> or <./Release/helloDSPgpp>
Before running any DSP/Link application, it is also necessary to load its corresponding linux module on your target board.
- A precompiled module <dsplinkk.ko> is supplied with the SDK installation at:
- <DSPLink_install_dir>/packages/dsplink/gpp/export/BIN/Linux/OMAPL1XX/RELEASE
- For convenience, the file <modules_1_10.tgz> contains the DSP/Link module and two scripts that load/unload it.
- This module can also be rebuilt using the methods described in the Getting Started Guide - section Building the OMAP-L137 SDK.
- The module must be copied to the target board filesystem as well.
Running the supplied binaries[edit]
From the target board command prompt, the application can be executed as follows:
- Load the DSP/Link module first. If the modules were copied from the provided <modules_1_10.tgz> file:
- ./
- The file ./ must be executable. Type:
- chmod +x *.sh
- in the directory where the script is.
- You can make this both on the host (PC) or on the device (ARM).
- If the module <dsplinkk.ko> was copied from the SDK, then additional steps are required:
- insmod dsplinkk.ko
- rm -f /dev/dsplink
- mknod /dev/dsplink c 230 0
- At last, execute the application:
- ./helloDSPgpp helloDSP.out 2
- The number "2" in the command above specifies the number of iterations the DSP main routine will execute.
The screen would show something similar to:
root@ ./helloDSPgpp helloDSP.out 2 ========== Sample Application : helloDSP ========== Entered helloDSP_Create () Leaving helloDSP_Create () Entered helloDSP_Execute () Message received: DSP is awake! Message received: Iteration 0 is complete. Message received: Iteration 1 is complete. Transferring 2 iterations took 0 seconds 254132 microseconds. RoundTrip Time for 1 message is 127066 microseconds. Leaving helloDSP_Execute () Entered helloDSP_Delete () Leaving helloDSP_Delete () ==================================================== root@
Note that there is a time measurement for the message passing, and probably the 127066 microseconds seems very large for a simple memory copy operation. However, this value also takes into consideration the total time of the operations including the LED blinking execution time - a much slower process.
Note: to allow easier observation of the blinking LED operation, the precompiled binaries add a longer delay to each LED transition (around 1 sec per LED) to the function EVMOMAPL137_waitusec() inside <led_test.c>, thus the measured time may be different.
If desired, these measurements may be prevented by removing the definition -DPROFILE from the CFLAGS variable of the GPP side makefile:
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # General options, sources and libraries # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SRCS := helloDSP.c system_os.c main.c OBJS := DEBUG := LDFLAGS := -lpthread CFLAGS := -DPROFILE LIBS := BIN := helloDSPgpp
Additional steps for building[edit]
To build the application, it is necessary to download the EVMOMAPL137 Test Code package from the Spectrum Digital website. This package contains the Board Support Library (BSL) and the LED blinking source code.
- Unzip this package in any directory of choice - this application assumes it is installed together with the other SDK tools at /home/user/OMAPL137_arm_1_00_00_10/boards directory. For the Windows version, the application assumes it is installed in the typical directory under C:\CCStudio_v3.3\boards.
- In order to build the application successfully, copy the file <led_test.c> located under evmomapl137_v1/dsp/tests/led to the working directory of the DSP side application - helloDSPdsp.
- Note: if desired, add a longer delay to each LED transition (around 1 sec per LED) to ease the LED blinking observation. Increase the parameter passed to the function EVMOMAPL137_waitusec() inside <led_test.c>. Please note this change will also reflect in the measured message roundtrip time.
At last, before moving on to the build process make sure the Makefiles for both the DSP and the GPP contain the correct installation directories of the compiler, TI's CGT tools, DSP/BIOS, DSP/LINK and BSL.
Release 1.10 already uses the standard installation directory structure used in the Getting Started Guide for OMAP-L137, therefore changes to the Makefiles should not be needed.
Just for reference, the places to change directories are still shown below.
For example, in the DSP side makefile changes should be needed at the following places:
- TI's tools directories
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Base for TI toolchain # This may change depending if you are using other versions of the compiler # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BASE_TOOLCHAIN := /home/user/OMAPL137_arm_1_00_00_10 BASE_COMPILER := $(BASE_TOOLCHAIN)/cg6x_6_1_9 BASE_SABIOS := $(BASE_TOOLCHAIN)/bios_5_33_05 BASE_BSL := $(BASE_TOOLCHAIN)/boards/evmomapl137_v1
NOTE: This assumes that you downloaded the evmomapl137_v1 folder from Spectrum digital and placed it at /home/user/OMAPL137_arm_1_00_00_10/boards/
NOTE: This article is about OMAPL137_arm_1_00_00_10, but you surely have a newer version. Now (Jan/2010) it is available OMAPL137_arm_1_00_00_11 version. So you must edit appropriate Makefiles both on helloDSPdsp and helloDSPgpp and both on Windows and Linux platform! Else the compilation ends with errors that tell it can't find some files.
- DSP/Link base directory
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Base for DSPLink # This may have to be changed depending on your installation paths # and DSPLink version # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DSPLINK := $(BASE_TOOLCHAIN)/dsplink-1_61_03-prebuilt/packages/dsplink
Important! Due to a bug in DSP/BIOS 5.33.05 for Linux, you will have to add executable permissions to the <tconf> and <tconf.x86U> files in the bios directory. For example:
- host $ cd /home/user/OMAPL137_arm_1_00_00_10/bios_5_33_05/xdctools
- host $ chmod +x tconf
- host $ chmod +x tconf.x86U
You can then recompile the DSP side code using:
- host $ gmake clean
- host $ gmake
On Windows you must replace the original SHELL = /bin/sh in Makefile by this:
- SHELL=cmd.exe
(See: Steve Kemp's Homepage about GNU Make for Windows)
Release 1.10. In Windows, it may be necessary to specify the entire path to a suitable gmake utility. For example for the one supplied with DSP/BIOS 5.33.05 the command would be:
- winhost> C:\CCStudio_v3.3\bios_5_33_05\xdctools\gmake clean
- winhost> C:\CCStudio_v3.3\bios_5_33_05\xdctools\gmake
In the ARM side makefile, changes should be needed at the following places:
- Linux toolchain
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Base for toolchain # This may change depending if you are using Montavista or Codesourcery # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BASE_TOOLCHAIN := /opt/mv_pro_5.0/montavista/pro/devkit/arm/v5t_le #BASE_TOOLCHAIN := /opt/arm/arm-2007q3 # Codesourcery tools # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name of the Linux compiler # This may change depending if you are using Montavista or Codesourcery # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CC := arm_v5t_le-gcc #CC := arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc
- DSP/Link installation directory
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Base for DSPLink # This may have to be changed depending on # your installation and DSPLink version # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DSPLINK := /home/user/OMAPL137_arm_1_00_00_10/dsplink-1_61_03-prebuilt/packages/dsplink
Release 1.10: changes to the Windows makefiles are very similar to their Linux counterparts shown above.
The application can be built simply by running make or gmake from the command line. For example:
- host $ gmake clean
- host $ gmake
Release 1.10. In Windows, it may be necessary to specify the entire path to a suitable gmake utility. For example for the one supplied with DSP/BIOS 5.33.05 the command would be:
- winhost> C:\CCStudio_v3.3\bios_5_33_05\xdctools\gmake clean
- winhost> C:\CCStudio_v3.3\bios_5_33_05\xdctools\gmake
Using the re-compiled DSP/Link libraries[edit]
If you followed the procedure to re-compile the DSP/Link libraries in Building The OMAP-L137 SDK and want to use them to rebuild this application, please be sure that the correct include library directories are set in the Makefiles.
Release 1.10 already contains comments and the correct lines on the Makefiles to ease the update. For example, the DSP side Makefile for Windows contains the following instructions:
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Linker library search path for Debug # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LDINCLUDES_D := $(LDINCLUDES) -i$(DSPLINK)\dsp\export\BIN\DspBios\OMAPL1XX\OMAPL1XXGEM_0\DEBUG\ # If the DSP/Link was rebuilt by the user, replace the line above # with the one below to use the updated libraries #LDINCLUDES_D := $(LDINCLUDES) -i$(DSPLINK)\dsp\BUILD\OMAPL1XXGEM_0\EXPORT\DEBUG\ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Linker library search path for Release # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LDINCLUDES_R := $(LDINCLUDES) -i$(DSPLINK)\dsp\export\BIN\DspBios\OMAPL1XX\OMAPL1XXGEM_0\RELEASE\ # If the DSP/Link was rebuilt by the user, replace the line above # with the one below to use the updated libraries #LDINCLUDES_R := $(LDINCLUDES) -i$(DSPLINK)\dsp\BUILD\OMAPL1XXGEM_0\EXPORT\RELEASE\
Also, if you followed the entire DSP/Link rebuild procedure you will have to include an additional library called <dsplinkdata.lib> on the DSP-side.
Release 1.10 already contains comments in the Makefile to ease the update. For example, the DSP side Makefile for Windows contains the following instructions:
LIBS := -ldsplink.lib -ldsplinkpool.lib -ldsplinkmpcs.lib -ldsplinkmplist.lib -ldsplinkmsg.lib -ldsplinknotify.lib -ldsplinkringio.lib -levmomapl137bsl.lib # If the DSP/Link was rebuilt by the user, add -ldsplinkdata.lib to the line above
In the GPP side Makefile, the only need is to point to the correct library. For example, check the instructions below for the Windows version of the GPP side Makefile:
LIBS_D := "$(DSPLINK)\gpp\export\BIN\Linux\OMAPL1XX\DEBUG\dsplink.lib" $(LIBS) # If the DSP/Link was rebuilt by the user, replace the line above # with the one below to use the updated libraries #LIBS_D := "$(DSPLINK)\gpp\BUILD\EXPORT\DEBUG\dsplink.lib" $(LIBS)
LIBS_R := "$(DSPLINK)\gpp\export\BIN\Linux\OMAPL1XX\RELEASE\dsplink.lib" $(LIBS) # If the DSP/Link was rebuilt by the user, replace the line above # with the one below to use the updated libraries #LIBS_R := "$(DSPLINK)\gpp\BUILD\EXPORT\RELEASE\dsplink.lib" $(LIBS)
Important! When copying the application to the target board, don't forget to also copy the recently compiled DSP/Link linux module <dsplinkk.ko>. It is located in the two directories above, together with <dsplink.lib>
Modifying the example application[edit]
The most obvious modification is to insert custom code in the main DSP code execution inside the TSKMESSAGE_execute() routine.
In file <tskMessage.c> look for the SYS_sprintf() calls that populate the message queue with data to be passed to the ARM side:
- At or around line 160
<syntaxhighlight lang="c"> if (status == SYS_OK) {
MSGQ_setMsgId((MSGQ_Msg) msg, info->sequenceNumber); MSGQ_setSrcQueue((MSGQ_Msg) msg, info->localMsgq); msg->command = 0x01; SYS_sprintf(msg->arg1, "DSP is awake!"); (...)
- At or around line 210
<syntaxhighlight lang="c"> else {
/* Include your control flag or processing code here */ /* LED test code from Board Support Library example */ led_test(); msg->command = 0x02; SYS_sprintf(msg->arg1, "Iteration %d is complete.", i); (...)
Also, different types of messages can be passed between the two cores by modifying the struct ControlMsg. Any modifications must be done simultaneously in the files <helloDSP_config.c> on the DSP side and <helloDSP.c> on the GPP side.
<syntaxhighlight lang="c"> typedef struct ControlMsg {
MSGQ_MsgHeader header; Uint16 command; Char arg1[ARG_SIZE];
} ControlMsg; </syntaxhighlight>
To probe further[edit]
No application can really be considered finished, therefore some additional features and things to try can greatly add to the example shown above:
- Use the ability of accessing hardware from the DSP side to add PWM output capabilities;
- Add to the GPP side a menu-based application to better control the DSP operation;
- Add additional DSP/BIOS tasks and semaphores instead of simply adding function calls to TSKMESSAGE_execute() to perform additional functionality;
- There are still some lines in the source code (especially in the GPP side) that are inherited from the multi-device approach of the DSP/Link examples, but these were ignored for these initial releases.
- Any additional ideas?
- If you are getting an error similar to the screenshot below, it is probably due to the fact the DSP/Link Linux module was not loaded. Simply follow the instructions in the section above named Running the supplied binaries.
root@ ./helloDSPgpp helloDSP.out 2 ========== Sample Application : helloDSP ========== Entered helloDSP_Create () dsplink driver open: /dev/dsplink: No such file or directory PROC_setup () failed. Status = [0x80008008] Leaving helloDSP_Create () Entered helloDSP_Delete () Assertion failed (IS_VALID_MSGQ (msgqQueue)). File : msgq.c Line : 484 MSGQ_release () failed. Status = [0x8000800b] Assertion failed (((drvObj != NULL) && (IS_OBJECT_VALID (drvObj, SIGN_DRV))) || ((drvObj == NULL) && (cmdId == CMD_PROC_ATTACH))). File : drv_api.c Line : 509 Assertion failed (IS_VALID_MSGQ (msgqQueue)). File : msgq.c Line : 335 Leaving helloDSP_Delete () ==================================================== root@
- Or you can get a simlar error like the one below if the dsplinkk.ko file that is being loaded does not match the DSPLINK bersion that your application is being built with. You can get the pre-built dsplinkk.ko module at inside the folder \home\user\OMAPL137_arm_1_00_00_10\dsplink-1_61_03-prebuilt\packages\dsplink\gpp\export\BIN\Linux\OMAPL1XX\RELEASE of the sdk installation.
root@ ./helloDSPgpp helloDSP.out 3 ========== Sample Application : helloDSP ========== Entered helloDSP_Create () PROC_setup () failed. Status = [0x80008008] Leaving helloDSP_Create () Entered helloDSP_Delete () Assertion failed (IS_VALID_MSGQ (msgqQueue)). File : msgq.c Line : 484 MSGQ_release () failed. Status = [0x8000800b] Assertion failed (((drvObj != NULL) && (IS_OBJECT_VALID (drvObj, SIGN_DRV))) || ((drvObj == NULL) && (cmdId == CMD_PROC_ATTACH))). File : drv_api.c Line : 509 Assertion failed (IS_VALID_MSGQ (msgqQueue)). File : msgq.c Line : 335 Leaving helloDSP_Delete () ====================================================
- The numbers that follow the PROC_setup() call above are very important and indicate the cause of DSP/Link failure. Please check the page Understanding DSPLink error codes for details.
- When building the application you might eventually get the error below. Just add the -ldsplinkdata.lib to the LIBS variable in the DSP Makefile.
ERROR: undefined first referenced symbol in file --------- ---------------- _DSPLINKDATA_init /home/user/OMAPL137_arm_1_00_00_10/dsplink-1_61_03-prebuilt/packages/dsplink/dsp/BUILD/OMAPL1XXGEM_0/EXPORT/DEBUG/dsplink.lib<dsplink.obj> error: unresolved symbols remain error: errors encountered during linking; "Debug/helloDSP.out" not built >> Compilation failure make: *** [Debug/helloDSP.out] Error 1
- When building the application you might eventually get the error below. That means that you probably got the source file led_test.c (from BSL from Spectrum digital) from the wrong directory. So instead of taking the led_test.c from the directory ...\boards\evmc6747_v1\dsp\tests\led\led_test.c, please take the one from the folder ...\boards\evmomapl137_v1\dsp\tests\led\led_test.c
Building DSP/BIOS file... Compiling Debug... <Linking>
undefined first referenced symbol in file --------- ---------------- _EVMC6747_LED_init Debug/led_test.obj _EVMC6747_LED_off Debug/led_test.obj _EVMC6747_LED_on Debug/led_test.obj _EVMC6747_waitusec Debug/led_test.obj
error: unresolved symbols remain error: errors encountered during linking; "Debug/helloDSP.out" not built
- Usually DSP/BIOS does not have friendly error messages. If DSP/BIOS has trouble finding include files in directories specified in the -Dconfig.importPath parameter, it may spawn the error below.
Building DSP/BIOS file... js: "C:/CCStudio_v3.3/bios_5_33_05/xdctools/include/", line 827: except ion from uncaught JavaScript throw: Error: Can't find[ip] file for ' ti.platforms.evmOMAPL137' "C:/OMAPL137_dsp_1_00_00_10/dsplink-1_61_03-prebuilt/packages/dsplink/dsp/in c/DspBios/5.XX/OMAPL1XXGEM/", line 28 "C:/CCStudio_v3.3/bios_5_33_05/xdctools/include/", line 588 "C:/CCStudio_v3.3/bios_5_33_05/xdctools/include/", line 506 "./helloDSP.tcf", line 23 make: *** [helloDSPcfg.s62] Error 1
- Sometimes inexisting directories specified in -Dconfig.importPath can also prevent DSP/BIOS to properly create all auto-generated files. In the case below the file <helloDSPcfg.h> does not exist and prevents <tskMessage.c> to compile properly.
Building DSP/BIOS file... js> Building DSP/BIOS file... "tskMessage.c", line 21: fatal error #5: could not open source file "helloDSPcfg.h" #include "helloDSPcfg.h" ^ 1 fatal error detected in the compilation of "tskMessage.c". Compilation terminated. js> >> Compilation failure make: *** [Debug/tskMessage.obj] Error 1
- Another common DSP/BIOS criptic error happens if a directory in the -Dconfig.importPath is specified incorrectly (without the double quotes or with forward slashes instead of back slashes) in the Windows Makefile.
Building DSP/BIOS file... C:\CCStudio_v3.3\bios_5_33_05\xdctools\tconf: can't create session manager: specified script is not a file make: *** [helloDSPcfg.s62] Error 1
- By using the factory configuration of the evm, you might get a working DSP Link but without any effects on the user LED. To make sure the GPIOs are connected to the LED, the pin multiplexers must be properly configured. The u-boot version included in REL_LSP_02_20_00_07 does not configure the multiplexer properly by default. The following lines need to be added to the file "PSP_02_20_00_07/board_utilities/u-boot-1.3.3/board/da8xx/da8xx-evm/dv_board.c" just under "#ifdef CONFIG_USE_PINMUX" at line 139:
REG(PINMUX8) = 0x21122111; // UART2, McASP1, I2C0, I2C1 REG(PINMUX9) = 0x11011112; // RMII CLK, McASP0, USB_DRVVBUS, UART2 REG(PINMUX10) = 0x22222221; // RMII/ McASP0 REG(PINMUX11) = 0x11112222; // McASP1, UART1, McASP0, MDIO (last 2 digits 0x22 for MDIO instead of GPIO) REG(PINMUX12) = 0x11111111; // McASP0 / McASP1 REG(PINMUX13) = 0x22111111; // SD / McASP1 REG(PINMUX14) = 0x88222222; // SD / EMIFA REG(PINMUX15) = 0x21888888; // SD / EMIFA
These values are extracted fro the gel file for the evmomapl137. It is also needed that SW5(6) be off to connect the LED to the EMIFA.
How to build u-boot.bin[edit]
After you make changes in the dv_board.c file, you must compile again the entire U-Boot project. Building U-Boot is possible only on Linux, not on Windows. Type this (replace the <user> with appropriate name):
cd /home/<user>/OMAPL137_arm_1_00_00_11/REL_LSP_02_20_00_07/PSP_02_20_00_07/board_utilities/u-boot-1.3.3 export CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/mv_pro_5.0/montavista/pro/devkit/arm/v5t_le/bin/arm_v5t_le- make da830_omapl137_config make all -s
A new u-boot.bin file appears in the directory. Then you will have to flash the u-boot.bin file on your OMAP-L137 board again. For detailed instructions on how to do this please see the Restoring/Flashing OMAP-L137 Bootloaders page. Only the spiflash_writer_ccsv3.out and then the new u-boot.bin are needed to use.
Note: If you use the new U-boot, you also will have to re-compile the DSP/Link libraries. For detailed instructions on how to do this please see Using the_re-compiled DSP/Link_libraries on this page and Building The OMAP-L137 SDK.